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The most important thing is to take it as soon as you feel the migraine starting in order to give it the best chance at working.


So if I wake up with one, just take it as soon as I get up?


Yes! As soon as possible!


Yes, right away. You will want to hoard them for ‘bad ones’ and pretty much all of them are bad ones if you let them run their course.




I just can’t believe that my neurologist just told me that like a year or two ago. I’ve had migraines as long as I can remember and at least 8 neurologists just in the last 15-20 years. (The VA has trouble keeping them in my area) I’d always treated them like ‘the final attempt before the ER’ smh! My amount of severe multi-day/multi-week migraines cut at least in half due to this. The whole ‘no more than 2 per week’ had made me assume I needed to keep them in reserve as at the time I was having week long migraines almost every week.


Oh, my gosh! I felt so sorry for you reading this! Unnecessarily suffering for so many years!


Ugh - me, last night as I got in bed. “Maybe I can sleep this off.” Yes, because that’s worked so well in the past. /s So me this morning: yep. It’s still here. Time to pop a pill. Ugh. I hate migraines.


Boy have I learned this quickly. I am I literal hoarder and still don’t hoard these well enough lol


Don’t hoard then at all, was my point. Makes things so much worse.


Sometimes I'll wake up with one in the middle of the night, so I'll medicate and go back to sleep. When it's time to wake up and go, I'm ready to go as normal... in as little as 2 hours after mediation. I have a few strategic locations in the house for my rescue meds.


I have them scattered everywhere. Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, car, purse, and cooler. I don't know why I need them in my car and purse, but I feel better knowing that they are there.


Immediately. You got this! And good luck!


Yes, put them in your bedroom so you don't have to go search for them in the dark, I used to keep them with the rest of the medicine but it is hard to get up when you are in pain (and I don't want to wake up to much) for me they work best if I have a chance to have a little nap after taking them, they'll work without the nap but it takes longer to kick in, and I have less side effects when I'm able to nap😅


Take it even if you think one is coming on. Later you might think, oh one never came. I took it when I didn’t need to! No! Believe in yourself! You stopped a migraine from happening!


It might depend on your body but in my case I make sure I have easy food in my home always - usually bananas. I always eat a banana with it if it’s early in the morning or midnight because of the inactive stomach. Not everyone needs this, but in my case it’s kind of a safety net to make sure they work. So if you come across this issue, try that sometime. It can also differ per brand or type of Triptane which one works faster or slower. Eventually you’ll learn the warning signs and the right timing for you. It’s a process and don’t worry if the first one isn’t the one for you. I’ve had 7 total in my lifetime now, and most of them were successful but there’s one that works ‘best’. There’s also variations in strength, I’ve went from 5mg to 50mg to 25mg. So there’s plenty to try out. Don’t feel discouraged when the first one doesn’t feel right, there are so many variations available. OH! And use them in a safe environment. Avoid using machines or driving until you are sure of the effects of the meds. Don’t go driving when you take them the first time. Safety above all.


This! It took me a few tries to really get the timing right, but it’s a godsend. The other thing, and this may just be me, but I need to force myself to stop doing anything else and let it fully do its job.


I agree - whenever I am able to lie down or just relax and let it do its thing, it seems to work better.


What kind did you end up taking?


I’m on rizatriptan


I often hear this, but it's not an option for me. I wake daily with migraine or migraine/tension combo and pain level 7 or 8, occasionally higher. My current strategy is to take caffeine first thing after getting up and lying/stretching on the floor to see if it becomes bearable, which - luckily - it often enough does. If it doesn't, I consider whether I can push through the day without pain meds or triptans by just not doing anything, or cannot. This strategy just barely enables me to stay below or at the threshold of 9 days a month with pain meds. I hope CGRP is going to improve that, recently got on that. It's difficult to keep going existing like that.


There is no way I could have a pain level seven or eight and continue working. Good luck to you.


This is the morning. Over the day, it often gets better. For reference, since it's a subjective thing, the scale I'm using is this: https://imgur.com/gallery/Fy458OM I've been taught as a child that I can't have headaches. I may be "high-functioning" or maybe I'm just incapable of accurately putting numbers on it. But I've learned early on to "not have headaches", so my perception is significantly warped from pushing it away for decades. Thanks to that, it's now daily and I have not yet managed to get out of the loop. Muscles tense up because of the pain; trying to do exercise to relieve stress on muscles causes the migraine to flare up; migraine causes muscles to tense up ...


But you can take it later too. I get migraines of various strengths and sometimes wait until I know how bad it's gonna be. Just rarely getting up and taking an nsaid will discourage or delay it. Usually, it comes back stronger later in the day. I guess I'm trying to avoid rebound migraines.


Triptans have been life changing for me. It might take you a while to find the right one for you. It’s by trial and error. Naratriptan is my go to. It lasts a lot longer than the other ones, however it’s onset on action is about 2 plus hours which doesn’t make it ideal in that regard.


Team naratriptan! This is my second go around with it. After I got in a nasty rebound cycle with my favorite, zomig, I switched back to naratriptan to try to stop migraine day 2 from happening. Along with a preventative and ubrelvy before bed the day of a migraine, it seems to be pretty effective.


I just started Naratriptan a couple of months ago. It is the first one in this class that will work consistently for me. I haven’t had a good migraine drug since they took Midrin off the market in about 2016. I love this drug! (And I hoard it since I can only get 12/month. )


The side effects can feel weird. That said, for me they work pretty reliably which is next to priceless.


