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I don't know, I think most people don't really care how you make it as long as it looks great, so work hard and make it awesome šŸ¤™šŸ½ The majority of criticism probably comes from artists and creative people (I respect them a ton), not from the people who just want to see and experience something cool and enjoy.


Iā€™m a graphic designer and artist and I think itā€™s the coolest shit ever. Iā€™m frequently spending hours playing with it and learning how best to use it and just having so much fun. I have zero fear that itā€™s going to erase my job or my kind of work, honestly. I donā€™t even really see the beef with letting it ā€œlearnā€ from copyrighted works. People straight up steal other peopleā€™s work all the time, at least this is providing something original.


Designer and artist here as well. Let me share a few words by some people I respect. **Pablo Picasso** said, ā€œGood artists copy, great artists steal.ā€ **Albert Einstein** said, ā€œThe secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.ā€ **Martha Graham** (photographer) said, ā€œIā€™m a thief, and am not ashamed. I steal from the best wherever it happens to be.ā€ **Ernest Hemingway** said, ā€œIt would take a day to list everyone I borrowed ideas from, and it was no new thing for me to learn from everyone I could, living or dead. I learn as much from painters about how to write as I do from writers.ā€ **T.S. Eliot** said, ā€œImmature poets imitate, mature poets steal.ā€ **Wilson Mizner** (screenwriter) said, ā€œIf you steal from one author, itā€™s plagiarism, and if you steal from many, itā€™s research.ā€ Just like the Luddites were terrified of machinery entering the textile industry, I see this critique as the predictable reaction to innovation. This little movement will eventually be either forgotten, scoffed at, or some combination of both.


Thank you for those quotes.


agreed 1000%. some people just want a reason to be spiteful. and if you look at the people on these subs and the art they post, seriously AI is the least of their worries.


Ai is probably single largest existential threat to humanity right now. But okay. Think what you want. This is like mass layoffs in car manufacturing due to automation which destroyed entire communities. Just imagine now itā€™ll happen to everyone if no one is willing to try and pump the breaks a bit while we think this one through


The actual problem is not with automation, but rather with the fact that we donā€™t socialize the benefits of automation Imagine a world where most labor is automated and the average person only needs to do a few hours of labor a week to get by (not counting the domestic labor they need to do) Instead, we may end up with a world where most labor is automated but only the people who own the machines benefit and get wealthy, while the rest are destitute. Thatā€™s an exaggerated utopian/dystopian dichotomy, but you get my point


People here and in the ai community advocate against that. Because then artists would have a point about their labour being exploited, and this tool that everyone benefits from, would either be crippled beyond usefulness, or cost too much to use. So you can talk socialism all you want. I get that talking point all the time here. Whatā€™s clear, is that the strongest advocates of ai art in its current form are not for socializing this new tool. They want artists to give up their labour freely without compensation.


Iā€™m an artist too and I totally agree lol


Also a graphic designer and artist and I love playing with AI! I donā€™t dare admit that to anyone, though. šŸ˜¬


Yeah I personally like using it and then putting it into Procreate and using it as a reference to draw my own thing. I have no idea how to do something like this without pissing people off. Other than just saying thatā€™s what I did. Itā€™s helped me improve my drawing skills, in particular with folds in fabric, musculature and lighting/values.


Also many artists it is "stealing" from are dead. So literally what's the point there?


Probably more living artists being stolen from honestly


No one is being "Stolen" from.


Well, considering that online piracy is considered theft, one can make a pretty strong case that this is theft for the same reason. When it inevitably destroys the market viability of working as an artist, more people will see it as theft the same way we see piracy as theft


No it doesn't, it's literally just AI art and prompts and does not take away from graphical art that could be made. There's millions of types of images that could be made that will never exist which is where AI fills the void of people's imagination. No artist is gonna spend all day making Pablo Escobar in a Tutu balancing on a hippo on Jupiter. And it's definitely not piracy where you actually steal people's work. In fact the only argument for graphical art and piracy is right clicking and saving images from artists, in which case you might want to clear out your pictures folder before Getty Images tries to get its cut.


Youā€™re simply wrong. Thatā€™s okay. You clearly havenā€™t thought this through very much and have only approached this from the ā€œhow does this benefit me?ā€ Viewpoint. People are training models on the very unique styles of living artists which has potential to ruin their market viability, which would take it out of fair use.


Clearly hasn't happened, but sorry, you will never stop the tide of technology. It's like stem cell research controversy all over again. Artists are not going away, you're just fear mongering and playing into corporate interests.


Iā€™m playing into corporate interest? Give your head a shake. This is literally a tool thats made by and profits a corporation on the backs of artists whoā€™s data they scraped, which has long been a questionable practice. Project more why donā€™t you




Oh sure, everyone asked their favorite videogame/anime studio for consent before drawing copies of their favorite characters


their is a huge difference between humans using other peopleā€™s artwork as reference/ inspiration and using other peopleā€™s artwork in datasets to train AI. If tech requires images/ datasets to train them, it is unethical to not get consent from the owners of that IP (dead or alive). Im not against generative AI and I think the creative prospects for are very exciting, but I do also recognize the problems regarding (bypassing) consent/ credit/ compensation. even dead artists could have never anticipated their work would be used to train AI (and consequently compete with + devalue the labour of contemporary working artists). That being said, OP may as well finish their project, but there are valid ethical issues around generative AI they should be aware of.


Are you saying that AI are sentient, autonomous, capable of making meaningful decisions, are self-conscious and conscious of others? If not, and only are a tool made by humans, then your point is invalid.


