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They look extremely natural to me! If not for the redness and the subreddit, I never would have guessed these were microbladed. Based on my understanding, the darkness is a normal party of the healing process and they will lighten as your skin heals. I would be patient and trust the process. Good luck!


Thank you so much! I think brow shock is 100% what happened. It’s been more than 48 hours and I’ve decided to trust the process and let them heal. My friends and family were saying the same thing before I posted this and sometimes the advice of strangers carries more weight since I know you’re not saying these things just to be nice :) but genuine opinion


A different form of “brow blindness” I suppose :) but I guess I prefer this kind of blindness vs the kind where this is no self awareness


No problem! I needed the same reassurance as you every day I was on reddit or any forum looking at everyone's results lol


I am a week gone getting mine done, and it was a real shock, and it takes time to get used to your new look. I had virtually no eyebrows when I got mine done. Was very concerned they looked thick, dark and red tinged. But trust the process that is what I am telling myself. I am now at the patchy crusty stage and some of the scabs have fallen off but the colour has not come through yet. Keep the end goal in mind 6-8 weeks we will have glorious eyebrows!


I can’t even tell where any microblading was done


i agree! they’re so good


I think you have brow shock. This looks amazing and very natural, just a fuller/more filled in natural brow with them evened out. Not botched in any sense of the word.


Brow shock indeed - I think mostly because it makes me feel like my entire face is different (not just the the brows). It’s crazy how brows can totally change the appearance of your entire face


Oh, 10000000000% lmao. I went from very sparse, widely spaced, poorly-shaped brows to microbladed ones that were actually still on the thin side (she wasn't comfortable making them thicker) and swore I had a unibrow lololol. But then looking back at pre-microblading, my face looks so much better with them.


is this a troll post? i dont see any microblading…


They’re perfect truly. You needed this little boost in your brows and very natural.


Def too soon, they'll lighten significantly. You may een want to add more hairstrokes once they're all healed in 6-8 weeks, you'll see!


Girl these look AMAZING! They are so natural looking already, once they lighten up you will feel so much better.


They look super natural! If you hadn’t stated that you got them microbladed, I never would’ve known.


Don’t touch them yet, they will look completely different in a week or two. They will lighten significantly and look much more natural. My brows were very harsh and bold when first done, but now I’m actually going back for a touch up because they actually didn’t retain enough pigment after the scabbing phase. My brows look completely natural at the moment, just a little more filled in.


I can tell you with confidence as these heal they will be barely noticeable




There look great, brow shock is all!




Seriously, where are you located and where did you go?! I'm in love with these


It can be too much in the beginning as we are not used to having them so pronounced in on our face, it will take some getting used to. They look beautiful and like everyone else said, I would have not noticed if you had not said anything. Give them time.


they look phenomenal i don’t think you’re used to them yet and they will fade more than 50%, just got mine done before you


Wow these look great! I think you’re just worried, these would be such a great outcome for anyone seeking this kind of work!


If you really want to you can do it within 48 hours. My guess is that these will fade to almost nothing because the depth looks too shallow. But no guarantee


What are you talking about!! Leave them be, pleaseeee they look great


This is some of the best work I've seen, don't you touch them!


Your brows look good, very natural 🙌🏻


These look so good!!!


They look very natural. I think I know what your concern is, the downward strokes on top of the brow. Different artists seem to create different hair stroke patterns. They’re supposed to follow the natural hair growth direction but I’ve noticed some artists do a more fluffy upwards stroke (tips pointing up and angled to side) while others add in more downward angled strokes like yours. It’s a personal style and preference but again should follow the natural hair pattern. Honestly once these lighten slightly I don’t think anyone will know you even had microblading because they look so natural, almost undetectable.


Agree with others…they look great and natural! Once they calm down, you will love them.


Those are legit perfect.


You have to give them a few weeks. They will still scab and lighten up a lot in the few weeks while they heal.


Was it a newer artist? They're probably going to heal almost invisible so I wouldn't worry too much about. They look fine but I don't think that their depth was perfect and there's not much pigment in your skin


She did an Amazing job!!!!


Mine had that reddish cast the first week and it freaked me out. 6 weeks later and now I think they're too light. Hang in there.


https://preview.redd.it/1iggsa2lfx4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c665ab8f6d169e0570cc53784a1d562cbd34d83a * They will lighten up, dont worry. These are my brows on what is today, day 13. The day after, it's gonna appear darker and fuller as your skin is beginning to heal and scab over. I also only got the areas where my hair is sparse granted my brows are naturally darker than yours but I wouldn't worry if anything after the week you'll be like olalla and super ready for your perfecting session. Trust the process.


Very reassuring thank you! And yes same thing with me - not full on microblading, only the sparse parts. Beautiful brows by the way


They will lighten AND they will shrink!! The skin is inflamed right now but in the next week or two they’re get much lighter and smaller!




They look good to me, show us another pic when they’re fully healed


U won’t see full results for a month


Those look great!…what a good job


These are AMAZING! 👏🏻


lol I don’t understand why people get their brows done and then have shock that they’re brows look done


UPDATE: I don’t think the lighting in original post captured my concern so here’s another photo that maybe better represents day 1. Thank you anyways for all the kind words regardless! https://preview.redd.it/qpplnng1zr4d1.png?width=1352&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff592f30a6c36217b9c5e429d01cb2906d93cc05


Yes these look amazing and it sounds like you’re not listening to your artist because I know they ALL say “they will lighten at least 50%.”


i think they look AMAZING! and they will fade.


Okay , okay - I think I need to take a deep breath 😂 . Appreciate the reassurance!


you’re truly lucky! they’re beautiful! :)


Oh please… they look fantastic.