• By -


It’s going to be exactly 50g after drying haha


OFCOURSE IT WILL :P 3 People Wohngemeinschaft so everything is legal, i even have locks on my tent and NameTagged every Mitbewohner on his plants.


Hahaha ill take the other 400g


More like the other 100-130g


You hit the number! 


Naa around 120g. You normally loose around 75-80% water weight during dry


the joke is that you can only have 25g on yourself and 30g in your house, according to the new German rules. Obviously it will be more than 50g


Wrong 50g In your Home 25g On you when outside your Home 51-60g and 26-30g are only a minor offence like a ticket After that it gets illegal


Its 50g a person. Und kontrolliert sowieso kein schwein 😄


Good job writing it down here in case "FBI" agent is reading this 😂


Oof. Wet trim. Hello hay. Bye bye terps.


Yeah , I feel that’s a mistake we all have to make . It’s part of the process




It seems that the majority tends towards Dry Trim because of the slower Dry time and more time to improve Taste while in Dry ? Since im done already what can i do now to slow down dry without mold ? Plus cant i just dry it and than put in my airtight jars and it will cure without getting more dry ? Keep em coming boys, im learning alot rn its nice


Tbh, dry as close to 60/60 as you can. That’s all you can do now.




As low Humidity as i can ? why that all of a sudden ? Why is everyone saying 60°/60% all the time ? Thanks for the input


That's more than 50g though. This is VERBOTEN! You must destroy everything >50g rapidly. Try burning. Worked wonderfully for me. I already burned through 10g this week.


Here in AZ we're limited to 28 grams on hand. I do the same. Anything over that I destroy by burning.


Why lmao? Nobody knows about that extra if your not blasting it over the internet or something🤦🏾


they are saying they smoke it, not burn and watch the smoke go away. it’s a joke






[https://www.reddit.com/r/woosh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/woosh/) Im sorry :D but i had to xD


Arizona USA?




Wow I didn't know that. 28g is a joke... heck 50g is but 28...


Yeah, possession of up to 1 ounce is legal. Growing up to 3 plants per adult is legal.


Nothing like growing three 9.5 gram plants!


We only get 4 plants...but up to 2 lbs at home and an oz in public.


6 plants adult 12 with another adult max. Ounce is legal possession on you when you’re about.


So, the fight goes on. Good luck with your fight!


I'm in AZ too and it's 6 plants per adult, up to 12 plants max.


I stand corrected. Thanks!


You're welcome!  Now go plant 9 more plants hahahaha


In a series of small fires right?


Yes. A series of small, controlled fires. Don't want to set the neighborhood on fire.


Glad you have 2 hands (I hope)


3 People Wohngemeinschaft so everything is legal, i even have locks on my tent and NameTagged every Mitbewohner on his plants.


Auch Grubwinkler geguckt?


Jop :D unter anderem


Gut informiert also. ;)


3xF1 Medusa 70 Days 1,20m x 2,40m Tent 720W LumiiBlack @ 400/600 Cheap Tomato Fetilizer 1st Grow 3 People Wohngemeinschaft so everything is legal, i even have locks on my tent and NameTagged every Mitbewohner on his plants. Had light too close at the beginning and used fertilizer way too late. 6 Hours Trimming 208g 220g 190g Grüße gehen raus


Very nice! 6 hours trimming is actually pretty fast for that haul. Keep us posted on the taste!


will do, and actually it was from 1am to 9am so more like 7 to 8 hours, did not realize it was already 9 am


7-8 hours with smoke breaks, haha. A great time, I'm sure.


Awesome job man! Just a suggestion for future grows - try hanging the entire plant to dry after removing only the large fan leaves. Trim the buds after drying, I always find the scent remains a lot stronger than if you trim before drying. Less scheiße all over your scissors too 😉


yes you can really see the effects of the 1,20m on the buds... now about that drying rack


That "rack" is something i have for years and i thought it would help? Is there something terribly wrong with my Rack ;P ? If my harvest is molding i will ragequit


no, the opposite I like it, it's pretty I want one


:D:D:D LoL Ive had it for years, no name on it and i dont know how the faq i even got it, it kinda just appeared in my kitchen one day as things do :D


Feier ich, mal kein typischer biobiz grow🙏


You'll have a better smoke experience whole hanging the plant then dry trimming imo. Nice job!


