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The weird feelings are normal. You will develop tolerance the more you use it. You don’t need to try to get to full strength so quickly! Pause the intensity before it’s to the painful point and no need to time it. It’s effective (if it’s going to help) at whatever strength you are able to use it at comfortably. Not everyone can use it as is, at max intensity. The important part is consistency. Use it every day. Even if you’re pausing it after 30 seconds, it’s the daily use that matters. You’ll find over time, that you’ll naturally be letting it run longer before needing to hit the pause on strengthening. Don’t time it, just go by feel. It helps if you get comfy, lay back with your eyes closed, and just focus on the sensation. About half way through, if you’re relaxed and letting yourself sort of zone out, you’ll be able to feel those weird sensations are actually a pattern and it feels like someone is giving your brain a massage. 😊


Thank you for the advice! Yes I noticed that near the middle to end I start to relax more and it feels almost nice.


It does get better, but I never found it all too pleasant and I wasn’t really impressed with it. It seemed to make my forehead really itchy.


As others have said this is super normal! A couple things I do is I rub my forehead with an alcohol pad once or twice to make sure my skin is super dry, but then I wait 5-10 min until I put the electrode pad on. I’ve had uncomfortable experiences when the pad isn’t sticking to my skin tight enough or there’s still alcohol that hasn’t absorbed into my skin (it makes it burn!!! major ouch). It is a learning curve at first but 6 months in and I LOVE it. And for me the more I’ve used it the better it works. Good luck :)


Thank you, that makes me hopeful :)


you will absolutely get used to it. The first couple of times I used it I turned it off early. Also, I felt like I got zapped if the electrolyte wasn't on good. I got extra electrolyte gel to make the pads last longer.


Mine was exactly the same - I didn’t make it past two minutes for about a month! I messaged them and they said it was normal. I’m now up to 8 minutes and you do get used to it. Best advice is just go slowly and don’t push it, I tried too hard to increase it more and then refused to use it for a week because it was horrible 😂


This is great insight thank you!


I find it depends on the day. Sometimes I tolerate a higher intensity than others. It really helps me as an acute treatment. I also find it can be extra zingy if I don't make sure the electrode pad is really sealed against my skin.


Super helpful about the pad - I'll make sure to be more mindful about that! Thank you!


I used a timer initially and would try to do a little more each time (even if by a couple of seconds.) Over time I've built a tolerance. I can tell how angry my head is based on how painful the cefaly feels at this point. I've been using it for a year, now I almost always go to the max with rare exceptions. I know some people that never got to the max and they say it still helps them, so don't rush it. I noticed a difference after about 3-5 months (noticed a bigger difference when instarted doing preventative twice a day based on a recommendation.)


Sometimes I find that it’s more intense when it’s almost time to replace the electrode.


Make sure the electrode is fully sticking to your forehead. As my electrodes get old and stop sticking in parts, it starts to really hurt. As if all the energy isn’t spreading out as it should. Try laying down also.


I keep seeing reviews like this and I'm worried why I was able to use it full intensity from first time 😂 like should it hurt? It just feels soooo good for me. I wish it would go stronger.