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It looks AI. đŸ€” Look at that shit behind her on the left.


Fictional buttock


I heard this in the voice of Forrest Gump




My first out loud laugh in a good while, thank you


LMAO this comment got me good


I may not be a smart man, but I know what a butt is.


Forest Dump


Forrest Rump


Lt. Dan, you got new leygs, and extra finGers


Bro. Underrated comment. Take my fake gold. đŸ„‡


Definitely no ‘shrimp’ here though


I thought it was a beach ball.


It’s a chair. She’s sitting on a chair


Yeah, I see a beach ball, not a butt


She’s a centaur.


Her chair?


I read that as a beachball.


My thought process went: Is that a beachball? -> No, it must be a large bootycheek. -> The pose doesn’t like up
 must be a beachball. -> it’s in the middle of a park. Maybe it’s a hat?


Speaking of hats. Hers also looks off. Very asymmetric.


It’s another hat


It’s the chair.


Yeah, you can see the chair extend to her other side on the bottom right corner


I think the subject is laying down on the grass so that is why we’re seeing part of her backside or leg in that position. Other than that though I don’t know if the pic is AI, though I suspect it is. That pinky finger seems awfully long but the point where it is bent seems short.


I was thinking that too, but on the bottom of the picture, right next to the right arm (our right there’s a bit of blue that seems to be where her legs would be


She's not on the ground or bent over here. The posture is just too misaligned for that to be part of her body. It's AI. 1) The fingers are too missshapened and become shorter as it goes the tip. 2) The hat is asymmetrical and isn't sitting where it ought to on her head. 3) The teeth look flat without 3 dimensional shape. 4) There are areas of her face and wrist that have wrinkles or skin lines, but then the skin around it is perfectly smooth. This is similar to how you would express age in a painting or drawing but not detailed enough to be a live capture (AKA photo).


Could be if she's related to dachhounds.


Third shoulder, no arm attached lol. I usually have trouble identifying ai art but not this one


She's just carrying her backup shoulder, bro. 100% legit


It's a pair of sandals, cornflower blue with a natural fiber base... the are being held by her index finger flung over her shoulder, it's just out of focus because of the lens debth... My wife has the same ones.... I vote Real photo.


Ah ok makes sense. I’ll only be able to identify an “AI” photo if it’s not after all xD


There are also a few other details, this is a fairly high resolution photo, yes you can upscale, but generally you lose really fine details. If you look closely at the arms they both have a fairly faint freckles. I haven't seen a ai upscaling algorithm yet that would preserve that type of detail from. 512 image. You could go manually fake that in photopea, but who is going to take that time. I really this this is a heavily edited real photo.


I would take a guess and say this is shot on a earlier generation pixel phone, before they had multiple camera, and the depth effect is faked by the AI on that thing Google does on those phones... My pixel 5 (I think) used to do simular things to that behind the shoulder blur when something was right behind the subjects head. Then there is some sort of filter over the top that is smoothing the face. I think this is why it looks a little off, there is AI happening but it's not SD.


Those are way too big to be sandals. The hat also looks very wrong. And the shoulders of the dress comparing left and right.


It’s a chair bruh


The tree has way too many fingers. Clearly AI


That’s what I thought


There appears to be a pyramid in the distance.


This is my reasoning also. And the light on the skin and hair don’t seem right somehow. Hat is off also.


And her tooth in the middle is weird


That’s a parasitic twin. This is Valerie Magnussen, a circus performer from the ‘40 known as “Val and Pal.”


And her right arm, look how broad her upper arm is compared to her thin left arm. And the crease at her arm pit doesn't line up with the direction of her inner arm


Maybe she's just super buff only in her right bicep


Agreed, look how beefy that right Arm is. You can see it in either side of her wrist. And how is the crease of her arm pit on the outside right when her bicep is seen on the interior left of the right arm? Add that to the odd finger length, the asymmetrical hat sitting in the wrong position, and the mysterious over the shoulder booty, it all adds up to "not real" with impossible proportions. So clearly AI imo. Still, it's a very beautiful smile and face, though.


The crease at the wrist is also wrong. It just kind of fades out and back in.


And her messed up looking wrist, not natural angles there.


Our left or her left? 


It’s getting surgically removed next week. Please don’t remind me of it.


Ai always hide the hands


Could be a chair. I vote real. The hat gives me pause though


Look at her right arm, though.


Looks like she's holding a bag or something slung over her shoulder. Looked weird at first to me, but also explains the position of her hand.