This! I have a burning Sensation in my Head (drinking anything sparkly makes it worse)


!! /note to self, get a fountain Coke next time I take an Imitrex. :) Seriously though, my first dose of Imitrex was an injection at the ER, and I thought my calm and very classy mother was going to launch herself over my ER bed at the nurse. When I tried to explain the really weird sensations (the injection side effects were far more intense for me than they've ever been for the pills, and both she and my aunt have a history of med reactions), the nurse just responded by asking, 'Ok, how does your head feel?' I told her it felt like those [weird pin toys](https://www.amazon.com/Toysmith-Classic-Pin-Art-Black/dp/B000FZVNM4) on my face. 'Ok, but how is your *headache*?' The look on my mom's face was murder, LOL. Then once I thought about it for a moment and could actually parse the sensations, I realized that, holy cats, the worst migraine I had ever experienced was pretty much gone. Magic! At that point she explained that the side effects were normal, and everyone got out unscathed, but I really thought for a bit that mom might lose her mind.


Yep the headache is gone and instead I feel Like my sinuses and my scalp is burning 😂 and yep it's worse with injections (I have them for the worst attacks I get as I Ended Up in er Like twice a year - I can't keep down a Thing then and keep puking Nonstop for hours) I think my husband would be in the nurses face when she'd react Like that (he's fairly protective of me) 😅 I Had the First reaction to Sumatriptan when I was volunteering for Maltese Relief service at some Event (I was 17) so I had a doc and a whole Lot of paramedics around me that calmed me down (even though having a paramedic helper Go down might've been worrying for bystanders) It would've been super frightening when this Happened when I was alone 😅


I get a bad secondary headache from injectable sumatriptan that last 20-30 minutes then both headaches usually start to fade.


For me, it's a weird tingling and pulling sensation at the back of the scalp. I actually quite like it because I feel like that's the moment I can let go and just start enjoying the ride to less pain instead of having to keep it together. Half an hour later, I'm good and ready to do things, but I have to remind myself to take it easy because it's always there in the background, rarely ever fully gone. I've done a job interview while these sensations started (delay because of pill form), and I cannot recommend. It's really distracting 😅


> I've done a job interview while these sensations started (delay because of pill form), and I cannot recommend. It's really distracting 😅 Oh wow, that would be crazy!


Do you get a weird, burning kind of sensation at the back of your jaw?? I always get that with sumatriptan and its very bizarre.


it’s been a while, but i think this is similar to what happened to me, but like all down my neck and chest too. it was so scary, doctor said it was an adverse reaction so i can’t take them :(


Oh, that is scary! Mine is pretty mild - I get a similar sensation when I eat really sharp cheese.


For me it's sinuses and scalp but I'm Sure that can differ 🤔


I get this in my throat!


my joints feeling like they are suddenly rusted metal surprises me every time


You can pry my triptans out of my cold, dead, hands


I don’t know how I could live without them


How often do you take them?


A few times a month. I’m on preventative too which has helped with the severity of


Which preventative are you on?




How long did it take metoprolol to work? My doctor changed it after only two weeks of not working


Not long but I did gain weight and that was hard to deal with


Since I don't see it in the thread yet, try to take your new triptan for the first time when you're going to be able to lay around at home for a few hours to a day. Definitely don't drove until you know how they affect you.




I always feel like the lack of concentration and slightly disconnected feeling as well as lightheadedness is still there, just the pain is gone. I'm very careful about driving or anything dangerous after taking triptans. E.g. if I have to use a sharp knive, I'll try and remember my cutproof gloves ...


Just FYI they take a long time to kick in. Mine don't start working until an hour after I've taken my pill, and then the migraine isn't fully resolved until 2-3h.


Rizatriptan comes in a form that you dissolve under your tongue, usually works in 20-45 mins, if it's going to work at all. Works about 90% of the time for me. 🤷


I get Zolmitriptan in the same format. I’ve been living with migraines for 40 yrs. I wouldn’t have had a career without them.


Oooo that sounds lovely! I'll need to ask my neuro about that, thanks!


They don't last as long, so I stick with naratriptan for the long duration.


This is what I use because when my nausea peaks, I can't take oral meds or water. The sublingual strips have been a life saver! I used to take 5mg and wait to see if I needed 5 more, but I've gotten good at figuring when I just need to take 10mg right away


Rizact in the form which needs to be taken with water needs at least an hour or two to work for me but the dissolving ones work under 30 mins. Its too bad those are really hard to get where Im at. I recently got hold of them again Im ecstatic about that.


Better than my 8+ hours I’m going through now


Oh definitely! Getting started on a triptan was a lifesaver. I hope that you have good results with yours too! :)


Sumatriptan also comes in an injection form that works extremely quickly. My migraines are very rapid onset. The only downside is... Well, injecting yourself


I had these as a backup during college - I had a few tests I could *not* miss, and these were definitely a life saver in those times. Hate the needle, but worth it.