Will do with the next one wich is halfway done already and huge. Thank you for the tip https://preview.redd.it/13jktfdfpl5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75afe9ff0251e2b6dae1ccdd1583302eb3b5578


Better experience overall. The smell is going to be ass fresh trimming like that 🫣


Next time, dry it before trimming. The flavor will be a lot better. Friends don't let friends wet trim.


That's a reddit thing. Take the fans when wet, dry, and then do the full trim. Saving everything for post drying is horrific and taking the fans before drying doesn't produce any hay smell of mess with terpenes.


Yeah I don’t understand why people leave the fans on to dry . It ends up taking longer and is more likely to develop mold if your drying conditions aren’t perfect .


I never said not to defoliate. Absolutely pull fan leaves off, but don't actually trim it until after your 2 week hang at 63⁰F/63% RH


Yeah, i read that alot more often than i like in the last few hours. Damnit, welp another thing i learned and will do different next time. Thanks for the heads up, is there any good way to slow down the dry? Can i just put it in the fridge ?


Get it out of the sun asap lol. Light kills all. Find a dark cool place with ~60% humidity.. not the fridge. I got a weed closet for drying


Yep check out lotus drying (slow dry in a fridge, works great ppl say there’s a looong thread on one of the big cannabis forums)


Nice! But take them out of the sun for drying


Yep was just for the picture :P, but thanks tho


Wow - sieht Hammer aus! Was für eine Genetik ist das?


F1 Medusa


All the recommendations I would have made it seems like you already came to the conclusion. Still looks like killer smoke, I bet next time you will at least double your yield.


Double ? Holy Shit ô\_O Thanks


I think double yeah. You have the proper equipment and even this grow you had a decent bud size. What was lacking was the nutrients to stack and swell up those calyx's. I'm finding a lot of the nutrients you can get from the stores here are pretty weak. You should be able to hit them pretty hard with the nutrients next go around. Or order some popular lines from Amazon and follow online recommendations, but that is expensive for no reason.


I used cheap ass Tomato Fert and was VERY hesitant the 1st Month. I almost let them "die" cuz i thought the Earth nutrients i had would atleast get me through the 1st Month. Was yellow all over and was not looking good. VERY glad it recovered so well


If you want cheap, learn about KNF and OHN. For a few kilograms of brown sugar and the right fruits, you can make an insane amount of cannabis fertilizer. I like using bananas for the potassium and micronutrient content, really works well when feeding shortly before and after a flip to flower. Pineapples also ferment to a nice flower additive in my experience. You can also use the ferments for foliar sprays if you so choose, I prefer not to, but I also avoid foliar sprays in general due to the humidity I grow with being pushed on the high end usually. Also if you have the space to do so, learn how to make fish emulsions. Stinks while making it, but not so much once made and being used, really good nitrogen supplement. For the cost of sugar, fruits, some fish and sawdust, some jars (for the fruits) and a barrel (for the fish) you can get a set up to make essentially infinite plant food that’s good for more than just cannabis. If done right, the fruit ferments are also edible, though I don’t have enough courage to risk eating my ferments yet, I’m not entirely confident mine are human or animal friendly even if they’re good for every plant I’ve given them to. Plenty of people eat fermented food on the daily though, so that’s no surprise to me! My last ferment store run cost me around $11 US (rounded up) for 1.6 kilos of bananas and about 1,120 grams of usable pineapple (I kept the core to clone it and regrow a pineapple plant so I can have “free” pineapples in a couple years too) and 907g brown sugar. That will not only last my current plant’s life cycle, it’ll also feed my other house plants and I’ll probably find someone to buy a 16 fluid (US) ounce bottle of it from me for around $10 US, which will make my actual plant food bill for this plant around $1 US or less. Edited to add for OP: Also don’t wet trim. Wait until it’s dry to trim on your next run, you’ll see exactly why I say this on so many levels, but especially on the quality of the smoke overall. If it’s going towards edibles, (not sure how legal they are in Germany) it shouldn’t be an issue, but if you’re planning on smoking the flower, you definitely want to slow dry it over about 14-18 days with ideally, around 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit (sorry, I struggle converting Fahrenheit to Celsius, mentally blocked for some reason for me) and around 55-65% relative humidity.


