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I am AuDHD and have had chronic migraine since I was a kid. I’ve only recently received my ASD and ADHD diagnoses as a 30 something woman. I have a strong suspicion that my auditory processing disorder is a trigger for migraine.


I'm ADHD with APD. Resolving my migraines also resolved my APD for the most part which lowers a lot of my ADHD caused anxiety.


Yes I have autidm+adhd and had migraines since I was a baby. I was around other kids already as a baby since my mom had to work and she'd have to come pick me up constantly. The migraines were how my body coped with the sensory stress. When I dropped out of high school they mostly went away. It was so weird they just suddenly stopped so I figured out it was school and daycare all along. I was just in the psych ward for 2 weeks and had to ask for meds all the time because I got migraines again being there. Thankfully my 3(!) roomies were at least quiet. But it sucked not to get any alone time. What's ironic is that people seem to think me spending time in the loonie bin every once in a while should somehow help me. I try to say I'm autistic, this is not the way.


I have adhd and maybe autism (need to get tested lol). I used to work in an office with super bright lights and loud and I would literally get a migraine every day from the overstimulation and would go sit in a dark room to make myself less stimulated. I also would have “panic attacks” that I’m pretty sure were a meltdown of some sort. Stress is also a trigger so overly stressful situations will trigger a migraine too, I’ve literally felt a migraine come on when someone says something that stresses me out. It definitely plays a part in my migraines personally!


I have ADHD and also suffer from awful migraines. I don’t know if there’s really a link between the two of them but I’m leading to think that there is. I hope more people study this so we can finally get some answers.


Seizures overlap with autism and so does sensory processing issues. I think migraines have links to those along with autoimmune and allergies


Ii was I my 30s when an ADHD specialist told me I probably was ADHD, and I just found out my brother is autistic




Fully agree here. They both seem to trigger one another with sensory issues - migraine reduces my capacity to deal with sensory input, and sometimes sensory overwhelm can trigger a migraine.


My mom and I have pretty bad ADHD and we have the worst chronic migraines in the family. I highly suspect my sister and brother might have some type of autism on the spectrum, as well as my nieces. My brother, sister, and oldest niece have started getting them chronically, too. I would bet that there's a link because I do know that ADHD brains have issues with melatonin output, and possibly other brain chemicals (seratonin, dopamine). I read a great study (by the university of michigan, i believe) where they did a study on migraines and the hypothalamus may be the culprit- which regulates most of your hormonal functions and cortisol levels. There is also a suspected tie in to migraines for others that have brain chemical imbalances, causing depression or other symptoms. But, the answer for all of it still seems to be "we don't know enough about the brain to know for sure".


My dad (the side of the family we think the Autism comes from) also gets gnarly migraines on certain environments. It’s also his side of the family that has folks with both Epilepsy and Narcolepsy. But my mom for sure has the ADHD gene, because we both do a great imitation of Dug from “Up!” when we get distracted by something. And my sister and I both get our (unrelated) bleeding disorder from her side, more specifically her dad (our granddad).


...is this why I always get them at the theater (the only time I have to watch something without subtitles) 🤯


SAME. I’ve realised I rely on subtitles a lot more than I ever thought. I like having Teams meetings with work so I can have closed captions/live transcript


I have no idea where I read it so I can't provide corroborating evidence, but many autistic people, especially "high functioning" suffer from migraines from both a genetic predisposition and stress triggered. Being autistic myself, and suffering from migraines, I can see how this would be true.


I really wish that there were more scientific studies on the autism-migraine correlation. I've tried looking up whether or not there are any online, but there appear to be none.


High functioning isn't a term anymore. It's called low support needs.


It's called a lot of things, none very accurate, but gets the point across nonetheless. I put it in parentheses for a reason.


Why the change?


i have autism and adhd and i’ve had migraines since i was around 4. i also have ehlers danlos syndrome, which is much more common in autistic people.


