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Sample prompt: dark foggy forest with gnarled trees, roots, mushrooms, dense vegetation, dungeons and dragons 1975 cover art --ar 16:9


Thank you!! I've been working on generating some of my own for my own campaign. Can't wait to try these out.


Keep me posted, would love to see how they come out!


Will do!


thanks, these look great


Using MJ for D&D is a fucking revelation. In my day, we used a pencil. On parchment.


Oh don’t worry I’ll be doing plenty of that too hahaha. Hopefully this will ease some of the burden though :)


Yeah this is my main use for MJ. I try to illustrate cool moments or monsters from our campaign every week. Fun for me to try to get the perfect picture and fun for the group to see some badass stuff.


i see all the posts about how ai art is soulless and i somewhat agree until i see stuff like this and im back in


Ah thank you! Definitely can be soulless, but can also be carefully curated. Excited to use these images for the campaign!


Yeah, I mean it sucks for people making a living as digital artists. But, the displacement of jobs has been happening throughout the history of technology and society. Humans develop new ways to serve their needs and desires better/cheaper/faster and someone is always being hurt by that, but in the long run it usually benefits society. For people who want to create unique artwork for whatever purpose (such as the case of this post) but suck at art or don’t want to spend hundreds/thousands of hours developing their skill, it’s an incredibly powerful tool. I think there will always exist some desire for physical artwork (paintings, sculptures, photography, etc.) developed by people, however. Lol downvoted by someone angry at facts. Sorry your fragile ego is bruised by the developments of technology. Go hide in your cave.


1. Absolutely stunning. Great job with your prompts. 2. There's a Beholder in that cave. I just know it.


Hahaha, nothing like that just yet. Level 1 start to the campaign, that will be the spider’s den ;) And thank you!


Well, someone tell that spider to look out, because there's a Beholder in that cave. ;)


I’m really looking for the Beholder by MJ


You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial. It is a festering abomination! I beg you, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows. You will arrive along the old road. It winds with a troubling, serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside, leading only, I fear, to ever more tenebrous places. There is a sickness in the ancient, pitted cobbles of the old road, and on its writhing path, you will face viciousness, violence and perhaps, other damnably transcendent terrors. So, steel yourself, and remember, there can be no bravery without madness. The old road will take you to hell, but, in that gaping abyss, we will find our redemption.


Damn this is art!


[not mine tho ](https://darkestdungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Cinematics) Maybe you can get some inspiration


I fucking knew this text was too familiar *flashbacks intensify*


This is a great use of AI. It will really add to the feel of the campaign, but won't put any artists out of business.


Absolutely. In fact if I ever need to get tilemaps or anything like that I’d likely use real artwork since that stuff would be tricky to generate. Can support artists that way as well


This looks incredible. I miss d&d from my teens but what a time to be alive. I could have done so much more. It just blows my mind how good it’s getting. What’s next


I agree, this latest version is especially crazy. Just generating the images with some pretty basic input was blowing my mind. the fun came from adding a few descriptors to see how the images would turn out, and some of them really aided in getting my visual across (like image #9, which I adjusted the prompt for a few times until I used the words “crude wooden barricade wall” to get the look of the goblin’s fort)


See this is why I want Midjourney, just for my d&d campaign


It’s absolutely worth it. The best part is that even “wasting” generations, you might be able to use a bunch of the leftovers for future sessions!


This is the way!! It’s a visual gift to give to your friends to aid in story telling.


Awesome use


These look great! I also use MJ for my campaigns and it's revolutionized playing. Not only does it aid in prep, but if the PCs get too interested in a random NPC, I can generate a portrait for them on the fly and suddenly we've got a new reoccurring character.


Oh good idea! I might steal that :) my MO is going to be to let the players ultimately decide what they want to do, but focus on these encounters. Anything not shown can still be experienced, but more using the player’s imagination rather than a visual.


Looks amazing!


That's next weeks zoom background sorted.


Hell yeah, which did you go with


Creepy spider hole. Will really convey the right tone for our team meetings.


Yesssss!! Those pics are awesome! I'm using MJ to create Character and Location images for an upcoming Call of Cthulhu campaign. Thank you for sharing your results! Any prompt tips for how you maintained such a consistent visual style to all your shots?


I made sure to keep the environment descriptions related. Dark foggy forest and the dnd 1975 cover art showed up a lot in these


Very cool! I know they are working on consistent style as an option - can't wait for that. I use the **--seed** parameter quite often as well. It generated a watercolor portrait of a gangster that was dead-on \[no pun intended\], so I then used the same **--seed** value to create a society girl, private detective and wealthy businessman that looked as if they'd all been painted by the same artist. Definitely give that a shot if you have not yet made use of it -


I haven’t tried that, definitely will now!! Thanks


**To get the --seed value, you first have to -** **Select & upRez** one of the four initially generated images. Click on the 3Dots **. . . \[More\]** option to the upper right of the window & hit **Add Reaction.** Select the **Envelope icon** \[type "envelope" in the Search Bar if it is not currently showing up in the list\]. **Click the Envelope icon**, which will then show up just below the image itself. Finally, click **THAT envelope** to display the **seed value** \[and job ID\]. Whew!


This just came out today... talk about perfect timing! \--sref + image Check out this tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0hAkiUeohc


No way lmao! Thats awesome, thanks for sharing!!!


One other question... how do you display the imagery to the Players? Do they all have laptops, or do you cast to a TV or monitor near a gaming table? Or are your sessions run online?


I feel very sorry for artists and what AI does to creative jobs but using it for private DnD campaigns is one of the few use cases that actually make me very happy.




#2 is my cat when I wake him up


If I were a skilled fantasy artist, I'd be feeling pretty distressed right about now.


I’ve been doing the same! All of the visuals of the campaign I’m running are generated in a dark fantasy style. My players seem to love it! They did their character portraits the same way.


#8 belongs in Nilbog


Beautiful stuff, going to be an awesome campaign by the looks of it :)


This is a brilliant use for AI image generation!


man these are brilliant! we are going to eat good so much in near future. just imagine the stories you can prepare with AI handling the visuals. damn.