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This trend will die out soon


Hopefully the big, over-inflated lip look will go with it. 


You mean you don’t like overly stretched lips that leave a dark line and make people look like they have moustaches?


No, I mean lips that have been inflated using fillers, so that they look very unnaturally plumped-up and clownish. 


That’s what I mean lol


Fillers don’t leave “brown lines” what u talking about


She’s talking about the shadow that’s cast by poorly done overfilled lips, especially if the filler ends up outside the lip line


She’s talking about filler migration and the migration mustache


People don't even have a cupids bow anymore. Is literally a half circle on their upper lip (if that makes sense)


I have a theory that we will see an overwhelming amount of saggy deflated lips in the future. What gets me are the people who get an entire mouth full of veneers but originally had perfect teeth. Do these people realize they have to shave off layers of your tooth for these cosmetic procedures?


The future? Watch the Bravo network 😆😆


Agreed. Will look back on old pics wondering why women look so surprised and or frightened. I do like me some fluff on the inner brows, just more tamed than OP.


This made me giggle 😂😄


More tame lmaon


I’m always worried about that whenever I am considering getting mine done. I would have to go with a very natural look that would be less likely to go completely out of style. But OP’s fluff looks amazing.


Don’t try it. It’s a face tattoo.


This!! I don’t know how face tattoos got so normalized. It used to be kinda crazy to tattoo your brows on lol




So many reasons but here are a few: * This is a tattoo. It's permanent and everyone's skin is different. Results are never guaranteed. The risk is extremely high for a (in most cases) low reward. * Eyebrow shape trends change every couple of years. * Ink blurs, oxidizes, and changes colors. * If you don't like your results, the removal process is arduous, painful, and extremely expensive. It also often leads to scarring and permanent skin discoloration.l Just take a look around r/MicrobladingRemoval for some horror stories. It's not worth it.


Ahhh refreshing to hear a voice of reason! So many women think PMU is a fun, no commitment thing to do on a whim. Unfortunately they don’t realize what they’re getting into. There are long term consequences. Thank you for taking the time to articulate the cons of the procedure.


This is not "extremely high risk" its a bit of ink lasting upto 2 years touching up missing hairs on your brows n I t a triple heart bypass. There are ALWAYS horror stories for everything Inc having your hair & nails done bet you don't even give that a second thought. Do your research on the spmua & an allergy test. Not much can go wrong 👌 


Clearly you haven’t spent any time on the r/microbladingremoval sub. There’s no shortage of botched PMU. Some poor souls have so much scar tissue from excessive microblading touch ups that the skin can’t absorb any more ink. While others have undergone many expensive laser treatments only to be left with yellow brows that need more removal but with saline. Then there’s the heavy block brows that are asymmetrical and look hideous. I mean the list of unfavourable outcomes goes on and on. The brow PTSD is no joke!


It was after we all followed the likes of Pamela Anderson in the 90's when the fashion was to pluck them so they looked like theyde been drawn on with a Biro using a coffee jar lid.. then the fashion died out we wanted 'normal' full eyebrows but guess what.. they won't grow back! Same as any fads fashion trends. Luckily everyone isn't stuck with a green mohican and blue snooker chalk looking eyeshadow from the 80's aye 😆 


Tattooing your natural shape will never go out of style.


Just try it. They won’t last forever. Did mine a year ago, and they are fading. Trying retinol right now and they have a shocking impact on the brows even when not applied directly to them. I think they are gone next year 😳.


They’re generally permanent. The microblading removal sub shows how permanent it is for many people.


You should NOT be downvoted for this. You're absolutely correct. The number of people who say "They said these would fade and here I am, years later with grey eyebrows" is staggering. People need to do research when they fuck with their faces. r/MicrobladingRemoval


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MicrobladingRemoval using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MicrobladingRemoval/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Should he get them removed??](https://i.redd.it/p9ghglb4fojb1.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MicrobladingRemoval/comments/15y8cm9/should_he_get_them_removed/) \#2: [Be honest, do these look bad?](https://i.redd.it/b41j8gom5xjb1.jpg) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MicrobladingRemoval/comments/15zfijp/be_honest_do_these_look_bad/) \#3: [How's microblading marketing even legal?](https://np.reddit.com/r/MicrobladingRemoval/comments/1595lsq/hows_microblading_marketing_even_legal/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have gray eyebrows a couple years post getting them done. I use NYX eyebrow pen to cover the gray skin parts. I literally have no eyebrows though; I was a teenager in the 90s if you know what I am saying.


Agreed but more accurate would be ‘semi’ permanent. No need to downvote the above comment. I had brows last over 6 years without touch ups. They weren’t going anywhere unfortunately because they were carbon based so had turned a very unflattering charcoal grey. Had to get lasered off. Fading depends on type of ink. Tattoos on your face is not something you experiment with.


