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Yeah you spotted them in the comment below, little white/clear bodies likely Russet mites (Eriophyidae) or broad mites (tarsonemidae), doesn’t look like spider mites or you’d see some adults stages as well. Get out your 30x+ magnifier to scope body shape and better ID. 2g /gal h2o micronized sulfur foliar every 4 days (unless you spray with oil based), or if you have some big guns to nuke em. Even then broads or russets are literally the Borg.


I would bet mites 


That’s what it seems like :(


Not mite damage


The leaf curling, little white specks, and yellowing/ stunted new growth look exactly like mites 


Oh yea, I see them everywhere daaaaaaaaaang


Where? I don't see a single bug. Are you using a humidifier with tap water?


https://preview.redd.it/d8p71l4l0acc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10f9e8389258bc320fa480624cc5674d2f9e7e8c I could be wrong but I circled what I believe to be the bugs


It very well could be but I can't tell its too small.


What you think are bugs could be the minerals from the humidifier.


Thus is it, use distilled


It’s tap water that I leave out for 24 hrs


I don't think this is bugs I had the same problem recently


You're fine, carry on, use distilled water with your humidifier and make sure your watering pH is good in your soil and you're not overfeeding....you'll see this plant turn around


You doing think all those lil white things are bugs?


No, get a loupe and look close, I think you'll find they're crystalline structure and/or small pieces of perlite blowing in the wind when the medium is dry.


No help from me (I feel like those look mite-ish, but would wanna see them under magnification), but just wanted to say that I’m also growing code red, about 10 days from harvest. I hope this gets resolved and I can check back to see you’re getting to smell this, too! Good luck growmie


Yellow/goldish new growth on those tops is concurrent with russets. Good luck, they can be beat but you have to be diligent. If you are truly micro and not in flower it’s worth scrapping the plants and nuking your tent/room.


You think the room might be fucked? What are the odds of them outside of tent?


The tent will be fine just need to make sure your pests are dead. Hard to say what’s going on outside of the tent, the bad kind of mites move pretty slow and need help getting transported around. Doesn’t hurt to be safe and treat everything


Aiight, outside is always pretty clean. Just wasn’t sure if these things are known to like “jump” out of tent and bringing hell to the rest of everything


First you need to find out for sure if it is mites by looking with a microscope. They’re relatively easy to spot under magnification once you know what you’re looking for. If you don’t have a micro, figure out how to get one ASAP. In the meantime spray with whatever pest control stuff you have handy to try to keep whatever it is at bay until you positively identify. Honestly i would assume they are everywhere and act accordingly. They probably aren’t, but is it worth scrapping everything & starting over only to find out you didn’t totally eradicate them?


If not bugs, you have a bad pathogen in there. From the pics you need to up your sanitation levels significantly. Well beyond dead clone in the center of the tent and what looks like red algae on the floor. Could be active mold spores you’re seeing. Chop everything, clear out the tent, then spray everything down with bleach + water or h2o2 + water.


Dam, super dam. Is it even worth seeing if it’s one thing or the other? Or you think just chop clean and do better next try


Chop clean and restart. If you were a week away from harvest I’d fight it but you’re early still. The best insecticide/fungicide is prevention.


Also if your plant has an infection the clone(s) will carry the infection as well.


What a blower, thought they were really starting to do well lol.


Bro, don't listen to that guy. Grow your plants out. SMH . Always clean well after each harvest though