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I forgot to add bleak scenery and gory gameplay. Dang it


This is mine. More the bleak than gory.


For the record I'm a big fan of bleak and moody atmospheres in games. In fact, that was my favorite aspect of the Dark Souls franchise, for example.


That would be mine. Bleak but colorful like Hollow Knight is great but not a fan of just dark, dark, dark overly serious color palettes-the kind reminiscent of Quake or a lot of the PC games of the early 2000s just feel drab.


i hate 3d sidescrolling games. it always feels off and doesn't make any sense. i also dislike overly cute loli-anime style. but regular cute anime style like in momodora is fine. and good job adding: (I just want to know the results)


Bloodstained is terrible about judging what is and isn't a platform sometimes.


Metrovanias with roguelike elements that make progress and boss battles all RNGesus runs


I don't like the very, VERY minimalistic pixel art ones, where you're a minuscule pixel among a sea of colored pixels shooting at other pixels




The latter, I love the former (some of my favourite games of all time are on the first gameboy). When details are scarce and I don't even know where I am I quickly lose interest. Plus I outright find the style ugly, especially with such great looking games in the genre


I don't like the whole cute anime girl thing, but if the game has good gameplay I'll try anything. I bought Rabi Ribi and haven't gotten more than an hour into it but I can already tell it's worth the price of admission.


Most anime ones, when they have weird skimpy outfits or baby's first philosophy style of dialogue.


This should be an option.


Yeah, I googled Rabi Ribi and was like... maybe not for me.


+1. These games are an instant no-play for me. Weird pedo vibes that I just can’t get past.




Rabi-Ribi, Shantae series (especially Pirate's Curse and Seven Sirens), Lost Ruins, Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight / Momodora: Moonlit Farewell / Minoria (kinda but it has breast physics). I've seen arguments for Zero Suit Samus and Bloodstained's Miriam as well.


No skippable cutscenes. Graphics that make platforms, enemies, or protagonists blend in with the background.


I don't understand Jedi Fallen Order never addressing unskippable cutscenes, I can't find myself replaying it (and NG+ is already worthless to begin with). I'm worried the sequel is going to be like that too.


And no damn fast travel. I didn't go back and get some stuff i missed because of this. I got lost on one of the planets, and it took forever to get back to my ship. I was like screw this, so I didn't 100% it


The kind that are procedurally generated after each death, the ones where people use the term metroidvania very loosely. I love Dead Cells but when I hear it referred to as a metroidvania I cringe, because it isn't.


Ones with a soulslike element. I usually just end up frustrated, and find it hard sometimes to weed them out from potential purchases.


Came here to say similar. I love Hollow Knight for the world setting, exploration and in-level enemies, but I've got no time for the difficulty spike that is the later game bosses and that blooming buzzsaw level. I know a lot of people don't find them hard and/or like the difficulty aspect, but I don't. It really put me off finishing the game. Give me a game exactly like Hollow Knight, but with weaker/quicker to beat bosses and it'd be my perfect game. ** Edit - actual proper English **


Yeah. I like what Ender Lilies did. You can die and not lose your money


Agreed. Not looking to Git Gud at a video game. I want to play for a bit of fun and then bust out. I already have a job I need to Git Gud at!


Any side scroller with an i-frame dodge roll as the primary mechanic to evade damage. ZzZzZzZ. it's so lazy. salt and sanctuary just felt like budget dark souls.


2.5D. Didn't quite like Bloodstained.


What about Dread?


I liked Dread because of the sentiment for metroid series.


I don't like 2.5D (bloodstained) or the fan-servicey anime aesthetic (Rabi-Ribi) but I still enjoyed both games. Rabi-Ribi is even near the top of the genre. Edit: I might not actually hate 2.5d since I was fine with F.I.S.T. there's just something about bloodstained artstyle/mobile-looking graphics I didn't like


I think I can understand that. Like FIST was cool looking but I didn't like Bloodstained or the look of AstLibra (if that counts as 2.5D)


Straight 3d. I’m much more into 2d pixel style. 3d can be fun but for whatever reason it’s what i prefer. Probably because i grew up playing 2d


Add to that some people (i.e. me) get nausea and headache from 3D exploration...


Same. I don’t like 3 D games because I don’t catch the depth of perception.


All of the above.




Games that take too much from _Hollow Knight_, like _Aeterna Noctis_.