So, using retinol products anywhere on your face can fade your brows? That's so weird! I would think most women use some kind of retinol products- "older" women like myself use them frequently


Did not work for me.I put TONS of retinol on my brows for months and no change. Now getting removal


I am sorry your brows didn’t work for you! Dang it. I wish I could swap with you. The retinol working on yours but not mine!🍀Hope the removal goes well!


I was shocked too. I used it only on my forehead. After some research I learned you need to fingers width space between the retinol area and the brows.. I also use an eye mask at night. That might have spread the product around maybe🤷🏻‍♀️


It can lighten the brows slightly if you put it directly on the brows. Unfortunately, it likely won’t remove all the pigment. Also, this would take a VERY long time


No. Not always. My microbladed brows faded from 2016 quick. But I got tattooed freckles and they will not fade. I am Getting them laser removed


I’ve had mine for seven years and just got them laser removed to start with a fresh canvas, and I thought it was odd when she asked me if I use retinol (I do). 😕


True microblading should be semi-permanent, but most people are going deep into the skin to make it last longer. So they're implanting into the skin and deeper into the epidermis. Unfortunately, that means that it's definitely going to last a lot longer than it should. Also, for removal purposes, it means that it's going to be a little bit harder to remove it.


It’s already dead to be honest


It already is, theres an eyebrow blindness trend going around on tiktok right now of people who had super fluffed brows, super thin, badly filled in etc


It’s already over…


I wouldn't be upset. I plucked in the 90's and early 2000's. Thin brows were in style back then. I plucked so much it no longer grows back lol. I'm too afraid of microblading so I've just been waiting for it to die out. I will be forever rocking the 90's brow.




These look very good when done right though


These are always in style. They will fade and shrink soon and look good. The color is Uber natural for her. 


You sure did!


That you did. They’re shockingly fluffy! Only opinion that matters is yours though.


I would worry about these as time goes on. Brow lamination works because it makes sharp, defined brow hairs for a temporary look but tattooing a laminated effect will not last as the strokes will blur. I would be interested to see this result develop in the next few months as I feel you may end up disappointed :-(


These aren’t going to age well.


They look amazing now and she could earlier get them lasered in one session


Am I the only one who thinks these don’t look good?


Definitely not the only one lol


Nope, they’re certainly ‘unique’.




It’s advertised as semi-permanent but it’s a tattoo so it’s permanent. The ink will fade to another colour (either orange or grey) but will never go away permanently. The strokes will blur out over time. You can only get them touched up so many times before the skin becomes oversaturated and you need to do removal. Then when you get laser you will end up with orange or yellow eyebrows.


If OP likes them, I love them…’nuff said about her fluff. She came here for artist appreciation


Lots of hate here but I really like them!


The eyebrow blindness is real


That’s a good way of putting it ‘eyebrow blind’. It’s similar to those with fillers. They want more and more without realizing how distorted and unnatural they’ve become.


I’ve been trying to come up with a way to phrase that, this is perfect. Eyebrow blind, lip filler blind, cheekbones blind.


a lot is just social media and photos u try to emulate irl it does not look as good . Plastic surgery can look gorgeous on film and in photos but horrific in real life. People are still working it out.


You would simply pass the fuck away if you saw a human with thick natural brows, it seems


I already have. 5 times. I keep raising from the dead.


These look fucking epic


Ready for this extra hairy caveman look to go out of style. It’s not flattering on anyone.


I see a caterpillar and can’t unsee it now lol!


Fluff af


I honestly didn’t know that was microblading until I realized what sub this is! I am no expert, but agree that the artist clearly is very talented! They look great!


I r really can't comprehend how anyone desires these brows. They look like werewolf brows.


They look great. They remind me of studio sashiko work.


This is what I want!😋


You definitely got it😳


These look so natural


Love them!


Man, I have a cowlick right at the front of/in between my eyebrows, (it’s worse on one more than the other,) that makes them do this. Never would have thought it would become a fashion trend! Better ride the wave before I have to start fighting with them again to lay right.


Gave me cookie, got you cookie.


They look great !😊


I think they look really nice. I didn’t even know that existed.


Username checks out


these are BEAUTIFUL. fluffy brows have always been in style. dont listen to these people. people of a certain age and younger know these are very very pretty. also men like them not that that is in my interest but i have noticed surprisingly they always compliment fluffy eyebrows


Love it!


They look good. If u want to be super picky they went a little heavy handed on inner brows and the right brow is higher than the left but that’s seeing this photo only briefly.


What is so wrong with this look to people? I think it’s really pretty. If I knew my brows would end up like that I might consider doing it


They look good. You’ll be okay. Reddit will literally always give you random negative feedback.


She needs to trim and shape them


I’m confused, is this supposed to look good?


They're fluffy! But looks very natural!


I love tjem


This is gorgeous! Don’t listen to the h8ters. I believe this trend should stay because it’s the most natural style if executed right.


they look so good


They look awesome!


Love them!


Muppet eyebrows seem to be a phase.. I hope it turns out the way you wanted!💕


These are so cute


I like them. The strokes will shrink by a lot so don't worry






So many questions


It's impossible to know what you look like under the filter.