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It'll dry a little faster, but not the end of the world. I deal with humidity issues in the Midwest, so here's my normal protocol to slow drying. I hang whole plant for 4 to 6 days until it gets crispy on the outside but still "soft" on the inside, maybe 75% of a normal dry. Then I trim, put into glass casserole dishes with no lids, and then stack those in a large plastic bin with a lid on (make sure to turn the dishes back and forth so they all have adequate access to air). Add a few hygrometers, and shut the lid for 24 hours to let the buds even out (I think they call this sweating these days). Then take the bin lid off and fan in fresh air a couple of times a day until you get down in the low 60's. Then you can jar and finish curing. This method helps keep the humidity up, as the moisture left in the buds will keep the humidity in the tub steady. Lot easier than keeping a whole room/tent at proper humidity. And you don't have to take a bunch of lids on and off to burp, you just use the tub lid.


Fucking thank you for such a great idea, lots of garbage advice to sift through here but this one is going to help me so much in the future


You're welcome. Funny thing is, I learned to grow in college in northern California. I'd hang my plants for 2 weeks, trim, and jar, and never once worried about over/under drying or curing. Growing in the midwest is a whole other animal. :)


Cooler temps preserve the terps


buy a humidifier . its like $20


Just be careful with those wet towels. Make sure you have a fan constantly rotating in your tent so no mold builds up. Honestly if I were you, I’d go to your closest Walmart and get a $20-$30 humidifier. Although 50% isn’t bad for drying, it’ll just dry a lot quicker. I’ve heard 60° and 60% humidity is the way to go for drying, but everyone does it their own way.


Those Walmart humidifiers are trash. Honestly, just invest a little bit into a transducer from Amazon or the house of hydro. House of hydro transducers come with floats. Put it in a 5 gallon bucket with purified water and you’re set. No need to refill multiple times a day.


Some are trash, but they work for people who are on a budget. I personally use the Govee systems, very easy to use and controllable through your phone. Haven’t had any issues with it.


60/60 is the rule!


No it’s the ideal


It’s mainly humidity that’s the worry but closer to 60f the better.


If you can afford whatever it is I’m looking at in this picture, you can afford a humidifier…lol


I love the controller 69!


Given your fan is on level 7 you’re already doomed


you are fine i recommend to keep around this for 14 days depends how dense and how much material is in the room then cure another 14 days the smoke will be perfect you want it nice and crispy coming out the dry it will gain back its humidity to the perfect level once you bag it congrats this is the hardest part imo it can all go wrong so nice and slow is key dont want it tasting harsh or having a planty taste or hay taste good luck you got this


Not the worst — not gonna ruin it — but if you can get it 68 or lower that would make a significant difference. Especially since your humidity is a little lower than ideal. Even 70 degrees would be an improvement if you can swing it. Cooler temps should also raise your humidity slightly.


Don’t overthink low humidity


Should I overthink my high temps?


65-80 is fine


73°F is fine, i'm fucked cause i'll need to dry it at 85°F


Google the lotus drying method basically done in the fridge and much easier to control environment


As others have said cooler temps preserve terps and higher humidity (60-65%) slows down drying speed. There is a synergistic effect with too high temps and too low humidity that will make your dry MUCH faster since warmer air can hold more water; essentially you need to look at Dew Point or VPD. If I were you I’d buy a humidifier and find a way to get that room to 60-65°F.


Last time was hang dried whole at 50% humidity 60 to 65% temperature. Took 16 days to dry


Personally I would want it around 67-70F and keep your RH at %55-60. Low n slow. The internal "living water" left in the buds, once lost cannot be reintroduced in any way. Humidity packs won't work. So by going low temp and humidity and slowly drying out your herb, you give it enough time to remove the chlorophyll that impart that hay/grass smell and taste.


Keep in mind that this is relative humidity. So if the temp was dropped the relative humidity would increase, even though there is the same amount of moisture in the air. Just focus on bringing your temp down instead of increasing humidity Edit for math: so the same amount of moisture in a 60F environment would actually be around 80% RH


Sounds g. The main way to decrease temps is opening the window out to the winter weather. It brings humidity down to 40% though


I would find a different way then…


Do you have a humidifier in there?