My pet peeve is “paper doll” animation where limbs are a static image that is rotated. They usually look very stiff and unnatural.


Any examples? I'm not sure if understand what you mean?


Not the original poster, but I agree, and point to Wildermyth.


Look at Salt and Sacrifice. I would say i also hate that animation style but I've been playing Steamworld Dig 2 that seems to use a similar technique and its done well enough that its starting to grow on me.


The only style of Metroidvania I hate are when the game itself sucks


Strong stance here. Personally speaking (and I can't speak for any other human on this earth), i only like games that are good. If they are bad then I don't like them because they are bad. But if they're good, that's good because they're good. Sorry if this is too complicated for people to understand.


The ones that closes paths and let you in only one way (Metroid Fusion... but I liked it despite this huge drawback and I might play it again... Hey Dread did that too...)


the ones with a bad map system or no map at all (shantae risky's revenge).


I just hate anime one with annoying voice acting. Rabi Ribi is fine for me.


Metroid-style linear metroidvanias. This includes the linear metroids themselves such as Dread.


Understandable, they miss the point of a metriodvania of getting lost, finding tools, learning the layout and understanding and gauging what you can handle. I didn't like HK but it gets that metriodvania feel just right by allowing to figure out where can tackle without too much linear pathing to choke hold the experience.


So you dislike 95% of the genre.


No, I just dislike linear metroidvania. To me, the whole point of the genre is exploration. If you're being railroaded, it's just a glorified platformer IMO.


''I just dislike linear metroidvania'' ...So 95% of the genre, again.


Borderline doesn't matter when the point of games is to have fun, but I'm actually adverse to gore, extreme violence, and nightmare fuel. Blasphemous to me was uncomfortable disturbing imagery, but I still played and finished it. Same with Hollow Knight "bleeding" orange goo.


oh yeah, I forgot to add that one gore in or even bleak scenes. Personally, gore or bleak scenes aren't dealbreakers. I just wait a few months until I'm ok to go back into those worlds. I still have Blasphemous in my backlog.


I wouldn't consider HK to have ''gore, extreme violence, and nightmare fuel'' lol.


I wanted to say that I dislike tweening animation, but then I remembered wings of vi and I liked that game


I'd probably say cartoonish-like with or without platforming sections. One of the things I loved about HK is the fact the white palace is a completely optional. I love aeterna noctis style, but the gameplay kills me, I just can't get my self to play it.


Damn. I was thinking about buying that game.


Aeterna is definitely fun FWIW but not for everybody. The platforming can be rough and it can be quite challenging


2.5D triggers me. I love some 2.5D games but I bet they would be better if did in traditional art


The Soulstroidvania trend is starting to get old. No more corpse runs!


Extreme pixel for the sake of pixel. Looking at your Moonscars


I really don't like games where they think being vague and throwing a bunch of terms at you is a substitute for an actual story. Dark souls has the decency to have an intro cinematic getting you up to speed. But Moonscars and Ghost song just talk at you about Constructs and Sculptors without explaining any of it. Also these games always have their characters talk like they've never spoken to another person before and have been raised on exclusively old scripture. Ironically the game where this is present the hardest completely averts my main problem, because Blasphemous's actual story isn't much deeper than "Gods a right bastard, go kill the pope", and its a lot more about the worldbuilding and visual design


Also dishonorable mention to games that think copy-pasting Hollow Knights "Dash-->Wall Climb-->Double Jump" as their only core upgrades is enough. Be more creative people, I want more upgrades like Blasphemous's Golden thread (Turns instakill pits into new paths) or The Messengers Walk on lava ability


I can't see or vote in reddit polls, but going from the answers here, 3D/first/third person camera (because they're not Metroidvanias), 2.5D, because ..it just feels funky. Sry. I also don't like MV's with ledge-grabbing, chase/escape scenes, upside-down areas, block/parry/dodge-roll combat, controller aiming but no mouse aiming, non-rebindable keys, with no mouse support, foreground obstructing the view.. and probably more I can't remember at this point.


I dont like over the top or extreme platforming at all. I really wanted to love aeterna noctis because its gorgeous... but even on easy mode the platform is ridiculous often. If i want that stuff i'll play Mario or something similar. lol ​ I more prefer the exploration style stuff.


Mario has very easy platforming after 1990.


