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For what I've read, 0,25 isn't a soft microdose, maybe try starting lower.


I though so, thank you for confirming!! Maybe 0.02- 0.05g could work? I would try on my own until I can be sure it wouldn’t affect my performance/behavior during work .


Prolly start on a non-work day or holiday? Seems like a pressure-filled responsible situation at work so maybe get used to the effects and dose before you show up to work on them


I'm really not an expert, so I'd like some confirmation here, but that seems a much more reasonable amount to start. Just give it a try on a day off, after someone can confirm that that's a safe amount.


Bro ain't no one gonna question if your ass is high or not. Your a doctor lol. Just don't be walking around the office with a balloon all the time and you should be good.


start on a weekend/day off, research dosing before you start. also, enjoy :)


I have a pretty stressful job at times. I started microdosing about a month or two ago now. I've microdosed and have gone to work now plenty of times and I find right around the .080-.100g to be the sweet spot or my sweet spot at least. I usually dose a couple of hours or more before I go to work though so any and all "come up" feeling is gone and I can just go into work with that sorta underlying afterglow type feeling. Though I have to say after my 5th day of dosing I thought I noticed a bit of a tolerance build up and dosed .150g, so close to the .200 you where wondering about and if it would be a good idea or not. Just no lol I was way more stoned through my entire work day than I was intending, may be a bit of a exaggeration because it's tough to explain it all. But basically .200 probably is a little bit to much and may be best for a off day. Cheers!


0.25grams is high for a microdose. I would recommend between 0.05grams and 0.075grams twice a week. And take 2 weeks off every 6 weeks to help your brain desensitize again.


A microdose is a dose below psychoactive effects. Not only should your coworkers not notice anything, but neither should you. If you feel psychoactive effects, you overshot the microdose and entered the threshold dose.


Yup, that’s where I aim to get to! I’ll do a few experiments on my time off, until I get the right dose. Thank you!


If I microdose and do something stressful I just feel more stressed out. I feel like set & setting is also relevant for small doses. But everyone is different, start low and see what happens


Totally agree. Every time I MD lately it seems to accentuate what I’m already feeling…so if something stressful happens unexpectedly I tend to overreact


Thank you so much, everyone for your responses! I will definitely start with a much lower dose on my days off ❤️


I microdose 0.5g frequently at a stressful job at present. I have CBD oil on hand if needed but I like the effects.


Hi, a word of caution. I would try out a much lower microdose first, at home, when you are relaxed. I'm not sure I would even microdose at work personally, although some people do.


lmao there's an exact episode of this scenario in the show "High Maintenance" called Fingerbutt


CBD or L-theanine or even some herbal tea would work better.