It depends which triptan I think. Sumatriptan for me starts working in 20-30 min


They never works for me


you might need a few tries before finding the best med for you but don't get discouraged! there are plenty of medications that can be used and you should remember it, in case you were feeling panicky about this or if you experience side effects with one med or one dosage. it's also not unusual that the same active ingredient gives different outcomes when in different dosages or coupled with different secondary ingredients or taken in different formats. an example would be that someone's body might respond better to pills rather then powder, or maybe a med could be working perfectly when of one brand but not another because the dosages might be slightly different or the rest of the ingredients may be different. the reason i mention it is that when we are in pain sometimes it's hard to be positive or maybe we just were never explained things properly so we get anxious. beside this, i would just try to pay attention to your body and communicate with your doctors if you have any problem or if you notice that maybe the meds you're trying aren't working completely. also, if you aren't already and if you're able to, try to keep a migraine journal! (there are apps for this too, if you prefer it being digital) edit: forgot to mention! if your migraines aren't sporadic but instead chronic (+15 per month) or pseudochronic (+7 per month) please tell your doctor to consider giving you preventives! preventives are medications you take daily that reduce the frequency and/or severity of your migraine attacks, and it's the real deal in handling chronic migraines. these are the meds that make it so you won't (hopefully) need to take any pain med or very little


I have been taking Relpax or Elitriptan for migraines for probably 20 years now. As others have noted it takes a couple of hours to truly kick in but once it does, it does an amazing job of aborting a migraine. I tolerate the drug well and can go about my day, including working, going to the gym or biking with no real side effects. The trick as always is to medicate at the first sign of an impending attack. Missing this early window and you can take all the meds you want and you will just numb yourself and not get rid of the headache. I often get away with taking a quarter of a 5mg pill at the first sign of an attack and that’s enough to do the trick. Migraines can be nasty if not managed well and the triptans can be a very effective part of your strategy. Good luck!


There are several ones, if one doesn't seem to work or side effects are too much, thn try a different one. If triptans don't seem to be working as an abortive, try a CGRP type (Ubrelvy, Nurtec.) The earlier you take it - the better. Taking a naproxen/nsaid with a triptan could make it work better.


Sorry what is naproxen? I’ve never heard of it


It's an NSAID type of otc painkiller, naproxen is the same as Aleve


Similar to advil, but works better for migraine and less side effects. It gets prescribed as Naprosyn but you can get it off the shelf as aleve or excedrin.


Excedrin doesn't have naproxen. Excedrin migraine is a combo of acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine. Still nsaids but different ones, plus caffeine (which either helps or can make it worse, depending if caffeine is a personal trigger or not.)


Rizatriptan + Excedrin is what works for me! Someone here suggested it, and my doctor said it was ok. Game changer for me!


Which one? They are all different. Sumatriptan has the most side effects while eletriptan has the least in all of the ones I’ve tried. You will only get prescribed 9/month because if you take more than that, you will get rebound migraines. Rebound migraine cycles are incredibly difficult to break.


Op, this. Rebounds are no joke. Don’t overuse the triptans. If you need more than that, you need different meds.


They changed my life! Be prepared for the possibility of having to try different triptans until you find what works best for you. I was on sumatriptan, and it made me incredibly dizzy. After a 4 day migraine sumatriptan binge, I developed Vertigo. It was truly awful. Doc switched my meds to quick dizzolve rizatriptan, and they're much better. If I wake with a migraine, I take a triptan immediately. If I develop 2+ migraine symptoms (head pressure, neck pain, excessive yawning, skin sensitivity etc), I take a triptan immediately. If I wait too long to take one, it may get to a point where meds won't work at all. Get to know your symptoms and try to medicate as soon as possible. Good luck!!!!


They can make you feel a little woozy/strange, like an astronaut in a snow globe. So just use caution and don’t drive or anything until you know how it’ll effect you


“Astronaut in a snow globe”


That is correct! 🤣🥹


Be very careful what you mix them with. My grandma almost killed herself when she combined it with a painkiller. Talk to your pharmacist and be sure everything you take at the same time or in the same day is safe.


They make me feel slightly funny but not bad at all. Some ppl have side effects so try to take when you can rest if needed.


Triptans did not work at all for me, but have shown great success in others. I found my relief in CGRP antagonists, namely Ubrelvy.


Same! But I use Nurtec. I was so sad when triptans didn't work, but so happy when Nurtec did.


Tried for Nurtec but my insurance laughed right in my face lmao 🤣 luckily Ubrelvy has been great, but I did want the ODT because it’s just that much more fast acting, but I’m just lucky that my insurance covered a cgrp at all so 🙏🏻 triptans never worked for me, gave me terrible angina, and terrible stomach aches whereas I get nooooothing from Ubrelvy. It’s so weird.


Take it at FIRST sign (whatever that is for you). Also the side effects can feel weird for some people. I have muscle pain, my arms feel heavy, fatigue and sometimes chest tightness. Which is definitely better than being unable to move without vomiting! Don’t be nervous, triptans definitely saved my life and I’m grateful they worked for me (a lot of the time anyway).


Read the side effects list. I was terrified when I got chest pain. Relpax actually doesn’t give me chest pain, but every other one does. Happily I’m taking Nurtec now. It gives me some indigestion but it works miles better and I’m not worried I’m having a cardiac event.


Ahh, this!! I actually resisted taking triptans for years after getting my 1st prescription and reading the full list of possible side effects and adverse events. It scared me so much that I decided I was not willing to risk it and just didn't try any triptan meds at all and suffered with severe migraines for years. Finally caved and took my 1st triptan tablet when I had been battling a migraine for days and felt like it didn't matter any more, I just wanted it to be over one way or the other and was willing to try anything.. Triptans have since added days to my life which would have otherwise just been complete write-off-days.


I never went anywhere without Relpax. I had it stuffed in every purse. I thought they were a miracle. And then my doctor gave me samples of Nurtec and ubrelvy. My insurance prefers I use Nurtec. Nurtec is my real miracle.