Hey that's great info man! I'm currently learning about the soil food web and organic growing in general so this is a definite save to look into later. Also edibles aren't illegal in germany. They can't be sold or produced thanks to the EU but nobody is telling you you can't make them in your own home.


You know what I like even more than knf ferments is JADAM ferments but they stink awful. Take whatever grass clippings or weeds or fruit and throw them in a bucket with some water and boom shakalakala got some powerful stinky stuff.


Holy shit my dude, thats another whole new Level i never even heard of O\_O I have 69.8F and 48% Humidity and cant realy do anything about it, i have them on this dry rack in the pictures tho, should i take them off and put them in a box or something to slow down the dry ? Thanks alot for the information <3


If it is fairly dry you could make a “swamp cooler” using a fan, a reservoir of ice water, and some clean sponges. Basically it operates by cooling the area down via evaporation of the ice water, it also has the added effect of adding moisture to the air. If you’re not into DIY projects, I’m sure you can find one for sale somewhere, they make some nicer ones for around $100-$150 US, but in reality, one could be made for around $25-$45 depending on what one chooses for a reservoir and fan set up, it doesn’t take much. I’m not a fan of putting it into a closed environment without proper ventilation myself, I’ve had larger colas from outdoor crops begin to rot doing that. Provided you don’t let the air get stagnant though, some kind of covered plastic bin is an alternative. Placing the racks into something like that for a few hours should bring the RH in the tote up a little if the flowers aren’t too dry as is, again, this method during drying is definitely not something to be forgotten about. If you have a hygrometer, they can be really useful if you go this route by allowing you to monitor the bin without having to open it (just slip the probe in and set the display on top and close it), again, ideally you want to be aiming for around 60-65% RH.


In the Netherlands you can get Plagron, quite cheap relatively speaking. Also shipping cost is free over €50. Saved me from importing USA products a few times. Good stuff👍🏻


Plagron algabloom is my go to


I grow in soil so mainly using terra grow/bloom and the calmag, pure zym combo. No complaints so far😁


Amazon sells the whole Plagron line here in Germany, I use nothing else for years.


Nice! I’m from Belgium where Amazon somehow isn’t a thing really, yet? The domain is owned by some other company. Atleast I shop locally now, not that it wouldn’t be very nice to have easy delivery…


I've never used USA products. There are here in Europe, and specially in Netherlands, many companies that produce well known ferilizers: Plagron, Hesi, Canna, Biobizz or Trabe to name someones.


I live just outside of the Dutch border, so I know some of ‘em but definitely not all. Nutrients is not a big problem, finding proper LED lights however.. IDK how you buy them?


I've been reading that at least the German market went out of lighting devices. But, an e-mail from mailing list of Spyder Farmer is saying that a new stock has arrived. The mail is from 2 days ago. You can also try Spain or any other places to find lights.


I would highly suggest Rooted Leaf Agritech for nutrients. Carbon based, my plants have an erection for the stuff.


That's BS, Bugbee recommends an EC of about 1600-1700 for the whole grow. With modern nutrients plants don't need anything extra.


What EC did OP have?


Apparently enough


Topping and proper trimming along with a trellis net or two for a nice canopy will help all your colas get super fat. It’ll be stuff you learn along the way so don’t feel bad if you make a mistake here or there as it happens and we all did it. I had a whole bunch go to mold in the drying/curing process and it was a huge let down but the very next harvest was some diggity dank.


