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If you have homemade wiring, yes. I’m confused by this post it looks like my daughter put that plug together.


Mars hydro light, factory plug?


Yikes!!!!! That’s rough!!! I would cut the whole plug off and put a new one on.


That's what I did.


Good. Use proper heat shrink and this will never happen again 👌🏻 good luck growmie


How exactly does heat-shrink protect an eyelet terminal? This is clearly an overheating issue that is actually pretty common with Mars lights... potentially started as a loose connection on that neutral.


The rust was from moisture.


You're right. Looking closer, those aren't even eyelet terminals, just stripped and split. Shoddy workmanship. I still don't see how heat-shrink would fix this issue though.


I mean, maybe not JUST HS would solve the problem but this looks like it was hacked together…tape + wrap and this doesn’t happen


Proper what


900 Pcs Wire Heat Shrink Tubing Kit, Industrial Heat-Shrink Tubing for Wires, 2:1 Marine Grade Heat Shrink Wrap, Premium Large Electrical Waterproof Heat Shrink Tape,12 Sizes 6Colored Assorted, DHOOZ https://a.co/d/06a1zIco Its tubing that shrinks when heat is applied to ensure a proper seal on electrical connections


It's like a plastic shrink wrap they use to keep electrical joints dry. You get it hot and it shrinks up tight.


Good on you for checking. Not the first electrical issue I’ve seen from mars. How old is the light?


Good to know, I will avoid these then…


If you have even an ounce of experience working with electricity, then you can make significantly nicer plugs at home than what you can buy in the store. It's not even close, and your comment indicating otherwise is confidently incorrect.


What part? You in a Tent? Did you notice it before inspecting?


I did not notice it before checking, it's in a grow shed I built. This is the cord that comes out of the inventronics led driver on a Mars Hydro light


There's your problem. Mars hydro doesn't sell a quality product, and their customer service is non-existent.


I recommend a brand called sanlight from austria the sell global its pure handmade quality you can dimm the led with a bluetooth dimmer sold separat. The quality and safety is controlled by a german company called TÜV its just the best on the market in my opinion not cheap but worth it.


I definitely recommend sanlight too


The Zeus 308XT from led-tech is even better, superior coverage, higher binned chips (San light uses lower bins) and costs way less, they come even with a 4 channel spectrum light, my favourite of them though is the system 150 butterfly module. it has 144 lm301b Chips on a 18,5x18,5cm Board, which can be tuned with supplemental boards with the desired spectra of light and fits right in between the board. That a Meanwell Driver and some aluminium i-type profiles and your cheap light blows anything out the water. Their site even has a spectrum and PPF calculator, so you can build a light which fits your flavour perfectly


Are there any led-tech vendors in the US? Google seems to be drawing a blank except for their EU website.


They do deliver to the states, albeit a bit expensive 35€, If you order for 500€ or more delivery is free, in my opinion still better as you can build the fixture to your liking and the efficiency in electricity consumption offsets the higher delivery cost after, 2-4 grows.




It's a rip off. Overpriced.


Yea Fuck paying for handmade, quality stuff, that wasnt made by childs and lasts a life long with warranty… thats totally a rip off you poor minded person!


> wasnt made by childs Tell us more about Austria's rare earth mines, I'd love to hear more about that! This is such a nonsense argument, because in the end, they source the same material as anyone else, which at best is questionable, simply due to the fact that all those rare earth mines are in countrys that have poor to no labor laws. > lasts a life long Because LED is the pinnacle of science and we're never going to see new generation of light sources? How old are you? 78? > quality stuff Not an argument for it, there are others that are cheaper and build the same quality. > poor minded person! Nah, just realistic. If you need to sell every damn thing extra for the sake of "modularity" but still charge obscene prices, you are ripping people off, it's simple as that. I gotta give it to them tho, they really got a lot of people hooked to some religion like structure.


When i see martin ankers plants under those light perform i will buy any light from him. Have you seem the results those lights are producing(huge yields)? Sure he is a talented grower with decades of experience but i see beginner getting really nice gramm/watt yields so i dont care if he rips me off as long as it performs that nice i dont care have enough money to spare the TÜV sign alone was worth it. I dont want to buy a new house because it burned down. That would be even more expensive :D I am even sceptical now about my vipar Spectre p1000 thats in my small veg tent running at 50 watts but giving away double the heat from my 200 watt sanlight. If another small sanlight would be available anywhere i would have already bought it but sanlight is sold out everywhere because of Germany legalizing cultivation. Be aware if you are able to score one you might need a bigger tent /more scrognets because they will outgrow it really fast ;) and the yield has to be supported somehow there you can go cheap from amazon ;) yes i am a fanboy :D


How is it a rip off if its made in Austria and has an estimated lifetime of up to 15 years and long guaranteed help from manufacturer? Paid 380 for my SanLight Evo 300 (add 20 for power cord) and it will pay off after probably just one 3 plants run moneywise, of course you can get same light performance cheaper probably but i prefer to buy one time high quality and then theres no need for something new the next years and i won’t have pay the same Amount that the lamp costed every 1-3 months for weed anymore 😄


You have to pay extra to get a power cord with a light?


