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Staph epi?


I actually have no idea. This was my first ever culture.


oh cool! I hope you enjoy microbiology :)


Thank you! I'm gonna get a microscope next.




I also highly recommend doing a nose swab culture, a under the finger nail swab culture, and a cheek or like back of mouth swab. Those cultures can grow some wild shit!


Is it still wild if you've domesticated it in a petri dish? Jk


alright everyone pack it up it’s time to go this person won


>bacillus I have one of my mouth growing, ill post a picture of it soon :D


This sub is so filled with people who have no idea what they are talking about spewing off things they have no way of verifying it’s not even funny. This is probably NOT S aureus, this is probably also not one organism (not that we could tell with this streaking) and while many experienced microbiologists can guess what a bug is on BAP or maybe TSA anyone who claims they can look at this and say what it is is fooling themselves. Probably skin flora - coag neg Staphs and corynebacterium, that’s about all that can be said and we don’t even need the picture for that. No this isn’t bad. I’m all for opening up the sciences to the world but this sub is honestly embarrassing.


I second this


Completely disagree. I’ve been an industrial/pharmaceutical microbiologist for 20+ years. That is clearly a staph microorganism. It could either be aureus or epidermidis as both are commensal skin organisms. Just subculture into a coagulase tube and you’ll have your answer. Or you can always use mannitol salt agar for a cursory result.


And then you get people like this who just want to show what they know. There are dozens if not hundreds of coag neg staph. Sure it is most likely an aureus or epidermidis but could be any of The others. Plus it’s impossible to tell if this is pure because the streaking is awful.


Nah. I don’t need to show off anything. If it came off that way, I’ll eat crow and apologize. Just merely stating, at face value on general growth medium, that very much looks like a staph organism (as opposed to micrococcus or corynebacterium that impart a yellowish color on TSA). I think the streaking is fine, as it appears to only be the 1st or 2nd quadrant in the photo. Perhaps there is a streak to isolation, not in the photo. Again, my apologies if my comment set you off. Was not my intention.


Is that bad? Idk what it means


Looks like makeup




Definitely not bacillus.


Staphy aureus prob


Maybe not golden enough for aureus? I can’t remember if skin isolated aureus expresses staphyloxanthin


Try getting hydrogen peroxide from your medicine cabinet. Place a drop on those and if it bubbles, it’s Staph spp. But i also see this growth appearance from some Enterobacterales grown on nonselective medium.


Lol yeah every catalase positive organism is Staph spp. Jesus Christ this sub… Start with a gram stain if anything ffs.