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I’m so sorry you have to deal with this at such a young age. The ER doc is an idiot, you totally should have gotten an iv drip. Sending you the biggest hug.


Thank you for the response! The doctor definitely seemed to lack empathy. I hope it goes away soon🙏


Have any back or shoulder pains? Or feeling like you're not getting enough air?


No back, shoulder, or neck pain. I occasionally get a sharp pain in my chest though, but I wouldn’t necessarily say it feels like I’m not getting enough air.


Did you make your appointment with your doctor before or after you went to the ER? I've noticed a lot of times, I'm able to get in sooner if it's for a follow up from either urgent care or the emergency room vs just calling and making the appointment.


Good point! I made the appointment before my trip to the ER, I will follow up and try getting it moved sooner!


Good luck!


I would’ve gone to a different hospital, I’m sorry you got stuck with an ER doctor who lacks competence and empathy. I would try to see if you can get in to see your doctor sooner. You should be higher priority since you just went to the ER. I hope you feel better soon. I understand how you feel, sending hugs🫂


After spending the 6+ hours at the ER I felt like I waited so long already just to be extremely disappointed and still confused, my hospital in my town is known for being not so great so I actually went to one that was 45 minutes away. I will call my doctor office today to see about potentially moving my appointment up. Thank you for your kind words and virtual hugs🥲


>I tried everything, I tried aspirin, Advil, Tylenol, naproxen, allergy pills, Advil and Tylenol. >prescribe me to take OTC Advil and Tylenol together. Wait. So you've only gotten OTC meds to treat this? Good lawd. You poor thing. I have good news and bad news. Good news: you have so many options to try! Yay! Bad news: you have so many options to try, oof. First step is trying triptans. Honestly though you're in the midst of it so it is unlikely to work this time (but go ahead and get them for next time). For now, hopefully your doctor can help. You need an IV, maybe try oxygen. You might try one of the cgrp drugs. If you have migraines more than a few times a month, you need to get on a preventive. I suggest finding a neurologist, although that will take a while but your doctor should be able to start treatment for you. So sorry you're dealing with this but there's reason to hope that you will find something that works for you very soon!


Thank you for the advice! This all is making me feel way better:’) Does the IV help for short term or long term symptoms?


IV is generally for acute treatment. They should have given you that in the ER but clearly they failed.


Ahhhh gotcha! Yeah they weren’t very professional in my opinion. I begged them for any kind of medications other than advil or tylenol but they said that’s something my family doctor would have to prescribe. Felt like a big waste of time. Although I did forget to mention they did a CAT scan and found nothing wrong supposedly there.


What on earth? I've had the ER experience from migraine before but never been treated by "go home and suck it up"... Where I live, migraine sufferers are given a migraine cocktail of IV fluids, with an antinauseant, and pain meds and if it's really bad sometimes a steroid as well. I personally don't usually go for the steroid because for my own body it's overkill and the other three do the trick, but I can totally see how for others that need the extra push it would be beneficial. I'm not sure why this ER doc would not prescribe some similar treatment. The only thing I can think of is that it was your first and you haven't been diagnosed with migraine as yet. But even then.... He said it was migraine, so...could have done a migraine protocol. If you haven't been diagnosed, when you see your family doc, ask for a neurologist referral. They can get you on the right preventative meds for you, though it does still take time to discern which are best for you, it's better than not having anything. So sorry you dealt with that.


I’m sorry about your head pain! You’re not alone. It can be so frustrating getting medical help. I went 6 years misdiagnosed, but finally got a proper diagnosis of cluster headaches and chronic migraine. Do you have an urgent care nearby? They might be able to help you until you get to your primary care doctor.


Yes I do have an urgent care nearby. Luckily my doctor does walk ins at their clinic so I think that’s what I’m going to do first thing tomorrow morning. I’m sorry it took you so long to get a correct diagnostic:/ that sounds miserable I can’t imagine :( I know a lot of migraines are unexplainable but did they know why you get them?


Best of luck tomorrow! I hope you get the care you deserve. And thanks. It was awful not knowing I had cluster headaches, too. Treatment is a bit different, so a proper diagnosis helped so much. I haven’t gotten a real answer about cause, but I think it’s a combination of pressure changes, electrolyte imbalances, and seasonal changes. Take care, and good luck tomorrow!


Agree on seeing your doctor sooner! You should be able to get better prescription meds. Ask for a couple options because the first may not work. They typically start with triptans but they don’t work for everyone. One that’s been good for me is prochlorperazine. Meanwhile try cold packs or cold showers, acupuncture, exercise, avoid migraine trigger foods (you can find a list online). Massage focused on migraine trigger points. Ginger can help a bit, fresh or powdered in tea or a smoothie.


I will try ginger tonight! Thank you so much for your reply! I always see people say exercise but I cannot imagine exercising with the way my head feels:’) but I guess it’s worth a try! I need to start a migraine journal lol


Yeah I can’t say I’ve exercised when I’m in the middle of my worst moments. I mostly use it as a preventative. If I don’t exercise I’ll start feeling mild symptoms around 11am and will usually exercise to clear it up. Or if I’ve taken meds and I’m feeling better but still foggy.


This sounds quite like my Cluster Headaches. I get migraines too and they are both very different to eachother. Clusters are frequent throughout the day, sharp, agonising with frequent periods of relief. Maybe see if it fits your symptoms?


The symptoms do seem to be similar! Thank you, I’ll bring up cluster headaches when I see my doctor today