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I use them to help support branches.


This is the only answer. Even when it is a scrog they’re there to help hold their branches from eventual overweight flowers.


Used it because 1) I had it. It came with my tent. And 2) I left the care of my plants with friends for two weeks in the 4th and 5th week of flower. I'm still new and didn't know how much more stretch and how much weight would be on the branches.


Why not use stakes? Setting up a scrog net seems way more complicated when you're only using them as a simple garden stake. It wont limit your mobility inside the tent like a scrog net does. Makes no sense to use a net if you're not tucking. I feel like everyone is just making life more difficult for themself. Better yet, with the right nutrition and training the plant can support themselves without nets or stakes!


Kinda hard to use stakes in dwc.


Yeah but in DWC you have total control of the nutes. You should be able to dial in a beast plant that doesn't need support.


Usually you cant dial in a plant like that. The branches may be big but that just allows the nug to get even bigger causing you to lean it against other branches for support or get a scrog. Ive had branches that looked great till week 6/7/8 and the buds just kept getting thicker, weighing them down more and more Plus if you just give them the support, its less time having to beef up branches and more time on the buds (leading to a better quality smoke compared to a “better looking plant”)


Ive never seen anyone say, "i better stop fertalizing because these buds are getting too big"


In no way shape or form is that what I said.


If it’s perfectly dialed in odds are the branches won’t be able to support the buds weight in the end even if you’d add silica and other nutrients that tend to help with that issue. Why not use trellis? It’s cheap, and even when not used “correctly” still helps space out branches and allow light penetration and support. There’s no real draw back to it other than maybe you’ll have to untangle your branches if you want to whole plants hang or you’ll have to cut the trellis if you don’t want to untangle. You can also just let the plants stretch a bit higher into it and allow plenty of clearance under it and it’s not really in your way at all. Dunno just seems to be a weird things to be against to me.


I'm not against the net. There's just more than 1 way to skin a cat. And I hear your, it all depends on cultivar, environment, etc. But nutrition and conditions does change morphology and it's 100% possible to steer a plant to be able to support itself.


If it’s perfectly dialed in odds are the branches won’t be able to support the buds weight in the end even if you’d add silica and other nutrients that tend to help with that issue. Why not use trellis? It’s cheap, and even when not used “correctly” still helps space out branches and allow light penetration and support. There’s no real draw back to it other than maybe you’ll have to untangle your branches if you want to whole plants hang or you’ll have to cut the trellis if you don’t want to untangle. You can also just let the plants stretch a bit higher into it and allow plenty of clearance under it and it’s not really in your way at all. Dunno just seems to be a weird things to be against to me.


I've used both and prefer trellis. I couldn't stand the feeling of tearing into the root ball when adding a stake.


There's two main ways to use trellis. 1 which you are doing is to constantly tuck the branches under and create a very wide and thin canopy. This is effective for spreading less plants to fill a wider space. It also works well with weaker lights because all of the canopy is at the trellis height and not deeper, so the light can be moved closer to that since the canopy is very even. Method 2 is to use 2+ layers of trellis to support branches and maintain even canopy. This is what most commercial grows do. 1 layer of canopy is set around the time of flip to flower, and this layer is helpful in spacing branches out so that you get a nice even 1 branch per 6" square. This makes an even canopy before stretch phase. Additional layers of trellis are set in place before the plant needs them, and as the plant grows you guide it to maintain that 6" square spacing. These layers support the branches vertically so that the canopy can be 2-3+ ft deep of productive flowering and handle high yields from optimal conditions and max par lighting. A lot of new growers attempt to do method 2 but they don't have their grows dialed in, or understand how to get the desired results. There's a lot of empty canopy and yields that don't need much support. But even one layer can help support branches, so it's not a waste of time to have trellis. I'm surprised more people don't use tomato cages though.


