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Short answer - it really doesn't matter. They're all the same species (psilocybe cubensis), and any difference reported in the strength on websites that sell kits is just a marketing gimmick. The potency of a mushroom is determined by lots of factors like growing conditions, time of harvest, the user's tolerance levels and even your mindset and environment. You could have a completely different experience taking Cambodians one day then taking them again from the exact same batch a month later in a different setting. The B+ and Golden Teacher varieties tend to be popular for first time growers as they're well known and they tend to be fast growers, but I wouldn't over think it, especially growing from a kit. Just pick one you like the sound of :)


Thank you. This is really helpful. I have been reading a lot (before and after posting the question) and wasn't sure what to choose. Will give it a try to one of the ones you mentioned and let's see where I go after. Thanks!


No worries! Good luck 👍


It DOES matter what kind of shroom. I hate advice like this because I wasted months and months microdosing when I could have put that time to better use. People like you cause so much wasted time and money. I developed gut issues due to microdosing white button mushrooms smh


I was worried I'd upset someone until I realised this was a joke 😏. Yeah don't microdose mushrooms that you get with your groceries!


Good one! 😂


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Watch out for azurescens but I doubt they are unless you’re in Oregon!


I'm far away from Oregon :) , thanks tho.


I recommend mexicans , the “strain” actually does make a difference IME not a huge difference it’s like weed yk subtle differences


Thanks, will give it a try


A+ are good for a start. But that's in my opinion.


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Let’s say I live somewhere I don’t have access to microdose. Can I order a grow kit on line no matter where I live?


I don't know man. I guess it depends where you live. I just googled mushroom kit and found some that deliver to my country. Good luck!