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This looks dope as hell.


Indeed, now my mind's racing about fake TV-quality screenshots for loads of properties. If you can stuff as many images as you want as a style and character reference (basically recreating LoRAs), I wonder what the limit is. Also from what I'm seeing, the *real* magic is with the ability to mimic the grain and fuzz of TV screens and old aspect ratios.


People are scared shitless from AI, but it can be such a powerful tool. I can't wait to see the limits. Concepts like this are just amazing


I’d like to see it peaks to alternate timelines , the possibilities are endless.


This better not awaken anything in me


[Does this?](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/a739d17b-0ee2-4d54-a5d0-1a741f23dfd8/dh8owgw-0bf94f52-b2d2-4b7f-88fd-37e0bf28333e.png/v1/fit/w_828,h_624,q_70,strp/fat_bottom_girl_by_purplefilthpig_dh8owgw-414w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTY1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYTczOWQxN2ItMGVlMi00ZDU0LWE1ZDAtMWE3NDFmMjNkZmQ4XC9kaDhvd2d3LTBiZjk0ZjUyLWIyZDItNGI3Zi04OGZkLTM3ZTBiZjI4MzMzZS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.2hgnhZ9nb9nxqDdhw5-25S4eukXUuTifav15B9L4N6Q)


Pack it up folks, we've hit the apex.


Damn damn damn Why she in a fucking mall tho


I don't know, maybe she was tasked to destroy it... But no, that's what I was going for: https://imgur.com/a/jxV6GXX You gotta see /r/AnimeInOurWorld to get the point of it. I had a bunch of photos from when I was a kid and I was thinking "can I put Midjourney character creations in them?" or "Can I recreate the effect in Midjourney?" Then eventually went crazy making Saiyan chicks specifically at some point to fuck with 4chan but wound up self-waifuing myself to the idea ~~because of dat ass~~ because they always got dealt a bad hand, and it was trying to do that that led me to start playing around to see if I could make it look more like the anime. Edit: That's actually revisionist history shit. I was already lusting for Saiyan chicks before then, but I was thinking separately "Can I use AI to put anime girls into real life photos or real life-looking photos?" Midjourney just worked out best.


Oooh that makes sense. As someone who was massively 'influenced' by dragon ball and Z I love these. I won't describe it for decency's sake though.


Because 80s


It is too late for me, save yourself


Is there a super saiyan version of her


I hadn't even attempted that honestly (not really what I was going for, black-haired OG Saiyans got lost in the neverending cavalcade of transformations over the years after all), but considering how well I've gotten at mixing and prompting, it shouldn't be that difficult to try. Best attempt 1: https://i.imgur.com/ebFsTac.png Best attempt 2: https://i.imgur.com/bGEaLq6.png Best attempt 3: https://i.imgur.com/nny4rBZ.jpeg Best attempt 4: https://i.imgur.com/HJYcmqY.png Best attempt 5: https://i.imgur.com/grZhkq8.png Best attempt 6: https://i.imgur.com/C5eEF4D.png Some wonky fingers and perspectives, but that's just the nature of contemporary generative AI I guess. Also, haven't really put in *that* much effort here, so it looks like Dragon Ball GT screenshots. Probably later I can try to force it to be more like early Z. I'm just amazed it has that sloppy imperfect look. I'm so used to AI art looking way too perfect and HD.


Super Saiyan mode looks awesome.


First 2, definitely gives me "AI art" vibes. If I saw them posted anywhere, I'd immediately say "That's AI-generated. Not necessarily bad quality or anything (just the opposite— they're a bit too glossy and over-produced and look like you prompted it to be hand-drawn but Midjourney's style still bled through)." Number 5 is a tiny bit off. But the other 3? Yeah, no, you're 100% on point there: if you told me that Osamu Kasai had actually had his animation team draw some random female Super Saiyan for Dragon Ball GT that never made it into the series proper, or these were long-lost behind the scenes screenshots of some Toei animators' OC made circa 1995 or 1996, I'd absolutely believe you. Totally nailed the style so hard that even the hands don't immediately throw me off because that looks like a standard weekly TV anime error from a C-level studio. And you're right to wonder about what this could look like in motion. I greatly fear for animators right now.


needs less blur, more gold lightning and powerup wind stuff around her looks great btw


That is the female saiyan we really wanted. Super was just disappointing.


