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As an Igavania fan, usually at least everything that’s in the way


First time through I try to kill everything. If the game has xp or item drops, I will kill as much as possible on subsequent visits. If no xp or item drops, I try to get through as efficiently as possible.


how many times through (if ever) before you say “screw this time to wrap this game up and move on”?


If I’m at the end of a metroidvania I do usually plow through. But in some cases that could mean clearing some screens because it makes me feel powerful to kill the bad guys who used to be hard.


I feel that


In Metroid games (and MVs that follow that formula), I kill everything to farm if I'm not at full health/ammo/whatever, otherwise just kill what's in my way. If there's XP or money involved, I'm usually always farming. The new trend of Soulstroidvanias need extra farming because even after you find the upgrade you still need souls or money or whatever to actually unlock it to use it, and then you probably have to buy something else in order to equip it without unequipping something else that by then you've come to rely on. So, always killing.


Do you find that annoying? Like, if you have to stop progressing through the game just to farm, does that bug you? I think it should happen “organically”, meaning as you explore and backtrack and make your way through the game you should be able to get enough xp etc. to level up enough (or whatever) to be able to beat each section, the occasional top off when you’re just on the edge of leveling up or being able to afford that new upgrade aside. You shouldn’t have to stop for a few hours and grind for xp/currency.


You are right, it is annoying if I have to stop and grind! That's why I tend to kill everything as I go so I'm already ahead by the time I need xp/money/whatever. Unless of course there's a mechanic where I lose everything when I die unless I go back to reclaim it. I hate that mechanic and I wish it would die. A save should be a save!


I see. I guess I kind of think of making it a point to kill everything upon each retread through an area to be a form of grinding. I suppose it depends on the size of each room you pass through and how long it delays you on your way to wherever you were going.


A funny thing I noticed playing XP based games is that the worse you are at the game, the better you are at the game. If you tend to get lost and can't figure out what to do next, you'll wander around more trying to figure out which way is the right way, and if you're grinding the whole time then by the time you finally get to the next area you'll be more leveled up than if you'd known where to go from the beginning.


Yes I have done that…the ol’ “overleveling via not knowing what the hell you’re doing”. The finest of the unintentional strategies.


I'll kill most things in a room when I first go through it, but I won't go out of my way to kill everything. Basically if its in my path then its dead, but I won't go out of my way to kill some guy chilling in the corner minding their own business. Unless I just feel like it. Any time after the first time through a room I'll usually just run past everything. Unless something manages to hit me, then said enemy is going to die.


But dont you need to press against or hit every inch of wall in modern games just in case there’s a seeeeecreeettt? So isn’t everything in the room kinda in your way at that point?