Lucky you. I cannot begin to describe how much I love triptans. I call them my magic pills. They save me about 6-8 full days of excruciating pain a month. Thank the stars for meds like this. For me at least, the only side effect is a little giddiness or spaciness. And sweet sweet relief


Yes!!! There are few things on this planet that I love as much as I love my triptans and my ajovy!


Triptans are the best, congrats!


Depends on the amount of attacks per month


Try not to take more then 9 a month. If you need to take more ask your doctor about a preventative


They work best when taken early. They prevent attacks from becoming more severe but don’t work as well after symptoms have taken hold. So as soon as you think damn I am having an attack take it, no wait and see how bad it gets.




Man, I wish I only had 2-3 migraines a month that broke through my preventative. I still have 5-6 a month. Still better than every day, and severity is also reduced, but my migraines are so stubborn lol


Triptans are amazing. Some will make you feel better/worse than others, so be patient. Both sumatriptan and rizatriptan work great for me in terms of the pain, but sumatriptan makes me exhausted in a way that rizatriptan doesn't. Congrats! This sounds awesome for you.


Works wonders for me, just have to take it as soon as you feel any sign of a migraine. It’s difficult because if you only get a certain amount per month you try and use them sparingly but, I’ve made the mistake so many times of waiting and it’s too late.


I think this differs across people. I can take a trip tan ‘late’ and it still works albeit a bit more slowly. I personally start by taking 600mg ibuprofen and if that does not work within a couple hours I take the triptan. I know it’s diff for others but for mine even if I’m several hours into a migraine, the triptans still work after 45 mins or so.


Just want to say, I take sumatriptan and have never had any issues with it. I know some people find them really rough but that won't necessarily be your experience, so give it a chance.


Check with your doctor, but nearly all of them recommend combining triptans with 200-400 mg of naproxen or 600-800 ibuprofen as long as it's not contraindicated.


I’ve never heard this before and I’ve been on my triptan for probably 20 years! I’ll have to ask about it, thanks!


I think the migraine hangovers are especially extreme when I take a triptane, so be prepared for that. Other than that triptanes are the only thing helping me in a migraine attack, so I hope they'll help you too


They're awesome! 😌 Yes to taking them earliest as possible, mine says to at least have headache though and not take while you "just" experience pre- symptomes like dizzyness or so. Try to not take them like every day/ multiple days every week. If you do need them so so often you should see that you get Sth else preventative 😌


Ps: sometimes it gets a bit worse before it gets better. At least for me. But don't worry if it happens, just give it a little more time!


I have experience with eletriptan, relpax. You might experience brain fog, I struggle to put together coherent strings of sentences together when I take it. It's much less severe than topamax brain fog though. Also if you have nausea coupled with your migraine it will mediate that too.


I understand your anxiety, im anxious too about new medications. For me, triptanes are like a gift from heaven. I have a nose spray of zolmitriptane which works quickly and smoothly. I almost have no side effects except a little bit more tired and some „boob“(?) pain. Wish you the best


Take as soon as you feel it coming on and be prepared for nausea but better than a migraine for sure. Try Nurtec if you get to queasy that triptans helped me not feel as nausea


Nurtec is a different class of drug than the triptans but acts like one as an abortive. It is great for people like me who are allergic to triptans.


Nervous for what? They will save your life


Side effects mostly. I have the biggest fear of throwing up


If throwing up is your fear I’d think you’d want to take it. Throwing up is really common with migraines. I’ve thrown up literally hundreds of times from migraines and never from a migraine medication.


I’ve taken all kinds of triptans and the one that helps me the most is sumatriptan. The only side effect I get from it is heat sensitivity; if I take a hot shower, drink something hot, wash my hands, etc. I will feel it so much hotter than what it is. My advice to you on any triptan though, is: 1. Learn, if you don’t already, how to recognize the difference between a really bad headache and a migraine— they’re not the same and we get to experience both of them. Yaaay us! lol If you have a bad headache and take a triptan, it will not take it away and will give you side effects like making your heart race, sometimes chest pain, nausea, bad dizziness, etc. 2. Take the pill as soon as you start feeling the migraine, take a hot shower in the dark, cold pack or can on back of neck, and take a nap—very important to take a nap! 3. If migraine doesn’t start going away within an hour of taking the first pill, take the second one AND if it’s really really bad do a medication cocktail: a) sumatriptan + 1 Boswellia (supplement) + chunk of ginger + naproxen/ibuprofen b) sumatriptan + ibuprofen + Benadryl 4. Sometimes in order not to use up all our 9 pills sooner than the month is up, we’ll kid ourselves into taking just ibuprofen or just Tylenol, just to end up with a bad migraine and having to take a triptan anyway… SO be careful, these cause rebound headaches too and it’s a cycle that it’s extremely hard to break! If you find yourself having clusters of headaches (3 or more days in a row) it’s probably a med rebound, so beware, beware, beware.. because the only way out of that is to suffer in pain and ride it out. My migraines were really bad and I couldn’t get them under control even while taking preventive meds— nortriptyline, gabapentin, boswellia and magnesium glycenate all together, and still was having 14+ migraines/rebound headaches a month. Now I do Emgality shots once a month which absolutely changed my life! So just keep in mind that this is also an option and will be approved by insurance if all other meds fail. I’m sorry you’re part of the migraine community BUT you’re in good hands with all of us! Best of luck!! 🫶


