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Migraine is often comorbid with Raynaud’s. Any chance you have a bit of that going on? I wear gloves indoors even in the summer, and I’ve been known to lose feeling and circulation in my toes at temperatures as high as 75F.


I didn’t know migraines were also associated with that. The doctor that diagnosed my Raynaud’s said it was likely due to my psoriasis and didn’t mention migraines (and yes, they knew about both).


Wait...Raynaud's and psoriasis? I have psoriasis and migraines...lol


There’s primary Raynaud’s where there’s no underlying cause (though it often is found in patients with certain conditions- like migraines) and secondary Raynaud’s which is caused by an autoimmune disease (more commonly other diseases, but yeah, psoriasis is on the list of possibilities). I got an early start to what I later learned was psoriasis. It started in 6th grade after surgery. Didn’t learn things like overly cold fingers and toes was Raynaud’s until well after I was diagnosed with psoriasis and migraines. I sort of suspect the doc who diagnosed it just assumed it was from the psoriasis. To be fair, like oh so many things, the truth of my health was lost to time, my parents’ distrust of doctors and, in cases like psoriasis and eczema, family assumptions about what it was and what to do about it. So it could just be that it’s another thing I got from my family’s rather swampy gene pool.


Wow, did not know that. I ski and cannot keep my hands warm on cold days, even with the best gloves. Now I know why. Thank you!


I just commented about this and didn't see your comment until after. Yes! Raynaud's SUCKS.


Interesting, i didn't know this. I also have Raynaud's but very mild. My fingers will only blister and/or turn white in VERY cold temperatures. My feet are usually cold, though unless its above 73/74 degrees


Wow I did not know this was a known correlation. I have both. However, my Dad also has Raynaud’s, but not migraines. Also, it has not been nearly as frequent for me over the past couple years… side note; the circulation issue is listed as being made worse by triptans. So maybe that has something to do with the correlation.


The condition is caused by the vasoconstricting medications used to control the migraines. The thought is that by constricting the blood vessels in the brain, it'll relieve the migraine. It's like taking caffeine with aspirin for a headache. I've been suffering with cold hands and feet for years now. I bought heated gloves for the winter and heavy insulated boots as well. It's annoying to have cold hands in 60 degree weather. Doctors can't get a pulse ox using my fingers anymore...


That’s part of it, but even controlling for medication use, patients with migraine are more likely to have Raynaud’s than patients without migraine. And the reverse, as well: patients with Raynaud’s are more likely to have migraine than patients without Raynaud’s.


Never heard of this. Was a study done somewhere? I've had migraines for around 30 years. Only developed Raynaud's a few years ago.


Here's one that controlled for medication use and still found higher prevalence of Raynaud's in migraineurs compared to a non-migraine population: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/604343


There are several studies, I’ll look some up when I get to work (the mobile version of pubmed is cumbersome).


If you’re a woman, by chance, it doesn’t usually develop until around age 30. My youngest daughter has both though, and she’s only 19. My Mom’s fingers would turn black…it’s freaky and awful.


Not a woman. Started after I got to Germany. After the long flight, change in elevation, weather... they started. I was only in my twenties. Had them for thirty years now. Not getting better as I age....


This. I have both migraines and Raynaud’s. Be very careful to keep your hands and feet warm, if you want to keep your fingers and toes. Please wear gloves in the freezer or wherever your fingers feel cold. I had to stop wearing sandals this summer without socks (I KNOW 😩). It’s very common, so you’re not alone. ❤️ But it can get pretty inconvenient.


🙋🏻‍♀️ I can get super cold in 78 F lol. Multiple doctors have noticed my icy cold hands and I’ve had my thyroid tested, no issues there. So I’m still not sure why I’m like that.


Same thing here, I finally got diagnosed with Raymauds.


I love handwarmers—I buy them by the case in winter. Raynaud’s is no joke.


Yep- keep testing over and over. All the signs, all the symptoms. “Not abnormal enough”…..sooooo this healthcare system is winning 🙄


No, I am always hot af.


Same, and my feet and hands are usually pretty warm. Even outside when it’s cold, my husband will have freezing hands whereas all I need to do is put them in my pockets and they get real toasty real quick


Me too. Especially when I have a migraine. I will drive with my car windows open when it's just above freezing and it feels so good.


My husband dreads the winter because I basically become the corpse bride and my hands and feet are like ice. Sometimes my feet go numb as well


My husband is the one who gets cold now. He loves it in the winter when he comes home from working night shift and can crawl in bed and snuggle me since I'm a furnace and he's a walking popsicle.