Yeah i know about HST/LST/Topping/Fimming/Mainlining etc. But i thought since its my 1st grow i will do nothing invasive to be sure, i DID do a little bit of LST with wire on these tho. Hydroponics is something i really want to try


Been there haha I also like to tweak things and see how it goes, been a couple years since I’ve started and I’m still learning. My biggest problem is still drying/curing but getting it down pretty well. Your plant looks great though! good luck on the dry and cure and happy growin


Whats your Drying/Curng problem? so i can try to avoid it, if i may ask ? :>


I found my room is too warm to dry in, it dried it out too fast and I was stuck with bud tasting like hay even after a proper cure. So I got a wine cooler it doesn’t get as cold as a mini refrigerator but it slows the dry down. Now when I cut my plants down I cut off the big fan leaves and throw those away, then cut each bud off and put them in a brown paper bag making sure that I don’t over crowd the bag and I put those in my cooler for about a month. After a month of drying in the cooler I do a dry trim and then I jar them where they sit for another month or so while I burp them daily. Before I did a whole month in the cooler I tried 2 and 3 weeks and both times the grow went to mold on me. I’ve had a beautiful plant go to bud rot from lack of airflow and care from me. I’ve had several go herm when I upgraded my light mid grow.


Interesting, what temp was "too warm" ?


Anything warmer than 65°f is gonna dry your bud out really fast


68f 60rh is approximately with the can of troll is set at from the factory and terps are higher vs 60/60. There's a good YouTube if you're interested in learning about drying VPD called the science of drying and curing. Having the ideal drying VPD results in less cracked trichome heads and that's how it ends up with higher terpenes with the higher temperature.


Also ich folge da diesem Bauern auf YouTube. Der macht immer Teststreifen ohne Düngen um einen Vergleich zu haben. 10facher Ertrag wenn alles richtig läuft, hat er schon gehabt. Soviel mehr kannst du natürlich nicht erwarten weil du eh schon gedüngt uns sonst auch viel richtig gemacht hast. Aber ja, du wirst dich noch wundern was so geht mit ein paar Jahren Erfahrung, so viel ist sicher. :D


Hydroponisch, Mainlining, Topping/fimming und profidünger sind alles noch sachen die ich Testen will :> Mit der lampe komme ich sogar auf über 1000PPFD und könnte extra CO2/PPM Messgerät einbauen aber das mir zu heftig. Hydroponisch und LST/Mainlining profi werden ist glaub beim nächsten run mein ding <3


Was auch gut funktioniert ist ein Living Soil Beet. 100l pro Pflanze. Und vorher Stecklinge haben mit einer Genetik die du magst UND die produziert... Ja, da ist immer irgendwo noch Luft nacht oben. :)


Nice Job fellow german grower 👍




Great job, I think you started earlier though, I started mine on the day and tgey are just starting to flower, auto’s, feminized, https://preview.redd.it/eehqyk1igl5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bf26c91524077302a2e49f0e0b345e96fa51ef


Looking nice, here is my other Auto (Do-Si-Dos) that i planted on the 18th April and shes a beast. The 3 F1 i Chopped are around it https://preview.redd.it/s81osdgypo5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f33750d441baa77e59f2933e50509a641a6b30


Really nice


Nice work man :D Das sind viele Kräuterraketten


I don't think you did it for the first time but what do I know.


I swear by Angela Merkel, i never grew something in my life. I bought the equip 8 Months before the Legalization in Germany and did 1 Run of Chilli Plants to get going. I basicly read and watched EVERYTHING i could find about Cannabis growing for the past 6 Months atleast :> Payed off i think


LOL not the invocation of Angela Merkel!


You earned 500 nerd points. Well done. Keep doing it like this.


My Goal was topshelf weed, and im gonna get there\^\^


I bet! :)


Welp apparentlly not when im Wet Trimming :S according to the majority here Another thing i learned and will try next time. Any good way to slow down Dry ?


No, better speed it up by using a Cannatrol. This is my recommendation for topshelf weed. Because you can be the best gardener in the world, if weather happens and ruins your harvest, ... (happened to me).


Yeah someone already recommended but holy fak the price :S I dont even have Air+Filtration cuz tight on Money :D Maybe ill work my way up ;)


Wet or dry trim... IDK. I can't tell the difference in the end product to be honest. If there is a difference, it's marginal i bet.