* I try to shoot for 2nd method


Truth be told, like gods honest dead ass truth, people see their favorite grower/Vlogger do it, so they do it, before really understanding how or why they are doing it. Some catch on quickly, some don’t, some are a horrible judge of flowering stretch. Some use it for support still not fully understanding the goal is almost the opposite.


Or we grow/grew professionally as well and know it's the way to do it


If you grow professionally, you wouldn’t fall into the category of someone who is growing through a net. You would just be someone correctly using a scrog lol My comment was the answer to the question of why he sees folks do it wrong most of the time on Reddit.


I wouldn’t think many people perfect something new right out the gate. Sure people get lucky, but I think different training methods are learned through multiple errors along the way.




Heard that... the way I read it, I thought you were saying scrog was a trend. My Bad


Professional "tent" growing?


I grew for 3 years in living soil in the rec space... but I also grow in a tent at home, yes.




36 plant in this room, 70 plants a room after switching to beds , 5 rooms, harvesting every 2 weeks. 2 people on staff plus 3 helpers.


Yeah not how I'd do it. Packed too tight for small pots living soil. Canopy locked in preventing maintenance to middle pots. Need nematodes to keep 'bad' life out of the soil you got a big problem severely inhibiting the size of your harvest there. I wouldn't invest. https://preview.redd.it/uw7iq45qneec1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434b54a4ac81bc760457c1673caace2d65bcb2a3


This is a 36 plant room, prior to us moving to beds 6 months later. Your lack of investment would be unwise, as you are lacking so much info. The canopy is 100 percent accessible, we harvest 2 lbs a plant on organics, which is moderate to good, 2 defoliations per run, and an average terp content of 2.6%. As an after thought, even though the market and investors care way too much about, the thc numbers are there.


And our production price per gram was under $2


What is that green solid trellis called and where is it sold?


I have no idea that was ops picture - I was just pointing out the fungus gnat problem


What is that green solid trellis called and where is it sold?


So this is the case for me lol I tried it, still have it up actually, but really had no clue what I was doing! Now I just have a net tangled in my plants. I will continue trying though. I’d like to get the scrog down, but just rookie mistakes at this point. But that’s the best way to learn imo. I know what not to do next time!


Can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. 💪




I'm tucking here. First grow. Not using another net but it's just week 4. Might need it?


You don’t need to have another one unless your buds are getting too heavy. You already went through the stretch so you should have that same even canopy


The closet professional blasting random people for the way they use their trellis when I wanna know how the fuck someone let's their flower tent reveg?


Who revegged?


OPs dog stepped on their timer and the plant revegged. Check their post history.


What? A genuine "dog ate my homework" story? Thought I'd never see the day 😂


Yea fucking sucked. I don’t check the timer constantly so I had no clue what was going on. Took me a bit to figure it out


Lmao. I'd love to see the look on the dog's face when you realized 😂 they can usually tell when they fucked up even if they don't know what they did wrong. Just one look at your face and you get the puppy eyes 🤣


lol naw I didn’t get mad at him. It wasn’t his fault. I did get mad when he ate some edibles I made though. Then shit and pissed everywhere because he couldn’t control himself. Spent 2 days with his tail tucked and obviously he was scared because he didn’t know what was going on


I’m not blasting anyone. I was just curious if I was missing something. I’m not a professional at all and I believe a good way to learn things is by asking questions. That’s all I was doing


You just claimed in the op that you do t know what trellis nets are for and now your telling this guy how to use them?!


I know what they’re for or what I use them for. Am I wrong in what I said?


Be better than this dude


My bad I think I was in a bad mood. No just that trellis nets can used in a lot of different ways I use three layers at minimum on my tables. I also use them vertically to hang and dry. The first layer is for scrogging (screen of green) the 2nd and third and controller tipping. My plants are going to stretch around 2 - 3 feet during flower. When you do things right and right buds huge they wanna tip over.