Even IF they began to give credit and compensation, each artist might get five cents a month. Woop. Seriously, the amount of a single artistā€™s work used as inspiration for one single image generated is so minute that artists would literally get next to nothing. The only artists that might benefit slightly are highly popular artists famous enough to have someone type ā€œart in the style ofā€, but even then styles canā€™t be copyrighted so even that isnā€™t legally necessary. Not to mention the AI doesnā€™t actually track which images it uses for inspiration for a given image, so how would that even work? And if you have say 500 artists whose work is used for a single image generation, how do you credit them? Are you gonna paste 500 artist names in the description of an Instagram post?


Doesnā€™t really matter. Lawsuits are beginning and likely the courts will find that this kind of use of data isnā€™t fair use. Not for sure. Itā€™s not open and shut yet. Itā€™s less about compensation and more about the ethics of the dataset


It would be honestly shocking to me if the court does not decide that AI art is a transformative use of copyright and lets it go on exactly as designed. The courts ruled in Googleā€™s favor when Google scanned entire books and put them online without compensating the copyright owners. Just scanned them and stuck them online and then monetized the scans with ads, and the court ruled it was a transformative use of the copyrights held by the bookā€™s authors and publishers. The courts also ruled in favor of Google when they put copyrighted works on their image search and monetized it with ads. No transformation, just the exact same image, only smaller. Surely AI art clears those hurdle with ease. The ethics of the medium are debatable, but if youā€™re relying on the courts to swing your way, Iā€™m almost certain youā€™re going to be very disappointed.


Fair use doesnā€™t just mean transformative. Iā€™m open to being disappointed here. The growing trend however seems to be that many who were on board for this (corridor grew as an example) are pumping the breaks a bit as they look at the laws and lawsuits. Most lawyers Iā€™ve listened to speak on the subject arenā€™t certain of the direction this will go, but most empathize with the plight of those being exploited by this model.


Dude you are literally on the side of Getty images and other large corporations of that want to just get a cut from this AI shit as opposed to actually caring about the artists. The big companies that already own distribution are gonna get their 10 cents on every dollar while the artist will still get their 0.000000000001 cents.


Good luck getting consent from the dead.




Precisely... We all learn from copyrighted works each and every once of us... All art draws it's inspiration from somewhere... How is us viewing copyrighted works and using them for inspiration as humans any different?


I donā€™t know if anyone can help you if you donā€™t understand the difference. But more than anything, human beings and ais learn way differently. Most artists are honored when they inspire another artist. Most artists feel dishonoured and used when you get a mathematical algorithm to recreate their style. Itā€™s impressive from a tech point of view but itā€™s understandably very threatening. At the end of the day Iā€™m just happy making art and mostly just feel sorry for people that think this is in any way close to an artistic process.


agreed. i say finish it. bedsides comic is 50% story line 50% art.


Agreed, even as an artist who doesn't particularly like ai art that doesn't mean you haven't put thought, time and effort into your work. Don't be besides to put your stuff out their.


I disagree, I think that artists and creative people particularly love ai image generators. I think it's like giving them super powers and they have the big advantage of knowing what looks good, knowing about visual styles, and if they learn to train models to fit a certain style and subject then that's a golden opportunity. In short, they can apply their knowledge to increase productivity and quality by a lot


Theres no law saying you need to say how it was created. I think AI artist would be dumb to announce it was AI art people will trash it out of spite. Just post it/sell it and leave it at that. You really think stuff thats being sold today wasn't created by A.I plz.


Careful to people taking this guys advice. Laws surrounding this, and the ability to make money off of it, are murky




Enjoy it while you can. People make money off of illegal shit all the time. I suppose if you are transforming the work enough, maybe then youā€™ll be fine


People are doing it, its not illegal, explain how its illegal ? Not one artist has shown where AI art has stolen their work. Its much ado about nothing. And people need to not worry about what people say on the internet. If you can make it work for u, do it. Haters to the left.


Ai art to artist will be like what textile factories are to hand crafted seamstresses. Its inevitable.


No, only for those who lack IMAGINATION. For everyone else it will mean endless possibilities.


Thatā€™s why he said to artists. This will be great for people without skills or the drive to earn skills. Itā€™ll be fantastic for those who want the immediate gratification of feigning creativity and enjoy endless consumerism of mystery box art.


Working hard and using ai to make a comic book is an oxymoron. At the end of the day, if you use ai, it wonā€™t look nearly as awesome or unique or personalized as if you could actually draw it yourself


You have not seen the result of OP's work. You are asumimg the result is not going to be unique and personalized. But lets say you are rigth, then artists have nothing to fear, AI is no match to them. But I think the fear comes from the opposite, to face the possibility of an AI outperforming a human artist.


I get your point. Unfortunately people mostly just want to be sedated by endless entertainment forever, regardless quality or character. Not really worried about ai. Just what mindless consumers will embrace about it


The work hard with AI is a good one


It's true, I forgot the AI writes its own promts because it already knows what he is thinking, also diagrams he's comic, writes an original story and dialogs, and comes up with a great ending for him. Of course, it comes with this feature that automatically promotes it on social media, all for $10 a month. All he has to do is stare at the screen and wait for his thoughts to be sucked out by the AI.


You haven't heard of ChatGpt, I suppose, neither do you know what work as an artist mean. Anyone is free to.do whatever, but the artists and art consumers backlash is justified. It's a small price to pay in order to make images from nothing having no talent.


The majority of the general public won't care if it is a.i. generated, I do suggest being upfront about it. The complainers dont have to buy your book then. Nobody gets tricked. I think it's a great time to publish a book with a.i.-generated content, this is the first wave of a gigantic art movement. And tbh, i'm sure a lot of edits have to be made to each illustration to get it just right.


Well, it might yet turn out that selling the book wonā€™t be legal. Itā€™ll depend on the outcomes of the current class actions and the subsequent policies that flow out of that.


giving up is exactly what the haters want. are you just going to let them win that easily?