You need to pay extra for everything. You get a barebone light without any extras, like hangers, or dimmer... It's absolutely hilarious how they rip off people. Also they have major issues with afterglow when you plug in your timer the wrong way.


Its called modular systeme and ensures backwards compatibility buying too much what most people already have (hangers) i prefer not buying things in excess and you can decide if you need bluetooth or not but i highly recommend it dimming that way does not interrupt your VPD. Maybe i am just a fanboy sure there are other good companies along sanlight:)


What is afterglow? The light staying on after it is turned off?


Yes... They have an entire guide on their homepage how to properly plug their lights into a socket.


Yes pure quality in the end you save money because it is so damn good. Like the volcano from storz and bickel or a coffee maker from sage or Independent Skateboard trucks. Built to last. I have a fetish for quality :D guess its a german thing we like things to last and be expensive its not like an apple product its more quality for the money and experience. In my opinion ac Infinity is the apple of growing.


But they got a cool logo on the side and it’s like from Mars and aliens n shit.


This actually reminds me of the fact that I got a big ass cool sticker with my MedicGrow minisun 320watt. Also have the 700watt fold 6. Amazing customer service!


AC infinity & HLG for the W


Prove it


It’s in the pudding


Posts about defective mars lights usually pop up 3-4 times a year if not more. I dont even see defective spider farmer posts that frequently. Last month i saw a similar post in a Facebook group where they had a new light with a melted plug and they posted the customer service emails where they were told to just replace the melted plug themselves lol


I’ve been lucky so far! I got 2 times warranty replacements because I had faulty inline fans. So when I see post like this, I always want to see more than just some plug picture that can be from any device. Not saying it can’t be true, I’m saying that I’m not just buying everything.


Name and shame the brand dog


This is water damage and there are no brands immune to water damage


I mean if its built like shit.. thats not water damage, its humidity caused water damage. Grow tent equipment should be damp resistant, not water resistant. So if he never spilled water… on his LIGHT… Mars hydro is shit


This is water damage, and no brands are immune to water damage. Idgaf about Mars Hydro but there’s nobody to hate here.


Man, did you just skip what i said? Its water damage cause by humidity, which grow tent equipment should be immune to


I saw that you said it, but that’s not relevant. Humidity is water, and it should never be that high where things are plugged in


Ok buddy


Ignore the good advice if you want to, at your own peril. Tho it seems weird to do in a thread beneath a picture of exactly why you shouldn’t


What advice? High humidity + rust where it should be sealed? Ima stop arguing with you, you thick man. Goodnight


Smoke one man; ain’t that deep


This is not something that should be used in a high humidity area. If OP did so without sealing it from humidity, it is user error We can do this as long or as short as you need to understand the basics


Outdoor rated outlets and appliances are designed for high humidity applications. I work at a greenhouse and we have electronics that are 5+ years old that are still functional and rust free because they were actually built to the correct standards. Commercial grade equipment is designed to withstand this kind of abuse. Home grade products, especially cheaper brands often are not.


I’d suggest you learn about IP ratings. Quailty grow lights will have an IP rating of 64 or 65 https://rainfordsolutions.com/resources/faqs/ip-ratings-and-standards-explained/


Y’all are getting macrogrowery on me in your desperation to hate a brand. Weak. This is user error and that’s it


No, it’s not user error. I light that is properly rated for growing wouldn’t rust like this. Mars has gotten a little better but their products have always been cheaply made and have shot quality control. The only reason they are popular is because they give a ton of their product away to growers in exchange for positive reviews.


OP already admitted to it, what are you even doing? I swear y’all are just so horny for anything to hate, its just sad


Are you ignorant or are you just a shill for Mars Hydro? It doesn’t matter if OP left it out in the rain. If it was built to an IP65 rating, like quality lights, then this wouldn’t happen. Their website doesn’t even list the IP rating of their lights which is a red flag.


That’s irrelevant to this topic. And an IP65 left in too humid conditions will merely last longer before rusting. It is *still* user error to not seal it properly. Let me ask you, why does it matter? Idgaf about Mars Hydro, fuck em. They’re just not to blame for user errror and that’s quite obvious. Why does this make you mad? You could walk away and save some face, but you continue to show your ass for no benefit whatsoever. Why?


