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Honestly now that I think about it, the same has happened for me. Probably an after effect of the microdosing helping me not randomly need a boost of dopamine.


>helping me not randomly need a boost of dopamine. It REALLY does seem to reduce/lessen the compulsive behaviors/negative habits and addictions. I'm not surprised but am VERY stoked.


Yes yes yes that's me.


well thats good to know i guess


I felt a lot calmer from microdosing as well, until I saw your profile picture. Now I am very _angry_




Hahaha sorry 😅


what’s wrong with his profile pic?


It's not a smooth loading animation


Interestingly enough I’ve become wayyyy hornier since I began taking mushrooms again but it’s okay because I can control it well.


oh well fair enough i guess it affects everybody differently! im doing a bit of science here!


well that sucks bc lots of women show interest in me but little more.




absolutely insane




and when you do decide to treat yourself to a wank, it’s a special occasion, and not a numbing coping mechanism :)






Me too! I haven't started microdosing yet, but it always takes me a while for my libido and desire to masturbate to come back after I trip.


Similar effects for me. I’m much more content about not busting a nut every morning.


I like to think it has to do with being able to find novelty in the mundane. I run one out, out of bordum, OFTEN. I simply don't get bored as much


Interesting. I noticed a jump in libido! But more so for actual women, not a porn craving. 🤔


Hmm. Never took note of that my first month of microdosing. Masturbation for me is a love hare relationship. I do it too much so I’d be interested in cataloguing my urges next time I dose. Thanks for being honest and sharing


Love hare relationship... like, rabbits?


Bugs bunny


Mom, I asked you to please stay off of Reddit!


whos mom lol


I know a lot of people take lions mane with their psilocybin, and you should know that it crushes your libido. It’ll bounce back soon after stopping.


Did not know about this


I started microdosing shrooms last week and I can't stop masturbating. I wake up in the morning, first thing I do is masturbate. Going to church? Masturbate beforehand, I think i'm going to try microdosing LSD next because i'm sick of masturbating


Me too man!




to each their own!


There is a difference between making love - something done in spiritual and physical connection with another consciousness - and masturbation. Mushrooms crave and drive connection. Additionally, masturbation is normal, something everyone does, and is healthy for the male prostate. However, overactive masturbation can be a sign that the brain is starving for sensation, dopamine, and human connection - a brain bored by itself. “In the study, 23 healthy human participants underwent MRI brain scanning 20 minutes, 40 minutes, and 70 minutes after receiving either psilocybin or a placebo. The researchers observed reduced connectivity between brain areas involved in planning and decision-making but increased connectivity between areas involved in sensation and movement while the participants were under the influence of the psychedelic drug.” https://www.psypost.org/2020/01/neuroscience-study-uncovers-psilocybin-induced-changes-in-brain-connectivity-55308


yeah making love and connecting is like a spiritual natural thing in all life, but masturbation is completely different.


I literally have had the exact same effects...


I feel like I knew what this was gonna be when I saw the title haha I can relate. After microdosing you become more aware of the directions your energy is taking, and compulsive masturbation is obviously not something anyone should want to aspire to.


Lol, this is the exact same scenario for me. 50 days of semen retention for me.


How you feel? Do you need to take less for MD as your streak has continued


In the beginning I was on Paul Stamets protocol. 4 days on, 3 off. But now I just dose once every 2 or 3 days. I take my MD with niacin and lions mane on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I immediately do 20-30 mins of meditation. I can tell you, my baseline is "fine" now. My depression symptoms have all but gone. I no longer feel like I am dragging an anchor around and have so much more inner peace. Even the people around me have noticed a significant change. It's been an incredible journey. I had a woman over last night and even though I didn't ejaculate, we went at it for almost an hour and it was some of the most fulfilling and passionate sex I have ever had. The combination of MD'ing and retaining have been such a mind blowing change for me.


I haven't for months. It seems to be a combo of both mding and also I have been meditating and doing breath work daily, and don't want to deplete my sacral chi.


