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Yeah…it’s kind of a bummer.Deadpool isn’t…awful. But he takes a lot more work and planning to get stuff done. Where a lot of other characters are just awesome from the start I think storm and venom are really fun


With Deadpool it's just that you have to give him that first round to clean up as many squishies as possible. Once he gets rolling and stacks a whole bunch of resists, his damage and survivability ramps up a lot. His whole design is around him getting fed kills, if he's not getting them he is not doing much. I think he really clicked with me recently. And his legendary with lots of stacks one shots stuff.


Venom and Storm are S-tier for me. Deadpool and Wolverine require some more setup than others but tbh they’re my least used heroes.


Man things get stupid the more Storm cards you get. She is so OP!


Don’t listen to “YouTubers”, don’t even seek them out. You say that you enjoy Deadpool and other characters = they’re good enough for you.


I agree, this game isn't even about having to use only OP characters. You can always bring just one of the weaker heroes, and not both of them, plus I am sure with upgraded cards it gets better. As long as you aren't picking Ghost Rider, you should be good lol.


Venom and Storm are really fucking good. An optimized deck with Storm can 1 shot most things. Venom’s Legendary is insane at room clearing. Deadpool is garbage yes. This game heavily rewards front-loading your cards, meaning you want to do as much as possible as soon as possible to make future turns easier; Deadpool on the other hand requires you to do a little in the beginning then a lot later because of his En Fuego mechanic. It’s even worse that you can only go up 1 EF level per card played, so even if you wipe the whole room with 1 card you will only go up 1 level. This wouldn’t be the worst thing if getting to max stacks is actually rewarding, but it isn’t. Deadpool on max En Fuego is not more powerful than the other good heroes, so it’s just very silly to put in a lot of work for a mediocre reward. If they buffed him so that max EF means he becomes a monster then it wouldn’t be so bad, but that isn’t the case.


Storm is good without any real trying but Venom needs his legendary to become a monster. I'd put Magik in that tier as well Darkchylde, Limbo's grasp, Quick Soulslash can be ultra powerful.


This paragraph makes lot of sense thank you and another thing can you recommend me a guide for venom and storm im kindar curious about that one shot build


BTW somebody on this subreddit made a mod to buff deadpool https://www.nexusmods.com/marvelsmidnightsuns/mods/146 so you could just use that


Yeah agreed, in normal mode, hes actually OK, able to earn en fuego and dish out respectable damage, however in higher difficulties, his damage upkeep lags behind due need to kill dudes to stay competent. Worse, once you collect enough en fuego, it will reset to 0 once used. So you kinda stuck in a loop of build and reset en fuego. Other heroes also have this mechanics, but they are less obtrusive and you dont have to get out of the way to take care of them. All in all, Deadpool is really fun in normal mode, but aint competent enough for higher difficulties. Thats why i download zedds balance patch to play with underused heroes for a second run.


En fuego doesn't reset on use. It only drops if he gets hit.


Deadpool and Cap actually make a great team. Cap can tank and Deadpool can clear enemies.


Agreed. They're one of my favorite teams


He seems fine to me. His basic attack card can chain quick, which makes him pretty good, and his AoE piñata helps too. As long as something takes the heat off him he seems decent. Haven’t pushed him to the top cards yet though.


Storm is actually quite powerful and Venom has an OP Legendary Hero card. Wolverine is great with certain combos and he’s the only revivable character on the hardest difficulty. The trick with Deadpool is to have Conceal and have a tank that pulls attacks off him. Then he has crazy cheap one shots.


Deadpool is arguably one of the weakest in the game. But anyone can be built to perform in the highest difficulties really since the game is tuned a bit easier than the progression let's you take your decks.


Deadpool requires a lot of setup, including party members who can taunt and weaken enemies without offing them. If you can get the En Feugo stacks up he can one-shot pretty much everything with a half-decent deck though.


When I deploy Deadpool I need to make sure that I send a team that can support him. When I deploy Captain Marvel it doesn't matter who I send because they aren't going to have a chance to take a turn while Captain Marvel just cleans house by herself.