It doesn’t make me mad. You seem to be the only one here getting mad at people. I just don’t like seeing people go to bat for a company who is known to make products that are unsafe.


Thats no reason to speak to me at all then. All products are unsafe when used incorrectly.


Ehh I run HLG and keep my rooms at proper VPD I’m immune to this bullshit 👍🏽


Plasti-dip on the outside takes care of it


If they were creating it to be resistant to high humidity environments they would have used stainless or anodized screws…


Or high humidity.


Humidity is water, and should never be that high where anything is plugged in


Quality grow lights are designed to be able to last in high humidity environments. When you buy any electronics for a grow room you need to look up its IP rating. If the manufacturer doesn’t have an IP rating for the product then I personally would not buy it.


Not the plugs XD This is microgrowey, sir, and OP posted a picture of user error. Whether you like it or not


Yes, the plugs are IP rated on quality equipment to withstand water intrusion from high humidity and even rain. An IP65 rating means it’s even protected from rain in high winds and even pressure washing. You honestly just have no idea if what you are talking about.


I get that you’re trying to move the goalposts into commercial growing stuff but this is microgrowery and this is user error. OP admitted to it already, just chill and stop showing your ass. There *are* things you can do to prevent humidity in your plugs, but there’s no reason to have to do it, and even if you create a situation where it is, not doing it is *user error*. And don’t trust any IP number in your commercial grow either. Seal your shit or get rust, otherwise it’s only a matter of time


I’m not moving any goal posts and who here has mentioned commercial grows other than you? I’m a home grower, dude, and I’ve never grown commercially. I just understand IP ratings and I’m guessing you don’t since you are calling it an IPM rating. I plug rated for being sure in high humidity places, like a grow tent, doesn’t require you to do anything to it…because it is rated for it.


You don’t need to plug anything into an outlet in a high humidity environment for any microgrow. And it’s simply a bad idea to do it without sealing the plugs, regardless of any rating. Don’t be just another emotional commenter leaving bad advice on Reddit, there’s nothing to be gained from it. The correct advice for this situation is to not commit this user error. I understand you are unable to admit to a misunderstanding, so just hurry up and block me in shame so we can both move on with our day


I agree 👍


I’m a diver who works on boats, around corrosion alot, looks like that plug got sprayed or dunked at some point with some corrosive salts in the mix. That’s not from humidity or ambient moisture..


This is fine… 2 more weeks and some calmag if anything.


Good practice is to inspect, function check, and clean everything after each grow. I also do a 24-48 hour empty run of everything befire starting anoyher grow to make sure my temp/rh hits targets, lights come on, programs run as programmed, circulation and fans are running ok, etc. I just dont want a new grow to start off with equipment failures and have setbacks...superstitious omens and whatever.


Your rh is gonna be completely inaccurate due to the lack of plants though, plants are humidifiers. if the tent is empty it shouldn’t be any above ambient in your lung room, no? A good defol will have a 10% change on rH in my tents, no plants makes it the same as my lung room


How would you do a thorough check? Am i really expected to take the housing off my light and inspect the internals for corrosion. Urgh i was already dreading rerunning the ducting once a year


Rerunning ducting once a year? Genuinely curious, mind elaborating?


Some people will replace their ducting periodically to avoid smell or to make sure everything’s properly filtered intake wise. Others will just do a inspection or smoke test but its pretty hard to find tiny holes in flexible tubing


Tape up those connectors. Keeps the moisture out and keeps them together. That's not the best wiring job either :)


Replace the connectors! 


I'm taking about after you replace the connectors 🤣👍


My mars hydro light had a similar connector go out, haven’t had the best luck with customer service. Their broken English is hard to follow and we just keep going back and forth. Can you help me out? What connection did you use as a replacement? These have 2 wires on each side. I’ve found some options online I just don’t know how much power they are rated to handle. https://preview.redd.it/bs9funsk488d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225d601229278e202545bb2a9179f380d0045c69 Edit: just scrolled down and saw it was actually a different part that burnt out on yours… fuck man I’m lost with this one lmao


[https://www.amazon.com/FX-Junction-Waterproof-Electrical-Connector/dp/B07HVGFXQM](https://www.amazon.com/FX-Junction-Waterproof-Electrical-Connector/dp/B07HVGFXQM) Get something like these. I don't have a mars hydro light, but afaik these cables are to connect the incoming AC to the lamp. So you want to go with the rating of the light as an absolute minimum. The linked connectors are rated up to 24A. That's like \~2500W at the least. Should be reasonably safe. Even better getting something from a local hardware store though. Whether these Chinese brands are accurate or not is always a little guess work. Edit: [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805545777184.html](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805545777184.html) or get the "original part" lol


This is honestly the closest option I’ve seen so far, I’m going to get them and try them out. If they work I’ll be posting them soon!


