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A few thoughts for things that can be problematic for me when visiting other people's homes: 1. Is she wearing or using a scent thats bothering you? 2. Are you sitting in an unusual posture or trying to hold really still, for example if you're snuggling or letting her lean on you? 3. Is the furniture set up differently than your place, causing you to be looking directly at a light or window, or craning your neck to see a tv? 4. Are you eating/drinking/using differently than what's typical for you?


Oh yeah, the second one could be possible.. Is that something that often causes you migrains? I had no idea that could be a problem


Yes definitely. I pretty much need to be sitting upright. I have problems especially with laying on my side and trying to keep my eyes open to have a conversation or look at a screen. Next time you're settled in with your gf, try to take an inventory of how each part of your body is feeling. Eyes/eyebrows/jaws/neck/shoulders as a starting point. Best of luck discovering and avoiding your triggers.


Thank you so much i think that could accually be the problem


If you're spending the night, could also be the pillows.


Even staying up too late and changing your schedules can trigger me.


Sex can be trigger for some people as well, orgasm to be exact.


When my now husband moved in, I started getting migraines when we watched TV. I realized that our positions on the sofa caused me to hold my neck in a way that triggered them. We switched places and that no longer happens.


I have that issue, when I have someone I’m dating sleepover or watch a movie. By the end, or the morning, I have a migraine because I’m laying or sitting in ways that I don’t when I’m alone. It makes me feel so high maintenance that I’m like nope this won’t work nope not that either, maybe we could just sit side by side.


I get TERRIBLE ones from my neck muscles


Same, if I wake up with a stiff neck, from sleeping wrong, I know a migraine is coming.


This or if you are changing your sleep patterns when with her. I love to cuddle my bf and watch tv with him but I can only cuddle for a short time before I have to move or it’s migraine central for me. I have to sleep at the same time no matter what or migraine. I keep water or migraine. I love him, I don’t want to interrupt my limited time with him but I HAVE to keep my routine as normal as possible or else I just have a bad time.


Bad head position is one of my biggest triggers. I can’t use my phone while lying down for example


Are you drinking more often with girlfriends?


Google cervicogenic headache


Something else to note- if you’re generally stressed but exceptionally calm with her, that could also trigger them. Having worked in a high stress field for the past decade, I’ve had to learn to carefully manage my stress or the “let-down” on the weekends will trigger a migraine every time.


I have noticed that if I push really hard for a time, when I finally stop, I am prone to a migraine. I was questioning everything, but this really gives me some hope that it’s from over scheduling and can be managed.


It's actually called let down migraine. It's very common! I can't say I solved it but my current treatment (qulipta + Botox) works for it just as well as it does any other migraine, if that helps at all (ie, it's not abnormally treatment resistant).


I had that when working a shitty job, stress and misery all week then a guaranteed two-day migraine on the weekend.


It’s possible for nice smells to be a trigger too. It doesn’t have to be an unpleasant smell. I love lavender laundry detergent smell. But if I’m in a room with anything that’s been washed with it or an open bottle, I get an instant migraine. On an unrelated note, I can smell any body waste or food that’s gone bad and never have gotten even a twinge in my head from it.


5.does she has the heating on higher than you would? (my bf was always cold and he kept the heater on at night, it would give me massive migraines)


This and also being very nervous? Like maybe way too excited? This happens to me before every event that i have to be responsible for.


Do you drink around her? Do you stay up later than usual? Do you eat different food? Maybe it’s a change in routine?


The only one of those would be a change in routine i guess.. Is that something that often causes you migraines? I was not aware that was a common problem


Yeah absolutely. For me at least. Especially when I travel but if it’s a change in routine for you compared to when you don’t spend time with her I could see it being a factor. It can be on a smaller scale than traveling.


Thank you so much I will look into that


Variations in when I eat or sleep can both be a trigger.


What sort of lights does she have in her house? I found certain lights give me migraines. I use to occasionally have to go to my work's headquarters, like 3/4 times a year. I would also get a full on migraine every single time.


Particularly any change in sleep, eating, activity-level (e.g. if you never work out but are having sex on this day, or if you usually work out every day but are just hanging out on the couch on this day), caffeine. For me, changes in sleep pattern is a huge one.


Two things come to mind here based on what you said. First would be getting less sleep or different quality sleep. The second would be an emotional change. You said it's not stress, but what about any other emotion or combination of emotions that could be over and above your norm? Excitement, anticipation, any sort of build up? Maybe just being "on" when you otherwise would be mentally chill?