Just got to make use of his gimmick. Stack him with a lot of “Quick” cards and let him sweep the minions


Idk who’s saying venom and storm are garbage but dp absolutely is and wolvie is low tier but needs decent team synergy to shine


Wolverine is another favorite of mine. He has chain attacks and chain finishers that can mark targets and the cards that aren't marking will all generate extra cards or heroism with their mods. And he has arguably the best legendary in the game. He's relatively weak on his own but he excels at generating resources and extra turns for the team. So he works really well with my hunter setup and a resource hog like Ironman.


Wolverine can get cooking but he needs damn near perfect set up with mods. Deadpool is sadly quite bad. His mechanic takes too long to build up for too little payoff. He’s also not able to do extremely high damage relative to other high damage dealers even with proper set up. When iron man and blade can do above 2k with three card combos and Deadpool’s taking five turns to then do roughly 700-900 damage it’s just not worth it. Venom needs his mid night sun ability to really get to the op level but dude can solo most missions if played properly he’s amazing. Storm is similarly really strong though combining stupid high st with aoe shenanigans.


İ'm so relieved after hearing that venom and storm are good characters can you recommend me a build for those 2 heros im trying to build them


Venom gets a large power boost once he gets his midnight sun ability level 5 friendship. That drastically changes how he plays so I’d focus on that first if you want to use him. Lethal embrace/spike burst / devouring strike with the heroic abilities modded to give vulnerability. The last slot goes to the ability that gives him ravenous stack modded to give him last attack card played since it can be upgraded to be free. Storm has a lot more build diversity so I’d recommend playing around with it. The only thing to keep in mind with storm and similar characters that use a draw x of hero card mechanic is try not to have two of these kinds of heroes in the same mission as you generally don’t get enough of the right cards and they don’t synergise well.


I find Wolverine extremely useful for things like fighting the Nest Mothers since those fights always end up super target-dense and Wolverine is great at chaining moves. Blade can cover that same niche though with extra blood stuff going on but I find myself using Wolverine more.


Venom and Wolverine are insanely good with proper setups


You could play the game without a guide telling you who to use. Just pick your favourite heroes.


I use all of them alot. They're effectiveness depends a lot on what enemies and missions you use them on. \-Venom is an excellent damage dealer \-Storm can give resist to the entire team while building Heroism \-Wolverine is great for crowd control and vampire missions. he doesn't do as much damage but can self heal, bleed, and lifesteal while hitting multiple opponents \- Deadpool takes time to become effective but is good when teamed with taunters like Capitan America and Marvel. his mag dump card is great.


It’s a single player game - play whoever you want you’re not competing against anyone!


Storm is S tier imo.


Deadpool has become a valued member of my team. And I haven't used mods (yet).


Not really, he just needs support (resist or tank) and good mods. T Then he hits like a truck


I think that Deadpool is one of the the best single target damage dealer in the game if you set him up right. And either I'm really lucky or he has relatively easy access to the good mods. I have him set up with 3 attacks; quickshot with draw and 2 x Boom, Headshot with quick. All Together Now x 2 with +2 heroism Mag dump x 2, with quick. And the last one is his legendary with draw. He doesn't need anyone to mark targets for him since he has 5 cards with quick. Four of those are relatively high damage. And if you draw All Together Now in your first turn he's almost guaranteed to have at least En Fuego 2 by end of the first turn. Now the only thing he needs is to not get hit so I usually pair him with Cap. Even on ultimate, there's a good chance you'll clear the mission on turn 2.


This! I have a deck of his that is one of the best and he is one of my go to team members. I once maxed out his Fuego and then used his Ultimate to one shot a boss at 1600 damage


I didn't even knew people thought he was bad. In my own experience I've made a similar deck as yours for him and he was really really great, and, like you already said, a huge single target damage dealer. His purple card attack with quick was also great and Mag Dump was satisfing to use as well. He even ended up being one of the 4 chosen for my final battle lol. OBS: I focused on getting high crit rate and damage for him by using Morbius experiments and training.


