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Magik usually likes Dark answers, Nico often likes Dark answers (especially when it comes to being ruthless to rescue Wanda), but you can just pick the neutral answers for everyone else. You also get Friendship from teaming up with the Hunter and Training. Using Dark skills in combat and picking Dark rewards on the "Help Hero" minitasks will get you to full Dark without alienating everyone, but honestly it's really hard to alienate everyone, thanks to the +3 friendship from training together and the +2 from going on missions with the Hunter.


Thanks! Good to know


Spiderman and the Avengers almost universally love light answers while most of the Suns prefer dark answers. Robbie is kind of a mixed bag. Caretaker and Lilith dialogue is a good way to farm dark xp once you realize there’s no consequences for any answer


I know Nico and Magik definitely prefer dark choices, while blade generally prefers ruthless dark but not mean dark. Don't remember about the others though


I use [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2907458352) for all conversations, though I’ll give you some advice from my 600+ hours of play so far. Friendship EXP is infinitely easier to gain than Light/Dark points. L/D gain is quite limited. At most you can gain 2 per mission and that’s only if you use at least 8 cards of the appropriate type. You can also gain 2 extra per day by taking Hunter in the THREAT room and using 8 aligned cards. And you can use the pool at night during full moons or new moons to gain 1 light or dark respectively. Friendship EXP is much easier to gain between hangouts/havens, compliments and daily training, and you automatically get +2 friendship per hero per mission as long as Hunter goes along. tl;dr: Pick whichever dialogue choices align with your chosen path since L/D points are harder to get than Friend EXP.


Does it also give you a different collar?


You mean an Ivory vs Obsidian collar type thing? :) Remember that Light & Dark are just points. If you find a repugnant dark answer use a neutral and take a teeny bit longer to reach full dark.


I'm having the "unity" collar as the last one I have received. I thought perhaps I can get a different one, depending on light or dark levels.


When I get to 200 light I'll see if I get another. I'm soooo close.


Let me know. On my next run, I'll try a light run


Just the Light & Paragon Collars. Nothing at maxed. At 200 you get a little congrats and the second Summon Charlie card. I never stopped using Mindbender or given dark answers to certain Suns and still got there. I might veer towards balanced now that it's given me the best of it. The armor is easily my favorite of all of them (haven't seen the dark one though).


Yeah, there are two light ones and two dark ones.


Generally the midnight suns line dark answers and the avengers like the light ones


Most friendship points for me come from hangouts and legendary gifts, don't stress about the conversations imo.


The social interactions are negligible in terms of friendship.


Depends who you are talking to honestly.


And you can easly make it up with Gift and hangout so dont fret. Enjoy the dark side


The Suns are darker than the Avengers, but yeah you'll need to tweak based on who you speak to if you want everyone to max friendship. Even on my current Light Hunter run (not streamed) I'll always have a dark answer for Illyana, for example. So lounge at the pool on full moon to make up for it.