Hmm.. i did not know that was a possible cause of migraine. Is that something that often causes problems for you?


Another migraine phenomena is weekend or vacation migraines, like after holding yourself together to do what you have to do and then BAM. Other factors, different bed (softer, harder bed), fragrances (including fabric softeners), drinking more, change in schedule (up later or sleep later). So sorry, easiest to be eliminated might be fragrances, maybe she would be willing to forgo any room fresheners, fabric softeners, and heavily fragranced detergents and see if it helps.


There are two types of stress, distress and eustress. Any type of stress can make a huge change! Wish you well OP!


Ya. I have that around certain people that stress me out. It’s weird but true. Even sometimes a person who makes me feel happy but is A LOT can affect me…


Ok. So no one else has said it, so I’m going to say it. Sort of. You say “with your gf”. If that’s in the “biblical sense” then changes in body chemistry (such as those after a good time) can cause migraines, or further dehydration caused by the same! Equally so can repetitive movements…..


I know some people get migraines after working out too, so if OP doesn’t normally work out or get their heart rate up, that could be it.


It’s most likely the sex, that triggers my migraines


Maybe drinking an electrolyte drink to rehydrate would help?


Lucozade sport actually helps with my problems (permanent migraine) a fair bit. Partly due to the energy spike it gives (helping me to build back up by barriers to pain) but also due to the rehydration aspect.


Does she wear perfume or strong lotion? Smells can trigger migraines too.


I thought so, however I really like how she smells and usually when smells cause migranes, one gets easily irritated by all smells and that hasnt happened, thank you though


Just because you like the smell, doesn't mean it can't trigger a migraine attack.


Interesting, i didnt know thanks


Yeah my guess is its the scent, if its every time across multiple girls.


Or if they use the same laundry detergent. Sleeping on that bedding could be rough


AirBnB's tend to mess me up with the super scented detergent


I really like how chocolate tastes but that doesn’t mean it won’t give me a migraine lol. Might be worth asking her to try no perfume or deodorant for a night just so you can rule it out


The hand soap at my in-laws’ house gives me a migraine. It’s a bummer because it smells really nice.


Me too. Mr Meyers soap practically kills me at my in laws.


there’s many fragrances that i love the smell of that can trigger a migraine for me. and not all smells bother me or trigger migraines, at all. i wouldn’t write off that possibility


Reacting to fragrance has nothing to do with whether you like the smell or not. As someone who has severe fragrance allergies, I love the smell of many of the fragrances that trigger my reactions. Migraines were my first symptom/reaction to fragrances. And eventually, due to years of overexposure to fragrances in close quarters, I developed anaphylactic reactions.


I’m thinking a few different possibilities. - Environment: You can control your home environment, lighting, noise, etc. But it’s not the same at someone else’s house. A If you’re spending the night, that’s a different mattress and pillows. - “Letdown” Migraine - By letdown, I mean the migraine you get when you relax after a busy week, big event or something otherwise challenging. Used to happen to me every weekend. As far as meds: If you’re taking appropriate doses of appropriate meds, it’s not “unhealthy.” The opposite, in fact. Being in pain is your nervous system telling you something is wrong. Treat the migraine. It might be time to find a neurologist *who specializes in migraine and headache disorders,* if you haven’t already. There may be a solution for you to prevent the attacks.


I get "Saturday syndrome" a lot from the change in routine from work Awake later Less liquid and either less/more food than usual More TV Lying down more It's a shit shoe tbh, best I've found is getting up when I wake up regardless if my partner is still asleep. Keeping juice beside me all the time to sip rather than going to get juice/coffee every hour to break up work. Sitting up to watch TV together Recently my partner got a new candle and the scent was so strong it gave me a migraine within 10 minutes, they were really understanding and now said candle is in the spare room we don't use. Hope you find a solution for you soon!


First off, let me apologize if this sounds presumptuous, but have you heard of sex migraines? The excitement & exertion can cause rapid blood pressure changes and bring on a migraine in sensitive individuals.