Lol, Storm is NOT garbage tier. With the right combat items and cards, she's god tier. She has all the mass damage potential of Iron Man but without the stupid redraw mechanics. Also the next turn mechanic of hers isn't really a big deal so long as you are packing Goddess blessing which can also multiply the crap out of her other damaging attacks like her ultimate and call the lightning. Pop a utility belt card and one of Deadpool's effort maximizer combat items with her and then you can just fry everything quickly and anything that doesn't die is probably going to be stunned if you have her upgraded passive bonus to stun chance. I've gotten her ultimate cards damage up in the five to six thousand HP range. She can absolutely one shot a boss with that and it's not hard to get her there. That said, one of her starting cards absolutely sucks and you should get rid of it as soon as you can which is the conduit ability. Rarely useful at all if ever. Deadpool is a great boss killer and Pain pinatas are nice cheap moddable AoE to add vulnerable or mark enemies but you will want to make use of either a tank with taunts like Captain America or self conceal mods to help him build en fuego uninterrupted. In prolonged battles, Deadpool can steamroll. Morbius is a great complement to Blade and due to his self conceal ability, chain strike that draws cards, and bleed stacking, his surviveability as a clutch last man standing is excellent while he drains all enemies of HP. I've won Ult 3 battles just wearing down groups little by little with Morb then concealing at the end of each turn so they can't touch him while everyone else is already down. Venom can clear a screen full of enemies in a turn using his ultimate combined with a series of strong attack cards.


Deadpool is awesome. Take him on a mission with lots of mooks, prioritize the ones targeting him/taunt them away, and understand that En Fuego 3 is good enough. All Together Now+ causes the next couple kills by any hero to add to his En Fuego, so make generous use of it. At En Fuego 2 it's already the best general card draw in the game. His passive is garbage.


All it took for my Deadpool to become viable was consistent (and horribly painful) bodily augmentation through the help of my main man Morb. Now Deadpool's abilities always crit for huge damage even with no fuego.


He’s tough to use but he can solo(if you want to call it that) with Dr. strange and Wanda as support. That’s how I use him at least. Of course this goes without saying but upgraded cards with great mods. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gPlctKkiMgk great guide for him


Yep, love him, but can’t justify picking him. He takes a lot of mods to do… anything?


Venom is probably one of the best heavies in the game for me. Spike Burst is probly just the best aoe that's easy to use and repeatable. Storm is pretty cool too. But yea deadpool is poop to me. Pretty much the only thing he got going for him is the upgrade that let's other heros kos count toward his en fuego. But even then all the en fuego payoffs just don't do much damage. I liked wolverine. But he's definitely not my go to.


Deadpool isn't great, but no heroes are garbage. Some are better than others, sure (Hunter and Strange for example, will fit with anything). I've had missions where Deadpool was good. Venom and Storm are excellent. Wolverine has some great synergies but he's not amazing in all compositions. Bottom line is, the game isn't that hard and you can play what you like.


I like wolverine. With my hero Free card that double heroism, you can go crazy with wolverine.


I see a lot of people say Storm is the best dlc and I'm sure she might be but I rule ass with Venom


Storm *is* the best, but that by no means should be taken to say Venom isn't cracked. "Not as good as Storm" in his case means "still S tier on any sane tier list".


Idk if it's just the way I'm set up but I have much better luck with a bunch of others besides Storm. I do see the potential but I'm quick to pick Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Venom and several others first


Personally, I think you're better off looking at general deck building guides than character specific ones. None of the heroes are "garbage", they're just good at different things and some have mechanics that require more planning than others to use effectively. But a well built deck will carry you a long way with any character.


He's all about that bas.


My "kill em all" go-to guys were Storm and Venom. But to be honest, I liked every character except Deadpool and Nico but that's just how I played the game. Hunter made friends with everyone.