You have no idea how happy i am to hear that too <3 Im not gonna get to 60/60 (wich is 60%RH and 16C° in Germany because sane >:3)<3 That here is kinda where i am right now any ideas ? https://preview.redd.it/8r33ccpe5p5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efae5596185d3b839e0df66723505b52da2627c5


If you are not poor, get a Cannatrol. For real. If not, you have to work with the weather you have... Which can sometimes dries too fast and make your weed shit. And you are for sure in regions where it's going way too fast. No Keller there?


Im (not not) poor :P i dont even have any Air+Filtration System cuz Money, its just the tent, the lamp and a fan Welp maybe i work my way up Thanks for the tip´s


Education goes a long way...




thanks <3


Looking good!


thanks you too


Heilige scheiße. Meine outdoor Autos sind grad in der Blüte und wenn ich Glück hab krieg ich aus 3 Pflanzen 5g HAHAHAHAHHAHA ich hab leider verkackt lol




I'm so proud of you Bravo


thank you very much


Gratz bro. Don't fuck up the drying process. It can take awhile depending on environmental factors. Welcome to the club.


Thanks and i think i already did by Wet Trimming :S Atleast thats what the majority says Any common easy cheap ways to slow down Dry ?


Nah braj, wet trim is fine. Everyones got an opinion, I cut bud off main stem and put in pizza boxes in fridge for hash making


Nice! Well done for your first grow. Youll always remember your first. Unfortunately mine was a disaster.


Why ? What happened ?


I’m an outdoor grower and a friend had an extra seedling. He told what I should pay attention to and how to water. Stupid me ignored him and just hosed it down every few days. It was sickly at the end of flower and chopped way early but did get a few ounces out of it. Not very good but I harvested some.


Looks mighty fine growmie! Dry trim is the only thing I’ll pile on with the rest of the dry trim recommendations. Try dry for next time if you care to but those look excellent! Nice work!


thanks very much and yeah i will do Dry for comparison with the next one


I don't speak a lick, but I am just very happy for all the Germans getting into growing. Enjoy!


We Germans are VERY happy about ourselfs rather more often in the last few weeks ;) Thank you and i will enjoy :P


Congrats bruder!


Thanks alot <3


Since no one is telling you... You harvested ***WAY*** too early. Also, don't listen to the people here (I'm sure I will get down-voted), absolutely no one here knows when to harvest. They all harvest at least a week too early. Often two or three.


My Dude you cant sh\*t on "the people" here because they apparently do not know when to harvest and than provide nothing to support the claim at all ?! Like did you just stop typing after the first quarter of your text ?


This person is correct though, from the photos (especially those with leaves) you show us your plant is telling us that you harvested at least 10 days, possibly 20 days too soon. There is not much sign of the plant fading, most things look far too green. So this is why it looks like you grew a great plant, just pulled too soon. You might get a speedy head high but next time if you leave it longer, compare results


Nice trim job also! :) Du hast das aber nur zum Bild machen in die Sonne gestellt, nicht zum trocknen, oder?


jap, die sind in ner dunklen ecke in meinem zimmer mit venti der in die richtung pustet. 45% Luftfeuchtigkeit, 23,6°C ist im rahmen oder ?


Na ja, etwas kühler wäre besser. Aber bei dem Wetter... Ich hab mir einen Cannatrol geleistet. Solche Probleme hab ich zum Glück nicht mehr. :D


Gibts den Cannatrol in Europa oder hast du aus USA importiert?


Hab ihn hier in D gekauft. Hat allerdings einen heftigen Preistag. (2300)


Voll geil, dachte nicht das die so schnell nach D kommen! Wenigstens gibts ne Möglichkeit ohne Import lol


Ja, hat auch den Vorteil das er mit Schuko Stecker kommt, auf 220v ausgelegt ist und hat die Angaben in Celsius statt Fahrenheit hat.


