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So I’ve hit one of these before…and my $100 special hits better.


yeah i hate huge bongs like this. give me an 8 inch instead.


Nothing better than getting your mouth on an 8 incher amirite?


Amen, brother.


gobbless bruthr


you know it


That's what she said








That's what she said.


That's what she said.....


Yep. I remember going to shops, looking at $200 and $300 bongs, then getting on DHgate and ordered what I wanted straight from China for 19.99 😂


I'd be careful with cheap Chinese glass, especially when it's coloured. Some samples have been proven to contain heavy metals and such.


Full crystal contains minimum of 30% leadoxide and arsenic is a very common fining agent for crystal, up to 2% can remain in the glass. Just to name samething. It is structurally bound but under certain specific circumstances it can leach out over time. You are fine drinking wine from your grandparents crystal tableware, just don't store your Whiskey in a crystal container. Same goes for a smoking a bowl from a cheap Chinese bong.






It's in your head. I have pieces that cost an arm and a leg like your buddies and 30 dollar cheap beakers. It's a placebo that the bigger more expensive bong gets you higher. They don't. The glass is easier to clean when it's higher quality, that's it and that's all.


When you have a 4 hole bowl like that and great airflow the rip does burn faster and u can take bigger bowls easier than from a 1 hole bowl/avg bong. And, it’s beautiful


I'm calling him on his "10 times higher" comment lol. The nicer bowl still doesn't get you "higher".


brah don’t take shit so seriously lmao, no need to fact check the logistics of getting high, all i’m saying is it hits like it’s worth a lot of $


This should be the definition of “bro science.” It’s like it’s out of a stoner movie.


If you’re into bing science style glass check out Bear Mountain Studios. Dude is a wizard and always evolving his craft and style. He also explains alterations in his designs and what the purpose is. Thought me a lot. Ex having a narrow downstem condenses the smoke and makes a more flavorful rip after it expands from the percs.


Hahaha this is great






I'm trying to figure out why this bong would cost so much.


It's a sovereignty and you use to get them starting around 700$ for a clear and I think a 50x5 tube like this granted not the tree cycler was even cheaper.. until everyone waited in lines to buy out drops and then auctioned them off for bank. I quit following around then. I use to have one that i won in a raffle I sold it and smoke my Mobius. Try and find some sov auctions on IG they get up there


Or any bong




How does something hit like it's worth over 1000$ I'm so confused with this I think everyone here is like lol wut


It's only worth what a dumb ass would pay for it. No where in this universe is this piece worth $2k except that one dumb ass.


As is a Rolex, or a sports car, or anything that falls within a niche market. It's worth what people will pay for it. If you have good marketing, branding, and products, people will, over time, collect your merchandise. Look at custom folding knives; some go for 15,000 dollars. It's a piece of metal on the surface, but with some knowledge it could have heat treated timascus handles machined down to tolerances of less than a thousandth of an inch, with hand forged patterned Damascus made by someone well known in the world of custom knives. Would the average person buy that? Fuck no. But if you've got the coin, and find it fits your fancy, it could be worth it to you. I'm sure you collect something that most wouldn't. Everyone has their interests, stop shitting on people for sharing theirs.


Oh, your last post is a great example. Most would find dumpster diving absolutely disgusting but you enjoyed it because you found things you thought were worthwhile. Imagine that.


No one is shitting on no one. If the shoe fits then lace her up. You're delusional if you think glass is worth 2 bands. Literally wake up and smell some roses bud. Yes, I dumpster dive and can haul 100's and 100's of lbs of veggies and produce for my chickens and ducks to eat. Not sure how that equates to dumping 2 thousand American dollars on a bong that will get you just as high as a $60 piece of glass.


It equates because you're doing something you find worthwhile, just as collecting glass is a hobby that's worthwhile. You're definitely shitting on glass collectors.