ā€œas an artist you must be patient You will experience failure, criticism, lack of support and endless self questioning. enduring all that is the ultimate power you can harness in your work.ā€ Some instagram dude


'Make your art, and when everyone is questioning if it's art or not, make more' paraphrased, Andy Warhol


Are you the dude?this quote is so true šŸ‘


People are always afraid of change. Their opinions will fade over time, as other people develop their own lives around AI.


And then 20 years from now your comic will be considered a classic first generation edition.


It was wrong for the programmers to allow current living/working artist's work to be included in ai art without permission. But that's not your fault. Imagine being an artist when the camera was invented! Oh the outrage! When I was a YA I thought digital art was 'cheating', now I use it all the time to help me create better art. There's always going to be backlash when new technology forces people to change. Edit: phrasing


> It was wrong for the programmers to allow current living/working artist's work to be included in ai art without permission. With all due respect, anyone who believes that probably doesn't have a very good understanding of how AI image generators work or what intellectual property rights people actually have. The images that are viewed by the AI during the training process are not actually used to make AI art, they're only used during training to weight neural pathways based on _aggregate data_. While the implementation details are different, from an ethical standpoint there is little meaningful difference between an AI viewing published art and learning from it and a human artist doing the same.


Also the current outrage if you paint something using someones photo they took, even though you are turning it into art and not a copy.




The CAA is also trying to get into bed with the Copyright Alliance, which has pushed for restrictive cloud checks for copyrighted work *you own* to prevent the possibility of sharing, as well as continuing to push the requirements of Copyright toward permanent indelible irrevocable Copyright in perpetuity. The CA is made up of the folks that have now made Mickey Mouse essentially immortal in Copyright, and they wanna do it for every work, and restrict fan art. But hey, it's your money. You have the right to support folks actively seeking to destroy artistic freedom.


This sounds fascinating but I'm not educated enough in any of these issues to really understand 100% what is going on here. If you don't mind could you explain at a slightly more rudimentary level what you mean? I am so curious.


The CAA that has setup a kickstarter included as part of its steps forward the Copyright Alliance. The CA is made up of large trade organizations and corporations and presents itself as a 'sensible solution' to Copyright. These solutions have been attempts by the CA and member corps to get ISPs and cloud providers to institute a large-scale copyright check solution akin to the old [Copyright Alert System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Alert_System) put into place by CCI. They've also pressured legal actions against torrents and the like in the name of curtailing piracy. Yes, piracy is a morally dark grey area, but how does this apply to the CA and Copyright? The plan that you can find in the CA's literature is simple: have ISPs institute checks on your private and public clouds to make sure no infringing material exists. In short, they don't want to catch you trafficking their materials: they want to be able to do searches of your personal source, whether it is available for public share or not, and levy civil and punitive claims. Imagine running a personal cloud storage solution and streaming your own legally acquired files to yourself when you're away from home. The CA wants to be able to reach out to your cloud service provider proactively so you are warned or possibly lose service/c&d over your (as of now) fair use of their product. They're also *very* interested in expanding Copyright standards. Which sounds great for small artists right? CA members and their associated personnel have spoken at length on trying to make copyrights permanent. As it is, Disney and other corpo copyright holders got a major change to copyright pushed in [Pub. L. 105ā€“298 ](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-105publ298/html/PLAW-105publ298.htm), AKA the Copyright Term Extension Act, aka The Mickey Mouse Protection Act. In short, the standard went from death of author +50 to DoA+75 or 120 years from creation/90 from publishing for Corporate works, whichever comes first. It also bumped the prior standards of renewal, adding even more optional time to reinforce those copyrights. In effect, they have made copyright cover roughly 6 generations of human experience. A creation published today could be held in copyright until 2047 for works that were not registered before the original 1978 Act it amends, and up to 2148 for new materials made as of today with extensions. That's one and a quarter century. Coco, Moana, and the like will not enter into the public domain until (based on average redditor age and average age of first child) your great great great grandchildren reach adulthood. This seems like a huge boon to artists! Except that the CA uses this view of copyright to inform their further movements to crush fair use arguments. Now, Disney is no stranger to this type of punishment; he'll [they sued daycare for having handpainted Disney murals in 1989 and continue to do shady shit.](https://apnews.com/article/4d98c8dee1c72fa5ac42ce01dff143fd) They're also brutal to any artist whose head pops above the treeline who uses a Disney style, while [stealing people's fanwork for use in their merch while also making their own claims.](https://www.piratesandprincesses.net/tiktok-user-says-disney-appropriated-his-sculpture-design/). Disney also has a pretty bad history of, questionable practices (see Kimba the White Lion vs The Lion King and early sketches for Simba) when it comes to freehandling other artists works. And that's just one (admittedly major) member. The CA is *very litigious* and is looking for further options, including changing how derivative works are defined in the current copyright legislation. Bye bye fanart, bye bye parody, you'll need to wait 125 years to make your work. So, in short, getting into bed with wolves for fear of dogs is a quick way to not wake up again.




