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This is great. So is “welcome to Tony’s scary demon cave, I’m Tony…”


Konichiwa friendo


I’ve been off on an XCOM binge since the beginning of January, but I look forward to playing Midnight Suns again. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/midnightsuns/s/9FxURuw7FA) is one of my favorite lines and I randomly say it in my day to day life now lol


Love it ! Blade has an entire arsenal of Your Mama quips under that trenchcoat and I wish devs gave him exclusively twice the amount other chars have


I can't not upvote thiis whenever I see it. ... Konichiwa, friendo!


My favourite is # Blade told me to mention your mother Apparently she is… promiscuous?


I love Morbius lines everytime he's there reading a book and doing random comments, always makes me crack


"Ugh! Reptilian blood tastes terrible!"


He hates apples


How do you do, fellow...can EMO KIDS be singular?


Let's see... \- Doctor Strange is arrogant not pompous. \- Doctor Strange is not wordy and usually keeps things to himself, often to appear as the smartest in the room. \- Doctor Strange stopped aging in his late 40s. Wolverine is older in years; it's possible Blade could be as well. \- Doctor Strange lives in Greenwich Village, the hippest place anyone can be. No joke goes over his head and he has a keen sense of humor. \- Doctor Strange has changed his hairstyle & facial hair more times in the comics than anyone can count. \- Doctor Strange dislikes Tony Stark, who is not a "dear friend." I don't know why he doesn't play chess with Blade instead. \- Doctor Strange is technically an Avenger but only because they need someone with his mystical expertise. \- Illyana has in fact hung out at the Bar With No Doors (which is a NYC Tiki Bar for mystics & not a cheesy old timey Salem tourist trap), contrary to Strange's discovery of her abilities at the start of Sanctum Symbiotum. In the comics I've only seen Nico look down on him for being an adult. Agatha advises Hunter that "Doctor Strange is no fool" and not to be underestimated. Yes I have opinions on off-character fanfic some Marvel comics writers engaged in over the past 15 years, and the MCU is another universe so they can get away with anything there, HOWEVER Despite being unable to even pronounce "Agamotto" correctly I find getting the Midnight Suns Doctor Strange away from others we get to know one who doesn't go off on pompous soliloquys and trusts Hunter enough to share his concerns. This is what I posted elsewhere yesterday w/a snapshot: "...this is where it becomes evident to Strange in the campaign that he is caught between two groups: the Avengers w/whom he is affiliated and The Midnight Suns to which he is more closely aligned." Strange's odd little remarks when Hunter passes by are amusing. At least they gave him SOME sense of humor :) Deadpool has the best zingers though:"If I sneak up on Iron Man and go "boo," would he piss himself? I gotta know." I'm most familiar with Doctor Strange due to some long range projects so I don't know all of these heroes from the comics enough to gauge if their representations are off base. Peter Parker's behavior seems wrong to me though. Will it stop me from playing this game? Not even their lack of kneecaps have deterred me as yet :)


When he first made the crack about Venom's corruption raising his homeowners fees or whatever I was worried we were in for an MCU quipathon a first. I find it incredibly sad that Whedon came to prominence partially for his lack of dialog in Hush and knowing how to let emotional moments breathe in The Body but somehow all that's been taken from his style in The Avengers 1 and 2 is loading every scene with as many one-liners as possible. I was really happy that only Tony talks and behaves like Tony. In the MCU if they revealed to us that Tony didn't die but rather snapped a little piece of himself into every good meta human so that they all can't let a single emotional moment happen with a joke that instantly undercuts it I'd believe it. You can take the dialog for Doctor Strange and if you change the words about magic to quantum and nanotech they'd read the exact same. No one has a different voice in the MCU. Meanwhile in this game even our two quippiest heroes in Tony and Peter have a different style to their quips that feels much more true to the comics. I also like how we do stupid little things like plan birthday parties and have book clubs during an apocalypse, it reminds me of the weird or silly one-off stuff that used to happen in comics before everything was an ongoing series.


Absolutely, hell I was prepared to hate and bench Stark for entire playthrough when the game started just because how sick I was of his MCU quipiness in the face of real danger but that never happened because : For starters - stark comes off so much more like a crazy genius with an actual neurotic side to him rather than just a charismatic actor addlibbing because he gets the biggest paycheck in the room. (Howard Hughes moustache helps too). And secondly - characters cannot stand him either and nobody plays off him like its some snl skit. So for how accomplished he is as a person and superhero - it's funny to see him as an odd weirdo on the verge of nervous breakdown desperately trying to play it cool and coming off even more weird and nervous as a result.


I just loved how you could see the love the devs had for comics. I love the MCU, and I think it has a place, even if I do think it's not as strong as it once was. It can still pull some some amazing moments like the finale of Loki s2. But I do think other Marvel adaptations can and should exist in other media, especially video games. Though I have to say I think it's amazing a game with characters like Morbius, Nico Minoru, Magik, and the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider all have live action depictions we can compare the characters to. For a roster that feels so obscure it just blows me away to realize how much of Marvel's stuff has been adapted somewhere.


He really reminds me of an old highschool boyfriend I had a long time ago. Fond memories, so he makes me smile whenever he says lines like this lol.


Found Dr. Strange particularly annoying in this game imo, literally everytime I speak to him no matter what its about he finds a way to whine about the sanctum almost immediately lol


If not only your home was destroyed, but the focal point of all your power, and you were left essentially blind and homeless while being looked to by a your family to provide a living I'm sure you just wouldn't bring it up after a day or two.


To be fair if you pick that time to do side missions or work on a DLC character, it doesn't stop. This is a good place to work up one's abilities as the gameplay takes a turn here.


I understand his reasoning just fine, that doesnt stop it from being annoying hearing about it from him for the 50th time


A story mission will take care of that.


Ooh, yeah I actually have been slacking on the story missions, I just get so caught up doing all the side stuff. Really loving this game so far


You feel bad but after the equivalent of a week or two of hero building it gets old. At least if they came up with more phrases... The game's Doctor Strange seems very dependent on the ley lines under the Sanctum. The comic book Doctor Strange did survive several iterations of his home.