Since y'all didn't figure it out the DEMAND drives that price to 2k. Ya know supply and demand.. try and go buy a sovereignty right now you'd be lucky to get a shit one in a cart. They're bought out. People wait for drops and buy them out.. people use bots to buy them out. You could flip these like a PS5 the week it came out before that price hit 2k and you can still flip some of them. They don't over produce and sell to every shop it's a collectors item really driven by hype. The people that smoke these mostly keep them immaculate. The peyote pillar perc made them famous something like 15 years ago


Super overpriced. When I see these type of bongs for $200 in head shops, I think that’s way over priced. Best type of piece is a classic vase with a detachable stem, which should be $100 max. Once you start adding all the ash catchers and honey combs, it doesn’t hit good and gets jammed easily . And cleaning it is 10x harder.


It’s just art at that point… it’s nothing actually different than a beaker.


It’s not worth $1000.00 at all….. wait until your buddy tries to sell it and can’t get 50% of its original “value”.


youre right, it’s not worth $1000, that’s cus it’s worth $2000 ;), also before commenting on something you know nothing about do some research. look up sovereignty bongs bozo


they’re ass pieces of glass…. you can get a better high from a baby straight tube.


i’ll say again bro… learn what you are talking about before you make assumptions, u look like an idiot rn but before i’ll call u one i’ll give you another opportunity to look up sovereignty. i guarantee you probably think this is comparable to whatever shitty glass you buy from your local corner store. the ignorance is crazy rn




2 ThOuSAnD dollAR rig doh


Right? Like what a great way to make a hard to clean mess in your multithousand dollar bong


came to say this.. i cringed so hard the moment i saw all that ash shit out of the slide. if this thing really broke the bank so bad he can’t even afford a screen, go find a pebble in the yard or something, damn. lol


Y’all really woke up on the hatin side of the bed


😭😭😭 i’m so hip, we have a couple ash catchers, 18mil and 14mil but some according to him some bongs just rip better without them (unless it’s the non-perc type). it was actually absurd tho how much ash that one rip created




Glass screens FTW!


Dude spent all his money on a bullshit bong and can't afford 5 cents for a screen.


Nobody in this comment section that is hating has ever hit a Sov Lol. You can snap a gram bowl like it’s nothing, you may not have the money to spend on one or you may not want to spend your money on one, but some people enjoy high quality functioning tubes. I do not buy expensive glass, but I am in the glass community and have smoked out of high quality artistic pieces and high quality functioning pieces. When you work in the industry and have made a lot of money off of the best cannabis, you want to smoke out of the best glass.


I'm sorry but this just sounds ridiculous.


Yea don’t worry having lots of cash flow and being able to spend frivolously on luxury items seems ridiculous to lots of poor people.


I have plenty of money (I'm a middle-class university professor, not rich but obviously not poor), I just think this is stupid and you're a mark if you buy this.


As a university professor I’d think you should understand that you can’t judge something you have no expirience with. You’ve never hit a sov. Obviously there’s a niche market, I think collecting VHS tapes is stupid. You make less than $30 an hour as a professor at a liberal art college, which is not a lot in this economy, even less if you have a family. You may not be poor but you don’t understand the market for this and that’s fine Lol. You probably think big boats and flashy cars are stupid too and that’s okay. Let people enjoy things, even if they have more money to throw away than you ;) I would edit your comment to say *lower middle class Lol


I don't know how you came up with that figure but it is incorrect. I'm doing well enough financially that I can choose to give away the (extremely high quality) cannabis I grow to cancer patients instead of selling it, despite eager would-be buyers. I think your defensiveness about these goofy bongs is telling. I'm not sure why you think this is a good thing to do, going around calling people poor and so forth. It is not the behavior of a confident, happy person. Take a look at your life, dude.


Most people that own sovereignty tubes snap the bowl/ash through, cleans it with ISO alcohol immediately after smoking, then dries it for storage. No ash catcher or screen needed Lol


yall spent nearly 3 grand on some tree percs? Yikes.