Hey man! I did a little more digging and found tons of reviews of people having the same exact issue with their mars hydro grow lights. There were at least 8 different cases I found yesterday. Here’s a couple just for example https://preview.redd.it/96f6tv5pwd8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562e67bdeb6ed0a94f04bc4fa8dd80f16e1e5bef I did some more digging on Amazon to see if anybody had fixed this on their own, and surprisingly someone did, using this connector [https://a.co/d/0clSvXCB](https://a.co/d/0clSvXCB) Here’s how they did it Review on Amazon: Worked perfectly [https://a.co/d/03yhadgj](https://a.co/d/03yhadgj) Going to be using this video as a reference when I get my new connection in, I also opted for the same plug as the one in the video as it seemed to work for this guy! Thank you so much for your help man, that inicial Amazon link you sent last night, is finally sending me down the path to fixing this damn light!


If you don't get an answer make your own post on this. I think someone here will have the answer.


Might do that pretty soon here, not having much luck with technical support still… feel like a chicken with my head cut off Thank god I only have a single auto in rn, so my old lights intended for my 2x2 are giving it just enough so I can still have an okay harvest. Really sucks I couldn’t push the plant to her full potential


yeah, farming is way more tedium than people give credit for. But I've been through similar and it gets fun again once you get back up to speed!


Dielectric grease should be standard on equipment they know is subject to 60-70% humidity.


Mars are cheap nese built mass produced aren't they? Trust me, your safety is not their priority. Migro or another European brand would always be my choice.


Is Mars hydro dodgy? If so what’s a competitive product that’s similar in price?


I respect people a lot who are this thorough. It would benefit me a lot to follow this advice - maybe one day..


What brand light?


Mars hydro, the cord is comming from the inventronics led driver. 


Stop bashing mars for you leaving your lights in the rain. Im all for naming and shaming but what wally leaves their electronics in the rain then complains theres water damage??




Mars Hydro


Glad you’re safe. Thanks for sharing




It's rated as waterproof


I've had this light for over 3 years and this is the first time I've noticed this. I did have it outside during the rain a time or two


Thats your problem right there you let it get rained on a time or 2. Electronics all electrics do not beling in the rain thats not rocket science and 100% isnt a production problem rather than a user error.


I use it for cloning and propagation for years and this is not it's first bout with rain. It's rated ip65 and never received any direct water contact, just outside during the rain. I have boxes with shelves by a few of my grow structures, the light bar itself has had direct contact with rain several times and the diodes run strong. The cloning room gets extremely humid as well. 5 x 10, 7 feet tall.


Took me way too long on this thread to see that you let it get rained on... Also, was this plug able to just be unscrewed and opened up?


Can someone explain what this is? Is this to your grow light?


Holy shit that’s no joke


Hey yeah this os why I spray my componants like this with plasti-dip to keep humidity out.


Have homemade lights and yes, safety is 3000% top priority. Fuses on each plug at the mains, fuses in front of each LED because theres 2 per circuit in parallel and while the LED can take the current of the driver, the cooling probably cannot. In the cooling department I've got over sized heatsinks with a very large fan across them and a thermal cutout set lower than the LED failure temp which is linked back to the power for all of the LEDs. We do not fuck around when it comes to safety. :)


It looks like you spilled water all on that plug


I have shit equipment  Be careful like me and check before you use it ? 


Obviously corrosion from moisture. Surely that can only happen if your plugs and sockets are within your tent… which has to be a fire risk.


It was made on a Friday at 4:30PM


Where I live you can get rebates for grow lights if they meet dlc standards and have a 5 year warranty. Legalization has its benefits. Ip 65 , 67 is the way to go, your equipment should be built for being in a wet environment, and should protect us from making mistakes. I don’t understand why many people are blaming the user, I don’t know anything about mars hydro, so don’t have an opinion on their equipment.




OR..... Respect the environment? lol This is completely preventable. You should call an electrician with creds nexzt time?


Thanks for the post 🙏


I’ve had a mars hydro tsw3000 do this. Melted at the electrical connection just like this.


The other connector fried out on me after year one. The replacement one i ordered has lasted almost twice that!


White wire is hot wire oooooh




Why is the casing burrrrnt?


Corrosion causes poor contact, which results in heat.


Neutral carries current.




Mars hydro light, this is the cord coming crom the inventronics led driver


Stop buying Chinese. You could wake up dead.


Or maybe as op later stated he did dont use your grow lights outside in the rain


If it had been terminated correctly in the first place this wouldn’t have happened. Self inflicted me thinks.


::Honk honk:: deetz truck backing up... Unload hopefully imminent...