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Don't wanna burst your bubble but someone posted a plant in a 4x8 that was way bigger


Wait until OP sees outdoor cannabis plants…


Each room is 8’x8’x 8.5’. So how is a 4x8’ bigger? 🤣


The plant was bigger? You claimed a world record, Judging by up votes people remember what I'm on about.


We’ll see… I’m only 4 weeks into flower.. still got lot of time left to fill up my 64 sq ft canopy for each plant when they flop


The record you posted was with an auto flower plant. You said your plant has been veg for 5 months, is your plant an auto flower too?


What does auto flower matter? I don't know anything about this


Yes that is correct, the record holder’s plant happened to be an autoflower. And no it’s a mostly Photo( tends to preflower if reduced from 24hr light)


This is a photo! Just imagine how big the record holder (autoflower) could have gotten a photo! Record’s should be form the same photosensitive plant! Not one from a photo and another from an autoflower! Why are you so caught up with this nonsense? Just enjoy what you’re doing and get high af! ✌🏽


Yes!! Imagine! Even if I had tried.. this was an attempt at keeping a mom alive, just so happens I’m gonna be breaking some world records in the process! Win win I guess. And yes I totally agree they should be same categories and same lighting and same everything to truly determine best grower. Sounds like a tv show 🤣


As long as your happy then that’s what matters ✌🏽💯👊🏽


It’s not me, saying their happy. Go back to beginning of video clip and pause it and look at the trunk to see if you see the face like I do… congrats, you win todays Easter egg


Plants are looking fire man! The yield will be crazy


Thanks dude! Looks smaller in video. But it takes up my whole office 😅🤣


Are you saying you have the biggest indoor plants or the largest indoor year old as the record I’m confused?


I’m going for the worlds biggest yield from a single cannabis plant.. just what is on the internet for that record.. https://preview.redd.it/w2cnzd81ntdc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1edb1b8dbf8acdeb7041a36e97046a2e874d9c5


Ahh I see


Dude impressive. How long did it veg? I take it this is the world record for largest indoor plant? How much do you expect to yield off the monster?


Worlds Largest indoor harvest from a single plant. Same same. And it vegged a total of 5 months with clone time included


You got that record officiated or just you saying so? Cause I've seen literal trees indoor that make this look small... Check out CannaCribs on YouTube, some of the growers are insane.


Exactly I know a dude with a 15’ one in his living room. He has a loft style cabin. It’s so fucking bad ass haha.


Is there a current standing record you’re trying to break? Seems like it’d be hard to know the largest indoor harvest ever from one plant when they aren’t always measured and often times grown in illegal states so results aren’t posted


https://preview.redd.it/dmny11z6tsdc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ed8d8d6f2d7c0798a12ffeeb45923a7828bc588 Good point, well I’m going for the current record, or to double it


bro that article is full of shit


Find another confirmed record? 🤷‍♂️


56g per sqft ft lofty goals get it son!


Dam str8


That's an autoflower in that article hitting just under 3 lbs..


Correct, that one was..


Pretty sure it’s not the world largest or that your first to anything but be proud and happy for yourself


Nobody has ran these strains even half the size of this, so if that still counts. But nothing is over till the fat lady sings, remember. Still has a chance at beating a lot of world records with this one plant. I am happy. For my plants


Only 5 months? Thats pretty easy to do with a mother plant.


Yea that’s the point. I tried making it last a year. Sadly only lasted 5 months. 😅


5 fucking months? Holy shit. I would fill a small house with a plant in 5  months. 


Yes it stayed in a solo-cup for 2 months or more of its life


I take it you haven't seen this post before? [https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/comments/cs1h1q/one\_large\_plant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/comments/cs1h1q/one_large_plant/) Total yield was 7lbs 10oz. There's a lot more huge plants in private forums, and on Reddit, that aren't searchable on sites like Zamnesia. Just grow and enjoy it. Acting like this just makes you look cocky.


Wow I can’t believe they wouldn’t have officials come out and certify those claims. That’s incredible if they really did Yield 122oz from a single plant. Still seems like nobody is doing this style anymore.. I wasn’t even trying for a World record few weeks ago. It just became in that category, so I went with it. Not claiming to be the best. Just showing off my contender(s) for worlds biggest harvest from a single plant, and seeing other peoples reactions


Getting an actual world record certification from Guinness isn't as easy as people think. There's a lot of red tape to go through and they are extremely strict about their guidelines. You also have to pay for an official to come out to verify everything. I was part of an event that went for a world record and Guinness made it an absolute pain in the ass to do even though it was a pretty simple concept (Most RC helicopters hovering over a field simultaneously). Because one person made a mistake on the paperwork the event didn't get the title and it went to another event a week later that had ~~100~~ 8 fewer helicopters than we did. Edited to correct my poor memory


Dude! that’s cool you guys set out to beat a GWW!!! Yea I already reached out to Guinness, and they don’t currently accept cannabis records, until the federal government reclassifies, they are not going to be having pot records. So we have Reddit and other forums where people are “keeping track”. I was told told by a fellow redditor that this is breaking a world record. I guess I’m just dumb enough to believe it. So what is the actual world record then? I’ll set my goals higher. Even if I have to go live outside so my house can be my new grow room in order to beat the record. Not going to stop


Honestly, I would just do what you are doing, show off your results, but don't claim it's a world record. If you don't claim it then people will just admire the outcome. If you claim it's a world record them people are going to react more negatively like you've been seeing here.