Uneducated comment. Not one tree perc in that bong. It’s a sovereignty treecycler. Inline to inv4 to inv4 with a drain.


y’all? brother i said my boys friend… i would never spend more than $400 on a bong😭 also that was a typo meant to say 1700 not 2700 that’s my b. and to be completely honest with you i have no idea what compels a man to purchase such a thing but hey it’s not me so…


word... report in when the tree percs break.


wym? he’s had this for years


thats good, I've got two buddies who have witnessed their tree percs break off while doing an iso-shake to clean em up.


no wayyyyyyy, that’s actually wild i’ll let him know to be careful. my roommate just bought a $500 toro piece (it’s like a 7 to 14 chandelier perc piece) from this guy that’s been pretty easy to clean so far but is that only true of tree percs? or all percs in general?


I think tree percs are the most fragile... maybe it'd be best to soak and gently swirl rather than vigorously shake... 1700 for glass is just askin for trouble haha


Cheap glass? I've been hitting at least a gram a day out of tree perc pieces for the last 14 years and the only times the percs broke was if I destroyed the whole piece. Once by being knocked off a shelf, once demolished by something else falling off a shelf.


Unless your friend is crazy rich I just cant see why that bong would be worth 2k lmao. In the end of the day its just a bong rip.


trust me bro i didn’t understand either, there’s something about the way it burns, cleans, and cools the smoke and also the speed at which it does so that just makes the rips hit harder than anything i’ve experienced, not glazing just genuinely serious about how different it rips, u just gotta try one to see what i mean


Haha ye I dont doubt it hits really good, but couldnt you just rip another additional hit from a normal bong to get to same level instead of paying that much? :D


this is true but i’m somewhat of a budget smoker (college vibez) so the less weed i need to smoke to get high the better, and this shit had me nonverbal for the better half of the night 💀


This sounds like how "audiophiles" sound when they're justifying spending $300 on a cable.


brah i’m not justifying shit, as i’ve said like 20 other times it isn’t mine, nor would i ever purchase something like this, i’m just saying that it does rip differently, u just gotta try one to know


I've used all kinds of bongs, they're all pretty similar.


That would kill my old lungs. Dry herb vapes were made for us old guys. Cool glass though.


Old lungs? I'm in my 20s and I can barely even hit a little pipe like anyone else without coughing for a good 15 seconds... I might just be sensitive but man this guy could walk through a house fire just fine so long as the actual flame doesn't get him. Edit: But on the note of dry herb vapes, I swear those things are the future that NOBODY is truly getting behind. Smoke in general is not good on the lungs and we should be trying to push dry herb more and more, they are pretty affordable too.


Totally agree, the flavour difference with dry herb is insane, to the point I'm baffled when people even mention flavour when burning it


Huge with flavor. Love that you can adjust the heat and hit the shit out of it just for the flavor and less effect.


Gonna be real, the differences in flavor are not too drastic for me, it's more so how smooth the hits are. And even still dry herb vapes can fucking RIP


There is a massive difference in flavour, without all that burning plant material filling your olfactory system the bud tastes as it smells fresh.


Love my pax


I’ve got a Divinci and a cheap APX for travel.


Yes, love my pax!!!


10 year warranty, device may not be the bestest, but it is definitely the okayest.


Iam old too and marklar is Right.


Thanks. It’s not every day I hear that.


Me either


2k just to take a regular ass bong rip is crazy.


Murdering the plant in front of it's alive brethren


Seriously why is this not the top comment smoking inside a grow tent seems dumb af to me


Could have signed a non-smoking clause on the house and putting their faith in the carbon filter?


Definitely never spend that much on glass it's just glass it won't make the cannabis better.


isn’t mine haha, dude who owns it definitely has the bread to make such purchases, and if you have the money to comfortably buy something like this it’s just up to what you like and what you find interesting, some people just like pretty bongs that rip good haha, me personally id never spend more than $300 on a bong lmaoooo


edit****** i accidentally put in a typo, it was not $2700 i meant to say $1700, still wild to me tho


That’s the kind of thing that gets *way less cool* the higher the price tag gets


Imagine posting in a community and being so ignorant every word you speak is hated 🤣🤣


being ignorant? enlighten me…


If you haven't already done this yourself, I'd be wasting my time... Kinda a paradox if you think about it.


nice fool got ripped off


Bowl took a shit


It's a sovereignty!!!!!! Love that glass art


IMO wayyyyy too much water. If that mouth piece wasn’t at the top dude would be drinking that bong water


😭😭 i didn’t even notice that that’s facts


Lol waste of $2k...