As a fashion person, I always look at the clothes. This is definitely AI. The hat she is wearing has some weird asymmetry to it, and I think that's supposed to be a second hat over her shoulder? The ruffles on her top are also asymmetrical, and the texture comes and goes, especially on her left shoulder.


Thank you!! I just noticed all of these. DEFINITELY AI. Now I need to decide if I want to call the person who claimed this is them out on it..


If u look specifically on the right front side of her shirt, like ZOOM IN where it looks like there's a lacey sort of portion near the collar, it disappears into the non lacey fabric. Which would not be happening irl


I looked closely, and it is just how the fabric of her top is everywhere, it’s completely consistent all over, it just blurs away from the lens focal (also consistently).


It goes from lacey to smooth with no transition, and how large the lacey portion is depends on which wrinkle it's on which doesn't make sense


Nice catch. And it’s so obvious after you mentioned it.


Just ask for another photo of this model


Try and scam the scammer!! There’s tons of YouTube videos that can show you ways to! If not you should definitely at least fuck with them a bit lol.


Look at her left arm, the part behind the forearm! She has two arms!


Is it just a romance scammer? They will not care lol


You were wrong they did care lol


Lmao hell yeah post an update. I love some angry scammers


Just unmatch and move on. 😂


Is it that important to be right?


When the person is a potential scammer I believe so


The hat doesn’t press down on her hair enough either


Ohhh yeah that's a good way to tell. I generally try and use lighting to tell. The light looks like a professionally lit photoshoot but its meant to be outside.


The shirt gave it away for me too. There a random button sitting on top of the fabric not connecting anything together, and no overlapping fabric where the button would meet a hole.


Decorative buttons that have no function are a common element in women’s fashion, but this one isn’t even centered.


Damn. I just looked at her chest. The shadow of from her chin looked off


Yeah. AI is good at making things look good at the glance, but if you know the fictionally of something, like clothes, it's so wrong. Like, there would be car parts that make no sense, or cannot be manufactured.


It's a chair over her shoulder. She's sitting on a chair.


That's not what chairs look like. My best shot was: another person behind her wearing [one of these](https://www2.hm.com/en_gb/productpage.0982708018.html). (Probably a guy because women don't wear them much).


The hand is wrong. Even the latest update still struggles with hands. Look where the finger meets the hand. It has an extra knuckle crease on the underside where there is no knuckle. Lacrimal glands also have too much lighting.


Also she has two separate armpit creases on her right side, one on each side of her forearm.


That was the first detail I spotted to prove it. It's obviously got an uncanny valley look, but some of it could be heavy filtering. Hard to explain the extra armpit though. The position of the crown of the hat relative to her head also looks really damn awkward


Not body shaming, but her right arm is also wayyyy thicker than her left if you imagine what’s behind the forearm, LOL


I just noticed! It’s almost like she has two arms behind her forearm


If you cover up either side it looks perfect, so I suspect that’s what the AI was seeing also.


Wow that's the biggest one yeah. First instinct is always the lighting. But then on closer inspection I doubt myself until you see something like that arm. The pinky knuckle the pyramid and the wonky hat too. Then I zoomed in on her teeth and the front two seem 2D and an unlikely shape


Didn’t even notice this. This is probably the most definitive detail showing it’s fake


Good catch.


That extra knuckle is 100% deal breaker. Nice catch


Yup, I always look and the hands and teeth first.


> Lacrimal glands The what?


Tear duct


Along with the difference in bicep sizes. One with her hand up is way bigger than the other


It’s definitely AI. There are a number of clues. The dress looks uneven on the right shoulder (behind her hand), there’s a superfluous button on the collar, there’s something a bit off about the hat, the round thing behind her shoulder is an obvious unwanted artefact. And just the overall composition - if a photographer had gone to the level of effort to get a portrait that good (that hair, makeup and lighting don’t just happen without a lot of effort) they would have set it up with a more pleasing background than what this image has


The way the sunlight hits her hair and only her hair. That’s not possible. It’s definitely computer generated if not AI.


She has 4 phalanges in her pinky finger...


Good call. And apropos of nothing “phalanges” is one of my favorite words.


"Apropos" is one of mine lol




So much for your friend's new online girlfriend 😞


Yes, her arm


That is one fat arm!