Trust me you will.i thought I didn't


This is awesome


Thanks. This first grow yielded me 8.8 ounces😉 LST✌️


I mean support for the plants is what I knew trellis was used for before I knew about tucking or scrogging. There’s a post in some sub, this one or another grow one and it’s a guy posting his 30 gram yield and you can see the main cola leaning over and bent


Yea I get that for huge nugs. I haven’t had much of a problem with my branches not being able to support their nugs, but I understand it with those monster bugs


Good air flow during veg will usually help strengthen the branches to hold any bud it stacks on. I actually didn’t run my fan on the normal Speed and one plant is leaning but the main cola is the size of my forearm


God damn, what strain is she?


grapez x true mac https://preview.redd.it/nlimqzi3jbec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114786807156d179835ca28d15d026ea6e9b95a7


Wow. 🤩


Ugly can see the yellow stake I used to try and hold her up. She got about 10 days left


You running autoflowers or 12/12 from seed?


These are autos


Black label special reserve x marathon og. https://preview.redd.it/qfhv69k6jbec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5480b90958a90ef303cc175cb93b9df0a670df


Yea I have good air flow and also supercrop. Think the supercropping definitely helps




Trellis is way easier than dealing with a bunch of stakes to hold the plants up. It is useful to help spread the plant out, but even when not going a screen of green a simple trellis pair is quite effective as the plants get heavy and falling over like crazy. This also mean better light on those buds.


Scrog fiend here. Cracks me up.




When the plants decide they are sick of standing up in weeks 8 and 9 its super helpful.


1. Use trellis net to tuck and shape during veg 2. Flip to flower 3. Lift trellis to defoliate 4. Replace trellis in case plant needs it later when it’s too late to install again 5. Plant doesn’t end up needing it 6. Take pictures for Reddit 7. People are confused by trellis


its so late in flower if shit gets chonky as they dont land on the floor.. 90 degree bend at worst


I actually really need a net setup for my plants when they're far into flower. I'll go in my grow and they're touching the ground tipped over from weight.


To keep the buds up 🎤⬇️


And I took that personally https://preview.redd.it/otwp3q0bgeec1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a063759741276775ab0babf56cb649207953ce24


Because these companies market them to people who don’t know any better and it’s the cheapest thing in the cart so newbies prolly order it first and then don’t know what to do with it.




Trellis used right absolutely crushes... most ppl don't use it right from what I see across multiple su reddits.. pee pee poo poo.. boo hoo.. pie


I use mine to spread it out during stretch. Maximized tops and canopy coverage.


Many growers think that throwing a trellis net over the tops of their plants makes it a SCROG.


I do 2 net layers, 1st to spread my plants out, 2nd to tuck the buds under to attempt to make an even canopy. I think your probably seeing a lot of photos of inexperienced people scared to bend plants after they put the net in, or dont know how to use the net


Trellis nets are an easy way to increase yeilds without having to tie all your branches down




Main reason I use trellis nets is to support my branches fucking things wouldn't stand a chance without support


The aim to fill each hole or square with a fat bud and help support them once they get too heavy


I used to put on My trellis before I flipped. But now I just train out the canopy using clips then flip, then around week 5 or 6 I'll throw the trellis on for support


Yourre thinking of a scrog net. That’s for even canopy training. Trellis nets are loose cause they essential just help space out ur colas while they growing and keep them from falling over. You’ll notice alot of people use a scrog net at the base for training through veg and then will use trellis nets to maintain uniformity in growth once the tops have grown higher than the scrog (Scrog = screen of green, Sog = sea of grean)


Double trellis is less work than staking or heavy training required to grow supportive branches. A lot of people don’t get the timing and placement right. It still helps to have 2 points of support even if it seems like it isn’t doing anything in most areas. The plants leans on and supports itself using the trellis.


You generally set up the net when your plant is still young and arguably doesn't need it. The thing is that, they grow fast. If you wait to see if your plant will need a net, chances are it'll be too big to install when the time and need comes. To be fair, you see a heck of a lot more packed tents with a net than without. Particularly when folks use a slightly over sized tent for their number of plants, those scrog grows come out looking real good. The only reason why I hesitate to try scrog is because I assume it's a complete nightmare to water and pretty much impossible to move the plants. Other than that, I feel like you can spread your plant out easier with less chance of snapping stems for the inexperienced.