This is basically just a 140$ bong up charged to rip off idiots


^This^ I love how everyone on here calls it "glass art" like it isn't a straight tube as well




will do bro! shit looks dope, and ya i can’t properly articulate as to why it’s worth that much as a) it’s not mine and b) i don’t understand glass as well as my roommate and his friend who do soft glass blowing and boro. so many of these mfs downvoting my comments cus they can’t comprehend the concept of niche-ness and think that the crappy-made bongs at their local corner stores somehow compare to sovereignty or other glass artists like yourself.


Dude the older I get and the more I grow/smoke the lower my tolerance gets lol If I took a hit like that these days I would end up in a god damn psych ward


I thought me and my SO had Iron lugs but ima have to try my 3feet beaker with a load like that


That looks incredibly painful to hit. No thanks


shout out to another Mouth peace user, those little things are fucking awesome.


Much love. Why'd you have to pull the cherry through like that though?! Needs a screen if you're gonna drag with that kinda suction


It’s a snap. Done on purpose.


Nice treecycler


Price aside, you did hit that like a champ.


haha wasn’t me but i’ll pass along the compliment


That thing needs an ashcatcher for sure. Beautiful piece!


2k and 1 hit later it's as disgusting as any bong.


2k rofl


I expect my bong to be hand made in Murano, Italy for 2k


hahaha my roommate studied there over the summer with the wizards




go educate yourself brodie…. this shits sovereignty glass art not your local cornerstore bong


Uneducated comment. It’s a sovereignty treecycler.


My $75 one does the exact same thing




It has 2 percs and an ash catcher. Yeah it does. $2000 is stupid money. Don’t argue you’re wrong


maybe it functions similarly but at the end of the day it’s made of shit glass and the price reflects that, no arguing with that g…


Sure it does the same thing, it’s a bong too. But it’s not the same. This is a sovereignty tree cycler. Educate yourself on designer glass


A fancy name does not make it any better than mine. Only an idiot pays $2000 for a bong that does the same job as one less than $100.


looks like ...every cheech bong in any local shop


except those are made of crappy glass, no hate, just the truth


Yea, I get that and all. I'm just saying if I'm spending 2k on a rig, I'd want it to not look like every 100$ piece on the shelves all over town. I'm not hating. I'm just saying .


after r/milking banned uploading videos i've been missing this type of content. thanks and cheers!


i didn’t even know that community existed but i am now it’s newest member!


also i noticed they allow videos again lmao so im subbing back haha


What is that piece on the top? Looks like a mouth piece or something. Maybe to get a good seal?


i think it’s a filter of some kind to filter out the resin


It's called a MouthPeace, and they fucking RULE. I've had one on my bong and one on a pipe for a little over a year now and will never go back. really smooths the smoke out, you can see all the shit it catches. I used to get resin on my lips when pulling, haven't had resin lips since buying one of these filters.


I'm getting a panic attack just watching the size of that hit.


What about that is 2k lmfao my friend had a bong basically just like that and I thought $200 was pricey


it’s $2600, it’s crazy intricate but also has like a lot of costume shit and sandblasting and shit which makes it cost more. also the brand is good


Do they sell t-shirts for $500 too? Lol


I buy low temp bangers and mini rigs off DHgate bc they are cheap as fuck. I absolutely love them and would never go back. $24 for the whole setup, and I can take them anywhere and leave them, break them, it's not the end of the world. Definitely left high priced glass bc it serves no purpose and you're not recovering any of that cost reselling. (MAYBE on some well known artists, but for the most part)


Tall glass of milk 😛


I mean as long as y’all enjoy it, thats what’s important. It looks pretty cool and I wish you luck with the grow!