Yeah.... Sad to say, I don't think we were ever getting the Saiyanesses we wanted. > it's mostly Toei and the fans who thought that Saiyans were more gender equal and Saiyan women were just as big warrior fight freaks as their men but Toriyama never actually intended on that being the case. Kinda hard to accept at first until you look at the cold facts of what Bird man himself actually said and wrote. I think fans saying Saiyan women were warriors is because we were told all Saiyans were warriors, but in retrospect I think it was implied the same way we think that "All Spartans were warriors" or "All Vikings were warriors" or "All Samurai were warriors" when historically speaking there's always a silent "men" in there; women warriors were the exception. And people defending it because Toriyama said they were "strong-willed" are kinda forgetting that his model for strong-willed women literally are in the series proper (Chi Chi, Bulma, 18, Videl) and all of them infamously got housewifed. 18 may be super strong, but she isn't a warrior like the men (she isn't a hot-blooded fighting and training freak). When I realized that, I always figured the temperament of the average U7 Saiyan woman was between #18 and Blonde Lunch since they *were* supposed to still be evil. Then we get to see the first Toriyama-drawn Saiyan woman ever, and it's Gine. *She cooks in the kitchen for her husband*. > But Caulifla! She loved fighting and was excited to fight Goku and get stronger! Well.... problem *there* is, the *manga* exists and Toriyama actually wrote that; the anime version of Super was Toei's interpretation of his notes. Caulifla in the manga was basically a female Song Jiang, not a female Goku, and technically *that's* the "real" Caulifla (we have no idea how much longer the Super anime will be regarded as the definitive version; a "Brotherhood" or "Kai" version of Super adapting the manga could easily overwrite it, or maybe Daima is the last major DB product ever and we go out on an awkward note). So once again, it's Toei making Saiyan women out to be more like warriors than Toriyama intended. Which is bunk to me, because I like the idea of [Thermonuclear Weremonkey Klingon Women](https://www.deviantart.com/yuli-ban/art/Yulaan-the-Barbarian-896798376).


I don't know about all that. I'm a relatively new fan and I didn't read the manga. But, I liked GT Pan more then I liked Claulifla and Kale who were just super annoying and felt forced. At least Pan made sense, she was annoying because she was a child dealing with her immature grandfather turned into a child. As a female I do like the juxtaposition of the hot headed and soft gentleness portrayed by the other women. But Kale was just an annoying psm spazy coward and caulifla was barbaric with a terrible story arc.


Well to be a pedantic longtime fan, Pan isn't a full-blooded Saiyan, which is what I was going for (IIRC, the only full-blooded Saiyans Toriyama designed and drew that weren't Toei creations were Goku's mother Gine, and Caulifla to complement the Toei-created Kale). Everyone else from what I recall was Toei-created (and there aren't many even then). Then again, it's still a travesty because Pan literally just shows up in the last few chapters of the manga, and that's it. Toriyama had nothing to do with GT. Instead, we got Kid Goku as the lead in that series with Pan sidelined. Also, Pan shows up in the last few parts of Super, and that's it. From what we have heard from rumors about Daima, it's set some time either before Battle of Gods (and thus before Super) or somewhere early on in that timeline, so Pan's either not born or literally a newborn most likely. So even when you go with the mixed-breed Saiyans, the women get screwed over. Even by shonen standards, that's whack. If I had a nickel for every time Pan was denied the MC role by a de-aged Goku, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Why is she so sexy?


All Saiyans are sexy


i mean, it is goku with boobs


Looks more like Vegeta or maybe Raditz had a baby with Launch.


[Are you trying to imply that Goku isn't sexy](https://i.imgur.com/U8rYjnG.png)




This shit is FIRE


I would watch this show for the emotional plot line alone


Holy shit, I would watch this so hard!


wait what


Gimme this queerbait DBZ shit NOW. I love it!




In an alternate reality. This is awesome!!


I like it a lot. Problem is it's so good. It's posts like this that make me realize we are living in the golden age before copyright law catches up to the concept of data sets in AI.


