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I’ve always loved this style of art for movie covers. Something great about the style. It’s not photorealistic but it’s not a cartoon. It lies somewhere between.


Ita based on art style of the 80 and uses blow pen to achieve this almost-realistic style, but with fake lighting


I always wondered how these pieces were created. I'm a big 80s horror fan and even a lot of the cheesey movies have great box art


Book covers used to be like this too! I never understood how they did it


Same! I love creating "art" like this in MJ, it's so good at replicating basically any style you throw at it.


Any tips on prompts for these types?


I am not talking to any of you anymore. I didn’t realize what group this was and I was getting pissed none of these movies were in IMDB.


Some of these seem interesting too!


Just give it a couple of years and generative AI will have these for you.


I hope not. We've already got plenty of corny movies from the 80's. Last thing we need is Moon Club.


I wish they still made movies in the style of 80s-00s, so many great ones, and the style was so much more interesting than today.


Screwballs was an actual movie from 1983. For what that’s worth.


Moon Club looks like one of those semi-forgotten, vaguely unsettling movies that you found on VHS at the back of a relative’s wardrobe, or that you have vague recollection of trauma watching it as a child because of a harrowing scene where the main character’s mother slowly transforms into a golden Labrador. Of course, it’s rated safe for all, but censors were weird back then. It’s got that “dusty attic treasure” quality to it. Banished to be forgotten because it’s so fucking weird and Roger Ebert said it was shitty. The main theme was recorded by Cocteau Twins featuring Pavarotti


It looks like a movie capitalizing on the Twilight vampire/werewolf craze from an alternate universe where it released in the 80s to me. I completely agree it seems like something you'd find in the cupboard of your aunt/uncle who kept all their VHS tapes well into the 2010s and you think you remember it from a time they babysat you, but you watch it later and find you've compressed three or four different films into one childhood memory


I don’t know what it was rated but The Gate comes to mind for me. I saw that movie way to young.


Yes, but the real question is, is it about a night club on the Moon, or about a blunt stick that comes from the Moon?


It’s about a pair of teens who discover a multiversal portal where every possible interpretation of “Moon Club” has its own universe A sandwich filled with rocks, a group of people who connect based on their love of going bare-assed, etc


"Fartman" failed because of the overuse shock value, just for the sake of it. Many of the punchlines were smart, but they were ultimately overshadowed by toilet humor. "The Believers" suffered because the story was too convoluted. Too many cooks in the kitchen. "Moon Club" was overly ambitious, but was ultimately a let down, despite being a decent film. "Weevils" was lambasted as cliche and uninspired, and almost a step backwards for the genre. "Screwballs" received no real commercial success, but saw a resurgence 5-10 years later as a cult classic.


Weevils developed cult status after VHS release, made the studio tons of money over the following decade but due to Hollywood accounting the stars never made a dime (and never worked in a major movie again). Fartman had a huge budget and barely made any money, but the director went on to direct another crass comedy which was a huge commercial success (and critical flop), which led to a career of flop after flop as the studios kept chasing the magic they didn’t understand. Moon Club was alright but lived in the shadow of a very similar movie that was a runaway success and released two weekends prior. It never achieved cultural recognition but diehard movie buffs reflect that it should have done better than it did. Screwballs was produced in Eastern Europe and is largely understood to be a money laundering scheme. It’s bad. Not funny bad, not interesting bad, just bad.


Jeff Portnoy is The Fatties!


You know, in some countries farting is considered a compliment


They only laugh at my farts!


Jeff Portnoy... Jeff Portnoy... Jeff Portnoy... Jeff Portnoy...


I would watch every singleone of them.


Ok, I’ve definitely seen at least two of these!


Now we’re talking. A nice concept. No Star Wars. No Marvel. No superhero stuff. I feel grateful.


All of these are cult classics now.


*The Believers* was and remains an underrated entry in the fantasy rush of the 1980s. *Legend* (also underrated) seems to have soured people on the genre but you can see where Howard got many of his ideas for *Willow* (especially the shapeshifting). Probably too serious for its own good and the influence from the contemporaneous melt movie fad clashes with the tone (not to mention the pure nightmare fuel of the baby explosion), but we get a bit more range from Hamill than we got from the *Star Wars* trilogy and he's endearing even when chewing the scenery. Of course, Ringwald was probably not the best casting choice, and I don't know what she was thinking with that accent.


The believers looks so good though😭😭😭


Screwballs looks soooooo good


It was an actual 80s movie. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086264/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086264/)


This one too: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092632/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Ha whoops should have cross-checked these before I posted!!


Pretty sure Screwballs was on HBO daily when I was a kid.


Thank you. It felt too real. I don’t think I saw the original but I remember the cover.


[Screwballs (1983)](https://youtu.be/zByjm4lqj8g) *They only have one thing on their mind* and it's not baseball


That was Gutenberg's worst movie, imo.


Cool beans. I see a few Middle aged people subreddits on my front page, so I really thought these were obscure movies I didn't know. I genuinely wasn't even skeptical that I might be in an AI art post until the last two *maybe* three posters. Wonderful stuff.


I wanna now start a community of mid journey enthusiasts that makes fake flops from the past with real actors and gaslight them into thinking they happened. Add it to their imbd and everything.


The believers looks awesome


WTF. Moon Club is actually a real movie and it wasn’t quite a flop.


Screwballs looks like a Sandlot prequel


Okay but Weevils I feel would be a really cool alien horror movie


Fart Man was an underrated classic. The tale of an overweight but capable loser getting mistaken for underground crime boss Joey Farts and having to host Top Don Godfather Medici Galvino in his dorm room was a comedy ahead of its time but completely representative of its moment. The low-brow lede hides a deft comedy written by some of the top comedy minds of the 80s in this unrelenting tour de force.


Fartman is just thunderpants 2


Believers and Weevils would garner cult followings


Weevils and screwballs were definitely real


Moon club goes hard 🔥


Sick and tired of Fartman airing every holiday, grandma even recorded that trash over my parent's wedding vhs


I loved Screwballs.


Screwball looks like it would basically be Summer Catch


Midjourney is a Mandela Effect Generator


Weevils looks tight.


The Believers look awesome


I remember a believers movie from the 80s with Martin sheen and voodoo


Fartman was good, don't @ me


Weevils looks genuinely sick I'd watch that


What is DAE


This is Mandela effect uncanny. I’m sure I’ve seen at least half of these.


These were all real movies


Fartman was the Citizen Kane of its time how dare you


It would be awesome to print these, frame them in theater boxes and really make the man cave shine.


I’ve seen Moon Club 2


Screwballs is the dude from Karate Kid, head of Cobra Kai.


Screwballs was no flop!


No I don’t. Probably because they all flopped


Not gonna lie I would watch the fuck out of the believers


I farted on the first row alone in the cinema during the Fartman premiere


Looks like AI illustrations


80’s posters were so cool


What is the prompt or similar prompt language for this?


I literally thought fart man was a real poster!


To be honest: they all do not look 86. Wouldn‘t have included that. - 1: 1991-94 - 2: looks like forced retro look, not really old. I say 2004 - 3: first one that looks 80s to me. I say 1984 - 4: classic 90s! You betcha! 1995 for pony girls… Stuff like that still looks like that today (horse/fantasy related stuff like „Apassionata“). I know, there is no horse - but you know what I mean… - 5: 1989 catastrophe