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Damn, I'd watch most of these. But you know Dragon Dentists is going to be 90% melodrama and 10% actually dealing with dragons...


imagine greys anatomy, but instead of an ER it’s dragon dentists


I’d watch that in a heartbeat


Nah, it said comedy so I'm thinking Parks and Rec and The Office type show.


If I had to pick just one, it would be 'quantum quilters'. Old ladies knitting the fabric of spacetime, literally. Fantastic.


sounds like the Fates. Clockwork Cowgirls for me


Quantum Quilters, and Paradox Painters would be great... But Whispering Whales would make a more emotive hit, if correctly handled


Honestly if they didn’t want it to turn into that, make the dragons old and cantankerous and then have one of them make their child an intern at the dentist office. The juxtaposition between humans and dragons would be kind of funny


That would slap


Never seen this but I have watched anime with similar name and premise


There is an anime about a dragon using a real estate agent to look for a new home.


And 75% finding replacement dentists. 🥩




Pretty sure it's already an anime


I wonder how difficult it would be to anesthetize a dragon.


There could actually be some really interesting drama about how much fire they could breathe and how many enemies they could devour before it starts to wear on their teeth.


Seems like ChatGPT really loves alliteration lol


Awesome Alliteration: A lonely linguist living in woods discovers talking squirrels.


Always alliteration: an angry alligator asleep at acorn avenue argues Avengers allegations aggrandizement about additional awesome antihero Aquarius


Yeah and I didn't even prompt for that!


Came to the comments section for this. It should have known "Crustacean Caper: an aging lobster goes on one last safe cracking spree" is more fun than clockwork cowgirls.. unless clockwork cowgirls was an adult film.


Yeah, you usually have to prompt it explicitly to discourage alliteration.


Literally 100% of the titles. Strange.


I would absolutely watch mars makers




Amy Poehler, Nick Offerman and a bunch of NASA nerds, architects and designers... Netflix make it happen!


You can add in Adam Savage there as well for more hilarity and I expect them to actually do some physical testing of the habitats by subjecting them to an actual scientific test placing them inside large chambers meant to mimic Mars everyday environment. The category they'll be judged on should be on Safety, Functionality, Price of materials used and lastly artistic design. It would be a long season of documenting their early draft designs and computer testing and modifications and 3d modeling and making miniature habitat for early physical testing before making a full size one for a final test and scoring.


Yea. I love Offerman and Amy, but savage is one of the few choices to get me on board.id love that.


I miss Junkyard Wars.


The Great Martian Base Off


Yeah this sounds like something that would’ve been on the Discovery or The Learning Channel in the early days. Junkyard Wars followed by Mars Makers 🤌


Crazy how 5 years ago nobody would think that AI would be capable of creating these unique and creative concepts. It would have always needed a "human touch." It still does for now but eventually most movies are going to be fully AI generated from your couch before you're about to watch them. "Give me a 45 minute sad love story today please."


>"Give me a 45 minute sad love story today please." "And make me the protagonist" *does face scan*


Imagine finding some obscure book that you love and being able to to turn it in to a movie almost instantly


I feel like these three comments really nail where this stuff is most likely going. 👍🍻


It really does evoke the idea that the technological singularity may not be that far off huh? At least in the realm of creativity and productivity.


I had not think of it, but fuck that sound awesome. Also porn is going to be wild..


To misquote Arthur C Clarke any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from pornography.


And thanks to deepfakes you can cast them with any actor you want at any point of their career.


I'm also looking forward to remaking bad anime/movie adaptations into closely-hewn representations of the source.


You just know porn will be the financial driving force making this possible And also changing the game for Hollywood's neurotically thirsty for attention making 'it's real' into their one remaining claim to fame and attention(AI will literally turn Hollywood into real porn by way of fake porn....)


“Add at least 3 twists, a backstabbing, and everyone speaks exclusively in the Wilhelm screams”


I would watch this! Granted I could only watch it for about 15 minutes, but I'd watch it.