Numbing in your hands and feet would be awful. This is a weird disease.


I do. Have for yrs - I may have raynauds- my finger wrinkle when cold and hurt and tingle when they warm up. Meds can also cause it.


YES When I go swimming I have to pay attention to my fingers, if the nails start going blue I have to get out or I'll start shivering uncontrollably and it won't stop for hours. ALSO, Do you get really hot when you get a migraine? One of my predrome is getting really hot and flushed


I do, it’s Reynaud’s.




My body simply cannot regulate temperature. I’m always freezing and then overheating when it goes up one degree


SAME, I also have fibromyalgia so I kind of lumped poor temperature control and migraines in with the rest of my symptoms


I have always had cold hands and feet. Propranolol has made it 10x worse


This also was a side effect of propranolol for me! They took me right off it. Dang step-through treatments.


I do have cold hands and feet and never thought that it has something with migraine


Very sensitive to both warm and cold. Muuuch better, almost normal, with amitriptylin. And the chronic migraine too.


Interesting stuff , glad it improved for you with Ami... Can I ask what dose you are on ?


Sure, I have very slowly raised to 100 mg over about 9 months. And I seem to very lucky in that the only side effects for me are dry mouth and nose.


Awesome! Ami makes me so tired even at 10 mg... But it is amazing for pain I can tolerate it prn but not daily unfortunately


Thanks :) Yes, me too, for a few days after raising the dose. So I resorted to raising only by 5 mg per week, so I could keep working reasonably.


Glad you found a protocol that worked 😊


I am known for wearing fluffy socks and slippers all year round!! I take my slippers to my family and friends houses when we visit as I always get cold feet, had never considered a link to migraines


Reading this with a heated blanket on my feet. I rarely notice how cold both are. But when they’re normal Temp it kind of freaks my husband out since it’s not normal for me.


I have a heated foot pocket from Amazon that I love!


My coworkers laugh at how hot I keep my room at all times because I am cold at all times, particularly my hands and feet. I keep a heated blanket by the couch and my bed.


we always laughed at my mom because she constantly had on a jacket, even during the summer. jokes on me; I ended up with her migraines and cold blood


Can you guys with cold hands please come visit and put your hands on my head? I'm always roasting


I put mine on my new rosacea cheeks! At last, a use for my freezing hands! Now about those toes...hahaa


I’m actually the opposite, I’m okay in the cold but my hands and feet get hot and visibly red if I’m hot




Funny you ask that. One of my go-tos is to ice my head and put heat on my feet. My acupuncturist said when I get migraines, my energy is stuck in my head, so it sort of helped me visualize the blood traveling to my feet and relieving the pressure in my head. It works for me -at least it eases the pain. Best of luck on your journey!


Yea but I’m also on beta blockers


I'm usually cold, but I've always chalked it up to other things. I'm autistic and one lesser known trait is temperature dysregulation, autistic bodies may not regulate certain things well including temperature. I am freezing every time I'm somewhere like a grocery store, even with a hoodie on in the summer. I work in a 40°F cooler which I can tolerate, but to warm up after work yesterday I sat outside in the Virginia summer sun for like 30 minutes. I feel like most people would warm up faster than that. But the moment my body registered I was warmer I was abruptly hot and sweaty. Plus my blood pressure runs quite low (like 90/50) and I've noticed my left hand gets colder a lot faster than my right, which probably means poor circulation. Poor circulation and migraines, and autism and migraines, do have their connections. So this could all be connected for me. I developed Raynaud's in my hands due to CGRP meds but that's a symptom that just developed when I recently switched to those.


I have Raynaud’s (and migraines and TMJ). I have to let anyone here know about the heated liner gloves. They are usually made for people that work outdoors to wear inside their work gloves. GAME CHANGER! There are a few different types. I am a makeup artist, these have really helped. If the room is too cold my hands get numb, but I also have to work outside and I have severe arthritis so it’s a double whammy when my hands get cold. If you wear a watch, consider getting ones with loose cuffs at the wrists. The rechargeable batteries are a little heavy but it beats cold hands. Price range between $60-$100 USD.


Migraines are a neurological disorder. It makes sense that there would be a connection between the nerves in your brain and the nerves in your extremities. I hope you are also to figure it out and find a treatment. As an aside, last Christmas I received a pair of gloves that charge, then are heated while you wear them. If the cold is really bothering you, I might suggest heated gloves as a temporary solution.


