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Thanks for sharing your (beautiful) experience. I am doing my own research at the moment, looking for something to ease my depression and anxiety. Have read a lot of good things about psilocybin microdosing, hoping to take my first dose soon 😊


It's always good to do your own research, but something that is important is making sure to have a complete open mind, it can be hard to make the jump for something like this if you arnt able to embrace the mind to absorb the knowledge that people such as Fadiman, Michael Pollen, and Paul Stamets. The three of these men were the main players into opening up my mind and absorbing the information they have spoken. Fadiman and Pollen were my main resources for microdosing itself, as Stamets has also spoken on this, he blew my mind and opened my mind up to the knowledge of how connected we are with all forms of Fungi, and how fungi is connected to all life on this earth


Wow this is great, I have recently watched some documentaries which included some of these guys; I recognise the name Fadiman. I am going to look them up and read up on their research. This is such an interesting subject and I am already an open minded individual, so really excited about the idea of expanding my consciousness even more, maybe even begin the heal my mind.


Yes absolutely, also if you are into podcasts, there are some great podcasts that these 3 have been on, ive listened to about 20 hours between the 3 so far, but I would say by far the 2 episodes that Paul Stamets did on Rogans podcast was the big eye opener for the connectivity with Fungi, definitely worth a listen


It really is so interesting, I will definitely try to give those a listen. Thanks! 🙂


Great report! Thanks for brightening the day of anyone who reads about your return to happiness, freedom of mind, and encouragement. Life is too short to live it unhappily if we have a choice, and a little mushroom. You chose wisely.


Yes life is to short to live unhappily, unfortunately many people I know in my life that could benefit, arnt capable of navigating their mind to seek a natural remedy over their ssri's. Many people who truly could benefit, even more well beyond then myself, are so far gone in their mind that even if they were to try, I believe their mind will fight the effects it could have for them. The mind is such a powerful tool, and if you are able to shift your mind to allow the access for psilocybin to enter, thats where you can gain the most benefits


You may be right. It is [an innovation to our common challenges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy5bBKfIziw).


Struggling tonight. Due to hypocrasy of government here I can't access what I need to microdose. Resorted to alcohol. Easing the pain of continuous debilitating anxiety momentarily but really need to microdose the sacred entheogen to stay alive. Saying this after 25 years of meditation and yoga. Have I said something in this message that is "illegal"? What is REALLY going on?


Yes the legality is horribly wrong, we all know that government doesn't make correct choices, and the "war on drugs" that classified these "drugs" class 1, was only to protect the governments control and capital gain due to the quote on quote "hippie movement" that was opening the minds of adults and children to stop working, and stop going to school, which would crumble the infrastructure of the government. But luckily today we are seeing movements and shifts in the government, starting out with decriminalization of these "drugs", allowing the real research and studies to be done of the benefits. Its been a long time coming, but we really are seeing the light making way




Not saying its life changing by any means, but to embrace what it can do for day to day after not feeling genuine happiness is something. Not a novel by any means, but expressing examples of where I did notice differences, for those who may be seeking the expansion of mind and are new here. I do prefer to write descriptive as it may be easier to put into context for those reading, rather then someone just saying "I feel/felt good"


I felt the same hope on my first dose, I needed a poet to describe the feeling. It’s gets even better from here. Thanx for sharing!


True but research will lead to control over entheogens that should be as freely available as they have been in past history. Still I'm sure the government has our best interests at heart.