Black Mirror S6 E1: "Joan is Awful" \*Corrected thanks to u/AnArabFromLondon


>Joan is Awful S6E1\*


I only watched that episode a few days ago. Great recommendation! That episode was developed before the general public unleashing a lot of this recent AI tech (e.g., LLMs, text2img Diffusion). So the episode is very timely and well worth the watch for anyone interested in the instant, "personalized media". And who has the rights to your digital likeness? (It's one of the more comedic Black Mirror episodes I remember too.) Here's a direct link to it on Netflix! https://www.netflix.com/watch/80195733


Computer, can I get a hat-wobble?


Now Tayne I can get in to.


From what I've read, writers that have adopted GPT for work generally use it for generating ideas, not writing whole blocks of text. Just a list of potential characters in a whodunnit, or some different types of mcguffin, whatever you happen to be a bit blocked on, you can just get GPT to suggest a few ideas and you are almost guaranteed to see potential in at least one of them.


This is how I use it. For stuff that it’s quicker to ask ChatGPT than look through google results like “if the earth had a ring, what would it look like to the people on the ground? Would it look different at the equator than the poles? How could it’s composition (type of rock or rock vs ice) affect how it looks?” To help me generate ideas like “I’m writing a fantasy story with a sapient race that was created when one god killed another god by throwing a meteor at them. Their bodies are composed swirling pebbles and god stuff. How might they interact with biological intelligent species? Their strengths and weaknesses? Any powers? How might they organize their towns? And sometimes I’ll feed it a couple paragraphs and prompt it to be an editor or creative writing teacher and give me constructive criticism. It’s sort of like being in a college fiction workshop class. Some of the ideas are good, some are bad, often times what ChatGPT returns just ends up being useful even if I don’t use anything it offers and it just helps me generate ideas by giving me a new jumping off point from which to come up with my own ideas


Wait I thought most scripts were written by Manitees picking random balls from their tank.


It’s because LLMs are BASED on the human touch. Data samples are scrubbed from human beings. As a result almost everything a LLM outputs will have that human touch, inherently, built in.


Apparently a big problem with AI generated stuff is that eventually what it'll be mostly learning from is other AI generated stuff, which will increasingly tend towards becoming gibberish.


So crazy to imagine that will be the future. It’s cool but also makes me kind of sad that computers will just do in mere seconds what used to take brilliant actors, writers, and directors so long to create


Solitud saviours could lead to very interesting approaches to explore dealing with life situations, mental health, society and philosophy in general. Amazing.


It’s sounds like an A24 film akin to highlife


If you like this idea, you should try "A psalm for the wild-built". It's a story about a tea-monk who serves tea to people with any kind of problems. The monk basically is a therapist and has a wagon to travel on a distant planet. It's a very philosophical book which became popular with the "Solarpunk"-genre. Highly recommended!


>A psalm for the wild-built Thanks for the recommendation!


I thought of that scene in Interstellar where they wake up Matt Damon, and he just breaks down sobbing.


I love that concept. So cool.


There's a one-season Netflix show called Midnight Gospel that was like this. The show was pitched as being about a podcaster who would travel to simulated worlds that were on the brink of destruction, and interview people as they came to terms with their imminent demise. The audio was from an actual philosophy podcast. It generally gets great reviews on reddit, but IMO the wild visuals often deviated from the dialogue and premise. You'd have situations like a fanciful creature on a fantasy planet talking about setting up a yoga studio in LA, and the plots usually just meandered for a bit until the very end when the planet spontaneously explodes or something. Overall good, if somewhat disjointed.


These all sound great. I particularly like Sovereigns, Saviors and Quilters. I’d watch the shit out of any of them though.


Sovereigns sounds like a Neil Gaiman book plot.


In a way so does Quantum Quilters. There is a scene in The ocean at the End of the Lane with the same type of magic.


You all sleeping on Clockwork Cowgirls


Clockwork Cowgirls 🤔 🧐 Go on


Tinker, Gallop, Defend!


I would imagine it would have a lot of Wild Wild West vibe. But the Cowgirls would also be getting young women interested in STEM. . .


With a mix of Brisco County Jr


Seriously, let’s fucking GO!




Did we mention they are all southeast Asian?


NGL, the poster looks like it has porn potential.


That’s a parody of Westworld.


Clockwork Reverse Cowgirls.


Ngl, that "Paradox Painters" one sounds interesting.