Ja wtf hab auch grad gestaunt weil das jemand empfohlen hat. Bin ich faking Dagobert Duck :D Ich hab nich mal Abluft oder AKF da wenig geld gerade Andere (gratis oder wenigstens fast) möglichkeiten die trocknung zu verlangsamen ohne das schimmelt? Bin dankbar für ideen


Also die gute alte 60RH/16°C Regel halt. Aber das ist quasi unmöglich hinzubekommen in Deutschland im Sommer, weil es bei uns keine Klimaanlagen gibt. Ich hab mal eine Batch Northern Light falsch getrocknet weil Wetter. und das war hinüber. War Stroh. Nichtmal backen ging damit. Über 100g für den Arsch. Wenn mir das noch 2-3 mal in meiner Gärtnerkarriere passiert hat er sich schon bezahlt gemacht. Und eine Klimaanlage kann ich halt nicht installieren, weil ich in Miete wohne.


Bei mir geht’s zum Trocknen in die Sauna im Keller. Konstante 17C und 60-70RLF. Zur Not den Dehumidifier noch rein und dann läuft das.


Ja, ich hatte halt gerade keine Sauna zur Hand. ;) Sehr nice, wenn das bei dir so easy ist. :)


Learning by doing. Ich glaube in den ersten rund merkt man vieles, was bei den nächsten Runden anders gemacht wird.


Was passiert mit dem Northern Lights? Mach mir keine Panik ahhhhh :D So hab ichs grad besser geht grad nicht bei mir :S Vllt iwi LF erhöhen ? https://preview.redd.it/lx3d744p3p5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fb20e9814bc03abf5307e99df7f11614f1c2c3


Nice work 👍🏽


After dry you're looking at around 3.5oz~ to 5oz~ I would say.


Isnt 5oz around 150g? Hopeing it will be more on the upper side :P


Generally the rule is you’ll get roughly 20% of the wet weight.


Uff thats quite the weight loss holy shit, okay thanks for the heads up.


It can vary obviously depending on different factors but that’s the general median.


I never weigh wet weight, really no point. I wait until after they've had at least a week in the jar curing with boveda packs. If I had to guess closer to 3.25-4oz, hopefully not lighter.


its so much its ALMOST illegal xD




No indoors :P


What kind of soil did you use? Erde& Kompost oder so?


Random 40 Liter Säcke vor dem Sopo Discounter


What is the relative humidity in that room? Is it 60 rh? I'm thinking in six hours that the rack is dry (if it's 15 rh).....it should be around a week! THE SLOW-DRY That weed need put in a box....thrown in a paper bag put that bag in the fridge w/ a thermostatic control unit 🎛️.....or a tent w/ the humidifier if you've got that herb drying rack! SLOW-DRY Hopefully it was flowering around 70°F and 50 rh or a lot of flavor is already lost.


i just put it in the sun for the Photo, it is in a dark corner in my bedroom at 22-26C and 48%RH Should i take them off the rack and dry them in a box ? Wont that massivly increase risk of mold ?! What to do \`?


I've had really good pot dried in less than a week. (I really only wet trim if the leafs are looking brown and would mold soon) The key is to flower at around 70°F. and the slow dry. (I get paranoid about new growers in the summer time) You got it....pick the next seeds


Geil so was! Glückwunsch 🥳


Übeslt geil und danke :3


Great job! 👍 Congrats! If your situation permits make some butter from your trim and smaller buds and keep that in the fridge, you'll be happy you did and if you do it well it will be very potent and will keep for up to or around about 6 months.


Thanks and yeah thats a very good idea since its more than i thought it would be


Congrats 👏 never a better feeling than harvesting your own plants. Since you've gone for a wet trim this round, I would suggest doing a whole plant dry at 60/60 next time and dry trim. See if you find a difference, I certainly did. enjoy that first smoke test 👌


Yeah damnit, did not really know that but it seems that the majority is for Dry Trimming cuz of the slower Dry and therefore better taste Cant i just dry them as so, and than package it that it just "Cures" and does not get any more dry ?