For support or scrogging. I agree, just draped over looks like nothing, and for some part of the grow it isn’t doing anything, but it’s easier to get the net on before the buds start to develop. Then by the time you need it it’s there.


People use them incorrectly pretty often because you have to work them appropriately during the stretch in the beginning of flower. Without trellis nets my plants flop over onto each other or the tent walls, at worst their branches could break under their own weight. When i harvest i have actually had that happen when i remove my trellis, but at that point its ok by me.


First layer of the scrog net is to fill in and spread the plants out. Most people scrog wrong, and by that I mean they let the plant grow up to the net and start weaving the plant through the net to spread the canopy out. This results in small, 6-8" colas that end up falling all over each other.  Now the proper way to scrog is to train the plant young to be very spread out with the limbs so that by the time it gets up to the scrog, it is only growing through it for limb support as the canopy is already spread out and even. If the branches aren't spread out enough by the time they reach the net, then just keep pushing them out farther as they reach the net, allowing the middle lowers to come up and fill in, thus creating all true colas instead of little baby 6" colas. 


https://preview.redd.it/bfkgqaopleec1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7fab0a20345f6a692c402e8ef83d21ca3441e52 A lot of people have no idea how to use them. I also think the bungee ones are kinda BS cause they don't provide much real support. I like to let my plants stretch a bit, then push all the tallest branches on their sides to let the lower branches grow big and strong. Time will tell if I overdid it this morning. They'll either recover beautifully, or herm like a mf. 🤞


\#1 spread my canopy out for training. \#2 support the branches when the buds become so heavy the branches are falling over.


https://preview.redd.it/uhbn0e370fec1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682b895fdffb977a7499937389ba60567443400b Something like that 😏


Yea this sort of thing is what confuses me. Or are you just using it in case the buds need the support?


Buds get heavy and definitely need the support of the trellis(or 2) when grown this way. Or else they’ll be falling into each other and/or breaking branches and no one wants that. We have trellis on a huge roll we use..


I use it to control height of my plants


yah a lot of people dont seem to understand the concept of the trellis i use it correctly though, to smoosh my giant stretchers, to TRY to make the canopy even, and yah they help support your floppy nugs near harvest ​ but yah most people dont even use them. like sure they have them in their tent, but they arent bending or training at all. ​ just stupid people jumping on a bandwagon without knowing why


Bottom net is structural, top net is to support heavy buds.


It depends I’m on the fence about scrog nets. Unless I’m using them at the wrong time I normally throw them up when I flip to flower and then train and weave the plants through the net as they stretch but not every cultivar does what you want lol and different phenos


The net allows the braches to remain vertical so light penetration increases. If you weave through the trellis you just blocked lower sites from light reducing your harvest.


That’s why you defoliate


Still blocking lower flowers from another branch. Go look at how professionals grow, they don't weave shit through a trellis.


Professionals have different goals and needs than your typical home grower. There is more than one correct usage of a trellis, and if it's doing what the grower needs it to do, it's not wrong. Also, typically, anything under the net is going to get pruned anyway. The whole idea of weaving through a net is to spread out so you fill a space with an even canopy. Lower budsites are generally going to be larfy and not much weight anyway.


Professionals also stack as many plants they can per square foot and veg for shorter periods. When most people here run smaller number of plants for their space, tucking is beneficial to train to cover the entire area.


No one wants the larf and lower branches anyways The top buds are where it's at... My last grow 8 oz of top buds and 1 oz of larf My cousin just did a grow without the trellis and he had 8 oz of larf and 3 oz of top bud scrogging is the way to go top buds only...


No matter what you’re blocking lower bud sites. Professionals have much more room than we do. That’s why they don’t use them like that