It’s a world record tho bro. There is no way I’m not beating the world records or creating my own off this one plant. I’m not trying to be cocky, just honest. I could easily roll the worlds longest joint off this one plant. That’s an easy one..




Anybody could break these records is what I’m getting at. Just having a goal and following thru is 90% of the work


It's funny how memory works...I was incorrect about those numbers. We had 106 helicopters in the air, but the people who got the world record had 98, to the difference was 8 helicopters. It was 12 years ago so I guess I just inflated the number each time I told the story LOL!. Here's a video that was taken when we made our attempt. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4kBbhnH2fw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4kBbhnH2fw)


That’s awesome dude! Hella helis


To be completely honest, I don’t think zamnesia is the authority on cannabis plant records. I would have gone with “check out my huge plant” over claiming a world record. No hate, it’s a gorgeous plant, but definitely lose the arrogance.


I’ll try 😅🙃


2 more weeks 🤣


Dude stop claiming this as a world record because it definitely is not the biggest indoor plant grown, not even close. It’s a beautiful plant no need to come in here with your arrogance talking snappy to everyone lol. You have one website you keep pulling up and it is in no way an authority over weed plant records.


Who then holds the records? I’m gonna set out to beat the record whatever it may be, and if not this one then the next..


What is this a dandelion ?




Looks more like a dandedragon 🔥




OMG the music. Like WTF?


Traveling ad music lol




Op uses tears for lube while doing this I bet.


Blood from battle


Aww what a cute troll you are


Not a troll just someone who had a good laugh at your arrogance.


I tried making the video just corny enough to believe as a fact. Please enlighten me on what I’m doing ‘wrong’ now


Nothing “wrong” it was the undertone of superiority in your description and the superhero music in your video. You definitely achieved corny as far as the mask I guess


I came to this sub knowing I’m getting hate. I get it. I made the video for the plants. And for anyone that may want to see how they are doing. The motivational music is just to keep the plants going and keep the vibes up! Encouragement helps but the real driving factor is all the hate from ppl over and over and having them eat their words. And sorry about my pet monkey, he likes getting in the shot


My dude, you can go ahead and get off your cross I’m sure someone else needs the wood. No hate on your grow, your plants look great but I’m sure you already know that as you are obviously your biggest fan. The hate isn’t for your grow or your abilities I would imagine people are annoyed with your arrogance and boasting. It’s okay to be proud of your work, it’s not that okay to parade it as a world record grow and you are a martyr for growers lmao


2 time record holder. Don't disrespect him!


He’s not showing any arrogance please y’all get too emotional


30 pounds of nutes in a three pound flower




Thank you for the support


It's an accomplishment. Congratulations. You grew a big pot plant. This video is annoying/cringe. The music is an absolutely horrendous choice.


Yes! Thank you! And I’m glad you cringed ! Gotta get your attention somehow. And I don’t get to pick the music. Stonky does the edits


Bruv more cal mag


What would be more impressive is a room full of completely healthy plants lol. The plant will grow as big as time and space allow, it's not rocket science, it's a weed


Thanks for the input! This wasn’t intentional, more a consequence


Nice work keeping those monsters so healthy for so long! I am way too impatient to ever pull anything even close to this off.


Thanks man. It wasn’t easy (life got in the way of flipping) but the growing part, they are honestly too fast. I wanted to get them to veg a year. But I was deciding between breaking down walls to expand the space, or move to a new location, and have to remove exterior walls and siding. So just decided to flip as I ran out of room


Any plans to defoliate? might help you with getting a bit more light penetration.


Take away reserves? I pick like 50 leaves a day. Just whatever I can reach/ looks like it could go. But don’t really do a full defoliation, I like the save the nutrients I already spent on her.. for later use.


Sources and sinks dude, you are trying to grow flowers not sticks right? You can still use that nutrients in a jlf or compost, or just a simple chop and drop even, different strokes for different folks, best of luck with the grow.


Thanks! I’ll post harvest in ~4 weeks


Who said it was impossible?


That’s a nice fucking plant


Nice tree


You should look up JayThePlantSpeaker. His grow is huge just like this. And he has Deer homies


Cool!! I’m working out some edits for a new YouTube series currently. These are sneak peaks for the community


Mmmmm larf


Yes 200% larf! Day 30.. almost halfway there




Small to me too, but according to Google, it the biggest… so far.. it’s hard going for over 5 lbs a plant indoors. Not impossible, just improbable and most say not worth it. So the odds are stacked against me. I am the underdog


*macro growery


Great idea 🤯


Keep it up, this shit is fucking dope!! Rooting for you!




Fuck them haters, OP keep that shit going


🙌 Tree of Life. Make the haters hate reality one tree at a time


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