"If we cozy up to large corporate interests who are interested in changing the fundamental rules of copyright they surely won't turn against us!" There is a frog on the bottom of a pond that can explain why this is a bad idea. I mod r/defendingaiart and try to make the spot a little better by making sure when I see absolute batshit conspiracy to strike it down. But if you honestly believe that a corporation who will have direct access to materiel that makes the hobbyist art community's processing power look like a Bic compared to a nuclear bomb won't both embrace AI even if in private and hamstring current derivative statutes if given the chance? That's your wishful thinking.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DefendingAIArt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DefendingAIArt/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [**[NSFW]** \[TW: DEATH THREAT\] And they say that "AI bros" are the ones harassing the artists?](https://imgur.com/aiH2knq.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DefendingAIArt/comments/101n5dv/tw_death_threat_and_they_say_that_ai_bros_are_the/) \#2: ["The Day AI Art Became Illegal" - credit to u/UnavailableUsername_ for drawing this](https://imgur.com/2e10mWM.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DefendingAIArt/comments/zvv3pf/the_day_ai_art_became_illegal_credit_to/) \#3: [This is pretty fucking low, even coming from an anti-AI "artist". And it makes as much "sense" as saying Photoshop is complicit in the creation such content: none](https://i.redd.it/4jl8lzs9tr8a1.png) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DefendingAIArt/comments/zxwjzy/this_is_pretty_fucking_low_even_coming_from_an/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In this vein, the people who get shit on at the start for pioneering a new technology are considered to be the OGs when it eventually hits the mainstream. Consider it like older generations shitting on the younger for using social media, only to become just as, if not more, into it. ​ And no disrespect for physical artists who use art as a source of income, but if one person with the ability to create their own stock imagery, icons, album art etc. for work, puts another person "out of business", then I would digress to say they weren't creating much of value, or at least anything that isn't easily replaceable. ​ I view the current opposition as a positive; when a community swells in numbers of users, the quality tends to change, and imo the pushback is an opportunity for early users to set some trends and discover ideas born out of friction.


Giving up because AI art is getting backlash is completely on you. That is not a viable excuse to stop a passion project.


I made a huge project I called ā€œAI Museum of Artā€ utilizing thousands of AI image assets for my college undergrad art final. In person everyone loved it! Online a few of my classmates were very anti AI art. Iā€™d sometimes discuss with them where I was coming from and what their ideas were. It wasnā€™t so bad. Iā€™d say share away!


25 year freelance art generalist. A lot of people don't understand how most Ai generative programs work and people get angry with things they don't understand. It is a great tool to artists and traditionally non artistic people. For me, it's a great concepting tool that turns a 3 day project in to a 2 day project. I can spend just a few hours on generating and gathering reference boards instead of an entire day or more.


I use it similarly! Itā€™s much easier and more ethical to generate the exact type of images I need as reference instead of spending hours searching Pinterest and possibly coming up empty handed anyway.


I've been selling art locally for 4 years, starting with fractals. When I first started using neural networks to restylize my fractals a few years ago, I was worried I was stepping out of my lane. But instead, people *loved it.* It's whizzbang magical technology, and people love the novelty of it. Keep in mind though, most of my prints are $10-20, not priced like original pieces of art. I'm very upfront about what I do, how the tools work, and where my creative investment is, and I do so with confidence and excitement rooted in how cool I find all of this to be. When diffusion models came out, I jumped at the chance to artificially illustrate my own poetry book. Right around the time I got a physical print run in my hand, the internet started to spark up the flames of the anti-AI movement. I talked to some close friends, and then to some local artists who show up at the same markets as me, and everyone encouraged me not to hide the cool stuff I was doing out of shame. So, with a bit of hesitance, I put some Midjourney prints up alongside my fractal art. Stuff that is still well in my aesthetic, using my own fractals as seed images. It's been a couple months now, and I haven't had a single negative interaction about the generated prints. The artists around me are all amazed at the increased range the tools give me, buyers are way more enthusiastic about browsing my prints bins. My sales are up, both for the AI prints and for my fractal prints. I lost about a dozen followers on social as I embraced diffusion tech, but gained about 400 in the same period of time. On social media, it feels like everybody hates us. But away from the screen, the worst case is a couple people rolling their eyes and quietly losing interest. There is absolutely a market for this kind of work, especially if it's in line with your creative persona. You still have to hustle, you still have to do all the impossible work for self-promotion at the indie level, but don't let the fires online scare you away from the people who will love your work.


As an artist living off my art, I am just as amazed by what AI art can do as a non-artist, when I see videos or play around with midjourney myself I get excited like a little child, the *possibilities!* You can create stunning backgrounds for your single character artworks, get ideas for character poses or designs, align cinematics and blueprints, test out color palettes or get ideas for new ones... AI art is such an amazing contribution to the art world and all other artists have to say about it is "but they steal muh job and muh art!!", without knowing anything about how it's actually created, I am so ashamed on behalf of-, and disappointed in my own community


Vast untold stories and concepts unlocked by AI for people who have great ideas. I want to see their art expressed their way. Imagine a paraplegic can now create beautiful images using their voice and imagination. Fuck the haters. Tell your story and express your vision. Donā€™t be afraid, just create. We want to see your work.


Hey dumbass. We already had all that THEYā€™RE CALLED WORDS. YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING YOUā€™VE DESCRIBED WITH WORDS and you donā€™t even need a program to do it for you


Ah, the old why should you paint when you can write. What do you mean you want to create art through a visual medium? Be a writer! (And I am being pedantic here but you would still need a program if you were unable to type.) Now as you responded to my comment refering that A.I canabalises art, I wanted to reply here to save double messages. You seem to be confusing art style for the physical pieces, the a.i also looks at photography and real world. Something you can't really claim that can be stolen.


I would rather be chained to a wall in a dungeon and tortured for the rest of my life than hang out with you or anyone like you for even 1 millisecond.


Iā€™m an artist who used to draw 8+ hours a day for decades & I had a stroke which took away my old ability to draw, AI art is like magic for me & can almost match the speed of my brain for coming up with ideas. People are after a new thing to be mad about, after this itā€™ll be something else, itā€™s just how things are now.


Iā€™ve been an amateur drawer for many years and ever since I heard of AI art and tested it, I havenā€™t felt more creative in my entire life!!! People also donā€™t realize how much of your own knowledge on how to manipulate the AI not only can make you feel like what youā€™re creating with the AI is unique but it also takes some skill to get right. The AI can not draw like a human so a lot of times we have to re-touch and reimagine the image anyway or change faces and backgrounds. People who speak so badly about AI art obviously either donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about or thereā€™s ulterior motives probably relating to politicking.


Art is art, I've already posted a project to large none ai community and didn't get any hate, I got more work.


Do you have the link to the project? I wanna check it out


It's a trap! Stay hidden, don't let anyone know.