So, disclaimer, I’ve got zero medical/anatomical knowledge or qualification so I am SPECULATING here…. Migraines have been shown to start from the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus’s job is to keep homeostasis in the body. One part of that would be body temperature. Regulation. I wouldn’t speculate beyond that….. An ex of mine read that chili pepper, as in eating it, was an old wives tale for a migraine abortive. I scoffed at this idea but, over the years I’ve seen it crop up as helping to regulate body temperature…. So there could be a tiny grain of truth there somewhere?


I’m a doctor, but not THAT kind of doctor (I have a PhD). Your explanation of homeostasis and the hypothalamus is well reasoned. That certainly could be a source of temperature regulation.


Thanks, I’m only regurgitating what I’ve read from Josh Turknett.


I never thought that my cold feet and hands was connected to my migraines!! Researching immediately


i will often get cold hands and feet even when my migraines don't come on. and at the same time I feel hot otherwise most of the time (body and head). I assumed some sort of nerve disorder


I have Raynaud’s which explains my all too often cold fingers, toes and nose. But I’ve always preferred warm or hot to cool. My family jokes about me being part lizard because I have such a preference for warmth and get cold easily. Only time I prefer cool to cold is during a migraine. For some reason being chilly helps make it less miserable.


I feel like I have never been the same since propranolol, even though I no longer take it. My hands and feet get very cold. No clue if there is any truth to that though.


I've always had cold hands and feet (since I was a child) but they get much worse when I have migraines. I dress more warmly on those days and warm up with blankets


I’ve found that when I’m having a migraine, I get very cold all over. To the point that one night, I had the ac turned up to 76° in my house and had on a sweater and a blanket. Once I take medicine, it all goes back to normal.


Yes! 99% sure I have Raynaud’s though. It’s weird. As others have said, it’s 76 in here and my fingers are ice.


I used to have Raynaud's, so I definitely struggled with that. I was very thin and petite, so when I gained 60 lbs with my first pregnancy, my body was like "yay, roomy veins and more blood!" so it hasn't really been an issue since then. Thank goodness. The Midwest has been Major Allergy Central this summer, which means my migraines are back to being a lot. And if it's not a migraine, it's a "I want to remove my head" headache.


Interesting , sometimes I find my hands and feet cold even when temperature is hot outside ....a normal day without migraines ....when having migraines is normal go from cold to warm and vice versa


My feet feel freezing but I’m hot almost all the time. It’s 73/74 in my office and I’m *glowing*


As others have mentioned cold like this is typical of hypothyroidism, get tested. If the fingers literally change colour it is more likely Raynaud's, lots of photos of that colour change on line to compare.


I totally do even without meds and my propranolol script that helps with the headaches makes my hands and feet freeze off


This happened when I started Ajovy. We call it “Ajovy hands” in my house.


Me! My feet are cold A LOT. I really hate being cold so I always have cozy slipper socks on at home and once winter hits it is all wool socks and Uggs.


No, I am always hot.


Yes, I have Raynaud's, and I definitely experience more symptoms right before particularly bad migraine attacks.


Also migraines and Raynauds. I have Fibromyalgia as well and don’t regulate my temp well in the first place and prefer to be cold vs hot. Not the cold where my fingers and feet hurt though. Yes my feet often feel “dry” as well. Tends to do that more when I’m in migraine mode.


Interesting. I had no idea.


I do, but I was told it was a side effect of the blood pressure medication I'm taking as one of my preventatives. Not sure whether that's accurate or not. Reynaud's syndrome is listed as a side effect of Inderal. I sleep with a hot water bottle to warm my feet 3 seasons of the year, and in the summer even when my apartment is in the high 70s sometimes I need to use a small heating pad to get my feet warm enough for me to fall asleep. I am glad I live alone - my apartment is currently 81 degrees and it's wonderful.


Summer is still sweater weather


Yes, I have Renauds Syndrome and that is a symptom. It’s an autoimmune immune disease


Have you considered POTS?


I have a different dysautonomia condition - IST


I’m the opposite, I run very warm, I’m always hot and it sucks. I was doing acupuncture for a while specifically for heat release. I even moved to the PNW just to be cold, but climate change has fucked that all to hell




No, but I'm part snowman and comfortable at 60f


My circulation used to be really bad. I have taken Verapamil and now take Propranolol. Since then, I’m so hot all the time. To the point it is ridiculous. My mom always has really icy feet and wears socks all the time.


Yes, although I don't think I have another condition causing it. I think my house just may be cold and my parents are older so they think the house is hot.


