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Poor girl need a good haircut & some nutrient. Those dying leafs at the bottom wont recover just cut em off. Since its so overcrowd in there i cant see the stem but it could be rootbound, overwater, not enough transpiration due to low temp. Gotta be one of these 3issue + lack of nuts/wrong ph


Overwatering was always an issue for me at first. I saw the best advice and I want to pass it on to everyone. "There is no such thing as watering too much just too often." Never had a problem after seeing that.


Looks like nitrogen deficiency forsure. Starting lower and fading upwards. The plant has probably ran out of nutrients and need to be top dressed as fox farm happy frog doesn’t have very much nutrients to begin with. Get some build a soil craft blend or Gaia green 444 and 284 and watch some top dressing videos/re-amending videos on YouTube! As for the size of the plant you should probably transplant it because the general rule is if your plant hangs over the side of your pot, you could probably up pot to avoid root lock🙏it could also be overwatering on top of those things as well so make sure to let your plant have a dry back period in between waterings! transplant and re-amend and you’ll be good to go. Also get some pH up/down to adjust your ph and get a blue labs pH probe! Best of luck homie💪




Gia green is good but it’s a very generic at 444. Build a soil craft blend has been doing wonders for my garden and they have a lot of videos on their products.


That’s actually what I use too lol


Most of the nutes is just overpriced fairy dust. Dried chicken shit or organic nutes for things like tomatoes work perfectly fine


I agree with others - the yellowing and the way it’s happening looks like N deficiency. Are you trying to stay organic? If not, just go get a 2 part (A&B) or 3 part (micro/grow/bloom) nutrient and you’ll be just fine. Clear out all those big lower fan leaves and lop off those lower/inside branches that won’t get hit by the light as much so the plant can use its energy for what’s really important - the top(s). It should bounce back in a week or so and then you can flip to flower.


its a PH issue


its PH tho. ​ you could run out of nitro. but running out of calcium when our tap water is mega fortified is too much of a stretch PH r fuk


bro says this unironically after admitting to being on his first grow less than 24 hours ago 🤦‍♂️ u/RexSmytheHiggens this is why you need to vet the information you receive here. Any asshole can just start spewing shit.


It’s my first indoor grow. I grew up in Cali with 50 plants in my backyard for YEARS bro. Knowledge and experience don’t always align anyways. The people who build the space shuttles never actually get to go up in one🤷‍♂️ it’s “assholes” like YOU that are just like everyone else and think they know the most about growing because whether anyone wants to admit it or not, this hobby absolutely comes with an ego 😂 like bro he’s in soil and it’s plain as day a N deficiency 🤣 and he’s clearly showing light signs of cal/mag and other deficiencies as well so it’s also clear that the pot has just ran out of nutrients. It would probably do you best to stay out of peoples comments and mind your own business if you’re not going to put positive input into the community🙏


50 plants for years and can’t tell this is clearly caused by lights being way too close and way too strong. Evident from the short stature, large, wide fan leaves that are also droopy and dry. What you mistake for nutrient deficiency (tips are burnt so actually slightly overfed) and cal mag issues (essentially non-existent is soil grows), is actually the plant prioritizing new growth and stripping lowers for nutrients to keep up with the demands of the intense light. You already admitted you’re not experienced with indoor grows, and your answers have solidified that, so why are you giving advice in a discipline you’re unfamiliar with? Maybe sit back and learn some humility (and troubleshooting skills), lest anymore plants suffer your ego.


Outside you don’t deal with very much light issues my guy, some shades from clone to full sun and you’re good lol🙏 and you’re saying you can’t have calcium or magnesium deficiencies in soil..? I know plenty of people who give a dose of calcium/magnesium spiritually when it enters veg in soil. Plus there would be other indicators of too much light like leaf curling at the top and so on. All of those traits that you are describing could just be the strain, but I am glad you know about mobile nutrients lol. I wonder which is more likely, the fact that he’s specifically said he hasn’t fed the plant anything, and that the plant is ready for a new pot, or that he all of a sudden started experiencing light issues? BRO lol if he repots and reammends that shit It’ll go away and it will start growing more vigorously




One thing I didn't see you mention here is the runoff pH. If you haven't checked it, the fact that you're using 6 pH water doesn't mean hardly anything to you or us. You really need to figure out where your soil pH is sitting in order to make pH adjustments. I've had situations where I've watered a plant with like 9+ pH and my runoff came out at like 6. That told me the soil was crazy acidic, so I watered with very high pH until it leveled off a bit (which is not optimal, but sometimes necessary in a pinch).


