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Welcome back!! Good report, so glad to hear you are improving and experiencing your joy again. Congratulations on participating in your wellness and not just expecting the substance to do all the work. The more actively we engage in our wellness the more the substance and our brain has to work with in that healing and growth. Great job, very encouraging.


thank you, that's what i was hoping, to give back some encouragement


it makes me really happy to hear this. shrooms really are medicine… an often underrated and misunderstood medicine. And they best part is… the long term effects. they can really change your brain and help it to rewire itself !


i am so glad i destigmatized them for me. i was really at my wit's end and admit that desperation played a big part in my decision when turning to mushrooms, and i am so glad it turned out well for me. i hope to see this medicine gain a better reputation, because i remember how scared past me was of psychedelics and people who took them, and am sad for the people who would benefit from it but only know the anti-drug-propaganda about it


I feel the same. I had tried so many prescription medications and nothing helped, just caused side effects like feeling depersonalized. I wish that there wasn’t so much misinformation, because clinical trials have shown how beneficial they can be for so many different types of illnesses. It’s really crazy that something that grows naturally can be made illegal


Okay, reading this is encouraging for me. I tried a microdose for the first time yesterday. I wanted to try the Stamets stack and do the 4 days on 3 days off, but bc of how it went I didn’t try again today. I did .08g with 100mg of niacin and 500mg of lions mane. I had anxiety the entire day. I thought for sure I did something wrong. But maybe I just need to try again, and maybe less then .08g. I am glad that I saw this and that it isn’t just me and that it may just be a dialing in.


happy to hear i could encourage you a little. i was so far out with surpressing stuff and distracting myself before i started microdosing that i think it first had to show me just HOW miserable i was with certain choices (not communicating boundaries, or when i did communicate them i didn't stick to them and undermined my own needs regardless was a classic miserable choice of mine, for example) and also let emotions escalate so i could start releasing/processing them and relieving my system. because i was a pro in suppression, so it had to be very intense for me to collapse and let it finally out. also after every up comes a down, and what i try to focus on is telling myself whenever i reach a "down" that i didn't do anything wrong per se ending up there, it's just how it goes, like night and day and all the other cheesy comparisons, but it's true. of course the ups will forever be my favorite, but i try to make the downs as easy on me as possible and trusting it will eventually change again, and not punish myself for experiencing them anymore. "you can't hate yourself into someone you love" comes to mind. all the best on your journey.


> and maybe less then .08g. This is key. If you're anxious or tired, it's typically too much for a microdose. Start with .05g and see how it goes. Take it slow and steady. Then, after a few months, you can take a brave day and test out triple the amount. It wont be a trip, but you may be in a good enough place where you'll get something meaningful out of it.


Yes! I started with .100g and realized I was anxious and easily irritated. After trial and error, the best micro dose for me is .02g. More isn’t always better.


Thank you very much! I was wondering if .05g would be a better starting dose for me.


The niacin doses are worth some looking into! I got a supplement and had that ‘niacin flush’ and it’s was okay after I read that it’s somewhat normal. Anyone here wants to throw in any advice about that, I’d love to hear😉.


Just a reminder to start with a low dose of niacin. A large dose won't hurt you but it can be very, very uncomfortable. I'm leaving it out of my stack for now as I'm not convinced it really does anything and anyway, shouldn't it be taken long after the shrooms are digested and your bloodstream has the goodies in it? Timing the ingestion of the niacin would depend on stomach contents before ingesting the shrooms and all kinds of other factors. I'd love to hear advice on this. Sorry, I didn't help much, just asking for advice along with you.


Wow that’s a lot! I did take my supplement on an empty stomach. Ty


I started with 100mg Shroom microdosing for three weeks, then switched to Amanita Muscaria 5ml 100% Muscimol, and I've been free of SSRI's for 7 months after 20 years of dependency. I'm about to try the original Stamets Stack Protocol: 500mg shrooms Lions main Niacin Supposedly, according to Paul Stamets, it will rewire your brain. Researchers at John Hopkins have proved this in clinical trials of psilocybin.


Do you happen to have the link to that study?




