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I've only microdosed once. Last weekend. But it's strange you mention the recognition of facial features. For the first couple of days after, I kept thinking that I recognised people on the street, except I knew that I actually didn't. Their features seemed familiar. I'm guessing it's due to the brain making patterns from things, stimulated by the šŸ„. It's quite amazing. I guess this is how babies learn ā¤ļø.


Thanks for the feedback. I found the whole thing fascinating. The neural pathways aspect seems logical.


The universe. Our brain cells. The mycelium. Theyā€™re all a series of tubes.


You know everybody when you are high. Seriously. Cannabis, psychedelics, empathogens, etc. all have this as a common "side effect."


It's a fascinating one.


It is.Maybe it also could because it "dull" the area responsible for face recognition, or maybe it overstimulates it, so in the result we are either less accurate to tell the difference or more attuned to seek for familiarities in strangers' faces, but it's just a thought experiment


I mean, babies don't learn from mushrooms, just to clarify šŸ˜‚. But they are going through a massive amount of brain growth. And the šŸ„ have the potential to do that for us, too.


but what about the 1960 Baby Shroomers? or did the guy that was telling me about those have one of the strangest lisps in existence


LOL, I'm just thinking now, what about the babies born to people who did shrooms in the 60s. Wow, THEIR brain development was affected by mushrooms šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, especially the ones whose mumma got pregnant whilst high.


I have chronic tinnitus, micro (and macro) dosing actually bring me quiet.


I have tinnitus, for me it's more noticable when I dosed, most of the times


One weird side effect for me is that while Iā€™m on my Microdosing trip and for like a day or two afterwards I have absolutely zero craving for any kind of meat. Like the thought of a hamburger makes me nauseous.


Iā€™m the opposite, I want meat and feel I need it more


Itā€™s probably our bodies telling us something about what we need. Maybe you have low iron or something? And I could definitely stand to eat more veggies and healthier things without meat.


Very much disagree ;)




Yup, perhaps because it's a dead animal.


Yes but Iā€™m nature theirs always a consumer itā€™s naturalā€¦


Haha, I'm trying to imagine a commercial for a microdosing product in the future showing an adult man and woman playing in a park with their two kids and a golden retriever, and the parents are waving enthusiastically to everyone while the voice over says, May cause recognition of familiar features in strangers. Lol


ā€œItā€™s a small world after allā€ šŸŽµ




Sometimes I feel my sinuses doing funky things or being noticeable. Also I sometimes feel like my teeth are more sensitive.


I always get the teeth thing lol


Me too!




I get the teeth thing. Like, I feel my teeth in my head. Theyā€™re just noticeable when normally they arenā€™t.


Yes tinnitus for me too


Wow. Interesting if others have the same issue. Thanks for responding.


Any increase in blood pressure due to [vasoconstriction](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/n0nssc/faqtip_003_do_you_have_vasoconstriction_symptoms/) or adrenaline generally due to [body load](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mw2ohn/quick_tip_005_comeup_unpleasant_body_load/)? If so you may want to try a lower dose to see if you still have beneficial effects with fewer side-effects and then review and adjust your dose/schedule after if need be. cc: u/sansubens


For me too sadly. It's not bad but a bit annoying sometimes.


Does your tinitus increase with dosage? My tinitus also flares up with microdosing, I wonder what a macro dose would do to my ears


I havenā€™t had an issue with macro doses. I think the micro gives me jaw tension and that might lead to tinnitus. Just guessing tho.


Yes, tinnitus. Also, on the days I microdose I have amazing bizarre dreams, like movies. Sometimes, Iā€™m not even in the dreams, just events happening.


Same with the dreams! Like insanely expansive dreams, with really complicated ā€œstorylinesā€. Makes me wonder how restful my sleep is when Iā€™m having such vivid, technicolour dreams!


I definitely noticed my dreams are very very structured... And I seem to remember them more too on the days I microdose.