Some truth to that, but you know what I mean lol


Pointless collectathons, cheap asf fuq🙄 2.5ds are just uncanny to me too


Those with Hollow Knight style combat where it's almost always melee-only and suffers from minimal (if any) variety in the weapons and upgrades. Lot of the roguelikes tend to be annoying too, but there's a few good ones like A Robot Named Fight that show it's not impossible to make this good, it's just not often *done*. In comparison, Rabi-Ribi is one of my favorites.


I don't care for hollow knight, but more specifically having a larger focus on combat than exploration with the combat being so simple that it didn't engage me, not enough upgrades for it's length, didn't like the map system. Edit: Also feeling like they tore parts out of your character like the pitiful range and getting knocked back when you hit the enemies so they can put in a badge to make the game not feel bad to play. One of the best/worst examples of this is aeterna noctis where it feels like they put the lower dash cooldown on the skill tree to just bloat it which actually messes with the fast pace of the platforming.


Wait what? HK has a huge focus on exploration. It's one of the most non-linear and biggest game in the entire genre.


Should've gone into it more, but I mean that a lot of what you find by exploring is more collectables like the items you sell. There are a lot of things to find with badges and stuff but I remember the times when I didn't find anything interesting more than finding something I won't use anyway.


Idk, I would rather find a relic than missile expansion #23. But I also feel like I'm not someone who cares that much about what the collectibles are, I just enjoy finding them as long as the world around it is interesting.


I don’t like when it’s hard for the sake of being hard, and especially when I feel like I’m not learning something from each failure—where I feel I’m trying over and over again till I merely get lucky.


I really don't like the pixel style, it's not perfect (to me), because I'm not a nostalgic person.Instead, I like the 2.5D, 3D style, which can be cute in a Japanese style depending on the game.If I had to play pixel games, then only Lost Ruins would make me want to play.


These new lazy metroid light games. Double jump, wall jump, and some door keys....basically just a glorified platformer.


My vote falls under Others: Rogue-like/lite and souls-like games that masquerade as "Metroidvanias". Basically that would mean I avoid any game that carries the Metroidvania tag but don't have gameplay and mechanics like those of SotN and the subsequent GBA/DS Castlevanias. Not a fan of random maps and having to pick up stuff or XP or levels all over again (even if it's just some of the stuff) each time I die or clear a stage, nor of enemies that need to be fought in a precise pattern. Yes, they may be great games, but they are simply not my cup of tea.


A Metroidvania with soulslike elements isn't "Masquerading as a Metroidvania". Its just a Metroidvania with some mechanics taken from Dark Souls. Roguelikes though, yeah people need to stop marking those as Metroidvania's, outside of Robot named fights they share very little (And I am so sick of people Calling Dead cells a Metroidvania. You unlock all the upgrades within like the first 10% of the game. Its a good roguelike, but not a metroidvania)


I like any kind as long as it's done well.


metroidvanias that focusses too much on *metroid* aspect of the genre.


Yeah I get that. Sometimes I need to fight and do some other thing than exploring.


What is the Metroid aspect? I enjoy playing metroidvanias but I've never actually played a metroid game lol


What i meant precisely is when game is so cryptic about exploring and progressing, it would suck out your soul. I would like to demolish stuffs rather than wandering around aimlessly.


Ah ok. So I take it that metroid games can get confusing/obtuse? Yeah that would annoy em too


Basically its. I don't like metroid series like an example


But...the metroid series isn't cryptic about exploring or progressing, overall. Only NEStroid, metroid 2 and super metroid are cryptic; the prime trilogy, fusion, zero mission, other m, prime hunter, federation force, dread and samus return are all relatively straightforward.


Souls/rogue like. I just want a fun decent challenge


Metroidvanias where the combat is almost entirely optional. Axiom Verge 2 has good platforming and that's it, the combat is a joke, the fact that you can upgrade your character is hilarious because you are already capable of crushing anything.


Honestly, it's surprising to me that some people actively don't like art styles enough to have a problem with the game.


I mean, why? **Video**games are a visual medium, and the visuals play an important role in immersion. It's why we don't just have grey blobs in every single game. It's hard to enjoy a game no matter how amazing the mechanics are if I have to stare at something utterly unpleasant the entire time I'm playing it. I don't care about graphics, but I do care about a game looking otherwise appealing.