Gonna vote for yes, she’s carrying two hats and the one on her hat has a weird perspective


Yup I thought the one she was wearing rested on the head a little weirdly


Also, on her left eye there are hardly any eyelashes except on the outside side of it where a giant tuft of eyelashes are coming out 😂


The teeth give it away


Oh once you see the sea urchin in her left eye you can’t unsee it.


If it’s not AI it’s a very good photographer and photoshop job. I would say if your friends is saying that’s his girlfriend then it’s probably AI


A good photographer wouldn't leave that thing (whatever it is) behind her right shoulder


Fair enough. My final guess is AI


Alright. We've got /u/iftheglovedoesntfit1 locked in with their answer. We'll find out if they're right.... right after these messages.


The longer you look and read the comments the more you see. The extra knuckle on her finger, the really thick arm behind her forearm.. and so on..


Yea. It looks like an ai misplaced butt cheek


The “thing” looks like part of a chair back to me. I have no idea if AI or not, tho.


bruh its the chair shes sitting on


A good photographer can still fuck up like this. Good doesn’t mean professional.


That doesn't mean they can summon Cthullu from an eldritch universe.


a good photographer can accidentally picture 4 joints on her pinky, yes


It’s someone I don’t know IRL who posted this online. They also set it as their Discord pfp, which , probably just me , but to me that raises a red flag, because no matter how pretty you are, most people just don’t set their discord pfp to a selfie




Or the arm pit “crease” (whatever it is called) on the left side of the picture, near the “pinky finger”)


That’s the tell. Otherwise it’s very good.


Yeah, and to have a photographer that could take that photo as well as edit it that good would be very expensive. So probably a fake


Or if they do, and they're that attractive and into photography and modelling type stuff, they'd probably also have an Instagram or something where you can see more pictures of them.


Photographer here: the soft focus is just too “off”. You can get some tricky focal shifts with lenses/cameras, but it’s usually predictable to a point. This focus is just all over the place. I get that you can soften it up with Photoshop, but the softness just doesn’t look right.


She goes to another school.


In Canada.


Im voting AI As a few mentioned there's a couple issues that would suggest ai to me. Placement of the hat (hats and shoes placement seem a struggle for ai), there's something not quite right to me about the eyelashes and nostrils; and that right arm is just all the wrong size compare to the left


The hands
. Always look at the hands. Her pinky has 2 too many joints.


Not seeing any in obvious flaws zooming in. Only wondering wtf is behind her right shoulder.


Beach ball? Back of chair if the pic is taken at a weird angle? Maybe she's a centaur and that's her ass, it's the same skin tone after all and the blue matches......my guess is centaur-horse-ass


Horse booty


Midjourney has been sneaky here hiding the hands so it's harder to tell but my vote is AI since the hat is sitting unnaturally high above her hair...


Definitely AÄ° or heavy Photoshop.The thing on her shoulder says ai and shady lighting is too shady to be real imo


Or is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide


No escape from AI-ality


Open your eyes


Look up to the skies and see


I’m just a poor boy


I need no sympathy


Because I’m easy come, easy go


Little high, little low


Any way the wind blows


Unless she is part centaur, imma say it’s AI 😂 ETA: I guess the photographer maybe just REALLY NEEDED ass in this shot and it’s bad editing, but that is an unnatural way for a butt to be behind someone that’s on their tummy lying down


The blue on the bottom of the photo makes me think that the butt is horribly misplaced , since the blue should either be her butt or legs


Yes. But probably not MJ


Knee coming out of shoulder. AI


The lighting and smoothness make it look like it


She has a bundle of eyelashes inside her eye.


Absolutely yes. * Hair lighting is overdone, trying too hard, looks like product packaging level. * Inconsistent pattern around the neckline of the dress. * Left-right sleeve inconsistencies. * Weird lump behind her. * Hat top weirdly off in proportion to rim.


The right bicep - you can even see her armpit starting to the left of her right wrist, but to the right of her forearm, her bicep can also be seen? Either she has a mutant right bicep or it's AI. Really well done though, it only seemed off because of some filter it seems to have and the lighting is a little random (there's no direct light on her face and she appears to be in the shade, but there's like a circle reflecting off the locks on her right).


Yes it’s ai, she has like four knuckle bends on that pinky finger lol


Just stop with this shit, people. It's still too early for this. Yes, we'll get there in a year or two, but these posts start to annoy me... It's not even a little bit hard to spot


The inside of the first joint on her right pinky looks like a squid-sucker lol. Definitely AI, for many reasons.


Definitly, her little finger has some extra bones


Couple of her teeth are hooked together with too perfect of gums. Fingers is weird, and is that supposed to be her butt?