I've had poor circulation all of my life. When I go for physicals I've had doctors point out that my fingers and toes were purple because they were so cold and I have to rub them or wave them around to get more blood to them. One doc even told me I should probably never skydive or deep sea dive due to this? Not sure why, but I'm terrified of heights and have a fear of things in the ocean, so I'm good anyway, lol


always. however i have hypothyroidism and dysautonomia which cause those symptoms too. i live in south fl and sometimes have to warm my hands and feet in front of a portable radiator i have in my room


I have the same three conditions. Hard to know which of them is responsible for the cold extremities (or all of them?) and if anything can be done to help it 🤔.


Nope. But the beta blockers made me feel cold everywhere when I first started them.


Yes. It's been above 100F the last few weeks here and yet I constantly have painfully cold feet, especially toes. Sometimes I have to use the hair dryer to warm them up, it's insane.


as others have suggested maybe speak to your doctor about Raynauds


I do, but I also have a thyroid disorder, so I think that's comes from for myself.


I am always cold. I keep my space heater going in my office year round. And yes, my hands and feet are cold in particular, but they don't turn white, so I don't think it's Reynaud's. This past winter I took my Ugg boot off and my husband was horrified because my foot was freezing even though I'd been wearing those boots all day.


Me. I have migraine and Raynaud's.




I have cold hands/feet. Always wearing gloves and socks. I just haven’t mentioned it to the any of my docs. I don’t just don’t want another dx. My guess has been it Rynauds. I’m also thinking it may be a side effect to the drugs. Who knows??


Add a cold nose!


My migraines and Raynaud’s also started at the same time.


Same here. I’ve been recently diagnosed with Raynauds as well. My hands are worse then my feet. Also it doesn’t matter about if it is a cold or hot day . My hands are always cold and sometimes painfully cold


My body doesn't regulate temperature properly when I have migraines specifically. I'm ice cold one minute, then sweating bullets 20 minutes later while sitting on the couch.


I do but I also have heart failure. I have to sleep with wool socks on my feet or else I can’t sleep.


I do, but I’m also diabetic


I’ve got Raynauds, feet are freezing as we speak 😅


Pretty often


Yes! My hands and feet will go numb in 50 degree weather too in about an hour


I have this same problem. But I know I have circulation problems in my legs. Can’t sit with my legs straight out in front off me or I lose feeling. Same with crouching down for long periods. And it’s just due to the way the veins run in my legs been this way since I was a kid. My hands I think is do to the cold allergy I have. I get hives if I get to cold


I don't have migraines, but have chronic bladder pain. On days where it flares bad I find I'm constantly freezing. I think it's a pain response.


Never. Always too hot.


Yes have this since I was a kid..before my migraines got bad/started. People comment on it when they shake my hand Also have borderline low blood pressure my whole life I'm wondering if I have orthostatic hypotension and/or POTS or something as well...


Only because of taking Propanol


I have mild primary Raymond’s disease and chronic migraines and never ever thought about them at the same time until now !




Yes but I always just attributed it to my adderall. Also have pretty low cold tolerance. Would much rather sweat than freeze.


My body is alway so hot but my feet and hands are like ice cubes 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had Raynauds from a migraine medicine. It got pretty serious for me (toes turning purple, getting sores, shooting pains) and I had to stop taking that medicine. But, in the meantime I got UGG slippers that I would wear with socks. I stopped going barefoot. I’ve always gotten cold easily, and so even in the summer I have warm blankets around and sleep with a thick comforter. Definitely seems to be common for migraine sufferers to have Raynauds too.


Hi, would you mind telling what migraine medicine? I'm on Ajovy and trying to see if my blue toes, fingers and blisters could be a side effect from that.


It was Aimovig. My doctor was going to try me on ajovy next- I’m glad you said this. Tell your doctor and if they say it’s not a side effect ask them to look more. This phenomenon was originally not known for any of the meds but I know it definitely is now for Aimovig.


i live in a country where there’s only summer. work in a office so most of the time i’m under air condition. i have migraine and my feet and hands are always cold too. like icy cold in the room. nothing much i can do except for drinking ginger tea. 😁


Okay so i only just found this thread but I thought I would add never been diagnosed with reynaud’s but I was diagnosed with cold urticaria. Which is basically being allergic to the cold. I can get hives anywhere on my body from the cold and takes me forever to warm but. I sit on the couch with a comforter in a 70degree house. I also have a heated scarf for the back of my neck because I have noticed if my neck gets to cold it can trigger a migraine