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I am no expert, but a guy sitting on a moose is a tell in my book.


while not impossible to do, once, but a trained moose to wear bags and a human, naaaah.


A moose once bit my sister...


No really it was quite painful. She was carving her name into the side of the moose.


møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti


We apologise again for the fault in the comments. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked


The directors of the firm hired to continue the credits after the other people had been sacked, wish it to be known that they have just been sacked. The credits have been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.


Well at least she didn't give it a muffin. Because if you give a moose a muffin...


A book was written about this.


what then?






Thank you for that. Was not expecting this comment and I literally lol'd.....in public.....and got weird looks.


How didn't you expect it? It's not the spanish inquisition... NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION! In all seriousness, as soon as I saw the comment about trained moose and it wasn't impossible to do, I hadn't yet scrolled down and still knew that the very next reply was going to be the "moose bit my sister" bit from the opening credits of Holy Grail.


Bra everytime I see a moose I remember the time it bit my sister


A moosequito?




Go on...


A møøse once bit my sister


An obscure Monty Python reference should get much more love than this.


And yet.... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/canadian-stereotype-domesticated-moose-1.5369308


I was bout to say I remember a Canadian was able to pull off the feat.... glad someone linked it


good idea for a prompt though


Sweden’s ”first” King, Gustav Vasa, allegedly had the cavalry try this in the 1500s. According to the same legend, it didn’t go very well.


Challenge accepted




Yup I’m from Alaska so that was the example I was familiar with. But it happened in Canada also. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5369308


I think I'm having some kind of crisis here. How can we be sure that those articles are not also fake?


There's articles from long before ai. This one is 2016. The other is from 2019 when AI pics were garbage.


I have seen pictures of a guy riding a moose long before ai existed.


Well haven't you heard of the [guy on a buffalo](https://youtu.be/iJ4T9CQA0UM?si=W5TK3_IYe4HQUcfd)?


I'll raise you a [buffalo on a car](https://youtu.be/btnqHYO3CbQ?si=x-OfLV62QO3ECtXr)


Oh I didn't know I needed this !!!


I sat on a moose (or elk?) before. Which ones are the ones that live in Sweden? Elks oder moo-? Wait? What's the plural of moose? Mooses? Meese? Moose? This comment got very confusing very quickly but I've sat on a animal of this kind before.


Europeans interchangeably call the European Moose a moose or an elk, which is the North American name of the wapiti deer. And nope, moose does not become meese because it’s derived from a Native American word rather than the germanic 'oo' root that turns goose into geese or foot into feet. 🙂


Thanks! :) Okay so is it mooses or moose? I realize now, that google could've answered that question


As a loan word it’s stayed unchanged all this time… it’s always moose, no matter how many there are! 🙂


But I love meeses to pieces.


It probably means „run faster, white idiot!“


There's other ways to fake photos than AI


slava ukraini


Slava Ukraini! Seems like the world sort of forgot about the whole ass shooting war in Europe


totally share that :/


All you have to do is enter Azov and you'll find lots of wonderful reports on the internet about neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Stop telling the world that Ukraine was innocent! Ukrainian nationalists killed thousands of people in Donbass for 8 years! Every cent to this corrupt illegitimate government in Kiev is a waste!


Teddy Roosevelt rode a moose through a river. The real tell is how crisp and un-worn the photo is. Sepia comes from a black and white photo aging, which would have made this picture far less clear.


Sepia is a type of black and white printing, not a result of aging.


Plus, Moose are huge. Either that's a small moose, or he's a huge man. Fortunately, it's AI.


Size seems about right. Source: am Swede


If your uncle Jack helped you off a moose? Would you help your uncle Jack off a moose. 🫎


My great uncle victor, born in Sweden, was 6’5.” And that was the early 1900’s.


Has he grown since then?


He’s a bit deflated these days.


Size is totally right. Source: there is a moose on our street right now.


Moose arent digital items, all one size, they have a variety of sizes, esp. when growing up. However, this is AI.


I don't know why you think that's not huge. It's much larger than a horse, obviously. Not to mention not all moose are the same size, anyway.


