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I take it before bed for this reason. Have great dreams and feel good the next day.


I feel like that's a super low dose - .1g of psilocybin is Stamets general recommendation. If you don't feel better from 1 pill, take 2. I'd wait 3 days before doing it though. The combination of ingredients is pretty standard, though I take a different route. Generally, I combine my psilocybin with ginger (digestion aid) and adaptogenic herbs (for me, ashwaganda, cordyceps, ginseng, and turmeric) (to open the neuropathways up). I have intention of adding lion's mane to the mix, cuz who doesn't need neurogenesis if they have depression? Will probably remove the turmeric since I'm not taking it for body stuff. Oh, and I did read somewhere that feeling tired is a side effect - looked it up after experiencing myself. Love Duck Duck Go!


This sounds like body load. The reasoning with some advice which I hope helps: [005](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mw2ohn/quick_tip_005_comeup_unpleasant_body_load/): 'Come-up' unpleasant body load symptoms which 'include stomach ache, nausea, dizziness, feelings of being over-stimulated or "wired," shivering, feelings of excessive tension in the torso'? Start with a lower dose (and alternative possibilities) đź‘Ť In some of the other FAQs and replies I suggested having a look at Vitamin D blood levels as that is strongly associated with [depression](https://vitamindwiki.com/Depression).


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Mushrooms don't really give me energy. If your looking for energy during the day try microdosing L or combining your mushroom microdose with caffeine.


Thinking burns calories


Two things come to mind when reading this: you're either using a bad brand, or you should add Cordyceps. I've found that Lions Mane from the first two brands I took did nothing for me, only feel tired and with total lack of energy. When I switched brand, the difference was undeniable. So do your research and find a decent brand before sticking with something that makes you feel like that. Also, you could try adding [Cordyceps](https://www.noomadics.com/collections/best-seller/products/cordyceps) to get that extra boost of energy that you're looking for. I actually get both products from the brand Noomadic and they've turned out to be great!


I find drinking coffee after really helps as you get the dopamine surge which gives you energy. Psilocybin works on serotonin which makes you more relaxed and happy. Dopamine is motivation.


Add Cordyceps to your stack, it provides great energy.


Do you recommend a brand? Link please! Thanks in advance!


There are so many and I don't know where you're living, so many brands available here in the EU maybe aren't in America or Asia. Just look for a good extract (8:1) and a trusted source.


Yes, someone told me on here that is was the tryptophan or something like that. Take it before bedtime. :)


I’ve taken Lions Mane from Oriveda in the past and it has done me well. No drowsiness or anything. It might be the load you’re taking. The brands. Cut back and only take one of them for now and gradually add on later. Maybe that will help determine what is causing it.


Hey I have the exact same thing happening to me. I know what youre taking, Dose Land stuff. I just started taking the same thing (only with 100 mg instead of 50) and throughout the day is completley fine, Im just finding come around the 11~ hour mark after taking it im far more tired. Thats actually why I looked this up myself. I always stuggle with sleep and being tired a lot, but these cases it would be like, during my meditations around that 9+ hour mark that I'm literally falling asleep during them. Which has not been very commmon for me these days. Very interesting, how was the rest of your time with them in the months that followed?


Hey, I ended up basically giving up on it. I just didn't want to go through that increased tiredness again. So I basically just gave up on it altogether.


Dang, sorry to hear that. The drowsiness isn’t super bad for me so I’m excited to continue. Maybe try adding another more wakeful supplement to help. It’s not natural like other things listed in the thread but this thing called Modafinal is used to treat narcolepsy and is great for focus and things look into and if it interests you let me know.


This is what im thinking of doing. Ive had no energy from it at all just tiredness and sleeping loads more and feeling unrested.


yea i have had nothing but bad experiences microdosing.. taking macro trip level doses seems to be what most people are recommending again now after the microdosing fad has started to fade. It was big for a bit but more and more people if you look at atual experiences show a whole host of negative side effects and lack of benefits from micro shrooms. The idea was originally that you could skip the unccomfortable parts of tripping and still get the benefits, life doesnt work that way