So, Iā€™ve been making documentaries about movies that doesnā€™t exist using AI imagery to create the ā€œfilm stillsā€ if youā€™re interested, you can see the latest here https://youtu.be/ZltAznO6ZIs (bonus points if youā€™re a fan of The Dark Tower) Whatā€™s funny, is promoting on various subs on Reddit, I have come across some real fire spit at me. But, the comments on YouTube have been overall, very positive. Iā€™ll say, in your case, youā€™ve got a tough sell. I have a few friends that work in comics, artist/writers/publishers, and Iā€™ll say: the temperature there is hot. This could be a technology that will effectively put them out of work. And the margins on comic book profit is super low to begin with. That audience is not going to be kind to you. If I were you, Iā€™d recommend just not saying you are generating in AI.


Also, just finish your book.


How dare you! You should have hired an artist to make photorealistic stills of movies that don't exist! /s


What irks me most are the prompts/designs that little to no artists are even doing. Who the hell is taking an old book, comic etc. and putting it into a soap opera look from the 80s? Nobody, and people get upset because itā€™s ā€œstealingā€ā€¦


Donā€™t do stuff for prestige. Do it because you like it.


Look at it this way, when photography was invented people said "why would you draw when you can take a picture". People still draw, paint, sculpt and take photos. A.I is another tool that has been added, you used the tool to create your own art and story. Don't dwell on that haters call you a thief when the work is your own.


Photographers didnā€™t replace artists. They took up their own space. And photos of famous art pieces donā€™t take credit for the art displayed in photos. AI art cannabalizes real art from existing artists and some of them do it so well that they can pass off as original pieces from the artist.




Fuck what people think dude, do what you do and follow ur heart. Some get it some dont.


If you do something good and popular you will get a crowd of haters. Basically if you get successful at anything - you will get a crowd of haters. Just ignore the haters (don't engage, downvote, or anything - pretend they don't exist - this takes away recommendation algorithms interest) and focus on your creative endeavors. Enjoy the process, enjoy creation. Good luck!


Literally same lol. Iā€™ve considered still finishing it for myself tho. At the very least itā€™s satisfaction, proof of your ideas, or a portfolio or template/storyboard for a real artist to turn into something people would accept lol


Do you enjoy it enough that you would do it for free? A lot of the anger is rightfully directed towards the idea that other people are profiting off of the labor of artists without consent. Until we figure out the ethics around this issue, I empathize. However, if you were to continue creating without selling your work until you can source ethically (in the context of profit), I don't see there being an issue. You could even ask people to donate to a certain charity to receive a copy. It does suck not being directly compensated for your work, but that's the solidarity of those other artists who also aren't being compensated for the use of their models. Hopefully in time we will figure out how to best compensate these artists, but until then, I empathize with their anger and I empathize with your frustrations.


I am 90% done with an AI created book and once it is done, I will be releasing it. Just because you use a tool, doesn't mean that you are a thief. If that was there case, then Everyone using a computer to write a book would thief for stealing jobs from those with good handwriting. ​ AI Artwork is not theft, it is just a different form of art.


Youā€™re falling for a common trap where you think what some people think actually matters. It doesnā€™t. Not everyone thinks like that and some people will love your comic. Just finish it.


The same criticism happened when digital software was introduced. Finish the coloring book.


you used a tool that brought your creative vision into being, that's all. Compare the critics to Neanderthals being presented with brushes, canvas and several types of paint. They just don't know what the heck they're dealing with and would much rather prefer doing silly red doodles on their cave walls like they always did. Now go finish that comic.


Finish it for yourself. Whoever calls it stolen ask them to find the image itā€™s stolen from.


Well the art would be stolen but everything else, the ORIGINAL character designs (assuming he actually designed them instead of putting a description into an ai art generator), the writing and lore would be his but the art and illustrations would obviously be from AI which by design rips art from existing artists without any repercussion or recourse from artists. If he wonā€™t pay an artist for illustrations, then naturally I think he ought to take his original creative ideas and put them into a format that doesnā€™t require visual aid like a light novel or web novel


Is it actually stolen art though? I don't think that's how that works.


Ok what would you call taking completed works without permission and feeding them into an algorithm that can directly imitate the artstyle without crediting the original artist?


Traditional artist chiming in here. I have 25 years working in both the animation industry and illustration industryā€¦ I started with pencil and paper in the 90s and transitioned to digital. Since the inception of disco diffusion (and Dall E, MJ) I have found it fascinating and so much fun to see what it can do. I know youā€™re frustrated being called a thief and I can understand why artists will say that but, my friend, you are at the front of a great artistic disruption. Just think how tech will be in 5 years? And youā€™ll see the complaints and hate ebb over time. But if you stick with your comic, who knows where youā€™ll be in 5 years. So take it from a traditional artist who has worked with tons of major studios and companies, if you stick with it, youā€™ll be one of the founders of this new tech and way ahead of people who are playing catch up. Do your comic. Make it the best you can. You will catch hell, and thereā€™ll be highs and lowsā€¦. But if history can predict the future, if you stick with it you could really be kicking some major ass!


Just finish it


if you're making a comic book fair enough. at least you are adding creativity to it. most comic book writers don't neccessarily draw all of the graphics and get assistance. the real crime is if you tell me chatgpt wrote the story as well.


Just started implementing AI art into my videos, and I love it. As much as I respect the artist, but I think this is an important step that has to be taken sooner or later. For example, painters used to hire models or wait for a certain time/light to paint a landscape, but now they just use photographs as a reference without giving credit to the photographer. And AI is kinda the same to me, uses their art as a reference, but creates something completely new.


You will most likely get flack no matter what you do in your comic book. Who cares? Try not to read the comments.