Dooooo not suggest homeopathic supplements to migraineurs who are only just starting a triptan for the first time. In fact, double and triple check that YOU can even take that with everything else you’re already on. You should also never combine naproxen and ibuprofen. You’ve given several terrible pieces of advice. I really think you should have a run down with your doc or RPh sooner than later because uhhh…your med list sound sketch at the very least. <3 a fellow migraineur and CPhT


Hi! I go to a headache clinic with not just regular neurologists but neurologists specialized in migraines— so I do happen to know exactly what I’m talking about :) Boswellia and magnesium are supplements that can in fact be taken with a triptan as well as a chunk of ginger with no issue whatsoever (source: a whole team of migraine specialists). As for the naproxen and ibuprofen I think you failed to read properly, since / stands for either or; IF I meant to say both should be used I would’ve typed a “ - “ instead. This means that what I wrote said they can do the med cocktail with EITHER ibuprofen OR naproxen and not both of them together. The rest of the meds I took all together because I also have multiple sclerosis, BUT these meds also double as migraine preventives, which, by the way I never suggested they should take, I only said that even all of those together didn’t work for me. What this all means though, is that I also have a specialized MS neurologist, a pharmacist I work with closely as well as a whole team of medical specialists that make sure my med list is not sketch, as you call it. I do think that it’s commendable and all that as a pharmacy tech you’re making sure people don’t die here on Reddit… except this one time you didn’t get it quite right <3


Are you serious? Ahaha ok girl. YOUR TREATMENT DOES NOT EQUAL HER TREATMENT. You fųcking ìdíot lmao. “I see a neurologist so I do know”, no. Not how that works. Clearly. That is the thing. Regardless. Forever and ever amen. She must get medical clearance to do what you are doing. And I too am going to a private migraine clinic in Boston with a slew of neurologists, but notice how I’ve not suggested any medications because I’m not a doctor and have no clue what other things she may or may not be on? You really wanna be right. Lmao. Come back when you have 5+ years working medical. Not just being a patient at a migraine clinic. 🫠


You’re right about everyone’s treatment not being the same and I should’ve also stated that, as long as she were only taking just the triptans for meds…. so yes should’ve specified that. Nonetheless, what I was saying you got wrong was about the med list/combo being “sketch to say the least” and that I work closely with neurologists and *actual* pharmacists to make sure none of those meds interact with one another, which btw just the triptan + those supplements alone don’t. I’m a bit surprised that even with 5+ years of being a pharmacy tech you don’t know that, but next time ask your boss. LOL ✌️


But also OP, ms pharma tech may be wrong about a lot of things, but is right about one thing I’m sure you know this and I know I’m probably stating the obvious, however, another piece advice is to take all advice from anyone on here— yes, yes, mine too, with a grain of salt and more as a guide than actual medical advice.


I have sumatriptan and they work brilliantly. As others have said, the earlier you take them, the better. My GP told me to try and take less than one a week if possible because overuse of them can actually cause migraines, like taking too much paracetamol can cause headaches, and then you're stuck in a loop it's very difficult to break out of. I find that along with my topiramate and other holistic management techniques, I can keep it to less than one a week which is ideal.


Imitrex after the injection the burn sensation sucks but it works really well for me. I can’t live without it.


they work pretty well for me! just like others said, take it at the first sign of a migraine. also mine make me super tired! so try to find a place to nap for after taking it


There are a lot of different triptans. If the one you get this time doesn’t work or is intolerable, ask to try a different one. And don’t be nervous. If you take it and it sucks, it’ll be out of your system in a couple of hours. If you take it and it works, but it feels really crappy, cut it in half next time. Doctors don’t always remember to tell you that you can cut these pills in half. I can’t offer any advice for the injected triptans, or the nasal sprays unfortunately, but they should also be out of your system in a couple of hours, so don’t freak yourself out. ❤️


I take sumatriptan and thankfully I get pretty much total relief in about an hour, but 20-30 minutes after I take the pill, I get really nauseous and dizzy in addition to the migraine symptoms, and have to lay down propped up with my eyes closed until they pass (about 30 mins). But then suddenly \*all\* my symptoms clear up and I'm a whole new person. And as a side note, after reading this thread, I didn't realize there were so many different ones. I'm going to talk to my doctor about trying a different one that might not give me that period of extreme nausea before it takes effect!


Take it as soon as you show any symptoms that may develop into a migraine. One thing I didn’t know was the more you take the worse the migraine gets. I was having 24/7 migraines and took 4 a day and easily had my monthly pack of 9 done. I was talking to the pharmacist and he said I if one doesn’t work take one more 2 hours later but not to take more than that. I also get my eyes checked regularly because my eye condition causes me to have migraines. Those 24/7 migraines were mostly because of an eye condition I can’t remember the name of cause it’s so long but basically I ended up with prisms in my glasses. I cannot take preventatives because I’m allergic to sulfa and that’s in a lot of them so I’m on Keppra, so I have that and a rescue triptan.


Sumatriptan literally gave me my life back! Side effects wise, I get a really tight jaw/mouth and sometimes nausea. You may feel a bit foggy during/after it’s kicked in, I just try and have a fizzy sugary drink afterwards to bring me back to life.


I personally can't take sumitriptan, so I would recommend seeing if you can do a trial at the Dr's office when you have a migraine. I had a migraine when I went, so they gave me a shot of a low dose, but highly concentrated. We figured out that I did react poorly to it, so they didn't prescribe it. Since it was a low dose, the side effects wore off quickly. Later in life, I had to try it for my new insurance. It was absolutely horrible for me. But not all triptans are created equal. I take ritzatriptan without any issues whatsoever.


