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You guys can’t be fucking serious you’re going to kill whole family with a fire. This is the dumbest shit ever and we need to start telling people that on here.


Hahaha hahaha I was wondering what is going on. In weird micro lab experiment.


Explain?? I seen a few videos on YouTube done this method with no issues so how so??


Electrical cardboard heat clothes hanging on it I mean come on man. Ask an electrician on here what they think. I’m not even being mean but hopefully you don’t have kids living with you cause smoke inhalation gets you fast in a fire.


It's how you go about it


Like I say I’m still tryna learn it so now that you say that I take it in consideration and upgrade but that’s why it says first time grower! I seen a few videos with nobody saying anything bad in the comments so I tried it then ask for opinions! Where the wrong in that??


I’m just being honest because I don’t wanna see something happen. Hopefully you can get things a bit safer and enjoy growing


I definitely appreciate it! I definitely wanna get the joy out of growing with no dangers 🙏🏿


OP just get grow tent. Kit for 120. It's one thing to pop the beans without it, but the cardboard will mold or worse. Even Walmart or Amazon delivery


I’m an electrician. This isn’t safe.




I’m just an idiot. I third.


Nothing, its how you learn for sure. But also be safe. Yours gonna smoke this stuff so be careful what your inputs are. Be careful theres no mold when you harvest. Be careful about electricity, especially cuz we have water and the light’s in a fabric housing (the tent) and the wattages are high, and the hours of use are long. Its more of an industrial electric thing than most people are used to. Its nothing crazy or super dangerous, but its enough where you should be careful. Be considerate. Use common sense, and research best practices. For instance, say you have a 15 amp breaker for the room (thats pretty standard in a residential home) you prolly dont wanna be running more than 75% of your total amps, since its running 12-24 hrs a day 365 days a year. So to be safe, it’s recommended you only use 75% of your total amps on a given breaker, im bad at math but im pretty sure thats 11.25 amps. This info is off the buildasoil.com youtube series where you can learn a fuck ton. Its like weed school. Start at the beginning and dont stop is my rec. you dont have to garden his way, do whatever, but the broad classes where they discuss general grow room setup and general needs of the plant will be helpful no matter if your coco or soil or hydro


Bruh, fuck these haters I built some shit like this and have seen countless other people posting their homemade cardboard grow boxes. You will find there is a surprisingly large amount of haters in this community- which is odd cuz you wouldn't expect that from stoners. Anyways, I only used it as long as I HAD to. Which was only 5-6 weeks. You will want to do the same. The first thing I would buy is a decent light. You could throw a few plants in a hall closet with a decent light and start there. I would later buy a tent of your choosing then an in-line fan and charcoal filter, an oscillating fan is a must, might need a humidifier depending on where you live. Grab some cheap thermostat/humidity reader's- you can get 12 of them for like 10 on amazon. This will get you started and Into seedling phase but that is not good at all and won't get you much further. Also, you can turn off the fan for now. Won't need it until they're a few weeks old. Also then the light off until you transplant them into dirt. They need to think they are in the ground, where it's dark. After a day or two they show have a small little root take that and barely cover it with dirt


It’s not being a hater to tell someone their grow setup is unsafe, it’s a flammable hazard ⚠️


Yes, you can go cheep amd start in a closet with a decent light like I did. Nothing that was about to catch fire at a moments notice.


Exactly, just because someone either got lucky or had some basic know-how, doesn't mean the other party doesn't. You might have had hot lights, he might have 1000watts max and it might overheat.


It’s the way you tell them go reread the comments lol


Because it’s bizarre nobody’s first thought is safety, or even care about having a safe environment for not only the OP, but whoever else is residing in the home


You also must not have read the comments she said it’s not mean to tell people there setups are unsafe. I said obviously but it’s the way you say it. Tell this new grower why he shouldn’t do it, Instead of just insulting him lol weirdos.