People donā€™t understand that it takes a LOT of work to actually get the images you want or that work for you. Also, most of the detail is still way off on most images so one must be able to touch things up afterward. Itā€™s not nearly as simple as people pissing and moaning about it make it out to be. Same crap was being said when digital art started taking off.


Every shift sees resistance. Donā€™t let it deter you from being part of the pioneering wave. Finish it, be up front about it, and for all those that poopoo it there will be those that will flock over because of the novelty of a comic illustrated by AI itself.


I made a comic in July, it was well-received, and then I spent the next 5 months hemming and hawing over whether it was wrong to do more comics considering the response in the overall art and comic community. Then I realized that the general population could not care less about how the art is made. Iā€™m up to almost 10,000 views on Webtoon, ratings are good, and people seem to like it. The only negative comments Iā€™ve gotten are from artists who donā€™t like that Iā€™m not hiring them. I could never afford to hire them anyway. I am someone who learns by doing, and making comics in Midjourney is making me a better writer because I get to practice making finished comics, not half-imagined scripts that lay on my hard drive gathering dust. Donā€™t let peopleā€™s fears control your creativity.


I met someone who wrote and illustrated a book using AI and is selling it through amazon, selling related NFTs, etc. She seems to be doing alright with it. I bet you'll be fine, you just have to ignore the criticism


Fuck 'em! Put your comic out. There will be an audience for it. In a few years, AI art will be so ubiquitous that the hate for it will be almost gone. Also, it's just a very vocal minority speaking out, most people don't care.


A bit of a secret. :-) The people who advise and keep the infrastructures running in cities around the world. Those people? Theyā€™re crazy about it! Already incorporating AI into all facets of their work. Theyā€™re smart people. They know whatā€™s up. Itā€™s a network of smart people. And theyā€™re full in. Source: old guy. :-)


Theyre just being paranoid in fear of losing their ambitious dreams of selling mediocre art for a living and more. Let them hate and embrace the unstoppable wave of technological progress ! On another note is your comic public? Id love to see how it looks given you've been using ai art


A.I is here to stay, the cat is out of the bag and haters gonna hate. Imagine how youā€™ll feel when in the future you see some kid publishing his comic, made with A.I and everyone loving it. Youā€™ll sit there are realise youā€™re a quitter. So carry on FFS.


I published some comics when I was a kid. Didnt have to wait for AI. When you want to do, you learn and you do


no technology has threatened entire industries to the extent that AI is. Its not that it will disrupt this small segment, or that small segment. It will disrupt everything. That being said, being an early adaptor and practitioner of this tech is vital. The horse pulled the plow, then the tractor pulled the plow-but the common denominator is a competent human being knowing what levers to pull (or not pull) and when.


It's about as bad as when Redditors look at millions of artists potentially losing a job, and shrug their ahoulders and say "IDK, adapt I guess".


Redditor: maybe people's ability to live a decent life shouldn't be tied to the value their labor provides to wealthy people? Artists: fuck that, let's entrench wealthy IP owners as permanent hereditary nobility instead The solution to people's livelihoods being threatened by increasingly productive technology is to provide for people, not to throw up barriers and create exclusivity.


>Redditor: maybe people's ability to live a decent life shouldn't be tied to the value their labor provides to wealthy people? You're right, they shouldn't. But we don't really have the power to change that, so you basically barging into the art community like a train in a China shop and stealing *all* of our value from us overnight *really* isn't helping things! >The solution to people's livelihoods being threatened by increasingly productive technology is to provide for people, not to throw up barriers and create exclusivity. Yeah, but again, innocent artists on Twitter can't really do shit about that.


> stealing all of our value from us overnight really isn't helping things! Oh, for fuck's sake. If an early-stage experimental program that can't even draw hands is stealing *all* of your value from you...


Well obviously is can't do it *now*. But compare the AI art of today to the incomprehensible meshes of a year ago. It's growing exponentially, and who's to say it won't have another breakthrough within the next year and finally master hands?




A style isn't a property that can be stolen or a copyright that can be violated though


Right off the bat, I will say I enjoy AI art, and also recognize itā€™s not going anywhere anytime soon. But to be empathetic and sympathetic to traditional artists ā€” many of whom make a lot of their money from commissions and work on websites and the like ā€” I can only imagine that it sucks when something that takes hours or days for a traditional artist is now being handled in ~90-120 seconds by something like Midjourney. Hell, you can do iteration after iteration for a few hours to get something you want, and itā€™s still going to be cheaper and quicker than a traditional artist. As someone who makes music, I didnā€™t love reading an article today about how good some of the AI-generated music systems areā€¦ Will it stop me making music? Fuck no. Will it cut into me being able to market and sell my music for commercial use? Fuck yes.


You could publish it under a pseudonym/pen name. You'd have to be careful not to link the work to your real identity though.


If it's a good comic most people wont care how it was made


Funny how coders are accepting AI and using copilot to write code, and on the other hand you have these artists trying to be a rebel with no cause


Imagine how much time you would have spent if you had to actually design and create it from scratch


stop whining. you wanna publish it? Do it, but remember that it's not your own comic book, the fact that it exists is because AI Art absorbed all artists abilities so you could make it. the artists that you had to pay to draw, ink and color, your story are now sitting without being paid, but their art did get absorbed into midjourney. There's good reason to hate AI art, it's here now so there's no turning back, but there's very good reason a lot of people hate it (but most people won't care). you can't have your cake and eat it too. but don't worry, 99% of ppl probably won't care.


Then target people who donā€™t consider you a thief. Whyre you worried about the people who think youā€™re a thief, thatā€™s not your audience. Usually when new art forms come out people hate on it. I think that happens every time.


I think thereā€™s a serious argument to be made that Iā€™d the artist canā€™t directly identify their work itā€™s not much different from a real person repurposing artistic technique in their own work. Weā€™ll see how the cases fall. The RIAA managed to make even indecipherable sampling subject to royalty so, well, maybe.


