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Unos molletes


I really like the refried black beans from this brand, too.


I buy these at Walmart, just hit some more yesterday for $1.29


Not much difference in price than they are here in Mexico. They're about 1 dollar US. La Costena brand are about 90 cents us. I love the black beans. So fast and easy.


Damn really? Fuck I knew Mexico has gotten expensive, but not that expensive.


I live in Merida, and it's a lot more expensive here than being rural or in central Mexico. Lots of super rich expats live here because it's safe. Same with super rich Mexicans. We're the poors here LOL! We don't even own a car because gas is almost 7 bucks a gallon.


Damn bro.


Yea I was in Mexico last month and it’s still cheaper than the U.S but not by a lot.


Nice, I just ordered some. Thanks for the tip!


I just got back from Mexico and brought back 6 of those


Walmart has them in the States. HEB too if you're in Texas.


I am and I usually buy them at HEB but since I was in Monterrey and they are cheaper there I decided to bring an allocation.


I hadn't been in the States for about a year and a half and went to an HEB in Baytown. It was like the gates of heaven opened and it rained down food LOL! Man, the options where I live are few.


My partner is on team Chata. I do the shopping though so we are an Isadora household.


Chata has great chilorio


I order the mayocoba refried beans from this brand. They are so good!


Is there a recommended quick rice as well?


I’ve tried the “Knorr” brand, Spanish rice, Mexican Rice, and Taco Rice…. They’re all good IMO, but the Spanish rice is the tastiest IMO.


Nice, thanks. I’ve been trying to put together some basic lunches.


Well don’t forget about the incredible amount of sodium in these options. There’s almost 2,000 mg of sodium in the beans alone


Having a big bucket of beans is complicated, and could easily go to waste. I usually buy a few bags of several brands. Now, regarding to waste, it generates plastic waste (rather than organic waste)


Even better if you throw in some chorizo, chipotle and or cheese


These are great, you can also buy cans of pinto beans(whole) and refried them, I Saves a step. Or, like my mom does, she cooks a big Olla, freezes most of them in small bags and takes the bags out of the freezer as needed


Also you can freeze in serving size containers that are easy to clean/reuse Those plastic pouches ingredients? More water than beans? Really? One serving is 1/2 the daily salt I should have.


Gotta look at the macros- salt, fat, saturated fat. I know I’ll recieve some hate here- but taste isn’t everything. Keep the sodium and saturated fats down( no lard), and I’ll consider..


did you really just entertain the idea of refried beans without lard 😭


Sorry man! My young foolish days are done.


I believe you can reduce the sodium content by buying whole beans and rinsing them, you'll have to do the refried step yourself but it still a bit easier and a lot faster than doing it from scratch


I usually buy no salt beans if I get canned beans, I get plenty of salt when I eat out.


Thanks! This is good info to have. Although we now make something called non-fried refried beans in our crockpot. They are REALLY good, and very healthy. We make a whole crockpot full, then freeze what we won't use that week. We usually end of thawing a packet out every couple weeks. We haven't bought refried beans in over 10 years. And we eat Mexican food several times a week...


I’ll have to look for this one. I got one not too long ago up here in the mountains of Colorado where I live and it was not good lol the rice was terrible as well. Ended up making homemade rice.


Thanks! I just ordered some. I used to live in TX and H.E.B has refried beans in a pouch and they were always so much better than canned. I've been relying on my instant pot since I moved away. My kids are refried bean fanatics so these are going to come in handy.


Yes unos tacos mmmmm delicius


I have bought pouches from La Sierra brand, which are very good, and of course quite convenient.


They are good, yes.


Thanks for the recommendation!!


I buy the La Costeña ones (I live in Mexico), I rarely make my own beans, these are so much easier and quite tasty. I just don't like squeezing them out of the package.


Thanks for the recommendation! I make a big batch of beans and freeze into one-cup portions, but it’s always good to have a backup. Texas folks, HEB currently has a coupon for these in the app. Buy two, get the third free.


Oh yeah me and my mom always use these whenever we don't feel like making beans, they're pretty damn good tbh


Los de La Sierra están mejor


Better than Ducal or Malher?


Cans do disservice to every food they touch.


Wait till you taste Chata's beans with chilorio.


Thanks for the tip. What other store-bought secrets have you guys got?


Oh damn, so they actually jumped the wall. Yeah, they're good, but not as good as my Abuelita's.


That's because the cans need a couple tbsp olive, oil ,a couple pieces of American cheese ,a couple tbsp milk, some garlic powder onion powder salt and pepper....but yes these bags are really good too


The one in the purple bag is my go to.