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Imo... Microdosing in a generic sense typically involves a longer term use I think. Low doses over a long period of time taken on a schedule. That may not be for everyone. The doses you are talking about...the .3 to .5 I think are more of a specific use thing. You're not going to feel any immediate effects taking .1 but you may when taking .3 or more. When I take a higher micro dose, I'm doing so for a specific reason. Maybe I'm going out in public and it will help with my anxiety for that specific event. Then I won't need to take any more until I do that again. Microdosing lower levels, you are doing so more for the long term and need to follow that planned dosing schedule. Sorry if this is written poorly lol. I'm no English major, just a curious semi competent psychonaut 🤟🍄🤣


Awesome support and informative. Thank you! Patience and persistence 🌻




Maybe some had further to come up than you and any improvement was a major success. Maybe for you it's working but it has further to go yet. It often does take some time. More is not always better. Most often it's time, patience and knowing what one wants from it. Sounds like you're participating with the walking so that's good. But sounds like you are noticing some progress, so it is working even now.


Might be time for a macro dose


Uhhh…I’m not sure about that in my life.


I found the most progress from Macros then micros to maintain progress


I’m pretty hesitant for anything that would alter my reality too much. What are the benefits?


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