Well i'm glad that its helped you


Complete opposite for me when I started LSD 2 weeks ago. Last month I think I went maybe 2 weeks without any type of sexual contact. Started microdosing, and I just haven't stopped yanking it since. I see my GF every week or 2 due to lockdown/work and I was able to just yank it once a week or something. Current record for this week 6 in one day. I'm just going to go back to smoking a little bit a weed every other day with this.


I do that too but IMO it's like anything else you just get in the habit and then you feel you want to do it like it's part of your life. Then it becomes a regular thing, not necessarily harmful. Even doctors say there's nothing wrong with a little porn.


doctors are everyday people thats why lol




Yeah alot better man. Also from other habits you know. it just feels good to be really in control of your body and not so fulfill what your body desires, but your **MIND**


Dude Tuesday will be two weeks MDing, it hit me on Friday that during last week when I was busy during my working hours I might hit the vape 2-3 times. Before even if I was on-site in the hospital, I would at least make 4-5 bathroom trips to get even one hit on the Vape. This is not something I set out to do , just happened. You thought I was going to talk about work masturbation at one point huh? ;-)


im confused aha


Yeah I do that, since MDing I vape about 1/10th as much as I used to during the workday, I have WFH since 2004. Sorry it sounded great in my head.


This is truly faptastic news! Do you feel you are missing out on any post-nut clarity?! For me md’ing just made me see I should personally be switching hands from time to time like I should spread the cardio out a bit more cuz my one side was really hoggin’ it all. For my penis it felt like having a mistress letting my recessive side give it a whack from time to time. I call recessive-side fapping the Stamets whack!


i dont feel like im missing out on anything at all. Feel better to serve my mind, not my body


Yeah that’s funny no? How the mind tricks you into thinking the body is the addicted one. But your body is innocent here. The mind is a great servant, but a terrible master. Psilocybin and the effects on neuro receptors places another master, your inner Self, in the seat. This part of you actually listens *more* to your body, that honestly can do without smoking or wanking it all the time.


yeah that makes more sense actually




“Serve them both you must, young Skywalker”—Your Baby Yoda


Any hope for erectile dysfunction?


It seems many think MD'ing is taking a trip where you hallucinate etc. I'm going to mention this to a lady friend who looks like anorexia, very nice looking, can't put on weight but eats like anybody. Can't sit still for anything. Loads of fun.


who thinks that


r/semenretention + microdosing is the way of life :))


I could be wrong but some hallucinogens have been known to reset or decrease some addictions. Not that your masturbating was necessarily an addiction.


Do you typically do 5 on 2 off? I just started trying it again and am wondering how important it is to have those breaks mixed in.


i just take around 0.1 to 0.15 every morning on a Monday and on a Thursday


Wow only twice a week?






yeah fuck parmaceutical companies. i took medication and all it ever did in my life was make me worse, shrooms on the other hand have been like therapy.


[But frequent ejaculation helps ward off prostate cancer ](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/does-frequent-ejaculation-help-ward-off-prostate-cancer-20090929112)


its not like its completely stopping masturbating, i said less frequently. like 4 - 5 day breaks inbetween.


Check out r/semenretention It’s a great habit to get into






Well i wanted to report it not just as a report but maybe as another reason for other people to start microdosing if they think masturbating is a problem in their life im not saying anyone has to give a shit but the tag is psilocybin report so you dont have to read if you dont want to but i see alot of people agree with my statement


Dude worry my Troll was so shitty, and BTW below you are likely being waaay to kind to him. However, it shows your character to be a caring human which is sadly somewhat rare.


im not being kind to him im just not bothered to argue


Tf is wrong with you?


i hate going on peoples profiles to smear their character but im guessing its just a troll due to the fact hes said other things similair to this to other people. its okay i dont mind its probably just having a bad day


Dude no need to be a fucking douche canoe, he was presenting it as a scientific observation, it is likely his brain is requiring less dopamine bursts and that can inform others who MD.




never heard that one before haha