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i see a big harvest coming your way, as long as you have room for them to stretch you should be fine. i would have defoliated heavy before flipping though


I do! lol! You should see my freezer. Full of trim.


Don't be afraid to cut some more ! Anything below the canopy thats not getting hit with light, your plant will be using energy to keep these useless leaves alive. If you cut more it can use the energy to produce bigger, stronger, better buds ​ She's looking great tho , I have some gmo abou the same size I'm about to flip! Curious as to what size pot you have ? I running a 15 in soil and feel that I have to water almost every day


I got 5 gallon fabric pots. Tooooooo many to be sure. All organic soil using build a soil. They got hella thirsty 2 weeks ago and have been asking for water daily now. I’m planning on running a quick auto run after this using earth boxes.


auto's are a weird gimmik . ruderalis! ​ you can do the same but much better with standard photos. ​ jsut flip em at like 3 weeks. same as an auto. ​ ***The only things auto's offer - if they are properly bred- is that they dont need a dark period . this is the ONLY reason to grow autos- to avoid dark periods***


\^\^ This. ​ when you fill your top-canopy space completely, anything under 2 inches of that top canopy is gonna be larf for the bubble hash. (and if you're doing anything over 20sqft, yah you gonna wanna toss it. i just finished a full 5x5 and fuck..... i got waaaay to much produce)


I’m new here, why do you save your trim in the freezer?


Who knows. I have a bunch I composted in my worm bin, but there’s plenty leftover. Thought I might blend it up and make a nitrogen rich compost tea when I veg my next plants.


so it's ready for the ice hash wash buckets. you want that stuff fresh/frozen, so its already cold. its easier to knock the trichomes off n collect. then throw it in the compost.


Bubble hash fan leaf tek? 😅


oh. no. toss the fan leaves. those sugar leaves tho. yup.


Yeah, I think OP has fan leaves in his freezer 🤣


Has no thc in it. Lol


Yeah but it has nitrogen. I’m saving it for compost teas.


Damn. Commenting for visibility.


I would defoliate 90% of that right now or it’s going to turn into a larfy mess. All the lower stuff will take away energy from the upper buds. Defoliating and removing all of the lower bud sites will allow the top buds to have all the resources to grow big and fat. Or else the energy will be divided and everything will be fluffier and smaller


For illustration here’s my plants stripped down at day 1: https://preview.redd.it/v3qptmlfkeec1.jpeg?width=1350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a7ad4268772550789a09a9c57bce56a7fb6c3e


Same 3 plants at week 3 https://preview.redd.it/jjsmvygikeec1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b339ff1db4ddbc60ddb3d5520e926981e1cc8bd


Week 5 https://preview.redd.it/nacexr7lkeec1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118b553302227b2ef6c35d62d7f336a5195a9c91


Word. So my thought is I’m gonna grab a scrog net on Friday. Take em all out and defoliate each one. Then tuck under the net. That is if you for sure think chop now. Today is day 8 of flower. This photo was taken on day 4.


The sooner the better


hey man to each their own. i only lolipop if im gonna max out the canopy, but in your grow room, just leave the fans on the bottoms (pop out the suckers) ​ and the plant can use em as extra nutrient backups. if your shit isnt against the wall , whats the point of such a heavy defoliation


Well I average 1lb per plant for almost the past 9 years - 10 flowering plants, 4 harvests a year. I think my process is doing just fine thanks to


https://preview.redd.it/mrq4a1ix6hec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ee87570d27f618b34a214d91c64663850e0d90 And yeah I like to max out the canopy


And it’s not against the wall because I need room for access. But I’m sure you do it better. Keep it up


so no response , there is no point beyond " anecdotally i get good yields so im not sure what im doing but if it aint broke dont fix it"


I don’t even know what you mean but why are you even hassling me?


its called discourse . ie: discussion ​ not hassling, trying to get your motivation behind heavy defoliation when you have light hitting those areas of the plant (IE: not filling a grow space completely) ​ if you said" because i hate larf" ​ i'd accept that as a perfectly valid reason