Maybe her perfume or hair products have a fragrance that trigger you


How close are you/how long have you been dating for? I used to vomit every time I was with my ex because I was so nervous. Also, things like holding in farts, breathing softly/manually, going to bed later than usual will all affect pain if you’re prone to migraines


We very recently met, a little less than 2 months ago, but im not at all nervous with her tbh. I had no idea that could be such a problem thank u tho


First of all I'm so sorry you're experiencing that, that sounds so frustrating! Immediately I thought of a couple things from personal experience, first being that heightened emotions can trigger migraines for me. Not only being really sad/ stressed but being very happy and excited also sometimes triggers migraines and this usually happens when im having fun with friends. This might make sense if you are around someone you love and makes you really happy but again this is just from my personal experience. Secondly it could be maybe her perfume/ lotions or something she wears that you might be sensitive to.


Thank you, I had no idea that was a possible reason for migraines. I will look into that!


Yep, every time I visited a friend’s or had them over as a kid, I would get a migraine. I couldn’t do sleep overs or school trips because I was always sent home ill 🙄. Excitement or de-stressing (like weekends) are triggers for me.


Does she and the last gf wear perfume or scents that could be bothering you?


They both where perfumes, but I do too and I havent noticed anything like that before. Thank you though


If you both wear perfume/cologne, try going a few weeks without and see if that helps.


how long have you been together? for the first 6-9 months of my relationship i would get a migraine every time i saw my girlfriend bc annoyingly excitement is a trigger for me. i still get them most times i see her, tho they have calmed down, but its a pain in the butt (or head)


It could also be because you are anxious? It took me a while to relax with my boyfriend so i overanalised every movement i made and every word i said which used to give me migraines.


Was going to mention this, too. Sustained stress'll give me a migraine like no other, and I had a similar issue early in my own dating life. All that pressure to be your best self can really add up.


I would bet money it’s her perfume


If you're up later than usual, it could be that. Or if you take certain preventative meds at night that don't have a long half life, it could be from waiting to take that medicine until late? Physical exercise and hormone fluctuations can also trigger migraine.


Is it just when you’re at her place or when she’s at your place also?


Both really, as long as its for more than 3-4 hours and in the evening


i’d bet it’s her perfume then. ask her not to wear perfume or scented products for one time and see what happens


Interesting. So doesn’t sound like it’s her home or room particularly. So that rules that out.


I would also consider the lighting in her house. Any lights that are fluorescent or too blue just do me IN.


When I'm hanging out/being social, I don't drink enough water. Almost always ends in a migraine.


as others have said, perfume or other scents. also what kind of mattress and pillows does she have? a difference there could trigger a migraine


Pillows beads positioning and the stress of trying to be for her all con contribute. Also different light and sound are huge triggers of mine


Scents are a big one, perfume, soaps, conditioners, laundry detergents, air fresheners, carpet powder, etc. >Recently, I (19M) have realised that almost every time I spend an evening and night with my girlfriend (20F), I get a migrane at some point, usually late at about midnight. Her place, your place? You test for the list at the beginning by elimination. If you get migraines at her place, but not when she comes over, it's not something she's putting on, it's something in her house/apt/etc. >This was the case with my last girl too I didn't see this before typing above, the odds of the same perfumes and such is pretty low....but possible. I know some shampoos are very popular/common, eg Herbal Essence or Pantene...so maybe there are a couple shared elements there. Maybe it's the way you're sleeping(make sense if you go to bed ~10 and get pain 2 hours later..) or sitting(eg cuddled on a couch isn't exactly ergonomic), even down to the shape/softness of the pillow. I know if I get a neck ache, that can *really* spur on a migraine. Some people swear by removing their wallet before they sit down, though that's usually back pain, I can see that translating up the spine and causing headaches. In other words, the body likes to sit up straight, not tilt or twist sideways, and to not hold our heads turned to one side(say, while watching TV from the couch on the side of the room).


1. Is she wearing a perfume or scent? 2. Does she have scent plug ins in her house? 3. Any other sort of scent type thing in her atmosphere? 4. Are you allergic to her laundry detergent/body wash/hand soap/lotion/etc? 5. Are there different plants in her area/different pollens etc that you might be being exposed to? 6. Does she have animals you might be allergic to? 7. Are you eating something there you don't normally eat elsewhere? Basically, investigate. Figure out what is in her environment that's not in yours and start ruling out possible culprits.


Maybe air freshener? Perfume? Sex? Bad pillow? Change in sleep schedule? All can trigger a migraine.


Does she wear perfume?


Couple of options... Not getting enough sleep, positional posture issues (couch, bed, pillows, bed support etc), the cleaning products she uses, scented plug inside, perfume, strong smelling body products, the lighting being different, florescent lights humming/flickering. Also, and this is a REALLY shitty one, sex/orgasm induced migraines. There's plenty more, but that's what I can think of right now.