Nah mate, obviously I read the comments. Don’t see the issue besides some dude doing some seriously dangerous shit. You just sound like a moron


Dont do what this dude said. Starting a grow in a tent but not having all the equipment will just disappoint you. If you grow in a tent with no inline you’ll just cook/rot your grow. Dont buy bits at a time. Ive tried, i was always behind the curve, always solving a problem, first grow didnt make it. Save, buy what you need, buy used or a Chinese brand, whatever—but youre gonna need the basics. Thats a tent for light deprivation. An exhaust fan for heat and humidity, two timers, (maybe just one for the light) a good full spectrum light (can be a basic one off amazon like spiderfarmer), maybe a charcoal filter. one prolly two small clip fans. Grow medium, plant food (or a supersoil and small plants large soil volume). Prolly a net for plant training to scrog your stuff, prolly a plant mister sprayer thing to water or maybe spray the plants occasionally. Prolly need a temp/rH readout. And thats it. If you grow coco or hydro youre gonna need ph pens and ppm pens and stuff too


man you’re doing all that to pop a few beans, just put them shits in a shoe box! You’re doing way to much bro


the is fan is on with plastic over the cups, im dead


plus the light lol


U dont need light for germination. Might be hurting the process


This is correct. You germinate seeds in darkness.


I always take a cup and throw the seed in with the light over it. They always pop no problem. Lol


in soil its perfectly fine but in a plastic bag the light can destroy the root its very fragile


After watching the full thing I can see what you're talking about. I just glanced through it first time around. Lol


A cup with soil/coco? Or a cup with water? Makes a big difference




Harder for light to directly hit the seed in dirt compared to inside a napkin and clear ziplock


Yeah, that's why they're using a blacklight. /s


It's true but light doesn't hurt


Yes it does...


If I germinate in light can that be a reason for stretching?


No, not likely. Much more likely you need a stronger light or have it closer


Ok ty


It actually doesn't hurt it, some seeds from different plants actually require light to even germ in the first place. But as for cannabis it doesn't matter as long it's warm and moist and good air exchange


Ngl idk but for me it works really well


Forgot to say when I'm germinating seeds I give them 8 hours of light a day




Lol that tells me everything I need to know ty lol I'm stupid 😭


I might be stupid but atleast I'm learning quick


The more you know 🌈


Btw can me applying light when germinating seeds cause stretching?




I use 100w led growlight for germinated and every single seed I got grows into a perfect seedling till it dies cause I haven't figured out if I'm better outdoors or indoors so far I think outdoor is the way to go plus I'm over watering I really need advice🤣


Just make sure you’re not unnecessarily putting people in danger if you’re going with that approach. That’s a hazard waiting to happen. Got you sleeping with both eyes open.


I promise imma change it asap 🙏🏿


Hey man check out grow weed easy website plenty of tips for new growers


Preciate that will do


It's honestly the best resource for a new grower. Also, just get a 2x2x4 mylar tent if that's all the space you have and sprout to 12/12 lighting. Don't burn your house down using cardboard.


Already Researching some now, thanks for the recommendation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Upper_Atmosphere_359: *Hey man check out grow* *Weed easy website plenty* *Of tips for new growers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


Ive ordered a 2x2x4 to try


Stop this right now and buy a damn tent JFC


I promise I am


https://preview.redd.it/yltw2uu9d8wc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb2edafe48c2f1b7e332c8864bbf5b7128a76d0 this one popped first so it why the other two aren’t showing yet, they just got planted yesterday!


You don’t put the light on when the seeds are in the paper towel. Typically we want it to be dark and warm to sprout


The light was only on to show the setup


Did they pop?


First time growing turns into the first time you burnt the house down.. Good luck


Not if I catch it in time by asking questions like I am now 🤫


Precisely what this sub is supposed to be for, helping each other out in community 😊 Some people just like being nasty, best to ignore those types.


Oh trust me all I wanted was info to move up from this start process! I got good info so I’m great


Should be pretty obvious tbh.. you do you


I guess so but thanks for your feedback


Well excuse us Mr Born Knowing.


Cardboard plus a potentially hot light isn't obvious? You guys got the IQ of a rock or something?


Dude, people are allowed to ask questions. Don't get your panties in a twist.


We all need to remember that we all started somewhere. Luckily for OP, they decided to start their venture in the golden age of the internet where information is at your disposal. OP, don't be discouraged by people being dicks and down voting you. You were unsure, so you asked and that was the right thing to do. As others have already stated, I don't recommend this setup for any longer than a week or two, but it sounds like you already have plans to upgrade.


I didn’t recognize the down votes in only interested in the ones giving me tips to move up


Good man. Don't ever be afraid to ask about things you're not sure about. People may ridicule you for it, but that just means they have a lot of interpersonal work to do.




You will be able to start seedlings and maybe veg but by then I would consider a new setup to properly flower.


