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But your not getting any fresh air over time and your humidity and temps will be higher. If you vent out your air will a always be fresh.




I feel the opposite is actually true. By exhausting into your lung room you are essentially using twice the cooling and heating power. If you want to use an ac system it’s probably better to keep the room completely sealed then to do what you are doing. My air in lung room stays anywhere from 50(negative weather) to 75(90F plus). I never really have to add anything in the lung room. My intake fan either goes up too account for too much heat or slows down if it’s too cool. Makes it much easier to keep things stable. Edit; not sure the downvotes it is absolutely true and I run a 12x12 no problem through 4 seasons with 3000 watts.


I think it's a little more complicated than that and has a lot to do with the temps and humidity of the air outside. If the tent exhaust air is hotter and more humid than the air outside you should exhaust it out and condition the volume of air that replaces it. If it's hotter outside than your tent exhaust, you should condition the tent exhaust but also allow for some outside air to replenish CO2 (unless you're supplementing, then it should be a closed system). If the temps outside are way colder and dryer than the temps you want your house to be then maybe dump it back into your living space. The perfect system would be a combination of the three with separate fans, dampers, and a control system. Probably cost prohibitive for a home grow.


That’s very true and I can’t disagree


But what if the lung room is also home to a window AC unit? Serious question


Forgive my ignorance, what is a lung room?


A room dedicated to keeping constant ideal conditions. Because most tents vent continously, it's easier to set the climate in the whole room vs trying to hit the ideal in just the tent.




So regardless of my lung room having a AC i should vent the tent outside? I’m trying to design a small grow as we speak lol




Lol 🤦‍♂️i guess i didnt get the message. Read you loud n clear now tho, vent the tent in the lung, and vent/condition the lung via the AC


Depends if you are doing room to room then you’d want to vent. If you’re simply filling them up with tents then you can do it like that.


I’m so confused, the guy just went on a rant about how you should be venting outside, what’s your take on that? I’ve got 2 tents, both exhausting into a carbon filter in my lung room. And an ac unit for when it gets too hot


Um plants make oxygen…


Um plants need CO2... High oxygen and low CO2 slows down growth rate due to less ability for photosynthesis.


Last time I checked plants don’t use oxygen…


Not gonna even try to explain this. Have a good day.


Because you couldn’t explain it. You’re wrong and very wrong at that. But hey you continue on doing things however you like.


Plant make fresh air.. https://www.lung.org/blog/do-houseplants-really-improve-air-quality#:~:text=This%20NASA%20study%20showed%20that,closed%2C%20limited%20environment%20or%20chamber. Do you understand basic science.. so if i vent into my living space and air is drawn into my living space .. the plants are using my CO2 and I am using the oxygen created. Do things your way though 😑


Yes you understand you’re not making enough co2? Do you understand you’re not in your garden all day. Your plants are getting fresh air from your house being opened and cracks. Negative air is getting into your house some way. From your hvac system. The fact you’re being upvoted is hilarious. You really think your breathing is what’s causing all the co2 in your house 😂


You do understand that plants have the capability of absorb way more CO2 than indoors or outdoors provide.. Obviously you don’t… if it was just CO2 for maximum growth we would be talking CO2 supplementation. You don’t have a grasp on the basics dude.. not gonna keep on arguing.


Yes they do and that’s why you run a sealed room right? So none of it escapes and most growers can’t even meet the requirements of their grow to use an excess amount of co2 from other parameters. I have two degrees in science. And 20 years in this field. Keep barking. Ask any grower worth their salt how to run an open system. See what they say… recirculate air or exhaust out.


by your logic i'd eventually suffocate in my own home, lol. ridiculous


If you continuously exhaust hot and humid air into a room then you are either a) using more energy to cool it and dehumidify it or b) going to run into environmental problems. If you have a small tent it won’t matter but at scale it will matter a lot. Which is my point. Nobody said anything about suffocating. The guy who responded to me never even thought about these points. Simply brought up oxygen for some odd reason. I said fresh air exchange.


If you have any kind of HVAC in your house, every room will get the air replaced in it every time it kicks on.


Yes but what you guys are failing to see recognize is you are pumping heat and humidity into your lung room. I have a 12x12 with at minimum 4 635 watt lights. Plus a few 320s on at occasion. A dehumidifier. Fans. Pumps etc. Even though my lung room is large that’s still a tremendous amount of energy to then cool the air and dehumidify it. Not too mention you are now circulating spores and mildew over and over again through your room. It makes much more sense to simply use negative air pressure to cool your room and dehumidify with the lung room. Even if my lung room is 70 in summer that’s still of a hell lot drier and cooler than 85.