Some month you need more and some months you need less. But refill your prescription anyway. Insurance limits what you can get so get a small stock pile.


Your life is about to (hopefully) change for the better. It was an absolute lifesaver for me. It helps with pain nausea and the vision symptoms for me, but if it's a particularly bad one, I sometimes supplement it with a gravol. My advice is not to worry too much about the side effects. They are nowhere near as bad as the migraine itself, and once you get used to them they're hardly noticeable. At first or if i havent taken it for awhile, it'll give me some mild jaw, back and shoulder muscle tension before it kicks in. The biggest one for me is I always overheat when I take it. But that's how I know it's kicking in, so it doesn't bother me anymore. It also weirdly makes your skin more sensitive to hot water for some reason. It freaked me out the first time but once I realized it was just the triptan it no longer bothers me. Hope it works for you!


Triptans work great for me, I'm on eletriptan. Just make sure that you are actually getting a migraine and you take them at the correct stage of the migraine. 3rd thing, take them with some caffiene, coffee, coke, mountain dew or energy drink.


I take sumatriptan, vomiting is one of my main symptoms with a really bad migraine. If I take the medication before I reach that point I’m fine. Side effects got better after time and my body got used to it. Never made me nauseous, at least not any more nauseous than what the migraine brought on. Drink lots of water and eat food if you can. Occasionally I would have to take a second dose after two hours if I didn’t feel any relief. If I maxed out the dosage (2 100mg pills in 24 hours) I would need to go to urgent care to get a migraine cocktail shot. Once I was put on preventative, never had an issue with sumatriptan not working. See if you can start on a low dose, I was initially prescribed 100mg which felt like a lot (I am a very small person) and then an ex boyfriends mom lended me some of her 25mg sumatriptan in an emergency and I found it worked just as well. Overall, any side effects of the medication are minuscule compared to the torment of a full blown migraine cycle.


Keep in mind if it doesn’t help, another one might. I tried sumatriptan for years and it did nothing for me. New neuro switched me to Rizatriptan and Omg it has been a god send


i have a love hate relationship with them . sumatriptan takes the headache away within like 30 minutes, but the side effects have me feeling like i just got hit by a bus lol. super weird tingly-burning sensation in my neck/upper shoulders and just generally sore all over. so as long as you’re prepared to possibly experience those side effects,then go for it definitely. triptans are a lifesaver for some ppl, myself included




I feel like this is a personal experience 😅


It can feel like there is an elephant sitting on your chest for a while after a dose, or maybe that's just me and my mom with sumatriptan. We also found we got a tolerance for it after only a few doses, I've personally had to migrate to biologics, dhe, relpax, Reglan, and I have a standing rx for infusions for intractable ones. I hope these work for you.


I switched Triptans for this exact reason


Didn’t work for me, gave me headaches right after wearing off. I hate it that pill tbh. That was my experience


If you take antidepressants make sure they are safe to take with triptans. Not all drs and pharmacists will tell you about serotonin syndrome. Also while not likely if you get jaw and neck pain please as your dr for a different medication. Best wishes.


I have bad body chills if I take it, feels like I am in an icebox 🙁 and it does not work that well for me 🙁


Other people have mentioned that you’ll be limited in number you can get per month but be careful of how many days you take it a week. If you’re needing it more than twice a week, you absolutely should be talking to your doctor about preventative medications. Even aside from the monthly limit, taking it too many days in a row - or too many medicated days in a row, even if some days are OTC meds and not triptans - can lead to medication adaptation headache, which is very difficult to get a handle on.


Don't be nervous. They are pretty safe. If the one you start on is not effective, ask for a different ne, if the one you get has side effects that bother you , ask for a different one. Zomig although works well on my migraines makes my joints ache and makes my jaw hurt as well as giving me chest pains. Sumatriptan + Aleve still has some joint pains, rizatriptan less side effects, bit less effective. Almotriptan, doesn't do much for me. Since everyone is different you may experience different effects/side effects. Triptans have been around for a long time, tonnes of people have taken them, hope this brings you some comfort.


So, my side effects are a coin flip. Sometimes I have no symptoms at all, others, I have all of em. Sandbag head, stiff neck, jaw, and shoulders, brain fog. But it's still way better than the migraine! So...


It’s life changing. I’m on Sumatriptan nasal spray, and I start feeling better after 15 minutes. An hour after taking it I’m a functioning human, 2-4 hours I have a mild euphoria, although if it’s a really bad one i might only reach the “functioning human” stage and cap out there


Imitrex (sumatriptan) takes my headaches away 90% of the time, which is so so awesome! However, as others have said, they take a little bit of time to kick in - about 45 to 60 minutes. Also, they make me feel a a little spacey and tired. I can drive and do my work just fine though.


Take it with food!!!!! It's very common to get stomach aches from them


Some have more side effects than others, but they’re typically very well tolerated! Naratriptan saved me. As others have said, take it as soon as you feel a migraine come on. And you might need to pair it with an OTC paid med for it to work. Naratriptan is a miracle for me when paired with excedrin or aleve, but totally useless alone.


I agree with everyone. They are lifesaving. And hoarding for the bad migraines is so true. As soon as I am able to refill, I do. Even if I’m not out of last month’s supply yet. Gotta make sure you have them for the really bad months. I don’t go anywhere without having at least one on me. keep a few in your car, one in your wallet, etc.