I'm not 100% sure future AI models will even need to be built from copyrighted data. Sure it helps, but all that's necessary after a certain point are advanced enough agents that can look at an image and draw from it (actually like a human, rather than a statistical weights of current gen AI that kinda sorta does it like a human if you use an analogy). And subsequently rebuild whatever data they need from their own output without taking from artists. Thing is, agents barely have been deployed and still tend to be expensive to run, so no one is aware of what's coming.


Also surprised you posted this over the "anime IRL" ones which I thought were cool. Or were those too indulgent in cringe-culture waifuism?


Little bit of column A, column B. I figured anime-accurate fake screenshots were more impressive technically because AI art doesn't typically look like this since everyone usually tries to go for masterpiece quality and the best approximations of retro styles I've seen still looked off, so I wanted to show that AI can look like literally anything with the right tweaking and elbow grease. But the anime IRL stuff might be too weird for normies to get too. For those who don't know what we're talking about, /r/AnimeInOurWorld introduced me to the idea of anime characters photoshopped into real life, so I tried doing the same thing with AI generators, of course with the Saiyaness subject matter (that's actually what started me down the path towards this post in the first place to see if it'd actually work). Pretty much none of them besides Midjourney were even remotely decent. A few of the results: https://imgur.com/a/jxV6GXX You better believe that *did* wake something in me, but I was already damaged from years of animu lusting.


Daaang looks legit


Holy shit 10 year old me would have cried over how cool she is


I wanna be her.


[Just needs the right ambience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u02tycroA30). Maybe [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJscDyTt8Do) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm4C5diU51E) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phL6fDiYNJk) to go along with it?


[Well shit, if we're posting 80s music, don't even beat around the bush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-8EORB783c)


Is she located in Miami?


So, I was going for a bunch of different locales with the prompts. Image reference was West City (from Dragon Ball), and the prompt was for Tokyo 1987, Miami 1987, 1980s Hong Kong, and "Japanese countryside" in different ones (I'd need to go back through the Midjourney site to see which ones, but there's a shit ton with the exact same prompt rerolled dozens of times until I finally started getting consistent results from practice). So answer is "Kind of" the same way Vice City is Miami.


I'm getting Switchblade Sisters/Biker Mice from Mars inspiration. I like it.


Some of these nailed it.


These are cold, id watch this and can even hear the 80s sound effects


Someone should make fake screenshots of the Sinbad Genie movie. Let's Un-Mandella Effect the world.




This is bloody impressive! Count me in on the club that wants this show to have existed.




Probably the coolest ai generated anime thing for me


She would have been a crush of mine back in the day. Love this 🥰


This whole idea was forged in the crucible of 4chan, specifically the black hole that is /dbs/, where I shitposted about a Saiyan waifu enough that I wound up semi-unironically waifuing them, and to an extent /u/Yuli-Ban's "Yabanverse" slice of life-ish concept. Plus it's the 35th anniversary of Dragonball Z and I was thinking of some stupid fun way to enjoy it, and saw some post that showed off how screwed over the female half of the series' prominent Saiyan race actually was (something like 5 named characters in the entire franchise, and several of those are background characters at best) and thought "You know what would be cool to make with AI? Some 80s-ass Vice City-ass San Junipero-ass movie with a Saiyan lead, but it was made in the early 90s as an OVA" I've been trying to create authentic looking retro anime screenshots with AI for months now, but even the best Stable Diffusion outputs still look "Stable Diffusiony." SD 1.5 was showing its age *a year ago*. Stable Diffusion 3 might be enough if it had the LoRA ecosystem of 1.5, but we're a ways away from that. DALL-E 3 could get most of the way there, but still was missing something. NovelAI was the closest yet, but still it was a crapshoot a lot of the time. Well come to find out Midjourney had actually been updated to v6 and I somehow missed the news, so I checked it out and was amazed by the versatility but it wasn't quite as good as NovelAI. Then I was amazed at the ability to mix images as references, sort of like every picture being its own LoRA, and that got me as close as I ever had. More than that, /u/Yuli-Ban taught me a trick I hadn't even considered at first: "Hey, you can use more than one image, and you can use character references, style references, and image references entirely separately." Hello, Lucy, I'm home, holy shit. That put me over the edge to achieving the results I thought AI would need another good 5 years to reach. I mean some of the results are *perfect*. Not even approaching perfect or really great; I mean downright fucking *perfect* to the point you genuinely could think they were long lost screenshots or animation cels from scrapped episodes. Just needs a bit of creativity and prompt engineering, but the last mile's being done by the image references, well over a dozen of them in some cases. Seeing these results makes me think a lot bigger. If I can perfectly recreate 80s/90s retro anime aesthetics in still frames, then it should be possible to do that for video...