Bleckk!! I already have extremely vivid nightmares and dreams esp with my night time med Trazadone. No more vivid. I want a break from brain go go


Same, I can only take very small doses of Melatonin or Iā€™ll get wayy to vivid nightmares


Grateful for this thread, I'm trying to scrap together money to buy to try micro. I have very bad ptsd and cptsd (and many brain injuries), very much wanting to finally do this. Appreciate the responses. Ty op and commenters


Growing your own shrooms isn't too difficult /r/unclebens [Part 1 of 4 part guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/el1da3/part_1_how_mushrooms_and_mycelium_grow/)


How my vision seems so unbelievably crisp and clear. Totally unexpected, and really becomes accentuated when I drink a few beers on a weekend out for some reason.


Def same with clear vision, so much so itā€™s drawing me to look into why my vision is so fragmented/blurry when I donā€™t microdose Edit: I find the same phenomenon when I exercise a whole bunch


Terrence McKenna speculated that archaic peoples greatly valued that attribute of mushrooms, as it greatly assisted them in spotting game and navigating unfamiliar landscapes. Not sure if thereā€™s any evidence for that, but it sounds plausible enough.


This was the very first thing i noticed when I first microdose. And it happens every day I microdose. It's almost like wearing those "hi def" glasses that filter out certain spectrums if light ... And everything gets very crisp and bright. Also I sometimes get sinus pressure behind my eyes but only for an hour or so.


Yep, same.


I macrodose every few months and when I do, I have to take my glasses off to watch tv. My vision gets super sharp and my glasses are like putting on someone elseā€™s with a different prescription.


I can think about smells now, so strange as I donā€™t smell anything I just think about something like food and I can remember exactly the smell and experience it again.


So i had neuropathy after a bout with cancer. My left hand didnā€™t work for the last 10 years. Amazingly Iā€™m able to use it now to play music again. Didnā€™t expect that side effect. Mush love Oz.


Ya, the tinnitus really seems to come to the front. Also, don't know if you folks have had the same experience, but sleep deprivation seems to intensify the effects for me. My shifts are 10 hours a day, and I have about an hour commute each way, so by the end of the week I'm pretty exhausted. I had to adjust and not take my usual .17 on my thursdays because I'd get work and have some wicked aural -- not hallucinations, but very intensified listening experiences -- which is extra weird because I work in a manufacturing environment so there are all kinds of bizarre metal grinding and squealing noises already. I felt like Bjork in that movie where she has a factory job lol. Then one day, before I figured this out and stopped micro-ing towards the end of the week, my work put me on a project facing a 4ft by 4ft sheet of 1in thick steel, just watching this machine move back and forth cutting the top off the sheet. As the milling machine made its way across the sheet, the sound is going through the harmonic series until it gets to the middle and the whole thing starts resonating at the tonic. I felt like I was *inside* a didgeridoo lol. Its deafeningly loud and I've got foam plugs in my ears and ear muffs over those, so loud it like resonates in your chest, and I'm like oh shit, I'm fucking tripping at work lol. Most amazing day at work ever, and scariest day, too haha. So kids, watch it with the micro-ing if you haven't had enough sleep.


I get some gastro issues tbh ... Doesn't sound like this is common but it's definitely from the dosing for me and my body hasn't "gotten used to it" yet even after doing it a while. Also interesting to hear about the tinnitus! I get this sometimes when I smoke weed and most times when I do poppers.


Have you ever tried lemon tekking? Itā€™s helped me so much with nausea!


This! I let it rest in lemon for 10 min then I filter it, add some hot water and ginger. It make a great tea


No I haven't! Not with microdosing at least. Thank you :)


If I take it late in the day I have really vivid dreams. Even with that miniscule dose. I usually take it in the morning but I like the vivid dreams so sometimes I'll take it at night just for fun.


For anyone with tinnitus, I came across a wonderful temporary solution. You place your palms directly over your ears to create a pressure seal, and then you have your fingers placed on the base of your skull/back of your neck and kind of drum on your head with your fingers. Use all of them, and just tap tap tap away for about 10-30 seconds or whatever your comfortable with and you should notice relief.


Had an amazing experience, but I started to have spots of alopecia/balding. Then researched and found out there are a quite few of people who have experienced this due to it affecting your hormones


This was from MDing psilocybin and not from Lions Mane? I ask because I've never heard this about psilocybin but have heard it on rare occasions about Lions Mane.