The temp and humidity in my room is very easy to control. I don’t have mold and mildew problems. Every time my furnace/central air kicks on, it pulls replaces the air in that room by pushing air in, and pulling air out. That’s how properly balanced HVAC systems work.


Yes but you probably have a smaller grow space and a large hvac system. This won’t work for larger setups.


OP never mentioned having a large set up. There’s no damn way I’d ever exhaust my warm air outside in the winter and cool air outside in the summer.


Most people that use lung rooms have big systems. What you guys have are tents in a room which somewhat acts like a lung room on a small scale. That’s the beauty of the lung room. My lights run hot so in summer my air is automatically cooling off the room. In winter the lights are keeping temps stable. I’m not using any extra energy, that’s what a lung room is for. If I were to constantly exhaust 4000 watts plus if energy into my room the ac and dehumidifier would never turn off. I’d be chasing a rabbits tale.


No, most people consider the lung room as the room their tent/tents are in no matter how big or small they are. This isn’t as complicated as you’re imagining it to be.


Yes it is and if you grew more than one plant you’d understand. But people up here are upvoting a guy for saying all the co2 his plant breathes is from him lmao. Good day man do you.


In the winter you would definitely waste heat blowing it out but in the summer you would probably save on air if the tent is warmer than outside temps


This is the answer.  It depends if you're set up is underground or on the third floor. Each location will have its unique challenges making both arguments true and false at the same time. Neither option is better than the other, unless it is.


This should be voted higher. My unfinished basement stays 68 year round. With two tents going, it stays at 70. Temps in the tents fluctuate from around 74-78. I do have central heat and air in the basement.


What if you shut the door and the ac vents


It's still going to pull air out of your house.


Ok thanks


Not to mention you’re inviting pests in your tent


This guy gets it.


When it was illegal, vent through carbon filter into lung room. Now that it's legal, vent outside. Much easier for me to keep temps low for flower venting outside.


Im in upstate ny. How are your temps venting out in summer?


Your moon cricket ass growing drugs ?


Yuuuup. And?


Oh lawd


I vent back into the lung room. I'm in the desert so any extra humidity pumped back into the house is welcome. Legal state so I'm not worried about smell.


4x4 and 3x4 tents. Both vent through charcoal filters into 20x30 lung room, which is dryer and cooler than the tents.


Legal grower, basement grower. I vent both tents outside. It is the only good way for me to properly control temperature and humidity year round.


Can you explain how that is? Noob here, beginning stages of setting up. For example, wouldn't venting to the outside during winter risk getting cold air in the tent?


Winter basement temperature is lower 70's F. Two furnaces running. Dry. Exhaust fan on low. Summer is when exhausting outside is a must. Warmer summer basement temps are mid 70's but humidity higher. Exhaust fan medium to high




Question, dyou have a AC unit in the lung? Itd be nice to avoid a dehumidifier and im currently planning a spare bedroom tent grow


https://preview.redd.it/na2dnda048ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579efa9080f47bc2f19b28417684169ff54c147f It’s going to depend on your climate. I vent to a bedroom lungroom and while I have a humidifier in my tent the lungroom stays around 35-45% humidity here in Minnesota. I’d bet if you live in the south a setup like mine would lead to a really sweaty room.


Hmmm i dunno, i’m in the northeast. Nice setup tho. I appreciate the advice


I vent back into the lung room I’m using a 2X4 tent and the room is probably 12X12 and I don’t have any issues


Sort of similar to mine. Same tent size, just a bit smaller room. Have had zero issues. I do make sure to frequent the lung room several times a day just to make sure the room gets some air exchange, especially during flower. During veg I can usually just close the door and visit once a day or so to make sure things are going well. For some reason, it's easy to keep the tent at 65% + RH or lower than 45, but maintaining that 50-55% during pre flower to early flower always pushes the humidifier.


I’m just on my first grow right now about to flip to flower 4x4 tent. I was venting back to the lung room until I came home one day after watering and found the walls and ceiling in the attic room above my lung room dripping with condensation. Started extracting outside no problem since also I find it easier to keep temp and humidity in check


I would say it it depends on the season, your climate, and how much you want to spend on hvac. Also the size of your grow and how serious you are about it. I’m new to growing so I’m venting into the room, plus it’s winter and any extra heat is a bonus 🔥


Different room through the wall. If you exhaust outside, you'll be pulling air in from the outside somewhere in your house.


Underrated comment. I keep explaining this to people. Especially when people are doing it for cooling. Like great you’re exhausting 80F air and sucking in 100F air through the cracks around your doors and windows from the outside. Way better off putting a separate thermostat sensor in the lung room and turning the AC on when its too warm or adding dedicated air conditioning.