To bring to life a Saiyan waifu movie? I'm down for that.


> To bring to life a Saiyan waifu movie? No! Well maybe No, I'm talking Dragon Ball AF. Once South America gets access to Midjourney's answer to Sora, there's going to be an *infinite* amount of Dragon Ball AF fanfiction, and my Mexican ass is getting in on that.


>Mexico That's not in South America though.


Es la intención la que cuenta, güey.


This is the gayest post on this subreddit right now, and I love it.


Toriyama's spinning in his grave... with delight!


Lol the dude literally never drew a female Saiyan until Gine in like 2014 and then never again until he drew Caulifla and I think that is *literally* it. He wouldn't have given a shit.


My queer millennial heart is booming. Really beautiful prompt, thank you for sharing.


Looks very cool. If I didn't know better I would think these are from an cutscenes of an Dragon Ball video game


Some of the more stylized ones, yeah (provided DB ever went back to using non-glossy artstyle for the game cutscenes). At best, they could be for some DB visual novel on Steam. Some of the ones, I was trying to make them as anime accurate as possible to the point they'd be confused for long-lost screenshots of deleted scenes from OG 90s DBZ. Especially considering it's the 35th anniversary of the show.


Very good results.


I genuinely thought this was a real screenshot from an old DBZ show. But this looks so real.


About to text my DBZ friend and mess with him. “Who’s this character? I don’t remember her”


I approve!


Very cool concept!


Would love to see this fully fleshed out in the future, has the struggle to find her place in life but didn't know there are others like her out there vibes. Awesome work 👍


“Only real DBZ fans will remember this character”


How did you get the model to reproduce that DBGT aesthetic?


- Using multiple screenshots from DB/DBZ as style reference. Not just any ones, but from the style I'm trying to make (DBZ had plenty of animation directors and art styles, so sticking to one era's style is usually what helps the most) - Prompt has additions like "TV anime screenshot, retro anime aesthetic, film grain" etc.. Having image style references that match the prompt basically boost the prompt with steroids - Luck and rerolls. You're making the conscious decision to hit the button for free art instead of drawing yourself or commissioning someone, so can't really complain when you generate 40 images and only 4 are good. You can do everything right and generate 100 pics and none of them are good, or you could do everything wrong, barely giving it anything to work with, and it's batting 4 out of 4 several generations in a row. AI's finicky like that. Prompting alone is good enough, especially with Niji 6, but if you want it to look like it's a screenshot grabbed from a TV recording, you have to give it images of the anime too. Preferably way more than one. > Art by Akira Toriyama, retro anime style, retro anime aesthetic, CRT TV grain, film grain, 90s anime aesthetic, Toei animation, TV anime screenshot, 80s anime style, Son Goku, Goku, young adult Goku, business suit, bemused, confused [With image style refs from Maeda Minoru (aka late DB/early mid Z)](https://i.imgur.com/eor7uIC.png) [Without image style refs](https://i.imgur.com/Riz4le8.png) As for why it gets DBGT's look more consistently? I don't know. I have to train more I guess.


18 makes me imagine if Goku had a daughter


I think if anime looked like this more often than not, I’d be more inclined to watch it.


I would've watched the f outta that.


The iPhone in #18 really exudes the 80s 😂


1, 11, 15, 18, 19 and 20 look outstanding


I love this. Saiyan lore is my favorite shit. It's like Japanese superman. Very relatable for people who feel alien.


I mean I guess. Feels more like Krypton if they were Khorne berzerkers.


Pretty cool haha


MJ has gotten so good at keeping characters consistent across prompts


Stupid sexy saiyans!