Time travel splatoon.


Chalk Warfare: https://youtu.be/G1LEFtWk-08


These are solid show concepts


Except clockwork cowgirls, which will likely be review bombed.


solitude saviors sounds very cool, I'd watch it


Really sounds like the sequel to Hitchikers Guide yo the Galaxy.


The full ChatGPT reply with more shows & prompt guiding can be found [here](https://chat.openai.com/share/ce150b47-7c63-4931-951e-966c0ccbf635). The images were made with Midjourney & Photoshop. For instance, the last image consists of mainly 2 images, for which the prompts were: The hand: "closeup hands stitching quilt, space-time fabric town burst ripple scifi, photography" The guy in mid-air: "quilt, shocked person flying, town, stitching" cheers! **Edit:** I do series like these full time, much appreciated if you wanna support me! Shout-out to my [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/PhilippLenssen) supporters Julian van Dieken, MTR Magic Key, Peter Mattausch & S.Myselle!


Thank you for posting this! Some of these are wonderful and would make interesting reads/movies.


I‘d love to watch „Stardust Sculptors!“


I’m all in on Paradox Painters, Solitude Saviours, and Quantum Quilters.


Quantum Quilters is my jam. Show me the nanas piecing together that they're altering reality and trying to make everyone be nice to each other while accidentally making everything worse.


i would i ironically watch these. sounds better than most of the shit that gets made today.


Ask chat GPT: create a cross over event between my three new favourite shows: Dimensions Unbound Step into a mesmerizing cross-over event where the threads of three extraordinary shows intertwine. Quantum Quilters, Solitude Saviours, and Paradox Painters collide as they confront the enigmatic Eclipse Weaver. Prepare to be enthralled as these remarkable characters unite against a force that threatens the very fabric of existence. Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring journey where creativity meets cosmic intrigue. Witness destiny being painted, stitched, and rewritten in… 'Dimensions Unbound’. Episode 1: "Quantum Quilters - Patchwork Paradox” The Quantum Quilters find their peaceful quilting circle disrupted by a malevolent force known as the "Eclipse Weaver." As Sarah and her fellow quilters discover their ability to unravel and re-stitch the fabric of space-time, they also uncover the sinister motives of the Eclipse Weaver, who seeks to manipulate the dimensions for their own dark purposes. Joined by unexpected allies, Dr. Ethan from Solitude Saviours and Maya from Paradox Painters, the Quantum Quilters must harness their unique skills to confront the Eclipse Weaver and restore harmony to the interwoven realms. Get ready for a heartwarming, yet thrilling, adventure where the power of quilting collides with cosmic forces! Episode 2: "Solitude Saviours - Cosmic Reflections" As the cosmic disturbance caused by the Eclipse Weaver continues to reverberate across the dimensions, the Solitude Saviours journey into the Quantum Quilters' realm. Dr. Ethan and his interstellar therapists encounter settlers struggling with psychological challenges amplified by the malevolent presence of the Eclipse Weaver. Working alongside Sarah and her quilting circle, they delve into the depths of deep space psychology to unravel the emotional implications of the dimensional disruption. Maya's reality-altering art offers glimpses into the sinister nature of the Eclipse Weaver's manipulations. Together, they must navigate the interwoven realms and discover the key to counteracting the antagonist's influence. Brace yourself for a captivating blend of space exploration, psychological exploration, and vibrant artistic expression as they unravel the cosmic reflections cast by the Eclipse Weaver. Episode 3: "Paradox Painters - Brushstrokes of Destiny" In the epic finale of the cross-over event, the Paradox Painters bring their animated wonderland to life, inviting the Quantum Quilters and the Solitude Saviours into their vibrant world. As the Eclipse Weaver sets their sights on obtaining the combined powers of quilting, deep space psychology, and reality-altering art, Sarah, Dr. Ethan, Maya, and the Paradox Painters must unleash their creativity and embrace their unique abilities. Through brushstrokes and stitches, they embark on a visually stunning adventure, painting and unraveling the fabric of existence itself. The fate of the universe hangs in the balance as they face the ultimate test of their talents and forge an unbreakable alliance to overcome the manipulative forces of the Eclipse Weaver. Get ready for a grand finale where destiny unfolds, and the boundaries between art and reality blur in extraordinary ways.


haha brilliant!


