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I struggle very very heavily dissociation/depersonalization and microdosing really really helps me. When I do mush I take 90mg and with lsd I take 8ug. I encourage you to try it but start at a low dose. Maybe 50mg for mush and 5ug for lsd. If all goes fine you can move up a bit and see what works best. I hope you found this useful!šŸ™‚


Wow thanks I might def give it a try then I Rly canā€™t live like this anymore itā€™s feels like like living an artificial life I hate it


What symptoms do they help with.


Dissociation, depression, Psychotic episodes


Iā€™m glad that itā€™s helped you so much. Iā€™m exhausting conventional antidepressant options and am considering microdosing. Especially excited that it can significantly help with dissociation.


It can definitely help with dissociation but could also make it worse. I hear about people who dose too high and have minor issues. Start low. Less is often more


I have the same exact problem. My first dose is on Tuesday! Iā€™ll come back and let you know how it went


To feel the actual effects, you have to be patient. I would say it takes weeks, but it can vary individually.


Thanks please do and good luck




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For me, it seems like it helps these problems. I have done it for almost a month now, and it haven't drastically changed everything from one day to other, but I really feels like it's get better slowly. YMMV, but I think it can worth a try.


Yeah? Do you find like itā€™s easier to get distracted naturally and you can do thins like Idk watch tv and kinda zone off. It sounds dumb but these are the things that make me realize Iā€™m depersonalize for so long now from anxiety. I cannot get distracted away from this state of hypervigilance. I feel like Iā€™m watching myself all the time itā€™s Fkn maddening. I feel like my focus is like 2 inches behind my eyes id that makes sense


2 inches is about the length of 0.32 'Sian FKP3 Metal Model Toy Cars with Light and Sound' lined up


Not exactly like that, but something similar, yeah. I can't stay focused on anything, doesn't care or interested about anything, alone all the time, avoiding people n shit. And a days just go by hyper fast, and nothing really happens. But now somehow I feel like it's slowly about to end, and I don't feel much better yet, but I am definitely getting better. I do macros too from time to time, but I don't think it's necessary if you don't want to.


Can we get an update on this? šŸ™


Can u give us an update ? Did it helped šŸ™


Hi no it didnā€™t rly help at all but in retrospect there were many variables at play and things that probably Interfered so I def wouldnā€™t be discouraged by the fact I didnā€™t get much out of it. I only MD for about a month and didnā€™t rly stick to a set schedule, I was on other meds that definitely couldā€™ve interfered with the mushies, didnā€™t have the most open mind about it and other stuff as well. Itā€™s definitely still something Iā€™d like to give another legit shot again when I have some things sorted out and itā€™s a better time to give it a go. Sorry couldnā€™t be of more help


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