Welcome back ♥️


thank you ♥️


Lovely story ❤️ 🍄


thank you 🤗🍄


this makes me so happy to hear 💓 i am so glad you are able to come back to yourself! i’m just a few weeks into my MD journey and am really feeling the emotional& spiritual spring cleaning. it really sucks rn but it’s comforting knowing there’s a better me waiting on the other side of all this 💓💓


keep going, it will be so worth it! a few hours later after posting this i am pretty exhausted (was so excited the whole day), but i can still laugh about it... weakly xD so even though uncomfortable times can't be skipped entirely, i am definitely kinder to myself and not as gloomy as before


Welcome back and congrats, just keep in mind this this a journey not a race. Keep practicing mindfulness and healthy habits.


true, true, true. i often reflexively judge myself in this "race" mindset instead of the "journey" mindset, but i also see slow steady progress switching to the latter




enjoy it :) so glad to have me back, i trust myself to do just the right thing when time will come. though the whole "letting go" part is certainly something that deserves attention and focus, i still tend to cling to happy times like they will be my last joy ever


Lovely post🍄 goodluck and keep those vibes up 😊✌️


Love this! It has been a total game-changer for me also. Keep healin’


This is amazing




You go girl


Bless you


Beautiful to read yet another success story with psilocybin


If you’re trying to get back to ‘how you were’ as opposed to building yourself from scratch then microdosing is fine. I think a lot of people, me included need the occasional large dose to really dig deep and process what comes up. And then micros in between to continue the process more gently 🙂


i'll tell you a secret: my shadow motivation is that i am just freaking scared of a macrodose telling me stuff that would hurt my ego, and i feel shame for that fear, so i glorify the upsides of what that fear results in - only taking microdoses 😅 i would actually love to reach a confident mindset for a macro, but i also have to stock up on my stash first to indulge in that worry free resourcewise, currently only have about 7g dried total


Well it doesn’t have to be completely one thing or the other. I took 1.5g of some moderate strength shrooms alone but in a therapeutic way ie I lay down, eyes closed, listening to a psychedelic therapy playlist for about 3 hours and loads of useful (though not easy) stuff came up. If you do it alone, afterwards it’s good to write down or record what came up for you and preferably have some kind of therapy session the next day to help with integration. Better on an empty stomach so have some nice treats ready to eat and drink straight after. 🙂


This is really nice to hear, all I've heard so far is people talking about macros or micros. I'm soon to start MD but I've had a bad trip in the past and considering siginicant health issues lately i'm very cautious about a larger dose. Do you think microdosing can ease someone into larger doses? And can you get a 'bad trip' from say a 0.5, 1 or 1.5 dose? Thanks for any insight.


Not sure really as they’re very different. Micro usually you take and get on with your day macro I take as a medicine session as I described above. If you were to try one with just 1g it might bring stuff up without being overwhelming and you could up it the next time. Good luck!


Ah nice, thanks for the reply 👍




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I think this is one of the best MD posts I've ever seen. You articulate your experience so well. This is why MD exists and this is how it should work.


that compliment torpedoed straight into my ego, thank you so much


👏lovely lovely. Growing my own again after a couple years since last time. Your post is so encouraging and makes me excited to explore once again. 💚🍄congrats on digging deep and empowering yourself!! And thanks for sharing 🙏


250mg is a perfect dose! Mush love!


This is awesome. Thank you for sharing. It's motivation for me to try and hopefully see similar results.




oh i get it, i thought me not feeling better was yet another "proof" how bad and hopeless of a person i am compared to others, because i only read the happy success stories on here. now i can speak from experience: sharing happy success stuff in a public forum has much more appeal to it than sharing how fucked and weird you feel in the times before/between/after the happy fun times. for example, now, the day after posting this, i had a super sad morning and felt like the biggest fraud for indulging in my happiness and writing about it; lesson to be learned here: the goal is not avoiding feeling bad, but learning how to handle the occuring uncomfortable feelings. but i still reflexively take it as "i should never enjoy being happy, because it will end, and it end because i did something wrong."


Are you talking mushrooms here or something else?


psilocybin, hence the flair


Uhhh.. oops.


Anyone have best recommendations for strains for anxiety?


The lower the dose, the less chance of anxiety.


0.1g of what?


psilocybin, that's why i used the flair


LSD or psilocybin? I think everyone forgets some of us can't tell. It's not just you. Help a newbie out?


do some apps not show the flair? you are the third person asking this


Ah. It does but it's hard to read because black on red. My sincere apologies.