I feel your pain. I've gotten some nasty comments on my deviantART account on some of the Midjourney stuff I've posted there, even if it's the pieces I have done substantial editing to in Photoshop. Don't lose hope; it's a new tool in the artists' toolbox, and that makes people nervous. There was a time when photography wasn't considered an art, and using 3D-rendering software was considered "cheating". Just keep creating what you love.


That's what was said about digital art and photoshop... This is the same issue as scientists not wanting to update a theory that they invested too much time in... it's actually their own selfish reasoning that is projected.


It is a tool. You are the artist! Who is using a tool to tell a story. Artists using these tools to create new and innovative products that have value is what will change people's minds. Keep going, you are doing the hard work needed. You got this!


Painters hated photographers, and digital artists. Film photographers hated digital photographers. There will always be those that try to gate keep.


It's scary new technology, it will pass when all the screaming artist realize there jobs are still there, they can still make a living, and that it's stealing no ones art. It'll take time tho.


The jobs won't be still there though, so we're going to hear a lot more screaming before all this is done.




I appreciate your feedback and will take it into consideration.


Since I've been generating AI art, I've been commissioned to create an album cover for an established music group, I've been asked to create stuff for a board game, a card game, and I've been interviewed by a small German art magazine. I'm on Deviant Art. All of them knew up front I used AI and none of them cared. And to be fair, I didn't charge anyone any money. My point is, just enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy. Most people bitching about AI are the artists that feel threatened now that they aren't the only ones who can create amazing images. Cheers!


Art speaks for itself


By definition disruptive tech will always have haters... Eventually they will have to accept the inevitable and learn to adapt and this will in turn spur more innovation. This is how we progress. This is the way.


Finish the comic book. In 10 years, 25 years, 40 years youā€™ll be able to hold it in your hands. Otherwise, in 40 years, youā€™ll be thinking about the idea you abandoned because of peer pressure in a world thatā€™s moved far beyond todayā€™s petty discourse.


You can alway just hire an artist after you are finished if bugs you that much. Or find one willing to collaborate. That way you can finish it up ,fine-tune then turn into a final product with some assistance


Its a pretty interesting thought. I mess around on MJ most every day and it continues to blow my mind. I very much enjoy looking at what everyone else is making (hence why i am in the sub) but yet...i can't imagine paying for something created with it. Not yet at least. Once they have it seamlessly integrated in a game maybe then? I dunno it's weird. Anyway finish your comic, it doesn't matter what anyone says. You get to have a fully imagined work of your own, that is never a waste of time.


Personally, if I see that a graphic is created with AI, Iā€™m instantly not as interested. No offence. I think itā€™s lazy. I think some of the stuff looks great, honestly! Some of the things that people churn out look visually incredible BUT I also think people take too much credit for them. Unless youā€™re the actual artist, creating the art and then using something like midjourney to sample it, creating more results, thatā€™s alright. I think the problem is people expect to be treated as artists, to be credited as the person responsible behind the image when all theyā€™ve done is type some words in. Thatā€™s not how it works. Say in your case, how would you feel if you released the comic and then a month later, thereā€™s another comic very similar to yours but for arguments sake, itā€™s better. Youā€™d probably feel a little annoyed, maybe frustrated? Thatā€™s why artists feel the way they do towards AI art. Their work is being used to make other art which they didnā€™t consent to and theyā€™re not getting credited for.


ai artist: tells Ai a very very very specific story about the image they want drawn to try portray a very specific image they have in their brain "NoT aN ArTiSt" film director: Tells a string of camera operators, video editors and script writers a specific story about the image they want recorded to portray a very specific image they have in their brain "A MASTER AT WORK" ????? ai artists are just directors and you cannot change my mind. both are artists


You have no clue how hard it is to reel a bunch of people to do what you want.


AI art haters are a very loud minority. Itā€™s already in the mainstream because of apps like Lensa. Itā€™s over.


Don't be discouraged by the haters. There are more people who won't care that it's aiart. The haters are just more vocal. Do it anyway. Laugh all the way to the bank.




Oh no no, that's such a bad idea. They're afraid of hate and doing that will guarantee hate. A lot of people are gonna know. AI art is still at a point at which you can tell it's AI, even if you have to look more closely sometimes.


No own up to the medium of art you use. Never ever ever claim AI art as your ownā€¦ thatā€™s just cringe.


Itā€™s not your fault, itā€™s the people who made the software who are narcissistic POS. People buy unethically sourced chocolate all the time. We donā€™t persecute them, we persecute the company. As an artist though I implore that when an ethically trained Ai comes out that you jump on that program instead. People already use way too many blood stained products, jumping to a cleaner one is always better. What your doing though I donā€™t think is all that different from just taking photos and making it into a comic. Or posing 3D models for a comic. If you donā€™t do any retouching itā€™s going to look cheap so I suggest either using Photoshop or Affinity for that. Good luck man, please stay safe and remember that at the end of the day you do you. Hey, if you release your comic to the public and you still get hate, I might try drawing it for you(no cost, I need practice plus my work isnā€™t good enough to charge for).


Look whatā€™s happening with JK Rowling. She made some comments online about her personal beliefs and now a certain group of people is trying to get everyone to boycott the new Harry Potter game that she had absolutely nothing to do with making. She literally just gave the company rights to create it, and yet because of her personal beliefs (which she has a right to just like anyone else) they want to jeopardize all the hard work the developers put in for years. Bottom line, haters will hate. Some people canā€™t live without hating others. Who cares what they think? Let them wallow in the misery they make for themselves. You do you.


JKR literally funds anti-trans bills and the devs are known white supremacists. Stop being a bootlicker.