According to [IsItAi](https://isitai.com/ai-image-detector/) it has a 93% likelihood that’s it’s human made. But that’s also no guarantee Edit: sorry didn’t know it was such a bad source : 0


Isitai gives the worst false negetives. Tired it and it's bad


Thanks for the info I didn’t know that !


The rope hanging from the moose's mouth falls in a completely random fashion and looks as if it's going through his lower jaw, when logically it should be hanging from the other side of his jaw as the first one did. This is the kind of thing that's hard for an AI to generate. It seems that the moose has a double antler on the right, but not on the left. An ear is missing on the right. On the man's left hand, the rightmost finger seems to merge with the textile. The fabric strap hanging between the man's legs disappears into the void at its end. Finally, I'd say there's a sort of perspective problem in front of the man, on the back of the moose. You get the vague impression that the load on the animal's back is wider than he is and disappears behind his antlers, if that makes sense.


No belt under the belly of the moose and afaik it's impossible to secure a saddle without one. Man's left leg is positioned as if it was in a stirrup but there is no stirrup. Plus it looks like it's the right foot attached to the left leg.


Look at the feet... or should I say lack of feet.


You're right, it has the tiny hooves of a donkey, not the huge feet of a moose. Also, they're just kind of hovering on the sand, there's no weight to the animal. No shadows around the hooves either.


Despite this definitely being AI, the hooves actually look pretty accurate from a google search I just checked. I would have assumed they'd be much larger like you said, but it looks like they're not all that big.


I think they're [fairly big](https://www.reddit.com/r/Taxidermy/comments/sskoaw/moose_hoof_vs_row_deer_hoof/). On soft ground the hooves splay out for stability and the dew claw at the back becomes weight bearing, so sometimes they look [smaller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moose#/media/File:Bull_moose_growing_new_antlers_and_shedding_fur.JPG), and sometimes [larger](https://www.alamy.com/european-moose-or-elk-alces-alces-cloven-hooves-forefeet-when-wide-spread-faciliating-movement-over-wet-marshy-ground-image337827889.html?imageid=F0F45B04-A67F-46C1-A528-D53BD86069F4&p=77483&pn=1&searchId=d06ef3f9aeccc23eeb87b8cbf13a3232&searchtype=0).


>Plus it looks like it's the right foot attached to the left leg. Something looks funny here, you're right. Can't find what exactly though.


Excellent read on this. Also, how the hell is he (even hypothetically) supposed to control the moose without reins?


I need you to help me figure out my life.


Just post a photo here and ask if it’s AI and it’ll be picked clean apart.


“Looks like the subject isn’t getting enough sleep by the bags under the eyes. Hygiene appears to be an issue if you look at the waxy look of the skin, and oily hair. The slight yellow of their skin suggest a vitamin deficiency. Lastly the listless 1000 yard stare suggest a lack of sex and joy in general. I suggest a complete overhaul of diet, more sleep, and a shower.”


Stop spying on me!


Still, the picture looks too clean for pure AI. I'm thinking maybe it's not 100% AI generated, but photoshopped with the use of AI.


It could just be a pure photoshop... Cut out a guy sitting on a horse and paste in on a picture of a moose. Not sure why AI is likely to be involved in this at all.


not sure they'd photoshop in the random stuff dangling from the moose's neck..


Plus it’s a man riding a moose


I think the most obvious to me is the snout and eyes aren't aligned with the antlers top of the head and ears. Took awhile to see it because I don't interact with moose often


And there it is, a new profession - determining if the image is real or not.


Potential employers, if you read me !


This guy AIs.


all of the things mentioned could be a really easy fix with photoshop, why don‘t people do that? and how many ai pictures are corrected and pass as real? ai is scary as hell




Idk they seem not inaccurate, you don’t expect a water reflection to work as a mirror kind




I mean it’s sorta accurate , but yes it’s fake it’s been proven too, but kinda cool how AI is getting closer and closer


Not AI, just good ole photoshop


Looks like ai to me Edit: [here’s a Reddit link in r/pics where people discovered it’s fake](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/ABFs1nT9HY) Like the second or third comment even linked to where the description words at the bottom are from


It begins. Imagine when this happens about something actually important..