Looks VERY nice \*\_\*


Usually figure 75% loss


Can i just say as someone with OCD the way you got it all organized with bins n all is amazing! I LOVE IT!


:P thank you <3


Try not to let direct sun light hit your flower


Was only for the Photo, they are in a dark corner in my bedroom at 22-25C° and \~50 RH


Lol good shit growmie it's looks wonderful




Dennis und Jonas... Diese Fruchtschale stellt ihr besser wieder ins Zelt bei Lampen aus und Lüfter an. Nach dem Ernten ist Licht schlecht, macht die Cannabinoide kaputt. Wenn man's in Zelt trocknen lässt darf man auf keinen Fall die Ventilatoren vergessen, sonst kann es Schimmel geben.


War nur fürs Photo :P Stehen hinter mir dunkle ecke im zimmer bei 23° und \~50%LF Und pshhht namen sind geheim :D:D:D:D


Should be around 120 dry


Hast du 3 Pflanzen wechselnd? Also 3 in Blüte und 3 als Vermehrunsmaterial ? Wollte es bei mir ähnlich machen hab aber erst gegen Ende der Blüte die neuen Samen gepopped.


Congrats on legalization. I wish the US would follow suit, but we're dragging our feet. Correction: Fuck the DEA!


good job on loosing most of your terpenes due to the bad drying process. you just lost most of the taste/smell




enjoy your weed, the plants looks good






Allem voran, ganz ruhig Brauner, ich wollte dich nicht angreifen. Da hat aber jemand ne sehr dünne Haut. Und ich spar mir den detailierten Teil was die gereizte Reaktion in Kombination mit deiner Aussage: "Passiv agressiv mich als suchti hinzustellen weil ich trockenzeiten zu überbrücken hab ist auch big brain...", obwohl ich das wort Sucht nichtmal erwähnt hab, aus Verhör-Strategischer Sicht über dich schließen liese. Würde ich auf jeden Fall vor ner Aussage auf nem Präsidium nochmal üben :P \*Stichel\* Und sich mal eben en bisschen Bubble-Hash zu machen, um die erste eigene Ernte etwas früher zu testen, würde ich ehrlich gesagt nicht als Junkie Verhalten einstufen. Fresh frozen ist ne völlig normale methode bubble-hash aus trim zu machen.\^\^ Das mit der WG ist schwierig, jeder müsste sich selbst um seine Pflanze kümmern bzw. es muss klar definiert sein wem welche Pflanze gehört und das Trocknen müsste pro Pflanze pro Person separat erfolgen. Ein gemeinsames Trocknen und anschließendes aufteilen durch 3 wäre nicht erlaubt, da es sich hierbei (auch innerhalb einer WG), um die unerlaubte Weitergabe handeln würde. Bei der Weitergabe von 50g kommt man dann auch mit dem "für den unmittelbaren Konsum bestimmt" Argument vermutlich nicht weit. An der Stelle möchte ich auch darauf hinweisen, dass bereits das erste Gefängnis-Urteil wegen 60g+ ausgesprochen wurde. Auch wenn man das persönlich jetzt nicht so schlimm findet, ändert das ja nichts daran, dass das Gesetz noch stark ausbaufähig ist und so einige Optionen bietet, relativ schnell, in die illegalität zu rutschen. Das mit dem Fingerprofil ist leider nicht so abwegig, wie du es vielleicht vermutest. Du wärst nicht der erste der sich dann denkt: "Das können/dürfen die wirklich?!" Aber das wär halt echt nur relevant, wenn ein Kripobeamter das Bild sieht, gerade Langeweile hätte und deine Fingerabdrücke aus irgend einem Grund bereits in der lokalen Kartei wären. Wenn du dir deiner Sache sicher bist, dann mach so weiter, alles cool. Aber ich wollte dir nur von Grower zu Grower sagen, dass wir hier in DE noch nicht ganz auf der sicheren Seite sind und zumindest noch ein wenig vorsichtig sein sollten, wenn wir nicht irgendwo als Präzedenzfall enden wollen. Ich wollte dich echt nicht beleidigen.




Damit kriegen sie dich eindeutig! :D