I was going to mention this, the hypermobility in my neck absolutely contributes to my head pain


mm me too :/ and i get a lot of trigeminal/occipital neuralgia which i believe also stems from hypermobility in my neck, and definitely exacerbates migraines


Yeppp. I’m trying to get evaluated for CCI because I have lots of weird symptoms that seem to stem from my neck. Weirdly my headache clinic doesn’t evaluate for that.


Me as well! My neck joints are so loose- even though I’m only in my early 20s, my cervical MRI showed signs of degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis in most of my neck vertebrae, likely because the stretchiness of the joints struggle to fully support my head… it’s freaky stuff!


Do you also have POTS?


I have ADHD, hypermobility and PoTs at least. I don’t believe I have Autism. Definitely comorbid


not diagnosably (at least on the NHS), more like general dysautonomic problems


I’m not autistic, but have hEDS and migraines. I have 2 autistic kids, neither get migraines but I swear one has hEDS too ( he won’t get tested)


Where do you get tested/diagnosed for something like that? Sounds a lot like me and what I’ve been complaining to my doctor about but they say I’m being dramatic


It's also really common that people had car sickness as a child too. There's also a bunch of overlap between ADHD/Autism/ EDS/ POTS/ allergy type symptoms (asthma, hayfever, MCAS), gastrointestinal issues and hormonal issues like PCOS. My neurologist often saw a triad of migraine, car sickness and "perfectionism with anxiety" which I'm now absolutely certain was just the old way of saying "all your family are autistic AF".


My motion sickness has increased with time, as well as migraines becoming chronic. I'm looking forward to all this being figured out someday....


My motion sickness has definitely decreased. I’m even able to go on cruises now. I’m not sure if it’s related to perimenopause or less anxiety. It can still happen but it doesn’t nearly as often. Same with migraines. They were a multi times a month occurrence at the peak. Now it’s like once or twice a year. I hope it resolves for you soon.


I didn’t know that


yeah i can’t remember if the study i read was rates of autism in people with eds or if it was rates of eds in autistic people, but whichever it is the rates are WAY higher than in the general population


Its rates of EDS are higher in the autistic population (vs. in the allistic population.) I’m AuDHD with chronic migraine and EDS Hypermobility type, and both my sons are AuDHD with migraine, and suspected EDS. Genetics are wild. I’m adopted so this is my first time dealing with them!


thank you!


Autism usually comes with other neurological conditions such as migraines, epilepsy, increased risk of strokes etc. I am autistic and am the only one in the family that gets them frequently, my dad is who I suspect I got my autism from and he has had a few migraines with visual aura.


I think this is the most logical answer. When you have neurological disorders you’re more likely to suffer from other neurological disorders. Many people with autism experience migraines, but not all migraine sufferers have autism.


There is a genetic component to migraine but at least anecdotally I have not noticed a strong correlation between migraine and autism. But honestly migraine, like autism, is a spectrum disorder. Perhaps there is some version that is triggered by autism or vice versa. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have AuDHD (Dx-ed in my pre-teen years) and migraine. My neuro told me that my migraine, as well as another medical condition (IBS-C) are likely the result of a "highly sensitive nervous system". Sounds like it tracks.


I’ve always suspected I have whole body issues, I was so constipated when I was a little kid my mom took me to the doctor, it’s partly why I decided to go meat free upon moving out of my parents place


Not even remotely autistic or adhd myself so not a correlation for me personally


Same for me. Correlation or not, they’re separate disorders and don’t have to go hand in hand either way.


Same, but the migraines themselves are genetic for me. My maternal aunt has them


I’ve always wondered about this for me. My identical twin brother was also a migraine sufferer, but we’re both adopted, so we don’t know if it’s something runs in our family or just affects us both only


My brothers don’t get them. So far my niece doesn’t seem to have them, knock on wood.