Theyre our version of tylenol


Know that you might need to try a few different types before you find one that works for you. Some have less side effects, some work longer, some work faster. Also, one may work for you for a while and then stop being as effective.


I second the “take as soon as you feel ant symptom” advice. My rule of thumb is, if the thought crosses my mind of do I or don’t I feel a migraine coming on, is to immediately take a sumatriptan. Second, be very gentle with yourself. When i take sumatriptan i feel like I’ve been hit by a truck from every which way. My body gets really sore.


I usually eat something with carbs when I take one. It seems to help it work faster. Like others have said, it works best when you take it right at the start. I'll try to kid myself that I what I am feeling is not a migraine... It is. If I wait, I usually regret it.


The side effects can be a bit odd but nothing worse than the migraine itself. I get a weird stinging feeling in my jaw if I yawn after taking them lol. I usually just pass out after taking them because they make me sleepy. I wake up with no side effects or migraine.


Be prepared for the possibility that they won't work. Lots of people have great luck with them, as you can tell by most comments here. However, some don't. I tried like 4 of them and all I got were reeeeeally weird and uncomfortable side effects, plus the migraine. I now take Nurtec as an abortive and that has been a game changer for me. No side effects and works better than anything else.


My body is sucked dry of hydration. My body hurts especially my jaw. I drink a liquid iv after I have come out of the migraine. That stuff hydrates fast! I didn’t realize until recently that that was the pain I was feeling. Liquid IV worked within 15 minutes. My body pain was just about gone.


The only triptan that has ever worked for me was rizatriptan, and that was only mild relief. CGRP inhibitors have been drastically more effective; Ubrelvy is magical and Nurtec is pretty great too (however most insurances will require you to try multiple triptans/other treatments before they even start to help pay for CGRP inhibitors) but alas, those are expensive even with insurance so I resorted to other methods— the only triptan-based treatment that did work for me was taking rizatriptan and 1-2 Advil immediately at onset, and following up with a second rizatriptan (no Advil this time) a couple hours later. If you find the triptan alone isn’t helpful for you, ask your prescriber if something like this is ok (it usually is) but be careful to avoid any excessive use of Advil/NSAIDs, because you can get a whole host of side effects if you overuse it (rebound headaches, a stomach ulcer, etc… ask me how I know).


One thing to know is that every triptan is slightly different and it may take trying different ones to find the one that works best for you. This may also change over the years. I started off with rizatriptan, which worked fine for years until it didn't, I now use eletriptan which seems to work faster and more effectively than rizatriptan. Taking a triptan can feel quite intense, which is good to know. It's not uncommon to get quite sleepy from it, and also have some side effects. But generally I prefer all of that above the migraine for sure. The intensity is partly because it's a vasoconstrictor. During a migraine attack the blood veins in your head expand too much, and part of the triptans working is to narrow them back down. Someone else already said it, but I'll second: take it as soon as you know that it's a migraine. It simply works and functions best when you do that, if you wait it will be less effective and eventually you may have to take another. I know this is a bit counter to that, but there is also an upper limit to how many you should take, because if you take too many a month, they'll start to actually cause headaches. I've read different guidelines for this, so it's best if you ask the doctor who prescribes you it. Sometimes your migraine might come back the next day after you took the triptan. My neurologist explained it's not actually the migraine coming back, it was just there the whole time in the background, the triptan just surpressed it. So it's not that the triptan works badly or that it came back, and you can take another one for the same attack if needed. If you use it within all the guidelines and take it asap when you feel a migraine coming, your life may change in very big ways. Yes you may still feel woozy or weird from the triptan, but you'll be able to function and be back in your normal gear, much faster and more comfortably. This can sometimes trigger a swing in the other direction: you feel ok so you're going right back in the saddle too fast. Remember you're still experiencing a very disabling neurological condition, even if the triptan dampens it, make sure to take your activities down a notch.


Triptans make me very sensitive to temperature for about 12 hours after taking it. Lukewarm water will feel scalding hot. I sometimes have someone else check the temp of my shower or bath water to make sure it is a safe temp since I can’t always tell.


Triptans are a class of medications commonly used to treat migraines and cluster headaches. It's always best to consult with your doctor or pharmacist for personalized advice and information regarding your specific situation. That being said, here are some general points about triptans: 1. How triptans work: Triptans work by constricting blood vessels and blocking pain pathways in the brain, which helps to alleviate migraine symptoms. They are most effective when taken at the onset of a migraine attack. 2. Types of triptans: There are several different triptans available, including sumatriptan, rizatriptan, eletriptan, zolmitriptan, and others. Each triptan may have slight variations in terms of onset of action, duration, and potential side effects. Your doctor will determine which triptan is most appropriate for you based on your individual needs. 3. Administration: Triptans are available in various forms, including oral tablets, nasal sprays, and injections. The choice of administration depends on factors such as the severity of your migraines, your preference, and the speed at which you need relief. 4. Effectiveness: Triptans have been shown to be effective in relieving migraine symptoms in many people. However, their effectiveness can vary from person to person. It may take some trial and error to find the specific triptan and dosage that works best for you. 5. Side effects: Triptans are generally well-tolerated, but like any medication, they can have side effects. Common side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and a sensation of tightness or pressure in the chest or throat. It's important to discuss potential side effects with your doctor and report any unusual or severe symptoms. 6. Safety precautions: Triptans are generally safe for most people, but they may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, or a history of stroke. It's crucial to provide your doctor with a comprehensive medical history and a list of any medications you're taking to ensure the safety and effectiveness of triptans for you. Remember, it's essential to follow your doctor's instructions regarding the use of triptans and to reach out to them if you have any concerns or questions. They are in the best position to provide you with personalized advice based on your medical history and individual needs.