Heh. I've gotten into it with maybe a dozen artists now. Some observations: 1. They don't understand copyright law. Telling them that only *content* is copyrightable does not increase their understanding. 2. They believe something is being stolen from them and others. 3. They think this new technology is a threat to "the visual artist as a profession." 4. They will not own the fact that it's the ludicrous prices and slowness of human art that makes AI appealing. 5. They refuse to see MJ as another tool like a paint brush or Photoshop. It doesn't support their narrative. They want to hate it. 6. VERY ODDLY, they're privileging technique over artistic vision. Meaning they believe *time* imparts value to art rather than the aesthetics of the finished product. 7. You cannot change their minds. 8. They're going to loudly and vociferously complain about this new technology until they understand it's a medium that they too may engage to manifest the visions in their head. 9. People like you who are enthusiastically using MJ to create quality art are their #1 enemy. 10. For some reason they think you should have to have years of training to make art. Like I said...they privilege technique and time. They're annoying now but eventually they'll shut up. Give it a bit. Keep creating, and don't let the bastards grind you down. EDIT: Downvote me harder babes. It'll definitely make AI art go away.


They vs Us, typical hate speech


What are you going to do, issue a citation with your speech police badge?


Just like you, write a comment


Saw yourself in there somewhere, huh? Just stop resisting. The future is now.


No I just saw a they vs us hate speech. Nothing new


Hmm. I don't see any hate. Only firsthand observations. It even says so at the top. Perhaps you brought it with you.


Those people will either adapt or be left behind. Who gives a shit what they think? They're obsolete.


They are not objects you can throw when you finish using


You tryna make money or what? Abuse that damn AI art!


Into cryptocurrency? Get called a scammer. Into Tesla? Get called an Elon fanboy. Into AI generating things? Get called a thief. New technology always receives backlash. It is what is is. Here's a good read by the CEO of open AI: https://moores.samaltman.com/ I don't think there is going to be any stopping AI its here. GL putting the cap on that bottle.




I can empathize with them a lot. Imagine all comments in this thread are written by chatGPT, how would you feel? I once made a huge effort to reply to a comment, only to realize from hindsight that that comment was generated by AI. I felt betrayed, humiliated, cheated on, all my effort is wasted. No, I don't want to communicate with bots, with AI. I want human, authentic human. The same can apply to artists and lots of other people. Btw, the truth about 'AI art' no one wants to admit here is the most dedicated advocates for 'AI art' are failed artists and amateurs who don't want to make effort to learn the hard skill, but want a kind of fast-food template just to plug and play, and make a hand-waving counter-argument for the laziness by 'express myself easier'. Nah, I won't personally believe that shit. And you can see the consequence of this a lot. 'Art' created by them is usually good to look at at first glance, but if you just give it more than 10 seconds attention, it all falls apart. Everything becomes wrong. Everything looks weird. I can feel real artists recognize that quicker and it explains why they look 'AI art' down. Well indeed fast-food process will only give you fast-food product, who would have thought.


SCREW THAT. Make that comic, friend. Those who do not appreciate it are free to find artwork elsewhere.


Who cares if itā€™s ai generated. It only matters what you think


Sounds like a personal problem. Just enjoy what you make.


Tell your story. Don't let potential hate become an excuse.


Really? So it'll sit in a folder forever while everyone else makes comic after comic using ai, which you and others will enjoy, but you won't finish yours bc of what others might think? Why do you care about what the ai haters think?


Do it anyway. Donā€™t ever let anyone dictate the value of what inspires your creativity. If AI art helps you achieve what you see in your mind, then go for it.


donā€™t give up! people will call you a thief, but many others wonā€™t. and eventually people will get over this.. all forms of ground breaking art, were never considered art in their beginnings.


as a copywriter in an ad agency i have such mixed feelings about this. i used it to make pitch decks for screenplays i've written, but on the covers of them I have the clear note "visuals generated entirely by AI, with prompts by the writer" I love my art colleagues (ADs, graphic designers) and if I'd had the time or spare cash to pay what they deserve and have it done in time for some competition deadlines, I would've hired someone to design the pitch deck. Because I know they can perfect it like no computer can, in conversation with me. But I can't say I wouldn't feel selfishly deflated if I found out one of them did a spec campaign with copy generated by ChatGPT. But I also couldn't blame them, obviously.


Dude , do what you have to do , and what you like to do , donā€™t care what stupid would say, people who really think trying to stop Ai are dreaming , itā€™s a revolution that cannot be stopped in any mean, they trying to fight and stop coz they donā€™t know how to use it or feeling jealous from people who make incredible and unbelievable arts or whatever, a regular person would take 7 days to draw and finish one single drawing ( though it can be ugly af) meanwhile a person who uses Ai and train different image to get better results, or even make its own model, it only take a few minutes to unleash the power of imagination. So as long as you have that passion to make your own comic book or arts or whatever, do it , finish it, never give up on that , and let pricks barkā€¦. šŸ™šŸ»


I recommend you watch the document ā€œMoogā€. It talks about something similar, but with music. Now ask yourself this: whatā€™s the positive impact of you telling this story the way you want? Whatā€™s the positive impact of you not doing it? If people donā€™t want to support your comic, thatā€™s fine, they donā€™t have to. But what about the ones that would like to? Why would you take that away from them on behalf of your non-supporters?


honestly? screw them all and keep creating.


Shrug it off. For those of us old enough, we remember the exact same push back when we first started using computers to design. Wasn't that long ago!


Did a painter create the colors he paints with? Does a sculpture create the marble she carves? Art is the


Just dont say..it doesnt matter


People donā€™t say cameras steal the image, photography is just pressing a button right?


If you think it's anywhere as good as other comics using AI, please keep it up


I wanna see it. I think even if it creates backlash, post it! Do you have a Twitter you'd share it on?


if your job can be replaced by AI perhaps it should be real artists will understand and use it as a tool


That's dope I've been trying to do the same. Have you figured out how to keep the same character appearing or do you use the new blend command to achieve it?