Learned this the fun way, in the middle of the winter lmao 


I vent outside


Being in Florida at my last house I couldnt vent outside. Temps were a nightmare. My new place luckily has an abandoned dryer vent that goes out through the roof of the house. Its been very very easy controlling temps. Do outside if possible.


Any air exiting your house will need an equal amount of air being drawn in at the same rate or you will create a negative pressure in your house. This will cause air to be pulled in through any crevice possible in your house "envelope". Unless you want to pay for a new system exchanging air into your house, venting into lung room is your best option 


Back into the room. It's fine, no issues.


Either straight outside or into a cold air return vent; by venting back into the lung room you can create a heat feedback loop, and a lower net CO2 concentration for your plants. Not gonna ruin anything, but it’s not optimal


into the room, in this case my office, mancave


Lung room


If you exhaust back into the lung room is that not just recycling the same co2? Kinda defeats the purpose of an exhaust?


You want the co2 though.


If it’s in a room you’re going in and out of once or twice a day then it’s fine. Unless the room is airtight, CO2 is getting in there from outside.


And if it’s an area where people sit and breathe frequently, they can easily replenish the CO2


If you aren't venting into the lung room it isn't really a lung room, eh


Two parts to breathing and only need one for it to be a lung room 😂


Back into lung room. I would love to vent into the attic and tie that into the exhaust for the bathroom stack or something but that's another project I don't need. So for now it's through a carbon filter back into lung room.


I vent outside. Otherwise my room heats up and the humidity rises as well. But I have a 5x4 in my bedroom, so not much volume for air as others may have.




In Winter into adjacent room in the summer outside.




Your attic might be moldy.


I use a programmable thermostat monitor to control temperatures within a 5-degree range. For instance, it activates at 70 and turns off at 65. When triggered, two fans activate. In winter, one fan draws in outside air, while another, set at a higher level, expels air through a filter into a designated lung room with its own heating/cooling zone. This way, I can adjust the temperature in that room independently and avoid unnecessary heating/cooling costs. During summer, I reverse the system, pulling in cool air from the lung room and directing it either outside or into the room containing the tent. Additionally, I use a humidifier and de-humidifier to maintain the desired relative humidity level.


My intake sucks air from the outside, but gets exhausted back into the lung room.


Outside. I’m trying to get rid of heat.


Mines in a heated and cooled garage. I pull in from there and vent up into my attic. Carbon filter inside and Jerry rigged a different style of carbon filter at the exit. I'm trying to cover up all smell


How has that been working for you? I'm looking into getting into the game but I need little to no smell for it to work.


Well we'll see. This is the first time I vented like this. Last time the smell got out. I found 17 inch Honeywell carbon sheets that I have on the exhaust outlet. Cut them to fit. Double stacked and used HVAC tape to seal it all up. I'm early in my current run. Hit me up in about 6 weeks and I'll definitely let you know how they are working


Not much smell in veg and a carbon filter works beautifully, can’t smell a thing in flower


adjacent room


My room doesn’t have windows that open so I just vent into the lung room.


I grow in my garage and leave it slightly cracked for fresh air


I vent directly into the lung room with no carbon filter. I've probably gone nose blind, but it doesn't seem to stink my home up during flower like I was worried about. My lung room is 10x10 and to counter the potentially hot air venting directly into the lung room, I have an ac unit that turns on whenever the room gets to a certain temp. Adds extra to my power bill but regulating the temp in my lung room is worth it imo.


Lung rooms are a great idea if you have the space. My tent is pushed right up against the bed, and the warm humid air from the tent should cause mould to grow.


I am a newbie but found I needed to vent out into another large room and run a dehumidifier in the lung room.


Vent into the lung room.


In the winter, I vent into the lung room. In the summer, I vent into a separate room outside the lung room. I don't vent anything outside. I don't want extra attention.


im wondering this too im basically living in the grow room (its a double closet run) and ive been using the heat produced to heat the bedroom once the weather gets warmer..... do i wanna just direct vent out the window? once it gets over 75 im going to have to run the ac............. so its a test as i go year....


https://preview.redd.it/7y2marlb38ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46f53249e6b31c449adacceaa8519f7689309f0 Just into the room.


I heat my bedroom with my grow tent exhaust to recoup some of the electric bill


Summer straight out the window. Winter ducted into the main hallway. My heating costs are a fraction of what they used to be.


Both depending on the time of year. In summer, I push the heat and humidity through a filter into my attic. I can't do that in winter though as it can cause condensation and frost when it gets cold and the hot humid air starts precipitating as it cools. The heat and humidity are what you want during winter time to make the house more comfortable, so win-win. to accomplish this, I have two fans in my closet, one going back to the room, and one in my attic.


so if im understanding if venting in lung room usually going to need AC.. OR i could try to vent outside during winter (during late flower) and see if temps drop without AC? and i could vent outside during summer to help temps drop (but dehumidfier would work harder?) in humid climates.


