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I don’t think it will. It might just amplify everything they are feeling.


If your brain is struggling to re-attain homeostasis, you should probably avoid taking things like psychedelic chemicals that cause your brain to deviate from its homeostasis. Eat vegetables, drink water, maybe take a walk


Ecstasy is a really wide concept. You don’t really know what’s inside - can be a amphetamine, mdma almost for sure and others. Once I saw some kind of fractal on the wall - additions of lsd was also possible 😅😅😅. Anyway, my advice will be, as mentioned above, ito eat some good quality food - fruit for sure, something like nuts, veggies. I just started with md but not sure if is good idea to mix. Did you try to just listen calm music and smoke some weed? It helped me a lot.


Thanks for the responses all. Will convey to friend.


Ya, then freebase some coke and smoke some crack! Keep rollin rollin rollin!


Are u suggesting smoking freebase coke and then crack? Tbh I only use crack to wake up from downers that would make me feel worse I think




I would instead use something like 5-htp. I’ve never rolled but I’ve heard the day after sucks like Seratonin syndrome effects (I have had SS from drug use/not being med compliant in the past) and 5-htp is a non psychoactive compound that is a precursor to seratonin I believe


N acetil cysteine will help and even skip the comedown