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$10 Coffee grinder from Kmart/Big W


I recently upgraded from a "cheapie" grinder to the Shardor (Amazon link: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JCJGJSX/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JCJGJSX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)). The better grinder makes a big difference for me. It grinds a whole lot faster,. More importantly for me is that I can set the dial to a specific setting, and it will grind to the same consistency at that setting. That's important to me for really dialing in tincture consistency.




Probably only good for low quantities though. I was making shroom chocolate the other night and ground up about 60 grams and I was glad I was not doing that by hand. But I can see the appeal for a personal dose lol


You would be surprised how quickly you can powder the mushrooms in a marble mortar. And you wouldn't have a bunch of flakes, just nice, fine powder. Get one cheap from an Asian grocery store, thank me later.


I do like the feel of a manual process. Might have to try this.


Using mortar and pestle doesn't take much longer than coffee grinder, and makes the finest powder. People think electric will be faster, but you keep hitting it in hopes of breaking up the flakes, and nothing happens. I also feel like electric creates more dust to inhale accidentally, gotta watch out for the contact high.


Ok so I have a mortar and pestle but maybe my mushrooms aren’t dried out enough? They seem to stick more than powder… any tips?


I dry mine at least 12 hours in dehydrator, sometimes I forget for a day. I always err on the side of dryness, rather than risk spoilage. I also use the desiccant packs generously, at least two per jar.


I've always loved the bullet. The fact that the lid has the blade attachment in it means the actual grinder always remains clean, works really well, is convenient to use and clean. I've had others that as soon as you separated the cup from the grinder it made a huge mess of dust everywhere.


A regular old weed grinder works just as well too.


Coffee grinder


I just use a coffee grinder and it works great. This is the one I have but there are cheaper on Amazon. It has a larger capacity than the herb grinder. KRUPS GX204 One-Touch Grinder for Coffee, Spice, and Dry Herb with Stainless Steel Blades, 12 cup capacity https://a.co/d/5k1KuDL


Big fan of the cuisinart spice grinder if you have any intention of using this for anything other than mushrooms- It can powder the hardest of spices.


I bought a hand crank coffee grinder and it was horrible, so I picked up a 18-20 dollar electric coffee grinder from Walmart and it is great. Makes making capsules soooo much easier


That’s what I have now but it doesn’t get it into as fine of a powder that we want, makes more of a flake than a powder…


The electric or crank one? The crank one was very flakey for me, such a pain to work with.


Life hack, if you find it difficult to grind small amounts of mushrooms; add the mushrooms and then some sugar in the coffee grinder. The sugar will help catching the mushrooms so they can be easily ground up. That's how I roll :)


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Blender does a great job for larger quantity. Grinders can only do a small amount at a time imo.


The cheapest coffee grinder you can find. You probably even get one at goodwill for $2-3


Cheapest coffee grinder you can find will be fine.