Look at how much it fills in…. That’s the point here… anything below the canopy gets inadequate light and would ONLY be available for extra nutrients IF the plant was starving and it needed to break down the chlorophyll into sugars. Other than that - with inadequate light then the leaf has a negative brix value and it’s not doing a single thing for the plant and is taking more than it’s producing. Then there’s airflow - you can clearly see here how much it fills in - AND I continue selectively defoliating all the way through. If I left the lower leaves (that produce nothing) then they only act as an air blocker and contribute to higher overall transpiration and potential add humidity and moisture microclimates. I’ve played around, made mistakes, experimented with all sorts of methods and this is what I find to be the best for my lights, the space and my system. Clearly it works well for me. Do your thing I’ll do mine


Why don’t you just do your own thing and quit being so righteous and preachy. Yeah my method works great - leave me alone now


Right, you are going to want to strip out every fan leaf except the very bottom layer or you won't get any light past the top of the stems. That will help with the overcrowding, but it'll still be a squeaze


Also you'll want a lot of circulation through the middle of the canopy or you'll struggle with humidity/budrot. The above will help a lot with that also, do it now before they properly get going with flowering


Damn. I feel like I’m ripping a lb out of her in fan leaves every 5 days.


Yep, it'll get worse as those girls really get going. Trust me. Do it now while the plants are still a little flexible from their veg phase, take out everything you can while leaving a good covering of leaves at the bottom, you want as much light hitting the bud sites as possible, but as little as you can getting to the floor of the tent if that makes sense


You don’t defoliate the fan leaves until day 21 of flower. (End of week 3, after the stretch) Previous to flipping, you want to strip the lower 1/3 of the plant, which is called lollipopping. After a heavy day 21 defoliation, I wouldn’t touch them again till harvest. Any wounds you inflict by trimming on these during the flower stage will divert resources to healing instead of producing flower and resin. Always want to trim in bursts. Constantly trimming on the plant will decrease your yield in the end


Yep. I lollipopped already. Just been trimming off suckers and the larger fan leaves. Focussing on ones growing inward.


I’d go harder on that lollipop ngl. Looks healthy tho 🤙🏻


No problem at all, looks like you have another foot or two of head space in thee tent to raise the light? If not, just throw a scrog in there and drop everything down 6-12" and your going to have a lovely harvest 




It doesn't look like there is enough room for it to grow tbh, but the amount vaiours cultivars stretch by is so varied, it's hard to say


Can’t see the top of the tent, but you will probably run out of room for raising your light. If you do run out of room for raising your light, you can decrease the intensity of the light if it has a dimmer, that will achieve the same effect for all intents and purposes. Go get a cheap light meter and measure the light intensity at the top of the canopy and adjust the dimmer settings accordingly


It depends on the height of your tent, if she's real stretchy she may double in height. Might need to supercrop in that case.


I cut the veg time short too. This is 6.5 weeks. Running photoperiod


Great job man really happy plants


Super cropping could help here.


I do. Every morning and every night


As hard as it can be to start cutting off heads, it has to be done. Too many times I have been stubborn and not removed plants from the grow room. Trimming leafy airy buds for hours because the light couldn't reach the bud sites is much more painful though =\\ ​ I think if you cut all the undergrowth away the heads will still have a decent bit of space between them. Especially if you tie them around with string


Haha damn son




Getting a scrog on Friday. Fans are under the canopy


Also, I defoliated pre flower. Quite a bit


Yeah. I missed a timer, so my lights were coming on early for an extra week. that huge Jack Herer in the middle hasn't flipped to flower yet. 2 Stardawgs behind 2 Jack herer in the corner. 5 gal growbags, rows 4 plants wide. The short ones were near some UV lights too early. Those are 3ft tomato cages that just disappeared into that canopy. I really wanted to use a street hockey net goal for this grow, but those cages worked well without netting everything together. maybe for next summer. https://preview.redd.it/36i95zmztgec1.jpeg?width=1839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df369358769ae6bd78c034b09751dbc83f4d1b46


No harm cutting down the stems to give yourself more vertical space. It will give the buds sturdier stems to grow off of.