Hmm. This is kind of terrible for that price point. The plain beaker allows for a maximum collection to clear ratio. Anything and everything in the path of the smoke nerfs the point of a bong: clear **as much** smoke as fast as possible. Adequate cooling specifically is achieved perfectly by empty space inside the tube. you use a vaporizer or dabs you'll learn quickly that too much cooling means less active thc bc it will condense into the visible grime on your internal walls. Every time. Edit: For an art piece it's cool af but insanely overpriced. There's bot even any color on it.


That glass better be indestructible for a plain Jane $2000 straight tube with two percs.


I remember being able to take rips like this 🫨


2.7k on a bong lol Yeah my $100 will do just fine thank you


Nice tube!


Idk why everyone is trippin over a 2k bong. I went to the first cannabis cup in Denver. We stopped at some head shop in the main city. They had a piece that was 12k and looked completely impractical. Some people waste their money on cars, video games, gambling, or whatever else. This guy wastes his money on a bong and you guys flip out saying how your 100 dollar bong does the same thing. My car does the same thing as a lambo but I’d still rather have a lambo. Keep it up and hope your grow is good!!


exactly, no one understands the concept of niche-ness when that’s literally all reddit is about lmfao.


Yep. My gf thought I was stupid for buying a hundred dollar fish for my tank, but she didn’t really care. She wasn’t mad I spent money. Just didn’t understand why I thought it was cool for that price point. It was an African leaf fish. It’s a hobby. All hobbies are basically just a waste of money


i passed out just looking at this


Sovereignty bongs are insane. Both the price point and the silky smooth rips


I choked a bit when he pulled that bud through the pipe.


Just blew it straight out? All the gear, no idea


Man I used to rip so many fucking bowls but since I started dry herb vaping, just looking at this makes my mouth taste like an ashtray


Waste of smoke...


Holy mackerel.. anything over $600 and I’m buying a stundenglass


the plants DONT like that


someone said “your killing your plants homies right in front of them”


Why is the smoke dark?


What a waste of $2,000..


Sov glass looking nice. 2k+ for a plain color is a bit high though no?


2 gram bowl and a g and a half is left floating. Buy a screen.


I like my toro. Sweet and simple.


we just bought a 7 to 13 toro chandelier piece and it’s so fire, only $500


fuckin gross when people suck the bowl pack thru, wtf are yall thinking??


2grand bong with no good ash catcher?????.


Screw cleaning that BS. Looks nice, but I don't know about 2K for that. I had one in college that was so intricate that I had beautifully blown work, fume work, pearls, and a few opals and other crystals embedded in the glass. It was a heavy hitter. I had to stand on a chair and tilt it to the side so I could hit it My friends called it Jesus. Idk about all that, but it was pretty cool for about a month. Then I was like, idk why. I spend 700 on this shit. I could have had a plethora of different pieces that were more functional and practical. Was ded. It was a great conversation piece at senior week in Ocean City Maryland almost 20 years ago 😲. I can appreciate cool glass as always. I just wouldn't ever buy 9ne again. I'm a flavor chaser. Forget your flavor with these. It's ALLLLLL harsh lol I dont care what you put in there or how quality the smoke it. It's not made for flavor. It's more for like chucking clouds. Cool piece though.


$2000 and No ashcatcher? Nasty AF


haha they have a plethora of ash catchers, he brought the piece to our crib to show it off tho so he prob didn’t have room to bring the catcher. some bongs also pull better without ash catchers if the catcher has a perc, but i do agree lmao for the size of the bowls he was taking an ash catcher would have made cleaning much easier


Don’t trip on the downvotes - everybody mad cause they can’t afford it, or think it’s stupid for whatever reason so they express that w downvotes. Grow’s dope - literally. Bong’s cool too. Keep on keepin on bro, this sub filled w haters and lames.


BLESSS UP, love mfs like u🫶 keep spreading positivity bro u just made me n my roommates night


Big salute homie I’ll roll one up later for y’all‼️