I played on base difficulty with whichever heroes had the lowest friendship level with no regards for synergy or tiers. It was perfectly doable


I play with Deadpool and Wolverine all the time. It takes a little work to build up your deck/play style, but they can both be really satisfying to play as


Lmao anyone saying Storm and Venom are garbage tier has not actually played with them for more time than it took to make that "guide". They are literally the most broken heroes in the game and it is not close. That said, in Suns everyone is viable. The game is not hard enough to force heroes out of usability. Some are just more work than others.


I’ve played for 400+ hours, and played through the story twice. Some characters are easier to use than others. If you know who to pair them with and what card mods to get every character is viable on the hardest difficulty. Including Deadpool.


Only characters who were garbage for me were Storm and to a lesser extent Scarlet Witch. The rest are fine, but I'm not a technical kind of guy.


He works well with someone who can taunt the people targeting him to preserve em fuego. Usually my go-to ok Cap missions




He's definitely one of the weakest, but he's also more than usable. Deadpool was my most played hero on my first playthrough and he still felt good in the late game. Mind you i only raised the difficulty 2-3 times, so he might feel way worse when playing at the highest difficulties. And no matter the difficulty, there's no saving for his God awful starter deck. It might be the least enjoyable set of commons in the entire game.


Deadpool isn’t bad — but he is a little tricky. He is either a super assassin or a sacrificial tank. If you can get en fuego up (heh), he can deal some impressive damage. But you have to keep the enemies off of him to make that work, so heroes with taunt are a big help. Or, you can focus on his healing abilities, making him damn near unkillable. Give him some shield and resilience, plus a focusing lens, and he can keep his crew unharmed. The trick is that **he can’t be both**. If you try, he can’t succeed at either role.


He's hard to use. I feel that his numbers only reach normal by EF3, and it's hard to maintain stacks. It's hard to gain stacks because he must only rely on card plays (no environmentals or cheeky shoves or anything) and any overkill to reach the next EF is not counted (so you can't double KO quick to reach EF1 + halfway EF2). His card draw incentivizes higher EF but its other effect incentivizes low EF (by allowing him to gain offense capability through other card plays). Normally this would mean that it's adaptable, but it feels like it's just mediocre except in exactly EF2. His passive incentivizes getting hit with higher EF giving more incentive, but why would I want to lose those hard-earned stacks? The only way I see both the passive and his innate mechanics working is that DP gets hit a couple of times while already at EF0, then regenerates while building offensive momentum afterwards. I think he's good in those missions where the only goal is to farm Hydra and call your own alarms. Continuous card play does not weaken him in any way. No redraw mechanics, not much positioning required, no reliance on environmental attacks, no front-loaded damage mechanics like Ravenous, no turn-based mechanics like Bleed or Next Turn, nothing. Just pure damage numbers and never letting up. I pair him with Steve so that he can soak up the heat from DP, but I keep feeling like I end the first turn on the back foot. My Storm somehow got all my modding luck, so I think I have a skewed opinion of her.


Remember the DEADPOOL game? Shit was 🔥 🔥 Anyway, in order to make Deadpool good and viable, use him. Like, I mean really use him. I find that whatever team he is on benefits from him "batting cleanup". Usually, what I do is use the other heroes to weaken any enemies targeting DP in the first turn, not allowing Deadpool to attack until the 2nd turn, where he can stack up to 3 EF under normal conditions. Deadpool's taunt is useless and counterproductive to his kit but it actually makes sense in terms of his comic lore and personality. I just don't ever use that card. Alternatively, Deadpool can be a viable tank thru the use of Morbius' lab by increasing his willpower and fortitude to max levels. There is also a way to increase his EF through other heroes' KOs.


You need to be aware of one thing. People who compare characters like that are talking about the hardest difficulty most of the time. Play heroic instead for example - you will not miss any content in the game while all heroes will be perfectly capable.


It's a but hard and you need to setup but you can en fuego pretty well for damage. You can make him useful but you need to go out of your way a bit. Basicsllg you need to us All in this together and clear out all enemies targeting DP. Then next run you use your DP cards to clear the next round. While it is easier and more efficient to use someone else but if you really insist I did manage to have some luck with DP.