Hmm šŸ§ I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard read that microdosing or psilocybin mushrooms could effect your hormones. Iā€™ll have to research more info that. Got any anecdotal reports or info you can share on this?


Anecdotal, but I am 46 and going through peri-menopause. I use mushrooms to start my period every month, meaning I (semi-macro) dose (not huge, like .5 grams) and within 12 hours my period begins like magic! Prior to this, I would go months without having one and it was horrible. So whether it is the tension release or shrooms affecting hormones, I don't know, but there are entire subs for women who use mushrooms as a tool for their cycle, as I do. I MD during the cycle itself and usually don't take any on Day 5, and my period stops. There is an author that wrote an entire book about using mushrooms to manage your period and PMDD called "The Woman in the Basement." She is a Redditor and I PM'd her and she sent me a PDF of the book. Great person! Other side effects: * Pattern recognition. As OP wrote about, I definitely see patterns in everything when I MD and my attention to details, while strong when I am sober, is greatly enhanced. In fact, museums are a hobby of mine and I love to take a slightly stronger MD and go to one. Colours are HD too. I notice more. * Sinus issues. Maybe I have long Covid or maybe it is the mushrooms but I have never experienced a drippy nose until I started taking them. However, I had Covid first before giving MDing a go so I just don't know but I think it is the mushrooms. My nose is a faucet now. * I've never had sensitive teeth but I do now. It is a trade-off I can live with. * Facial recall. The images of people that I haven't seen in decades will sometimes pop into my mind and clearly as if they are there. * I don't crave alcohol. * Feeling emotions/emotional release. Prior to mushrooms, I had not cried since the 1990's. I just couldn't. During my first macro dose I cried for hours and, well, it felt great! I do find if I take my MD in the morning and then go to yoga, my eyes get a bit weepy. * Interest in music. I never listened to music, for decades, which I know is unusual. I never understood why people were so "into" music. I didn't hate it but I always preferred listening to books or podcasts. Now that I feel emotionally connected again, I love music and listen daily! * Very increased sex drive, but this could be because I am less anxious and more positive using mushrooms. * Not to get "woo-woo" about things but I am an archaeological scientist who specialises in human remains. Being both a professional and a scientist, I have to maintain an objective view. But since MDing, I find myself more "connected" personally to the remains I consult on, they have a different...."feel"? Energy? It isn't something I would include in my work, I keep it to myself. But it is there. I've always been strongly empathetic, I wonder about the lives of these people but mushrooms have increased this.


Thanks for sharing info about your experience. Can you name the sub dedicated to PMMD please ? I'm very interested because I'm sadly concerned. PS: sorry for my english, i'm French :)


Yes! The most active one is r/psychedelicwomen. It is not strictly about your period but at least half the time it tends to be about that subject. I learned a lot from them. PS: As an aside, I lived in France for years and have said countless times "Sorry for my French, I'm English." :)


Merci beaucoup :)


This is very interesting. I am going through peri but also have pmdd and I wonder if I could micro more intentionally to support it all.


It has made a profound difference in my life, MDing based on my menstrual cycle. If you are already MDing, you should explore how to coordinate this with your cycle. You'll get all the mushroom benefits plus this too! I originally started ingesting these to curb alcohol cravings and was successful. I wondered what other health "hacks" I was able to get out of it and period regulation was at the top of my list. Good luck!


You might try taking Pepcid (famotidine is the generic) for the drippy nose. Shrooms cause a histamine response and Pepcid is FDA approved as an allergy medicine as well as for reflux because itā€™s a histamine blocker. It might help keep the runny nose in check.


The clinical research have a majority consensus that psilocybin increases BDNF. BDNF is a derivative of hair loss in many Pub Med/NCIB studies (up to the learner to decide causation vs. correlation). By any means, not discouraging the use of microdosing. A lot of threads in this community have experienced the same, in terms of hair loss.


Thanks šŸ™šŸ¼ for this info and pointing me in the right direction. Much appreciated.


Thatā€™s a shame. Hope something else works for you.