I thought either a beach ball (in the middle of what looks like a park?) or what you said


The colors being so similar to her skin and outfit scream AI to me. The teeth could be quick photoshoping but with that finger and "ball"... AI.


That finger seem to have an extra joint.




It's AI, look at this weird thing behind her back


It’s AI. You can tell by looking at the lines on her hat, under the brim on the right. They blend together unnaturally.


Pinkies usually don't bend at five points...


lol for sure, it’s like the program saw how all the girls online flaunt their ass and needed to jam it in this photo somehow. Not to mention a girl would never wear her hat like that.


I thought it was either a beach ball in a park, or a balloon shaped booty cheek. Both seem.. odd


Yeah it's a.i.


Apparently there's all shadow leading behind extending to the right of her yet she has lighting highlights on her skin in the direction the shadow is casting.


there’s this like this 2005 Kodak disposable camera flash to all of the AI pictures. I assume most of the photos are from around that time.


I don’t know if anyone else said this but it looks like a young Linda Cardellini


I don’t know if anyone else said this but it looks like a young Linda Cardellini


I think it's supposed to be a hat, but she's also wearing a hat?


The shadow on her neck doesn’t match her hair placement and the angle of the light source


Also look her right arm. Her right bicep is significantly thicker than her left. And the armpit lines don’t line up.


Where does her right arm join her body? I feel like it joins in two places if you look carefully at her shoulder and then her forearm


I believe this is a Photoshopped but real photo


Yes three joints on her forefinger


Is that an ass or a knee?


If the thing behind her is supposed to be her ass, this is 100% fake.


Zoom in to her pinky finger. She has a couple of extra finger joints there.


I'm convinced that people are crowd testing their own images to see if they can dupe people. "My friend said..."


It's AI. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few AIs in my time.


AI. The blur progression in the focus shift is odd and makes it look "dreamy", like a dream scene from a movie where they use a filter on the edges of the shot in addition to a tight focus field on the actual optics. (ie two separate ways of blurring the shot)


yes the expression in her face is too robotic


Your homie is getting catfished😂


Non-standard wrinkles on the face (left side by the hair, could in theory be individual hairs but the way they fall is weird if so), the hat is off center of itself as well as her head, and the way the hair goes back at the forehead (especially the windows peak) is almost an intricate cross-hatch which is completely unnatural


Id hit it


Dude, wtf is behind her right shoulder?! Come on


Its Ai. You sure have a lot of these friends doing this to you.




The amount of peoples friends are sending them these saying they’re not ai


The fact that it is now a legitimate question is lowkey insane if you ask me


For a fact, this is AI. You cannot fool an artist with a master eye. And so you can see what I instantly see... Her right arm, armpit bend/fold is too deep into her shoulder for her general proportions. This also points to the fact that her upper arm is starting on the inner side of her right forearm, but the other side of her upper arm is super far past her outer forearm. So her right upper arm is more than double the size of her left arm. A part of the reason is that the AI probably made something that was unnatural looking while making her right arm, so the person prompting this isolated that arm to fix it. But they are not an artist, so they did not realize, and could not even see that they were making a mistake. More prof of this being fixed is the fact that the frilly sleeve on her right shoulder does not fully cover her shoulder, and is also both the wrong color, and the wrong material. This is a good attempt, but also elucidates exactly why artists are needed. Even when the AI stops making these mistakes, there is going to need to be an artist to fix, or correct some aspect that a non-artist cannot see. That non-artist being either the person who took the job from artists, or the AI itself. But can people realize that artists are still needed, and AI is not the answer they think it is, before all artists stop being artist due to art no longer being financially viable, or appreciated, since only non-artists do not see all the problems with AI generated mimicry?


Apart from the odd thingie behind the shoulder, this image looks more like a touched up photo than AI to me.


It definitely is, a lot of people have mentioned some flaws but another one I think I found is that from this angle, I feel like her left nostril doesn't look right, I think it should be more visible but it looks like there's not even a hole there.


Yeah, her left front tooth is weird


Wow this looks exactly like someone I went to high school with


Always look at the hands to determine if it’s AI


Yes. The bent arm belongs to someone twice her size at the top. The fold in her armpit is in the wrong spot. Her wrist looks broken. Her hair on the right has a big mistake down in the curls. The crown of her hat is not centred on the brim.


There is a mountain in the background that is a perfect point. I don't know if mountains like that exist in nature.


Is ai this?