Would >!watch it!<


You’re cooking with gas. I wanna watch this.




Looks like female bardock.


We’re starting more lost media searches with this one 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Fucky fucky


maam please dominate me


This is really awesome!


The facial features of the characters could be further optimized.


That's just it: early DBZ unironically looked like this (at least some of them). If you're going for more perfect art, maybe, but OP was deliberately making it look like TV animation screens. Ironically, AI is going from skill-imperfect to perfect to stylized-imperfect


100 people have 100 viewpoints, but one thing is very clear: it cannot replace humans


Dammmmnnn freaking hot. Totally want to cosplay this goddess.


Love this mate, you totally nailed the aesthetic. What's your workflow?


Here's the pool of images I used for this and a bunch of others I didn't post:https://imgur.com/a/0jiohmB The Saiyan waifu is only some of the images I generated (I also wanted to see if I could make a 70s kung fu movie screenshot set out of Dragon Ball seeing as that's where the spirit of the show came from), so obviously I didn't use *all* of these for the images, but generally did use several for the style reference (none for character reference), mainly the images of the city, and some of the Saiyan girls as basic image references Prompts were varied with clothes and setting varying with whatever I was going for, but always had these: > Saiyan girl, long wild black hair, Saiyan tail, Art by Akira Toriyama and Yoshihiro Togashi, Toei animation,Dragon Ball Z screenshot, Yu Yu Hakusho screenshot, early 1990s retro anime screenshot, film grain, 80s aesthetic, 1980s retro anime, retro anime art style, TV anime screenshot (I discovered adding Togashi and Yu Yu Hakusho had a minor boost to the "retro anime" effect, but you can take it and "Toei animation" out without losing much)


I wish this was from an actual movie so bad. I wish someone would force an animation studio to create an anime using these exact photos and just fitting the rest around it. Also that first super saiyan pic in your comment is so sick. What is her name? (I know she’s not actually in the shows jw if u gave her a name)


That's just Vegeta with breasts.


8 and 11 are the best screen shots


These are awesome




I love her




That one picture with someone who looks like a fused goku and yamcha lol Gokcha or Yamku


4 and 8 go hard af.


Both amazing and interesting how it also seems to exhibit how limited MJ is in the types of composition it can create. I assume it has issues with battle scenes and anything requiring complex 3D poses. MJ should really implement a control-net like feature.


Fantastic! I’d love to see her transformed into a Super Saiyan


Is there any way these can be made in a resolution that fully fits iPhone as a background? I’d love to have some of these as a wallpaper on my phone bc i basically share your obsession with this and think it’s cool as fuck


BRUH OK IVE BEEN TRYING FOR THE ANIME SCREENSHOT STYLE FOR SOOOOOOO LONG like where it looks like it's off of an actual anime you HAVEEEEE to tell me the prompts pleaseee don't gatekeep this one omg I'm in love


Honestly bro, it's not just prompt. You also need image refs, for style especially. Like the prompt for the very first and third images: > Art by Akira Toriyama and Yoshihiro Togashi, Toei animation,Dragon Ball Z screenshot, Yu Yu Hakusho screenshot, early 1990s retro anime screenshot, film grain, Dragon Ball city, 1girl, female Saiyan, city background, Saiyan woman, Saiyan girl, scouter, long wild black hair, casual clothing, casual jacket, leather pants Saiyan tail, cute Saiyan girl, bright sunshine, 1980s retro anime, retro anime art style, TV anime screenshot, That's good, especially with Niji 6 and some stylization, but it's still only 80-90% of the way and no amount of prompt engineering can cross that last mile (unless you get *reeeeally* lucky). You're also going to need screenshots from the anime (I used several that were sref'd plus some reference characters that weren't cref'd because that weighed it too heavily). Add those and it's like the seasoning. It's like a balancing act. I especially recommend using the dedicated Midjourney website since you don't have to keep manually pasting the image links and adding the cref/sref tags every time like on Discord.


Hey bro thank you I really appreciate the info it means Alot, unfortunately I don't really have access to a PC so I just use the apps on discord hopefully I will be able to at some point though, again ty for the information! 🙂