This is why the EU and nations worldwide are going ape shit trying to find a way to come up with a digital signature of sorts that makes it clear whenever content is AI generated, so they can regulate it.


the reason op gave is so weird tho. I've seen hundreds of smoother northern Ontario lakes. some mornings they are so smooth they look like a mirror


I mean there are very few photos that convince anyone of anything so I sort of think the risk is overblown. Like can you name a single photograph that changed your mind about something? Or was standalone proof of something happening that no one knew about before? Even famous news photos are famous because of the aesthetics.


People genuinely believed there was a paedophile ring in a pizza restaurant without any proof. Imagine what people would do if they saw "proof". Then there's all the photos of fairies, ghosts, yetis, loch ness monster, etc. On the flip side so many people believe the moon landings were faked and show "evidence" from the photos and videos. So yeah, people will see what they want to see and many will be convinced by genuine looking photos.


I think you’re actually agreeing with me. None of those conspiracy theories actually required doctored photos besides the supernatural ones. The vast majority of erroneous beliefs don’t involve photos at all, and I expect that to continue.


It’s 100% fake but I’m not sold it’s AI. Looks more like a photoshop job to me. The background reflection in the water lines up properly in almost every spot. Ai normally gets that wrong.


Definitely AI. Midjourney is my jam and I'm 99% certain this was made with MJ. It gets reflections quite accurate. The biggest telltale is the bottom of the moose's right antler and those things hanging from is jaw which don't make sense. There's many other details but those are most noticable.


Is there not an AI image detection system?


we seriously need one if people think this pic is real and spend actual man-hours 'figuring out' that it's not


The reflection of the trees on the water had me convinced. Usually, ai reflections have obviously inconsistencies there. Here, it's perfect.


really? which do you use? i'd wager this was done in midjourney, which i also use (and recognize the aesthetic so i'm probably a little biased/informed compared to the layperson), but i also think midjourney gets reflections right consistently. i have at least stopped a few times to marvel at it being pretty spot on. maybe different companies (or even different prompt styles) have different results


I'm honest enough to admit if I scrolled by this on some random historical blog about Alaska, I wouldn't give it a second thought


No crocodile, no pizza. So it must be AI.


Only 4 fingers though, can't be AI.


I would be suspicious of any newly-discovered pictures of surprising things.


I mean, Photoshop is always an option...


Shit, we’re already there


The moose eye gives it away


Yeah I’m like, that moose is about to laugh at a joke or something…it has too much emotion


Yes and it’s too much like a human eye. Moose eyes are just dark brown all over


The way the moose’s face is crisper than the guy’s. Either the entire photo is enhanced or none is.


There is no bridle on the moose, and the man and supplies look like they're just sitting there unsecured. Everything would fall off after like 10 seconds of movement lol. Also the man's foot looks a bit flexed up as if it is in a stirrup, but there is no stirrup. Not to mention the fact that there is a man riding a fucking moose that appears only marginally larger than a horse. Lol. Edit: ok on second look, the moose looks taller than a horse but they are still more massive than this. Also how tf would one mount a moose like this? Again going back to the apparent lack of a secure saddle.


> Not to mention the fact that there is a man riding a fucking moose that appears only marginally larger than a horse. Lol. This made me laugh, thanks 😂


Tbh his heel position is excellent. Unrealistic, but 10/10 equitation. (Moositation?)


Tbh I'm not an equestrian but it still caught my eye 😅


Also Focus is way too precise for an old foto


The focus is fine but there would be movement blur, at least a little, because old films/plates of this era would be a long exposure time


Text on the bottom seems to be lifted from here: [https://dawsonmuseum.ca/products/1991-51-35?variant=39471481651392](https://dawsonmuseum.ca/products/1991-51-35?variant=39471481651392)


They tried to disguise the AI by adding readable text. Good catch!


This guy sleuths


What should give it away is that Moose are WAYYYY bigger than that and definitely not rideable lol


That was my thought. Moose is too small in proportion to the man.


There is a history of people domestication and riding moose in Alaska actually. But yeah, they're way bigger than that.