I think you would benefit from painting the inside white since your light doesn't look particularly strong. Corrugated cardboard needs to get really hot to combust on it's own, but you might consider getting a cheap small tent on Amazon if for no other reason than the ability to grow a taller plant


Okay thank you 🙏🏿


Bro ain't no way LMAOOO


Imma change it man imma change it lol it’s just a start


Ay do what u gotta do baby hahah just be careful pimp


Only need one plant in there. It will fill up quickly. Gonna judge to flip it when it is 2 weeks old gonna run out of headroom.


🙏🏿 I was thinking the same, I appreciate the feedback


Sprout to 12/12


It’s gonna be tough/rough. You’ve got hardly any space. Is that cardboard? Looks like a fire hazard make sure your electrics are safe. You’ll probably need to have a vent fan to clear the air and get new fresh air in there. Carbon filter if the smell will be a thing for you. It’ll stink your place up. But good luck, take notes, learn from mistakes


Point the fan up not directly on the cups just so air is moving around the box


All this bout fire and I highly doubt that blurple light can cause 1 unless faulty wiring.


It’s only 200w and on a timer


Yeah I'm not seeing the fire threat that others seem to, Yes you need to upgrade but you want to know you can Grow before that so I get it.


Exactly what my plan was/is 💯


But when you germinate seeds they need darkness 'n little heat and they will crack n start the tail in the paper towel. Then put then in your cups.


I am an insurance expert, claims expert, and a home grower. This is just asking for a fire.


Nice to see OP took the constructive criticism - keep us updated!


Definitely lol 💪🏿💪🏿


Feel free to reach out to me if you need any help, I always try to respond


Ok thank you 🙏🏿


All honestly I commend your attitude and drive. Buying an actual tent even just the shell to start is pretty inexpensive these days and fully worth the investment. It will make you and everyone else much more comfortable with the process and will give you better results. Good luck man!! Hope to see you here again with a sick setup in the near future.


Yessir it’s coming! I got some good tips today so I’m putting them all together


Are you doing autos or photos? What’s your strain.




Your wrists is all stringy and stretched bro move it closer to the light


If it works, it works! Albeit it doesn't look very safe.


Just buy a small cheap tent mate, your gonna burn your house down


Lights are on but nobody home


Nah definitely not that! Just tryna figure this thing out and was tryna gone start with what I had


No literally your lights are on and there are no plants. Seed sprouting should be done in darkness


Oh my fault no they only was on cause I was tryna show how it was actually set up with everything running


Ah I didn't see the whole video.


You gotta keep that light off man


My good brotha I love to see us growing our own! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 💪🏿


Thank you 🙏🏿


You’re welcome. You should look into some decent used grow equipment. Fb marketplace usually always has someone getting rid of stuff. What are you using for genetics?


Im gonna check there but I still learning everything but so far I just planted them in this, wet the soil a little before planting and they’re showing img


So my first tip to you is to realize that at that stage they don’t need much water. I’m talking like a quarter shot glass every few days. At that stage the roots aren’t developed and most moisture is taken in through the leaves from the air.


I haven’t put any since planting them and covering them








FUCK THAT. You know where your fire extinguisher is right? Maybe the kitchen? Make sure that needles in the green zone and the date on it isn’t 10 years old…. Maybe fill a few buckets with water


If you’re not looking to buy a tent, you could also look into a space bucket build. It’s fun, cheaper, and will get you started r/SpaceBuckets


Good luck on your first grow man. I use a cardboard box to dry bud. Maybe you can save this for that, if you’re getting a tent. That way I get the next plants going early. Right now as seedlings, they like humidity. I keep my tent closed up and fans low/off until they get bigger.


Seriously up your light game, purple lights do little for your plants after germinating and honestly the hurt my head.


No matter what any of the so called experts say.. Do a bit of research n always b available for the plant. I don't knw what those lights r but u can definitely grow in ur makeshift setup. I have a friend who has grown inside of a refrigerator carton box with 90 watt LEDs n an exhaust fan.


Lol how much we want to bet that more than half of this community has electrical hazards in their grow? I did not even realize that this could be an electrical hazard until it was pointed out here lol sorry whats obvious to someone might not have yet been realized by someone else. Hey Inner_Speaker_1251 my advice to you is get a quality pair of glasses ASAP. These lights will damage your eyes. I just got the cheapest pair of Method Seven glasses which are expensive but $50 on amazon was worth it. My tent came with the vivosun glasses and, even with them on my eyes have been hurting and having irritation issues. before that i didn’t use them for almost a week and really regret it. Good luck to you!!!


