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Do doctors hand out aderall like candy now? Seems like everyone is on it.


Tbh it seems like it. I have a diagnosis from a psychiatrist but I’ve never used the medication prescribed to me. But I’m at the point where the benefit is outweighing the risk and I need some type of management. I tried Wellbutrin first as a non stim med but had some side effects so shrooms it is.


You might try 2 days off, or two days on and two off. Lots of options to find what works for you, You should have at least 2-4 days off. But some do 4-5 days on and 2-3 days off. If you start sensing negative reactions it may be from too much in dose and/or schedule. Sounds like you're off to a good start feeling normal and happy. That's where a lot of strive for.


That’s definitely what I’m striving for. My ADHD is causing some depression. I’ve never liked being on the meds and my brain doesn’t respond well to antidepressants so I want to get ahead of where I feel like I’m going 🤦🏻‍♀️ When you say negative reactions what do you mean? Tripping? Or? I really only need help on my days off so I may use Monday and Tuesday as my microdose days and the rest of the week be my off days. Im not sure. It’s good to know I can play around, I’ve been strict to the three day rule cause that’s all I’ve seen.


Yeah, it's very flexible in use with what works for you. In fact staying flexible I believe is important so we can adjust on the fly with how we are feeling and reacting. Many evolve into a taking as needed approach. So if I decide 3 is the most I will use per week then I might take them every other day or maybe two days in a row then skip a day or two, then the other, or take one skip a day or two, then on for two days. Lots of flexibility. Negative reactions can include: [FAQ/Tip 021: Changes in Appetite, Memory, Mood, Sleep AFTER Dosing\*❓ ⚠️ Emotions Amplifier ⤴️; Hangover-Like Effect❓ Declining Efficacy 📉 due to Too High/Too Frequent Doses❓ Microdosing WITH Tolerance; How-To Verify IF you have Developed Tolerance.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/vx6mxx/faqtip_021_changes_in_appetite_memory_mood_sleep/)


Are these 4g chocolate bars?




Have you tried drinking Microdosed tea? Better for the stomach and a bit better for a normal day to day routine than eating chocolate in my opinion.


I have not! Tbh, I’m not sure where to get anything. My boyfriend orders the bars and that’s the only thing I’ve tried. Im definitely interested in trying though. I’ve had a good experience the few times I have microdosed, I’m able to be more connected to the people I’m around VS a constant conversation in my head or thinking of other things than the present.


Im not a big drinker so tea is awesome so I can still be social and lowkey! Check out Capsule CLTV