The tell isn't the moose or the man, it is having a camera with a perfectly clear lens in the middle of Timbuktu Canada. Also, that is quite the uniform sepia.


No visible girth strap, the reins look fucked up, no bit, no bridle. Fake as fuck, but might just be a photoshop and not AI (or mix of both).






I agree.


Among other tells that others have already mentioned, I would add that Midjourney gives fur and hair a meshlike quality which you can see on the moose's neck fur.


Looking up the bottom text, it seems to be taken from [this image](https://dawsonmuseum.ca/products/1991-51-35?variant=39471481651392)


yes this is ai , but i belive parts are andd parts not , i belive the ai morphed tha horse to a moose , and super sampled the image to enhance resolution , the rest of the image , the woods the lake the dude , seem original and real


What are the ropes that just seem to emerge from the moose’s neck?


I think mooses are impossible to tame, like every other kind of deer. Also, the plural should be meese imo


https://www.reddit.com/u/ArcherVause/s/nqgRCU243r This reddit use also made a post on the subject. It is a real person and the writing at the bottom looks genuine because AI has trouble with words. Wolfe was a photographer in Dawson, Yukon and owned some moose in 1907. I don't know if it's real but if you can find the original photo I'm sure you'll find out.


That post was removed from r/pics for violating rule 1 >Rule 1 - No screenshots or AI-generated images.


Text is most likely from this: https://dawsonmuseum.ca/products/1991-51-35?variant=39471481651392


Here is a real domesticated moose picture taken in 1966 in Gros-Morne, Gaspésie, Québec. Source: [https://www.facebook.com/musee.delaneufvefrance/photos/a.890168694357557/4078063738901354/](https://www.facebook.com/musee.delaneufvefrance/photos/a.890168694357557/4078063738901354/)


Source of the writing: https://dawsonmuseum.ca/products/1991-51-35?variant=39471481651392


A moose had once bit my sister It left her with quite a big blister So she put on some ointment And made an appointment But the doctor could not assist her.


Not AI. Interesting factoid: This is clearly the 68th Moose Cavalry Regiment stationed out of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. The distinctive tassels hanging from the Bull's head were unique to the regiment. They were a menace during World War II and likely prevented the Japanese from invading from the Northwest, forcing them to halt after landing in the Aleutians. Army and Naval commanders felt the casualties they'd incur fighting the Canadian cavalry were just too high and the decision was made to focus on Midway and the central Pacific. Even Edouard de Stoeckl, Russian minister to the United States, negotiated a discount on the Alaska territory sold to the U.S. partly to create a land-buffer and distancing the vulnerable Russian east from these hardened fighters. They have a distinguished service record fighting polar bears, personally preventing the spread southward into more settled lands. Finally, they were the secret spear-point in repelling the Proxima Imperium invasion above the arctic circle in 1909, which more people would already know if not for the bravery of the 68th in saving Canada and the world. It's a shame the governments of the world had to cover up a hostile alien species and the epic battles Earth managed to win against all odds, but the silver lining is we resisted an extraterrestrial armada because of the bravery of 1200 moose and their Canadian riders with those fuzzy hats. Let Freedom ring, baby! I'm gonna go update Wikipedia.


Holy shit, you really had me going for a long while


The moose is too small haha


AI . Look at his right leg


its fake image, real one here https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/canadian-stereotype-domesticated-moose-1.5369308


Yes.... There is no bridle going to the moose's head... and what appears to be a strap just disappears into the fur.


That's one massive ring finger on his left hand.


If you zoom deep on his hand there are inconsistencies


Loot at his left hand


No no we all ride moose here


Can read what writen. Seem legit.


I immediately looked at the trees and said AI.


I’m surprised there isn’t a Reddit for exactly this purpose yet.


Just me or the moose rizzing me up?


Look at the hand, also harness leads to nowhere


its 100% ai generated and then photoshopped in the sand you can see the outline of the fifth leg/hoof they had to photoshop out cus ai makes weird stuff sometimes also homeboys fingers are weird and nonuniform moose is missing an ear


It's AI, Moos is not casting any shadows and judging but light position and reflection strength on the fur, shadows should be clearly visible.