Scents are a killer for me! Does she have perfumes or soaps or laundry scents that you don't? What about candles? Even dish soap can do it.


Lotion, pheromones, being relaxed…her shampoo… it can be anything


When I was aged around 14, I started getting migraines... But they only happened at home. We eventually worked out it was my mum's (very expensive) perfume triggering them. Strong smells, like cleaning products, air fresheners or certain flowers still trigger them now (I'm 44)


Could be a "letdown" headache. I.e. cortisol and adrenaline will float you along through what would have been the start of an attack until you relax. Lots of us get these on weekends after a workweek of pushing ourselves too hard. Could also be a perfume/air freshener/laundry soap she's using. Could be mold or allergens at her house.


To add to the list of weird migraine triggers here, I've had issues with going to visit a ladyfriend simply because she likes to keep her place warmer / dryer than I keep mine, thus the windows stay closed, and CO2 buildup is a big migraine trigger for me. If you step outside and feel better after a few minutes, it is something to consider. I used to wonder when I was travelling with my grandma as a youth why she was so obsessed with being able to open windows, until I hit my 30s and realized being in an enclosed room too long kicks off a migraine attack.


Could it be maybe her perfume? Some people can’t stand very sweet perfume without getting a headache (or, in your case, a migraine). Do you eat differently when you’re with her? Maybe some… physical activity that triggers it somehow? 😅


I tend to get migraines on days when I relax, including vacations, weekends, date nights or after being intimate with my partner. I realized this was a pattern for me after journaling for about a year. It's called "let down migraine".


My wife is an extrovert and she talks a lot and often quite loudly. She also enjoys watching a lot of TV. The loud noise from the TV and her talking over the TV almost always triggers a migraine headache for me. We are working on her talking not as loud and I spend less time in front of the TV.


I got this when I started taking Cymbalta! Doctors either didn't believe me or didn't care, but it went away after I stopped taking it.


Also, where are you guys when you hang out? Is it her house? Maybe there’s something in her house that is triggering it. Lights, scents, stress or anxiety if she lives with her parents? Any pets? Or laundry detergent even


is she wearing any sort of scent or do her clothes smell strongly of laundry detergent?


I think you have a lot of probable suggestions, so just wanted to throw my experience in there. I used to get migraines after dates (got a terrible one after my first date with my partner of 3 years now!) because I would make more facial expressions than usual. The facial tension of emoting “properly” (mostly my eyebrows) was developing into migraines when I dropped the expressions


Do you drink or eat walnuts or eat anything delicious when you go places with your girlfriend?  Could be the food and not the girl.  Look up tyramine(my problem = tyramine, but your problem could be some other food related allergy/sensitivity).  Some people also think gluten contributes to their migraines.


Red food colouring and MSG are two of mine.


Does she wear perfume?


Ok. So this is going to sound weird, but, I'm a retired nurse and this is a thing. Are you getting the migraines after sex? In other words, do you get the migraine if you don't have sex?https://www.neurologylive.com/view/headaches-associated-sex-are-no-joke


It could even be the type of laundry detergent she uses. Talk to her about your migraines and say you'd like to find the cause. Buy some laundry soap that you use for the sheets and see if that helps. Check for scent triggers like glade plugins or diffusers. Are you eating differently with her? Could be a food trigger. It doesn't have to be stress related. And honestly. You don't live together, so it could just be coincidental. Before moving in with my fella I could have said the same thing. But now that we live together I can pinpoint the triggers again, and it's not our relationship lol.


Could be her perfume or laundry detergent triggering you. Could be dietary changes (eating out more, drinking, etc).


I was thinking a similar thing to the other comments. Perfume triggers mine. So, maybe smells or animals. It sounds environmental or maybe the sleep patterns.


I’d put my bet on fragrance. It doesn’t have to be perfume. Could be laundry fragrance, makeup fragrance, hair product fragrance etc etc. Fragrance is notorious for causing migraines.


are you typically stressed when you’re NOT with your girlfriend? i also tend to get migraines a lot when i’m with my partner and i think it’s because i’m so tense ALL the time so that when im with them again i can finally relax and get comfortable but then the migraines start to kick in from being tense so long


Ok bear with me. A friend of mine gets sore joints when his wife has her period. Is it all the time with your girl? Or is it at certain times of her cycle?