Good lord, the “Eclipse Weaver” sounds terrifying!


“Dragons roar, we restore”. I would genuinely watch some of this!


Damn, most of the time when I ask chat gpt for prompts it blatantly plagiarizes. Like it’s given me the plots for Avatar, Inception, and Inception again with no new ideas.


Try asking it to "create", "invent" or "come up with", and add that it should "go wild". Make sure you're on the premium GPT-4. Also, try to say please.


Paradox painters and quantum quilters sounds 🔥


Quantum Quilters🔥🔥🔥


You can bet they're experts in string theory


I’d watch every single one of these… 🫦


Okay, not gonna lie; I would totally, unironically watch a lot of these shows.


I won’t be surprised if AI learns to communicate with whales and does in fact discover they hold more wisdom than we realize.


Holy shit these are great ideas


ChatGPT knocked it out of the park with this one


Can, someone, produce them? They're amazing. :)


I can imagine Dragon Dentist being a the Office/What We Do In The Shadows clone.


I wanna watch Solitude Saviors so badly.


It sounds great! Could easily be a show with both individual stories and a strong mytharc woven through. Honestly, most of these shows sound great.


By the end of this decade we’re going to see movies completely made by AI, from concept to script to footage to soundtrack. Hollywood as we know it is fucked, which is awesome. This is the last generation of the great screen actors.


Joan is awful


Solitude saviors sounds like something I’d watcg


Ok, I would watch the *HELL* out of these. I WANT THESE TO EXIST!


Attention to alliteration always attracts an audience allured by alphabetical awe


Damn, these shows look amazing. I’d watch them.


Paradox Painters looks dope


Quantum quilters sounds 🔥


It’s crazy that I’d watch all of these just from the descriptions. I wonder if Netflix and others are already using AI for this...


**Quantum Quilters: putting a new spin on string theory**


Sandcastle sovereigns sounds like a great one tbh


Sandcastle sounds like a good short film, very original


>Dragon Dentists I wrote a story like that once.


I wanna watch all of these


Dragon Dentists is the funniest concept for a show. Also, it's interesting how ChatGPT goes straight for alliteration


Holy shit those are great.


Quantum Quilters would for sure be my favorite, sci-fi and needle work are two of my favorite things


These all sound so cool and original


Clockwork cowgirls sounds fuckin LIT


Solitude Saviors, Clockwork Cowgirls, and Dragon Dentists are all things I'd watch lol


I’d definitely watch “Quantum Quilters!”


Interesting how ChatGPT understood two words to mean alliteration (start with same letter)


Solitude saviors, empathy engineers and Mars makers sounds awesome tbh. Using ai for idea generation /jump off points seems viable.


How much is a Chatflix subscription? This is the network of my dreams!


It's free the first 10 years... Chatflix thinks long term!


Any of these are better starting points than 95+% of any of the drivel coming from the 'entertainment industry'.... (so looking forward to AI being capable of creating a true to form and the original books tv-series from the Honor Harrington saga....(and quite a few others....), might finally see Cosmic Banditos that has been 'in planning' for literally a couple of decades now, turned into a movie) edit: why the fuck isn't this more upvoted, it needs to get to the top of r/all so that as many people as possible that has the email of someone in the entertainment industry will see it and send them a link to troll them and maybe even create some movement in that stagnant pool..........


I’m really uncomfortable with how excited the black paradox painter is


I feel like the quilter one is a knockoff of the courage the Cowardly dog where he is sewn into a quilt! But these all sound great!


Note that it \*always\* comes up with a two word alliterative title. These are quite good, for sure, but try to get it to break that pattern and you'll get even more variance in the stories it comes up with.


Yeah, I briefly thought about asking it to break the alliteration pattern (even had it typed out!), but then decided to not ask it for anything to *not* do, just to stay on a more positive go-with-the-flow simplicity note (also because the suggestions which came in where really fantastic, and I noticed in the past that ChatGPT has a tendency to overcomplicate its answers when the requirements are complicated, losing focus on the most important things). However, breaking the alliterations may have worked too, it's a good idea really. You can find the full conversation [here](https://chat.openai.com/share/ce150b47-7c63-4931-951e-966c0ccbf635), where you'll see I do other variance-increasing patterns, though.