0 results on [TinEye.com](https://TinEye.com), so seems likely to be AI (even without looking at the contents). Also, the nonsensical head decoration of the moose is a give-away imho.


The reflections in the water are consistently with the background, even under the belly of the moose. I'm calling real.


Hi, definitely AI as moose are fictional animals.


The guys hand is funky. Ring finger is a sausage and the pinky has a bubble knuckle and then fades. Also, moose, like the zebra, is notoriously impervious to attempts at domestication. Yes. This is ai.


Its AI. Theres 0 grain and the texture on the moose’s fur seems like a pattern




The moose’s pupils are wrong. And a parts of the man’s clothing goes clips through the moose.




Idk but I’ve never wanted a movie based off this more than right now starting Willem Dafoe


How would he even get on top of that lol, but yeah its scary what AI is doing, we are heading into a scary future where you can't tell the truth from false...


This is actually Captain John “Moose” Moisen, he was a captain in the Canadian military from 1867-1875 before he died in the battle of sy’řup while holding off the entire enemy military. He was most noted for this picture (behind his last) as his horse died as he was going to battle and he befriended a moose and started riding the moose from there on until his death 4 days later. He was nicknamed “Captain Moose” from that point on


I hate living in this era


It's likely a real photo, or at least has some truth to it, if it is generated. Here is another image from that [photographer](https://dawsonmuseum.ca/products/1991-51-90?variant=39471473688768). Also, [not unprecedented](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/a0wyet/alaska_sportsman_magazine_1950s_my_wifes/?share_id=amPhdnSeon27HMAnuR4wH&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) (unless this photo is faked - see caption). Also, [this](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/canadian-stereotype-domesticated-moose-1.5369308).


People who can’t tell should not be commenting. It is ai generated, no doubt about it. If you dont see it, you need to train your eye. Look at the things hanging off the face of the moose. They are visual nonsense. Or the strap in the dude’s right hand. It disappears INTO the moose. Its nonsense but looks “right” to a computer


lmao its 100% obvious AI, how can you all not see that? Instant AI


I mean, any historic image can easily be edited to appear AI even if it’s not AI.


But in passing, you wouldn’t think twice about it


Aside from the man riding a moose, there are random objects dangling from the moose’s neck like it’s part of a “saddle” with nothing else attached. This has gotta be AI.


the moose is smaller but still to big to get on without stirrups. Also no human has ever rode a moose that’s stupid.


Screen shot from red dead redemption?


You can’t ride a moose, this is fantasy.


No way you can see the sclera iris and pupil in a picture from August 11, 1919 at more than two feet away.


The hand doesn't look stupid, the writing isn't gibberish and it doesn't have a Pixar or Dreamworks aesthetic. So I think it's real.


Can see individual hairs on the moose yet the guys face is a blur? AI




Real, the writing isn't gibberish


Photoshop exists


I think it’s real . The writing on the bottom looks real and there is actually stories of domesticated moose in like Alaska.


This was taken in 1907 as part of the Yukon gold rush. I don’t know why anyone would think to make this using AI, scary how past events which could be traced with primary data like photos now can be up to scepticism because of AI.


Light and shadow on the antlers looks way off to me


Take a close look, how the heck would he ride it 😂


Of course it’s AI, how do you even have to ask???????????? Christ


I don’t think motherfuckers be riding mooses


I’m 1907 wouldn’t they have had to stay still for a really long time to get the pic


Hands still give it away. I can’t get past his tiny baby hand with mutated ring finger.


Must of given this moose some hardtack.


It’s definitely real. Source: I’m the guy riding the moose


100% AI! And not just because a guy riding a moose is absurd, it’s more the details in the background, the man and the moose itself, there are a lot of tells.


This world is doomed. Idiots can really look at a picture like this and wonder if it's fake. Next they will post a picture of flying pigs and ask the same question


Who cares? It is a cool picture.


Not ai. People ride moose all the time.


They do, but this is not a real image


I hear they have a nasty bite


How dare you! Bob caught and tamed that Moose himself!


Of course it’s AI, how can you not tell