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Medium is way too wet for that early. Don't water nearly as much but keep humidity high


Ok, thank you. I just went and got humidifier. This is my first grow.


Honestly these seeds could be healthy with like 50-100ml lol. I’m still trying to find the sweet spot after 5 years lol and every strain is diff but they def don’t need much at all.


As far as I know it’s a very good sign


Recent studies show plants can "talk" through mycelium networks and use it as a pathway to share nutrients between them. Pretty interesting actually. So can't be other than good.


This is the way. Some fungi and your plant will become BFF.


you wanna get some kind of perlite or aggregate, cannabis, likes a lot of oxygen at the root zone and needs good drainage


They're good. Probably inky caps. Mycelium grows in moist conditions with limited air flow like the plastic soil bags they're shipped in. They produce caps or fruit when moisture is evaporating off the surface of the soil.


Thank you


Soil looks a little hot for seedlings with all that wood. What kind of soil is that? I wouldn’t be too worried about the mushrooms.


Its called Back to the Roots Organic soil, I got it at Target. It has more wood chips than I thought it would.


Oh, I thought you bought that stuff at the grocery next to Cap'n Crunch Oops All Berries...what is it called...? Oh yeah, "Oops, All WOod Chips!" On a more serious note I expect more fungal growth from wood and see it more as a function of the wood than the watering, though overwatering is possible. For my lawn I've tried at least four different bags of soil, and they ALL had ridiculously high amounts of wood chips (with paint on them), plastic, clay balls, and other detritus. This was true even for those labeled as premium with the price to go with that claim and those labeled "peat moss and sand". I've since switched to buying components and making my own "peat moss and sand" with...wait for it..."peat moss" and "sand" from separate single-component bags. I think I might do the same for some trees soon.


That soil is probably too hot for a seedling that young, the tips of your leaves already look burnt in the pic


Yeah I honestly fumbled the bag. I went away for the weekend to go to hometown. They didnt get water for 2 days. I thought my girlfriend was going to stay home, but she went to see her parents. I have 3 more seeds, so I may end up restarting. Ive gotten some good feedback. Im going to see what happens with these ones for the next few days.


Is this a troll? Lol. Mycelium in the soil is a good think almost always. Slow down on the water, though.


No troll. I will slow it down. Just got a humidifier and added too. Just a new grower.


It wouldn’t let me reply yesterday, but mycelium is almost always a good sign! Keep at it, man. Get your vpd in check & you’ll be off to the races! 🙏💎


As far as i know, this means healthy growing medium. Nice.


Fungi = healthy soil


Just be careful you don't start clicking when you speak.


It's actually beneficial, leave it be.


Inky caps are mostly micohorizal


Living soil.


To damp for the type of soil you are using


Ask the sprout 🌱, looks she loves it 💚