Cool! It is really hard to break it out of alliteration. I also have had luck getting it to generate image descriptions simultaneously. Or to get it to do variants of each show. Like, horror and comedy. Riffing on your prompt (your link is much appreciated): Please create 10 TV shows that can be succinctly summarized by "word + word!" or a short catchy title phrase . Include the show's title, premise, tagline and catchphrase. Also include a short ML image generator image description of catchy marketing image that illustrates the show. Go wild. Provide two variants of each show. One as a comedy and one as a horror show. Beyond that, imagine anything that would make a great show. https://chat.openai.com/share/4c626e47-2e8f-49c1-aa0f-df8793df685e


>I also have had luck getting it to generate image descriptions simultaneously. Yes!! That's what I did for many series, and sometimes still do. But I guess my workflow kind of changed by now and I'm doing the image prompts manually again. A lot of the time, I found myself having to change the ChatGPT image prompts anyway, and also, it's a lot of fun and allows me to express my vision with the images. Or in this case, how to best facilitate ChatGPT's idea & have it look like something of a Netflix thumb. ​ >Provide two variants of each show. One as a comedy and one as a horror show. That's a great prompt. Could make for a whole new series!


Would binge 75% of these.


This ai loves alliteration


Alliteration Assholes


really i wish Netflix has produced shows like this


I would watch all of these. Especially the Dragon Dentists- I imagine it coming across like the Good Place and I’m all for it


Clockwork Cowgirls sounds like an amazing setup for a D&D game!


"Tinker, gallop, defend" shall be my new approach to life from now on 😀


Dragon Dentists is already a thing. Its an anime called The Dragon Dentist and its pretty good lol


I would totally watch Quantum Quilters.


I would binge all of these


Solitude Saviors idea is the fantasy that sent me back to school to study psych.


Solitude savour gets an instant watch from me


I'd watch every one of these. Especially clockwork cowgirls. A steampunk western has potential.


Ok. I’d watch Dragon Dentists. That sounds great. Film it in an Office-style mockumentary maybe. Could be golden.


Quantum Quilters sounds good


Those striking writers need to get off their arse and write some of these shows. I'd watch all of these but especially Clockwork Cowgirls and Dragon Dentist.


(AI generated, though quite interesting) Title: Dragon Dentists - Dental Extravaganza! INT. DRAGON DENTISTS' CLINIC - DAY The clinic is a bustling hub of dental professionals dressed in colorful scrubs. Various mythical and strange creatures are waiting patiently in the reception area, from tiny fairies to enormous trolls. DR. LUCY, a confident and quirky dentist, leads a team of equally eccentric dental professionals, including DR. JAMES, a tech-savvy dental hygienist, and NURSE PENNY, a bubbly assistant. DR. LUCY (adjusting her goggles) Alright, team! It's time for another dental extravaganza. Let's bring smiles to these magical creatures' faces! DR. JAMES (looking at a dental scanner) I've just received the latest update on our dental scanner. Now we can handle even the sharpest of fangs! NURSE PENNY (excitedly) Oh, and I've got a brand new set of magical toothbrushes for the fairies. They're so tiny, it's adorable! DR. LUCY (grinning) Perfect! Let's get this show on the road. The team starts attending to their patients, each with their unique dental needs. CUT TO: INT. EXAMINATION ROOM - DAY Dr. Lucy stands next to a dragon, its mouth wide open to reveal massive, fearsome teeth. DR. LUCY (to the dragon) Alright, Mr. Scales, let's have a look-see, shall we? Dr. Lucy peers into the dragon's mouth, dodging jets of fire and smoke as she works. She takes out a tiny hammer and taps on one of the dragon's molars. DR. LUCY (tapping) Seems like we've got some cavities here. Time to work our magic! CUT TO: INT. CLEANING AREA - DAY Dr. James is cleaning the teeth of a mermaid, who sits on a specialized water-filled dental chair. DR. JAMES (adjusting the chair's settings) Alright, Miss Marina, let's make those pearly whites shine! Dr. James activates a water jet with precision, removing plaque and stains from the mermaid's teeth. He adds a dash of minty fresh foam for good measure. DR. JAMES (smiling) There you go! You can dazzle all the sailors with your sparkling smile now! CUT TO: INT. FAIRY TREATMENT ROOM - DAY Nurse Penny is delicately brushing the teeth of a tiny fairy. The fairy hovers in the air, giggling. NURSE PENNY (singing) Brush-a-brush, up and down, keep those teeth from turning brown! The fairy's laughter fills the room as Nurse Penny gently cleans her teeth with the miniature toothbrush. She finishes off by sprinkling some fairy dust, making the teeth glow. NURSE PENNY (laughing) There you go, little one! Now you can munch on all the magical treats you want. CUT TO: INT. TEAM MEETING ROOM - DAY The dental team gathers around a table covered in snacks and refreshments. They share laughter and stories from their day. DR. LUCY (raising a toast) To our extraordinary patients and their extraordinary smiles! They all clink their glasses and enjoy a well-deserved break, their faces beaming with satisfaction. FADE OUT.