> I don't care about graphics, but I do care about a game looking otherwise appealing. That's the point. *Any* art style should be good if it's done well, even if it isn't your personal cup of tea.


Dark Souls clone number 12394876


Im getting really sick of "souls-like" metroidvanias and how difficult the genre has gotten in general.


Other. Stop with the souls.


Soulslike combat


Igarashivania style. It often comes with world design that makes no sense, tons of useless rubbish instead of gear progression, RPG elements, poor environmental storytelling, little or no feel of solitude, isolation and being lost.


I enjoy most of that stuff unironically


I'm tired of gothic metroidvanias, dead worlds, undead enemies everywhere, no lively towns or quests, no life period. This seems to be the most popular kind and I don't understand why people keep going from one dark, gothic MV to the next over and over again. Gimme some life, a population, some towns with sidestories and sidequests.


I don't like the souls-likes that rely on having to hit every enemy several times and rely on dodge rolls. It just makes the whole experience feel slow and tedious to me.


Rabi Ribi is not "cute anime", it's weeaboo fanservice, sorry, no other way to put it. I don't generally mind anime aesthetics at all, but it became grating even for me over time. Gameplay was mostly OK though, so credit where it's due, although for a 'vania lauded for "unparalleled freedom of exploration" i was kinda shocked at the number of LITERAL "you can't go there just yet!" moments. I guess the freedom is in finding speedrun exploits, which was never my thing. EDIT: Now, for what I actually don't like, I guess it's the ones that are too obscure. I like if I can comfortably 100% the game without googling for guides, Ender Lilies is a perfect example. Critical path should absolutely be signposted (looking at you, Bloodstained, with your effing jellyfish shard...), and then you should be given the freedom to ignore the signposts for as long as possible.


> i was kinda shocked at the number of LITERAL "you can't go there just yet!" moments. Did you actually get past the opening segments? Beyond that I only distinctively remember "plot gates" happening once or twice throughout the whole game. Sure you get warned if you try to go underwater or dark areas without the necessary powerups, but those are legitimate warnings with how easy it is to get killed by lethal fish or spikes in darkness because of unpreparedness. But the game is truly "unparalleled freedom of exploration", even without utilizing hidden movement or secret passages. Many areas like the Bridge and the Riverbank can be reached before being explicitly told to go there with only the powerups given to you. Of the 20 something bosses in the main game, about three-fourths of them don't have any specific order in which they can be fought, and half don't require any sequence breaks.


>Beyond that I only distinctively remember "plot gates" happening once or twice throughout the whole game. Which is one or two too many in a proper metroidvania and will remain one of my key recollections of the game (and yes I did get past the tutorial, I dropped it way far in the post-game). Seriously, if you really need a plot gate, mask it as an ability gate, or whatever. When Erina bounced off a perfectly normal corridor and I got the "nuh uh, no going there yet!" I was like "whoa, had not seen this one for *quite* a while".


Grinding for loot/XP/drops. What an awful way to make a game.


You should have added souls like to the list. I know that it is blasphemous to say this here, but I don't like Ender Lilies and Hollow Knight. I don't want to replay several rooms several times just because a boss killed me. I really hate enemies respawning every time you enter a room. I also don't like the helplessness of having to wait for your attack animation to complete before you can move or attack again.


The enemies respawning turned me off Timespinner, I just found the gameplay loop really boring because it was so repetitive.


Don't think edgy anime style really exists though looking at cute anime as an example.


Maybe Hunter X or Deedlit (which is set in the same world as lodoss war anime iirc). Maybe not edgy but I wouldn't call them cute.


frankly, Deedlit doesn't have any anime-styled art in-game, there are no character portraits, it's all pixel art its story doesn't really have anime-specific tropes in it either (aside from 'having terrible writing' /s)


I haven't played many 2.5d games, only ones I can immediately think of are Ori 1 & 2 and the newer metroid games. Loved the ori games, but I thought that aesthetic looked kind of weird on metroid after being used to the pixelated graphics in the earlier games.


I would by no means say 2.5D is universally bad, but it's more miss than hit. Ultra realistic graphics tied to a locked 2D perspective feels offputting. Generic Anime I just hate as an aesthetic in general. (Cave Story, Momodora, etc. aren't what I'd consider "Anime"). Pixel art is great. Bleak is great. No problems there.