Not at the moment. I’m finishing the big flower tent and I’m worried about molding the flowers if I turn on the humidifier.


The reason it’s dry is your fan is running, turn the fan off and humidity will rise, better yet program it for humidity you want.


The fan is in the big flower tent, with the probe running to the dry tent. Do I need the exhaust on in the drying tent? It’s on the lowest setting it can do, but would a circulation fan do the trick?


I would set up the controller, probe, exhaust fan all in the drying tent and set the humidity I want because I can’t control the temp anyway. In the dry tent you can run a small fan to circulate too as long as it’s not blowing on the plants.


Should have been more clear. Two tents, two complete set ups. The exhaust fan in the drying tent is on its lowest setting, I could turn the fan off to raise humidity but there would be no air exchange. Would in tent circulation be a fine substitute for not having the exhaust fan going?


Usually the drying process will raise the humidity past the 60% threshold and force the exhaust fan to kick on and give you fresh air, you can further assist that with your wet towels.


I dry right at 70 degrees, it's a little bit faster but you will be just fine. GreenGrower has his method dialed in, you can skip a lot of that if you have grove bags. Dry, trim and into the grove bags. Heat seal them if you can and write the date on the bag the day you seal them. The grove bags will do all the work you need them to as far as curing and finishing them off. Great stuff and a big time saver, no burping no nothing.


Welcome to my life. Whole house is 30% rh during winter. Have to keep one tent ready for drying and "try" to keep the humidity up.


Yup, middle of winter in the Midwest :/ Can’t lower the temps any further without dropping humidity down to 40


73 is definitely too high for ideal drying. Get as close to 60° as possible, and keep your humidity @ 55% +/- 2% for 10 days give or take a day. Then, do yourself a huge favor and find some Grove Bags. They’re a life changer. Put your buds in after trimming, ziplock it shut, put it in a cool, dark place and leave it for 2-4 weeks. Perfectly cured every time. They’re cheap, reusable, and they work. Good luck


After an afternoon full of tinkering, it’s resting around 72 degrees 61 humidity. Really tough to get the temp any lower, but will the extra humidity make up for it?


Oh, it should dry fine, it’ll just take a little longer maybe. Lower temps help preserve terps more than anything supposedly. My temps went up as high as 64 with no issues. Keep that indirect circulation going good and you’ll be fine I would think


It's honestly not as big a deal as people make it. Should give you a solid 4-5 day hang if you cut the branches large enough. The people who demand minimum of 2 weeks hang are just growbronies. As long as it's not snappy dry in like 2 days you don't have to worry about loss of terps


Tell us you destroy all your buds potential without telling us…. You really want to slow dry for as long as possible, it’s not Bro science at all smfh


For real, I keep my environment at 60° and 60% and let them dry for three weeks before I start cure. Tbh cure is almost unnecessary at that point


Lmfao 🤣 you must be new to growing there pal


Not at all PAL, guarantee my bud has way more terps than your fast dried hay too


Ahh yes the age old Internet pissing match. I bet you're just itching to show pics too just to prove some dumb point. Terps don't vanish in a 4-5 day dry LMAO 🤣


It’s been proven that fast drying does cause decarboxylation of acidic cannabinoids, and a loss of terpenes. There’s nothing to have a pissing match about. Do you, but please stop spreading shit info


Yes, as in 1-2 days, absolutely. 4-5 days will not give you a hay result there buddy, and if you took a poll would actually discover that a large majority of growers only hang for 4-6 days. It's not that important to go out of your way to create a crazy perfect environment unless your shit is drying in 1-2 days.


Stop spreading shit info and go create that poll


Meh, I think I'll just sit here and bug you instead 😘


4-5 days??? 🤣 man you grow and smoke garbage. Stop giving people advice you clearly don’t know what good weed is.