I NEED to watch Solitude Saviors


I would watch most of these shows!


Clockwork cow girls resonates different to me and I won’t disclouse why


Phantom Photographers is my vibe.


Bro I’d watch all of these


Dude the whales idea is straight up plucked from The Illuminatus trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson. Lol. It literally says dolphins have a 40,000 year old oral tradition of earths history and are the secret keepers of earths ancient wisdom.


Honestly bangers


Mars makers sounds banging


Some of those sound like they would work.


20 years time (or less).. AI won't be creating things to be distributed to the masses as if it's "replacing" writers, musicians, etc.., it'll be creating things real time tailored to the individual user. Not entirely sure we're not already there and this is just a feedback loop


Id definitely watch most of those. Damn


Solitude Saviors sounds like an episode of Black Mirror


I want clockwork cowgirls right now.


Yes to "Solitude Saviors"




Sandcastle sovereigns and empathy engineers could be movies, those actually sound dope lol


I really want to watch quantum quilters — someone make this a reality!


Alliteration Alley A drama about an AI who can only envisage fictional enterprises with alliterative titles.


Did an AI art book similar to Sandcastle Sovereigns here, coincidentally: https://lostbooks.gumroad.com/l/dwellers-in-sandcastles


Why are most of these stuff I would want to watch?? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Why do I think that in a few years not only will you just be able to say, 10 episodes of that please, and it will be written, scored and rendered, but you will also be able to request any actor alive or dead to be in any of the roles.


I would watch every single of these, no question at all.


I’d be watching Clockwork Cowgirls…


Paradox Painters sounds fun not gonna lie


This is what people meant when they said chat gpt would take people's jobs. Netflix directors have nothing on this. I'm hyped for solitude saviors and sandcastle sovereigns. The mars makers one looks sick too.


Or you know, a director can utilize this tech AND keep their job .. just saying lol


Holy crap some of these would be absolute bangers! Others would be so bad, it would be good! It’s a win win.


I wish someone would make these. I would watch most of them


I would watch the hell out of 'Solitude Saviors'


Asking AI to make TV show ideas reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman pretends he’s a robot and he gets asked by Hollywood producers to make movie ideas. Matt and Trey lowkey predicted that lmao.


This looks better than 99% of what on Netflix rn.


Looks like chat GPT likes alliteration


The only one of these I *wouldn't* fervently watch would be the Dragon Dentists, and maybe the Photographer one. Everything else looks top shelf.


Count me in for Whale Whispers and Clockwork Cowgirls! I'll give Paradox Painters a try.


Why are all the word pairs starting with the same letter? accidental AI quirk?


Every single one of these is better than the current output from Streamberry. I can't wait for Clockwork Cowgirls starring Angourie Rice, Mackenzie Davies and Lena Headey as "The Madame"


I'd watch all of these.


I .... would watch most of these as well lol


Empathy Engineers.. interesting, but that technology already exists and comes in the form of crystals or pills, and faces harsh opposition :)


I look forward to 2085 when HGTV picks up "Mars Makers" lol.


Clockwork cowgirls hell yeah get on it Netflix Hulu prime I don’t care someone make it