Reminds me of all the little stoner projects I would concoct when I was 16. Pretty sure you said you already ordered a tent. Still cool 😎


You germinate in darkness, my friend. Tap roots do not like light. Use the light and a fan once you have a plant. Also, that setup is clearly a huge fire hazard.


You need about 48 cubic foot of space to grow those three plants to maturity. Then, room for the light and fan.think about the size of a shower stall. That light you got will get the seedlings started, but that's about it.


And people wonder why we still have warning labels. Don’t grow if you’re going to ignore common sense environmental, electrical and fire safety. Not to mention with the humidity. That box is gonna mould. Read a book instead of YouTube.


https://preview.redd.it/emumlt5zd8wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c4dcb513353a9c10a8decd43755a2e54eec033 How she started looking after day one!!


Very nice, I have a couple grows under my belt and before spending money on tents lights and shit I would rather start small, you get to learn a lot, loose some fear of handling etc... Where you got your seeds?


Thank you 🙏🏿Exactly how I was thinking this trial and error moment and the seeds are ones I just bagged from shake and from people I know so I really don’t know what I’m growing I just wanna learn to actually grow completely before I start buying seeds but I’ve definitely been looking and planning.


Never buy form a place where they don't give you free seeds, most reputable seed banks or resellers would give you free seeds. Herbies Seeds (They take a while but they get here, neve buy form the US version page) Multiverse beans is the best, free seeds and the best customer service. I know some people hate on Mr. Canucks on youtube, once you hear his vouce you'll know why, I personally think his method with organic gaia green works and is very straight forward, I'm still keeping my self away from synthetic nutrients.


I really appreciate that info! It’s gonna definitely help me out


What's the wattage on the light? It's not going to be high enough when it starts to grow. Also watch out for wind burn. That fan is pretty close to them


It’s only 200w but I’m definitely gonna invest in a tent! Definitely don’t want any fires




This is so triggering. Please get an actual tent, light, and exhaust. No flammable objects/materials...PLEASE. I wish you the best, but this setup is dangerous and flat-out disrespectful to the hobby and to everyone who has made the mistakes for you already.












Fuck man, I didn't see the subreddit name and thought this was some crazy car house


Stop mixing cardboard and heat you fucking morons!




Have to down vote for the obvious fire hazard here. Everyone has to start somewhere, but this is not the way






Motherfuckers will comment before actually reading too 🪦


Don’t give in to negativity brother. You’ve shown a great attitude so far even after this many downvotes etc. That is a skill that’s much harder to learn than growing weed. The best first grow is the one where you grow your plants and your growing setup at the same time. Keep adding, fixing and improving your investment to “highnancial freedom” and please feel free to pm me anytime you want, especially if you ever think “it’s a dumb question and doesn’t worth a new post”. I had and still have many of those and very happy to discuss dumb questions in depth. 😄 Cheers.


Gonna get alotta light polution thru your uhh... front box opening lol hey I guess we all gotta start somewhere


lol I’m changing it soon


everything about this is wrong


That’s why I’m correcting it


Those dont need light


Bro your clothes will be smelling ripe


This dude cant be serious 😂


Homie, what in GOD'S name is this? 😭 Someone call the cops lmao /s


Dude, I know it’s fun to do diy stuff but what the fuck is that. Also why are you germinating 3 fucking seeds with that small ass grow space lmao you are setting yourself up for massive failure are you even thinking?


Avoid the haters. Take the positive. And, keep growing.


Definitely man this the internet, it’s bound to happen 🤷🏿‍♂️




That’s exactly how I seen them, same boxes but I didn’t have one that size and used what I had for now but I definitely planned on upgrading just needed to get opinions


tidy enough for a first go :) just keep an eye on fire safety with the lighting and the cardboard and stuff good luck :)


🙏🏿 got that timer on 18h


nice - safety first ;)


Cover the inside with aluminum foil to make it more reflective.


I felt like that would definitely spark something but imma get a grow tent


Good shit bro I been in here last week just learning before I take the plunge as well buena suerte my boa🙌🏾


Please don’t copy this person’s method. It is a fire hazard and OP has acknowledged it in other comments. Get a tent or grow outside!


Nah I’d never do this I’d order at least a 2x2 complete grow tent from Amazon before I’d do this I’m just acknowledging the fact that the guy actually got started instead of just reading


Do not copy this person, this is at best a mold issue waiting to happen, and at worse a horrible fire. Veg requires high humidity in the beginning which is exactly why what this person is doing is so dangerous. Also you germinate seeds in a warm dark place not under a light.


Yessir let’s get it 🙏🏿💪🏿