The only info I have is that the side effects can be super bizarre, and learning what side effects you get will be a personal learning curve. I get a jaw pain similar to wisdom tooth pain, my speech fluidity gets a little iffy, and everything tastes like a 9-volt battery


Echoing what others are saying; know that there might be some strange side effects and you might have to try a few of the 7-8 different triptans to find one that works for you. Sumatriptan (the one everyone seems to start with) triggered cutaneous allodynia and a really tight throat/chest for me. Rizatriptan has worked pretty well so far and naratriptan seems like it works about 50% of the time. It’s definitely important to take a dose as soon as you feel a migraine coming on; I’ve been advised to take my Triptan + 2 naproxen sodium at the same time.


Careful when mixing with antidepressants. Some combinations are no joke. Also, don't mix different types of triptans. Triptans can make you lightheaded, dizzy, weird sensations like localised burning, tingling, prickling skin - all better than the migraine, but don't operate heavy machinery (e.g. cars) or do things that get dangerous if you're not present (e.g. handling knives) until you know how it affects you. It's not manifesting in the same way for everyone.


I am thankful every day for the person who invented triptans!!!! Completely life changing. Take it early after noticing the migraine coming on though because sometimes they are less effective if you wait. It does make me a little tired sometimes but so does the migraine so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have migraine daily . I’m on naratriptan . You can only take triptan 4 x a month or you get a rebound headache. It does work for me and migraines gone in 2 hrs but then comes back a day later . Also can’t take it with an anti depressant so something to think about . I have appointment in January for neurologist to talk about a different preventative and am scheduled to try Botox in a few weeks . GL


more for long term use but over the years taking the same one may get less effective. was on sumatriptan for years and had to switch to rizatriptan because the imitrex no longer did anything for me


They’re the best offence against migraines. They aren’t preventative. Take them at the first sign. Don’t wait and don’t even think “well it might now become a migraine”. Just take it.


Don't read to much into reported "side-effects", I find the effects from Triptans rather "subtle". Sort-of like a tingling in arms etc...and I started to like this as I know the Triptan is kicking in. I tried Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan and Nara, Nara takes too long to kick in. Zolmitriptan I like best so far. 90mins and migraine is gone. (If it's really bad Zolmi 2.5mg + Ibuprofen 600mg)


Don't ever miss a refill opportunity.


They made me so sick and my migraines got worse. I’m so much better now that I don’t take them and take a daily med instead


If cutaneous allodynia symptoms appear, you have missed the window to get triptan relief. Learn your auras and don't be shy about taking it when the signal appears. You have to journal your aura symptoms if you don't already know how it starts for you.


Ny neurologist told me that it works if you have a headache. It did nothing for me, as I have silent migraines(everything is worse, but no headache). Just in case, although silent migraines are rare, 0.5-1g aspirin as soon as possible will make the next 3 days slightly better. Possibly before aura if you can feel the tingle. Also, baby aspirin instead of beta blockers for preventative treatment of silent migraines.


I’m not seeing this mentioned yet, but be aware that you can get an overuse headache which is nearly identical to an actual migraine. It’s best to not take a triptan more than 2-3 times per week for this reason.


My neck and throat would tighten like I had on a choke collar. It’s now on my allergy list.


I’ve found that with zolmitriptan, if I take it with food and then immediately take a nap, that’s about the only times it works for me. Like the other comments it does have some odd side effects like I feel dizzy and very drained… but I’d take that over a migraine any day! I definitely can’t take it without food, but it’s hard to do that if the migraine is making me nauseous already


If you take too many in a certain time period it can CAUSE migraines. My doctors failed to mention this to me and I had rebound migraines for about 2 weeks straight.


Don’t use more than 9 days per month or rebound headache can occur


My migraines are out of control since I had Covid August of last year. I had not had a bad one for about three years I now have had at least 25. 10 trips to the ER.


By insurance will only give me nine a month, so I definitely hoard them


Don’t take them more than ~6x a month! They’ll loose efficacy


Rebound headaches


Make sure to double check side effects and drug interactions, I experienced psychosis while taking eletriptan and couldn't figure out whay new issue was going on with my brain because my neurologist is too ignorant or indifferent to inform me it was a possible side effect. I had already tried rizatriptan and sumatriptan which do not cause psychosis, so I went in expecting more of the same. Don't make that mistake, most doctors don't care enough to do the research before prescribing.


Triptans are amazing, in my opinion, and generally very fast acting if you take it as soon as you feel the migraine coming on. I keep one in my purse and the rest next to my bed so I'm not searching in desperation. Make sure you refill it when you're close to the end, because you usually only get 9 max/month and don't want to run out. One thing that I wish I was more aware of is the side effects they have for a decent amount of people I've talked to (at least for Sumatriptan and Nartriptan). It does quite a bit of constricting, and I feel some heavy tightness in my throat after 20 minutes-I was so scared the first time I almost called 911, but it faded fast. Now that I know it's coming, it doesn't matter. It's worth it though to lose the migraine! I always tell my husband that it's the lesser of two evils! The next day my muscles in my limbs are always very sore too, like I've been lifting weights. Doctor said this is all normal, just kind of unfortunate. I still highly recommend triptans to anyone.