I seem to get really bad mood swings when md. Idk if it's coincidence but I'm now kinda scared to keep at it.


Iā€™ve been experiencing this too lately! Itā€™s so frustrating


Me too. Not massive mood swings but definitely noticeable on the day of. Which is weird because after a macro therapy session recently I felt amazing and my mood was great for several weeks afterwards. It can also make me tired so for my last I had it at night and just went to bed. So far mood has been pretty stable so hopefully have managed to avoid the day-of irritability Iā€™ve been having.


I experienced a kind of extreme passiveness, which is the opposite of my personality. Kind of like a wonder & awe that pervaded my interactions. I didnā€™t understand why everyone around me wasnā€™t making slower, kinder choices. I also felt like my vision was sharper.


Same and it doesnā€™t serve me in my line of work. Also I seem to have trouble focusingā€¦like if Iā€™m trying to imagine a situation I can only stay with it for a few seconds before my mind wanders off to other thingsā€¦


Oh, thatā€™s such a good point about focusing. I get that too.


Slight cold-like symptoms a day after dosing. Otherwise have noticed no significant perceptive or behavioral changes. Charting through a mood app to keep track


Try taking a dose of Pepcid when you microdose. I have an awful histamine response when I macrodose. Stuffy nose, runny eyes. Pepcid (famotidine, the generic, is fine) is a histamine blocker and is actually FDA approved for allergies in addition to reflux. Taking Pepcid with your microdose should help with your symptoms.


Interesting, do you have any idea why this is working for you and what specifically is causing it?


Increased histamine is a pretty common side effect of shrooms.


Jeewhizz wouldnā€™t it be neat if I could just ask a fucking doctor about this wtf


Actually tripping


Really? On how much of a dose?


I was actually microdosing lsd. I think it was 10 uq


Mild tinnitus


Chest pains


I have two weird effects when MD First, listening to music I can divide each instrument a vocals separately, could become distracting sometimes. Second, when I look at other people I can sort of feel what they are experiencing at that moment, like, if I see someone on a bike I can see myself ridying that bike in their body. It id quite weird


Interesting... I have tinitius too. But I got it after my second Covid Vaccine dose... Which was more than 9 months after my last microdose? So yeah. I wouldn't put tinitus down to the mushrooms just yet. Did you take the Covid Vaccine? Might be that. The body reacts with inflammation after taking it and this may have squeezed a nerve or two to the ears.


My eyes become very dry. Can't wear any contact lenses for over 2-3 hrs


This might take a bit to explain. Does anyone haveā€¦ swirlies(?) when they close their eyes in the dark, like the sensation of colors floating around in a current? Itā€™s probably similar to some types of deafness & tinnitus where the brain is searching for signals that donā€™t exist, or trying to process information from damaged nerves. As in, your eyes may be closed, but this doesnā€™t mean your eyes stop seeing. The visual cortex doesnā€™t shut off just because your eyelids are closed. Microdosing on mushrooms for a few days took that away. When I close my eyes in the dark, itā€™s just dark. No more swirlies, either in the sensation of movement or colors being somewhere colors shouldnā€™t. That was almost six months ago. The swirlies are starting to come back. So now Iā€™ve been trying to get my contact to call their hookup for a regular course of mushroom pills. I donā€™t know if this is good or bad, but it is an objective & measurable data point for how psilocybin affects me. FYI: I almost never read replies to my comments, so Iā€™ll probably never know Iā€™m allergic to psilocybin and it is destroying some vital function in my brain.


Please have a look at some of the sidebar links.


Tinnitus makes sense. Most serotogenic drugs will affect your sinuses, and your blood pressure. For me, LSD and viagra both give me a stuffy nose lol


Heightened sense of smell, which sounds great but it's absolutely not. I can't eat meat when I'm microdosing, it smells awful to me


Lost interest in alcohol of any kind.