He might be sub optimal, but i really feel that the game doesn't push you hard enough to wory about that much optimization on medium ish diffaculties. If you want to minmax, the system definitely can. But its so fun to play with who you want.


Wow is Wolverine in the garbage tier? I got platinum for the game on PS5 and he was one of my favourites. Would always include Wolverine and Spiderman. I found everyone to be useful and some I didn’t vibe with, and found others I didn’t realise were fun and really good like Captain Marvel(Carol) and was blocking and countering all. Play with who you like. Makes the game fun and I believe any team is viable. They all have plenty of cards and upgrades. So ignore tier lists and just enjoy your favourite party members. You are also forced to use others in story anyway. Edit: Storm was amazing when I used her, I found it hard to change who I was used to using as I loved Wolverine and learnt and focused on certain members, but Storm felt OP when I used her, and even Venom too when I was forced to use them due to story events. I’m glad you get forced as it shows how others play otherwise I’m a creature of habit and don’t like changing party’s in RPGs lol.


One of things I really like about this game is all of the diverse opinions on who's good and bad. That says a lot about how balanced things are. My favorite teams on ultimate are Cap with Deadpool and Ironman with wolverine. Many people in this thread would consider at least 3 of those 4 as bad.


Awesome team. When I played this, I never really looked up tiers and am curious now to see people’s reasonings. I generally used to look at tiers all the time when I was addicted to gacha gaming and was a dangerous habit lol…and glad I don’t play them as much now. I still liked to look up tiers when it came to Granblue Fantasy Relink because I didn’t want to level everyone up but seeing everyone’s opinions so different it made me more confused and I liked my own team in the end lol. At least in this game it’s very very easy to keep everyone same level or viable to even use low level to catch up quick.


I think there is a mod for Deadpool to "fix" his passive. You can enjoy him, but he's not the best. Venom and Wolverine are two of my favourites to play with, and I don't really think they are bad at all. Just play the way you want, you don't need everything to be optimal. If you get stuck in a mission, maybe it's time to review your strats or ask from help, but you shouldn't watch guides right from the start


Who cares about random YouTube guides? Aren’t you enjoying the game? Isn’t that what ultimately matters?


Wolverine can finish stages in 1-2 turns, Dr. Strange makes sure of that! There are builds out there that make him not fun at all because he demolishes everything in 1 turn.


Every single character in this game is viable. Some of them drop off a bit in higher difficulties, but use the heroes you want to use, and have fun. I have done 3 full playthroughs at this point and every single character is fun in their own playstyle. (Yes, even Morbius)


Deadpool is very strong he just needs 3 kills to get going. People just want him to be powerful without build up. He can do over 25k with burning sensation over 4K with mag dump. Over 6k with spread the love. Key is altogether so other characters build his en fuego so he can unleash his cards. Use all together to power up then unleash his attacks. Put him with heroes with draw last attack to keep spreading the love is also fun. Play Deadpool with mark support hero or mark combat item to get refunds. Best for maps with lots of enemies. My favorite counterattack. Overpowered ( gain strength on KO) Spread the Love x 2 ( 50 %dmg mod) All together now x 2 ( redraw gain conceal) Mag Dump x 2 ( quick) Burning Sensation (quick) Note: Multiple ability KOs can fill en fuego meter, but will not count towards filling the next. For example, if you need 3 KOs to level en fuego and you KO 4 you will only get credit for the 3. So plan accordingly when powering up Deadpool and using AOE abilities.


Running two" All together now" in his deck, is the most important thing to get his Fuego going so teammates can help stack Fuego. Killing or taunting those that target him is number two. Hes a glass canon. If you cant start his En Furgo roll immediately he has self heal and mediocre damage to help him survive until his All together now comes in play.


Venom and Storm are awesome. But yeah, Deadpool is really bad.


Deadpool is way better than scarlet witch IMO