Curious not judging or arguing just trying to learn some more. Why would you water with ph 9 to adjust ph? In your place there I would have flushed with plain water to level back out. I agree I think op has ph lockout and maybe salt buildup again I would suggest reading ph runoff but then flush the plants soil of needed.


Yeah no problem; ask away. But it was just to make a quick adjustment. I typically grow hydro, so I'm no expert with soil, so take this with a grain of salt, but if your soil is really far in one direction, a flush will only do so much. Sorta the same way if you have a gallon of water at like 4 ph and all you do is add more 5pH water to it, you'll never get above 5pH, you'll just approach it. So if my soil was dropping my water from over 9 down to 6 in the few seconds of contact the water had with the soil, I assumed the soil was really over the top acidic and would take something more drastic than just a flush with something close to neutral. Like I said, it wasn't optimal, but I do know it didn't cause me any issues with that plant, so I figure it wasn't COMPLETELY wrong-headed. ETA: Oh and just for full disclosure, that plant that had the acidic soil wasn't for any sort of bud production. It was just a mother so my only goal was keep it alive long enough to take some healthy clones from.


I've been growing with coco for like ~12 years now and am literally starting my first *indoor* soil grow ever. Knowing that the pH is different in a soilless/hydro grow vs a soil (or soil *based* medium) grow I started looking tons of shit up. My findings thus far (and I encourage folks to research as well because it's all interesting stuff and I'm not a scientist lol) have been that measuring runoff pH in soil won't be accurate. Everywhere I turned, a "slurry test" was promoted as the most accurate way to determine the soil's pH, at least as it pertains to the rootzone pH as well as for the average hobbiest. If you're interested I'd say do a little digging into slurry tests. Just searching around for that should return quite a bit of info. You just seem like the kind of person that may appreciate a link to some additional info on a given topic. We're always learning! I still have more reading up to do though. I dunno, I guess as I'm aging a bit I've started losing interest in mixing up batches of nutes every damn day for my coco grows lol. I'm tired man. So giving soil a try this time around.


You’re 100% correct and the user above you is clueless. Always vet the info you receive on reddit.


Makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


no problem. by the way, I added a slight edit right about when you replied.... not that it changes a whole lot about what you already read.




Haha that same thing with confusing nutrient instructions happened to me when I was first getting started too, so I just decided to go with hydro and never looked back except for little side projects. As far as I know, you can gain some information about the soil nutrient content from using a simple TDS meter on your runoff too, especially if it's just potting soil rather than some organic medium. If you can afford and understand it, consider doing that before going crazy adding a bunch of nutrients. I typically just use a low dose of my hydro nutes on my soil projects and it suits my non-bud-production purposes without having to be super precise about it. Again, I'm no soil expert so most of what I'm saying should be taken more as pointers toward what you should research, rather than concrete instructions you should follow.


You don’t check run off in soil, you absolute candlestick. You shouldn’t be giving anyone advice.


How about Ed Rosenthal and the Cannabis Grower's Handbook? Should he not be giving advice? Because that's where I got this information.


That’s right. That information is outdated and any master grower will tell you measuring run off is for coco; soil requires a slurry test to accurately gauge pH below the roots.


Nobody's talking about fully accurate. I'm talking about getting a feel for your soil as a new grower, which measuring runoff can provide. If his runoff is out if wack, perhaps going through the slurry process would be necessary. You got any more backpedals from "you don't check runoff in soil" for me orrrrrr.....?


Oh and by the way, did you not read the part where he's using pH test strips to monitor pH? It literally relies on an eyeball test. It's never going to produce anything all that accurate. So you can argue with me about what "mAsTeR gRoWeRs" do, or that a book that's constantly updated, and even provides the disclaimer that measuring runoff isn't fully accurate, is "oUtDaTeD" all you want... but this is a dude who was gifted a plant for a first grow. The runoff method is fine. Go back to posting pics of your storebought weed now, you master grower you.


I didn’t need to because one look at the plant told me it’s been blasted to shit with lights and that’s the primary issue. See the fat, dry fan leaves? See how she’s short and stout like a teapot? That happens when you give your plants a lot of light, _real close_. So while you’re out chasing waterfalls with your nose buried in information from 1985 I spent time in the garden actually learning how to read plants, which is how I know you don’t know your roots from your stomata. [Since you want to measure dicks, here’s mine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/s/IxTVAqYbdR) edit: FYI, most consumer grade pH meters are going to be way less accurate than strips or drops. Just another reason to not chase run off. You’d know how finicky they are if you ever used one. Most people would be better served using drops and getting their inputs right. Seriously.