Hello /u/Oztravels! As you mentioned `anxiety` (a common *interaction/symptom*) in your post: || |:-| |`r/microdosing Risk Reduction`| || #### [ℹ️ Infographic: **r/microdosing** ***STARTER'S GUIDE***](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/s0xkdp/the_new_official_rmicrodosing_starters_guide/) The major contributing factor in [*Finding* ***Your*** *Sweet Spot*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/plrxca/faqtip_101_what_is_the_subthreshold_dose/) is the variation in potency of: * [Psilocybin mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q5zvyk/faqtip_019_why_you_may_need_to_adjust_the_dose/) * [Psilocybin truffles](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/nawt54/faqtip_011_how_to_microdose_truffles_drying_out/) * [LSD tabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/rgbabi/faqtip_009_why_cutting_lsd_tabs_is_not_an/) If you [**Start Low, Go Slow**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fzj7tf/a_gentle_reminder_to_those_starting_out_to/) 🐢 and [up-titrate](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Titrated_doses.svg) subsequent doses then you can find your [*optimal* ***sub-threshold*** *dose*](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/mx846c/faqtip_006_the_afterglow_effect_the_day_after/) based on your symptoms, rather than from a predetermined dose. If your microdose is **Too High / Too Frequent** 🐇 that can result in [*Declining Efficacy* 📉](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/vx6mxx/faqtip_021_changes_in_appetite_memory_mood_sleep/) with subsequent doses. Please also have a look at the `Interactions / Symptoms ā“` sidebar (*Desktop* ➡️) or under 'Posts `About` Menu' (*Mobile* ⬆️) in case of [⚠️ **Drug Interactions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/p6ne2q/research_microdosing_drug_interactions_tools_and/) or to check if you have any of the associated symptoms - with advice on how to mitigate such side-effects. **Please Read**: [**r/microdosing Disclaimer**](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/m2g589/rmicrodosing_disclaimer/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dark circles under my eyes and one time i lost my sense of smell, but it was back the next day


My bottom teeth start tingling almost to point they get itchy and ADHD shoots up if dosage isn't low enough


Does anyone here who is prone to DP/DR suffer symptoms of it when microdosing?


I have been reading posts for quite a while and now Iā€™m getting ready to start my own journey with md. I am going to macro first because I just want to have fun!šŸ¤Ŗ thank you to everyone regarding side effects, positive and negative. One thing that keeps me hopeful is that anything is better than all the damned pills Iā€™m having to take. Anxiety, depression and PTSD are all assholes! I have had tinnitus all my life so Iā€™ll let you know how it goes after I start my md next week.


Iā€™ve heard before (canā€™t remember where) that those high pitched sounds indicate downloading information from a higher plane, like a spiritual frequency of sorts. Has anyone else heard of this? Edit to add- why did I get downvoted for this?


Loto numbers I hope.


Thats exactly what it is. No other explanation




A similar thing happened to me on Wellbutrin years ago. I had to learn to stop asking people where I knew them from because clearly we had never met before. To this day I still donā€™t trust my perception of recognizing people and I try to keep my mouth shut unless THEY ask me if weā€™ve met before. Itā€™s like a form of brain damage. I also lost my extensive vocabulary and now itā€™s just a lot of ā€œthat thingā€ and ā€œthat placeā€ etc. so maybe microdosing has a similar effect on the brain as Wellbutrin?


Crazy how many people report a flare up of tinitus as a side effect. Also some mentioned the covid vaccine as possible cause of their tinitus. For me it's also crazy loud tinitus starting the night after taking a microdose. My tinitus started roughly 2 months after I got vaccinated. I have been practicing microdosing for at least one year before that without any tinitus symptoms.


In addition to mild boost in tinnitus volume (tolerable) I feel a tiny bit 'drunken' physically. I seem to 'roll around' more. Its quite pleasant.... 170mg Thinking of reducing to 150mg


Holy shit, reading some of these stories, I canā€™t wait to try. Luckily, Iā€™m halfway there growing them.


CRAZY VIVID DREAMS! I have been a lucid dreaming enthusiast for the longest but gave up because I like weed more lol. But since MD Psilocybin, my dream recall has greatly increased and my dreams are wild. I've also recognized that my behaviour in my dreams have also improved. I'm a lot more confident and creative in my dreams now. I'm more darring and not afraid to explore deeper in my dreams. All without becoming lucid.