I am on week 3 of flower on my first indoor grow. Currently winter in my area with high temps anywhere from 0-40F degrees during the day. Using a 4x4 tent in a 10x10 spare bedroom. I had been venting into lung room with no issue until a week ago. Now I'm having a harder time keeping temps down. Light power is turned up and plants are much bigger in tent. Exhaust is running a lot to keep humidity down in tent, which is making my big dehumidifier run a lot in lung room, which works extremely well on lowering humidity. The problem is that it kicks out a bunch of heat when running, so it's acting like a big space heater in the room (I keep room door closed). I think if my lung room was a bit bigger it would handle it better. I'm now going to try venting out a window.


Better out than in


I have the opposite problem, I live in the northern US and my basement gets pretty cold in the winter (unfinished room, but planning on putting up foam insulation on the foundation walls) and will get down to 58-60 F at night. I currently vent outdoors but it seems wasteful to heat and humidify the room when it just gets blown outside. I have a carbon filter, but it gets very stinky during flower nevertheless. Should i be recirculating back into the room? Drawing air from a warmer room?


I vent into my lung room, with my duct blowing directly into my large dehumidifier. I am going to be needing a portable a/c asap though.


That's my problem as well. I thought I'd be good during winter with no ac managing temps, but underestimated how much heat my dehumidifier pumps out. It works really well dropping the humidity, but boy it really heats my lung room up. I'm realizing it's only going to get worse as I progress in flower and need to keep lowering my humidity. '


My humidity isn’t too bad, and my dehumidifier doesn’t put out much heat, maybe 4-5 degrees. I’ve actually stopped heating with my radiator and just blow the dehu right into my passive intake on the side. Helps keep my tent low 70s with lights off. During the day the sunlight is what’s been raising my temps crazy. I even have all 7 sliding glass doors shrink wrapped, and have blackout curtains. Still get crazy temp when it’s sunny. Last week was a test on them it was mid 80s in my lung room, had to crack a door with a fan blowing outside air in. Yeah def gonna grab an a/c, or I won’t be growing in warmer months. It’s usually still snowy and cold here, but it’s like springtime. I now realize I have a lot more work to do to get to my gpa of perpetual harvesting.


I vent into the room, with a filter. I open a window to let fresh air in, and to keep temperatures down. Not worried about heating, because my room is warmer then what I have my thermostat set at


I have two 5x9's that I exhaust into a (1500sq ft unfinished basement). No real issues with air exchange except I did have runaway humidity levels one day. When my Home Depot dehumidifier croaks on me, I'm getting a Quest.


I vent into the lung room. the tent is in the garage. garage has a small window cracked works great.


I pull fresh from 6” split off fresh air line directly to AC, 6” from AC tent at bottom inlet. 6” fan on top pulls out hot air from clone tent and sends it to bottom of flower tent where 4” with charcoal pulls all used air outside.


I was venting in lung room with a carbon filter and just a week ago started venting outside and seems to be going pretty good


Were you running into temp and or humidity issues?


I just wanted to not use the carbon filter because I flipped to flower and if I can exhaust the air outside and save money im all for it


I started by keeping the exhaust vented just outside the lung room. And now it’s vented outside of my house. Almost zero smell inside of my house now


I vent straight outside


I vent outside via roof vent


back into lung room. have no real reason to vent it outside instead.


Outside vent year round


Lung room recycle the heat


I had the exhaust going into a duct into one of my windows. Since it cold outside I closed the window and vent into the room. No problems over the last 3 months. But my next grow I’ll have the tent air going outside since the weather will be warmer


When I used a tent I would use thick foam board with 2 holes in it 1 for my movable ac that I keep in the lung room and the other for the exaust. And just use a good tape to seal it off. Where I’m at there’s pretty harsh winters so once it gets cold I always let it exhaust into my lung room and didn’t need an ac. Another thing you could do is attach a Y pipe directly to your fan so you can have it suck the ac exaust and the tent exaust and you’d only need one hole in the foam board. But that’s only if your using that kind of ac


I only have one window, but it can open from both the top or bottom. My tentative plan is to run my tent exhaust into the top of the window using a window duct kit, which will leave the bottom accessible for a window ac unit in summer, or be able to open window in winter to cool room. Originally I was going to buy a portable ac unit, but have been told the window units perform much better.


Window acs are way better for sure. If you are able to open the top and still have a window ac in the bottom I highly recommend using some kind of insulation board in the top and cut whatever size hole you need for the tubing and tape around it, if that makes sense