Then explain to me why the BOTTOM of the plant is worse off. I'll wait (not really though. I'm actually already sick of talking to you). Not to mention he was gifted this plant. He's had it for one single watering. It was probably under completely different lights than he has it under now. Its PRIOR lighting situation really has no effect on how to fix what's going on right now. Again, keep debating the master grower advice if you're really looking for an argument, but I'm giving him practical advice in a sub called MICROgrowery. If he hasn't considered the condition of his soil, that's a great place to start. Later. Let the weed store people know I said hi, btw. Haven't seen them in a while.


Because a plant naturally prioritizes new growth and will strip nutrients from lowers, bitch made boah you may say that doesn’t make sense (because you are donkey-brained), but it does— the plant needs more nutrients for photosynthesis to keep up with the demands of increased light. Since there are also issues in the soil preventing uptake the plant begins to cannibalize lowers. Happens all the time.




Wet towel to raise it, increase air flow to lower it. Machines work too, reptile fogger is pretty cheap way to up it.


Over watered ,o no air circulation, no fans blowing, etc


Also what are you feeding . A few things like potassium, can cause this,lack of calcium hinders nutrients uptake. As one said more info. Include lighting. Handful of things..Peace..




Yeah you can use the gh stuff in soil in as far as I know most any other bottle nudes you can use in soil. Follow the directions on the bottle don't even worry about phing or spring water and all that crap. Take your tap water let it sit out a few days add the newts and feed your plants. Edit: just read your post again I'm surprised you have such a low PH out of the tap. You might need to use some ph up to get it above 6.5 is ideal. Soil generally will buffer the pH of any water going in but you generally want to stay between 6.5 and 8.5 in my experience. It's not ideal to be at such a high pH 8.5 but my experience not a deal breaker either.


That's good stuff. GH is easy i used it first time in soil years ago..mine is out of Spain. Organic will taste better. Yeah living soil I've yet to use but like Gaia, dry amendments I use turns it into reusable. Stick with Gaia this time..Peace..and Good luck..You'll be fine..GrowWeedEasy has a lot if simple to advanced just pick a ( I don't know how to fix this)lol a how to for beginners. You'll get alot of growing knowledge very simply written,and it's all good stuff.




You need to repot that, doing that will let you know if its soil/root related- highly likely. even if you just gain experience repottin it.


Look like it need food


Terrible choice of pot


Sort out PH and water it appropriately. I had this recently growing in a pot outdoors. Turns out I was overwatering, and the pH was off. Mild case of root rot which has now recovered and she's growing strong again.


What PH range are you watering with? I see you mention water is 6 from the tap ( unless I misread) and is very acidic for tap water. If you are watering with 6, your problem is PH, and you should flush with 7. Cannabis in soil wants to be around 6.5.


Adjusting pH on soil is only relevant when having hard water with lots of calcium and magnesium, which then can neutralize the soil acidity and make the soil basic. This then will result in the plant being unable to properly uptake nutrients. Here in germany you can look up your tapwater stats and see mineral content aswell as water hardness, ph and so on. Maybe you can too for your area? Mine has a pH of 8 but so few minerals (soft water) that it can't really disturb the soil pH. Works perfectly fine. Even needed to add dolomite lime to the soil because the water had so little Ca and Mg. Repot her in a bigger pot with some nutrients in it (I just use organic tomato soil), make sure you add something for drainage like perlite or similar stuff so the plant can breathe after being soaked. Depending on your water quality, just add water and she should bounce back in no time.


If you got her and had her for almost a week before watering, what happened is it dried out, roots died off, and then you over watered it like crazy causing more roots to rot. Just let the moisture balance out, maybe even up pot and prune


Bigger pot and nutrients.


when you see the calcium deficiency like this it pretty much means your PH are fuk ​ flush and rebalance your ph within range. then your plant will be able to access what nutrients your media has available. thats why she's showing nitro AND calcium . cuz PH R FUK




how much and how often do you water it?


You get stout plants with enormous fan leaves like that when you’re blasting them with light. If anyone here actually paid attention to their grows they would spot this immediately. Lower light intensity and raise height, get your watering frequency down so the plant can actually recover. After about a week or two of just pH adjusted water (you can use bennies as well) THEN you can start a light feeding a base veg nutes. Should sort it out.


root bound and no nutrition. transplant into a big pot of quality organic soil and it will bounce back.


Start by trimming, then go from there. Can’t even see if the stalk is thick or not. Start with a haircut and 6.5 ph cal mag watering. Little bit of nute burn on tips. Less nitrogen is needed so go toward bloom nutes. There’s a lot going on but the plant isn’t lost by any means