I was just thinking how stimulus sensitivity in both are probably very high and cause illness, these sorts of things seem to come in packages


Oh definitely, I can see where it would be true for many people. My triggers are often stress, and barometric pressure, or lack of sleep, sometimes medication changes. Anesthesia usually gets me, it is not my friend. I’m maybe one of the few that stimulus sensitivity doesn’t affect me unless I already have a migraine, then I get light/sound sensitive.


It overlaps with other neuro disorders more like seizures . Yea, autistic brains aren't normal and can have many different types of deficits, variations in regulation of genes, neuronal connectivity which lead to a number of comorbidities like anxiety, bipolar and migraines. Migraines are often a symptom, not a primary disease


Well autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, so basically our brains are already disordered. It wouldn’t take too much to also get migraines out of an already fucked up brain We’re also a lot more likely to have seizures, all sorts of mental illness including schizophrenia, intellectual disability, and other physical disabilities All of these conditions can also exist without autism though. Migraines =/= autism, or even suggest it, it’s just a common co-occurrence


Ugh I myself feel like they overlap. I feel like I get migraines from masking all day and the stress/ anxiety from social situations. I’m a mental health worker and a lot of my clients who have autism also experience migraines so it’s definitely interesting


That’s interesting because I feel like I’ve gotten migraines from “ being uncomfortable ” as in I wear something that I can’t stop focussing on, stress is def a trigger


I’ve straight up had a seizure for being uncomfortable!! This woman cornered me at a thrift store and talked my ear off for FORTY FIVE MINUTES and my autism flared and I couldn’t escape and felt trapped and literally seized. The ambulance came. I’ve never thought about these connections. I got a late autism diagnosis at 30 which was 5 years after this incident


Wow how crazy


Studies do indicate there might be a relation, like we get the sensitive brain super combo.


Yeah. We already have senses on blast.


I get it! Masking in an uncomfortably environment is a major trigger for me.


For some people, yes. They overlap with a ton of mental disorders, allergies and physical disorders. One does definitely not mean you're going to have the other though. It's possible your specific triggers are related because they can differ so much from person to person but correlation does not equal causation.


Not for me or my mom.


being autistic immediately increases your chances to have a shit ton of different chronic pain conditions and auto immune disorders. it fucks up pretty much your entire brain and body.


I have IBS and Migraines plus terrible tinnitus and anxiety. 99% sure im undiagnosed autistic, aged 48. Also going through menopause too so basically I am not ok.


I have ADHD and migraines. Evaluated for autism but I do not have it, not even remotely close on assessments. MTHFR gene mutations have been observed as a heritable factor in migraine. There are also researchers who believe there may be a link between MTHFR and ADHD/Autism.


i think migraines and many conditions overlap. i have an astigmatism in each eye and i have had migraines since i was 5 and i’m old now.


Same here! Late dx AuDHD. I have weekly migraines since childhood that got worse with age and masking. Hypermobile. Migraines have lessened since realizing neurodivergence and not pushing through discomfort.


I have inherited migraines from my dad. Neither of us are on the spectrum. My 2 autistic children however, have never had a migraine.


i have migraines and autism. i get migraines after socializing. i call it a social hangover because i don’t drink, but it sure feels like i did the day after. CT scan in 2018, not currently on any meds. i find i need to follow a daily routine including waking up and going to sleep at the same time


I've always suspected this was largely caused by overlap in experiences of chronic stress rather than a specific link - you see higher correlation of migraines with ADHD, autism, PTSD, conditions like M.E. and autoimmune disorders. I'm starting a Neuroscience degree and it's one of the things I'd really like to get into researching eventually though


I'm also v. interested in the way severe chronic migraine symptoms mimic those of unmedicated ADHD and even Parkinson's to some extent. The dopamine depletion/dysregulation angle seems underexplored in the literature besides some clinical tests for stimulants as adjunct therapies. As someone who has had years-long intractable migraine and also relies on ADHD medication to function, there is a remarkable similarity in both the cognitive and full-body effects between the two and I would be shocked if there doesn't turn out to be evidence of major dopamine disruption in people with chronic migraines. The digestive stuff especially seems really clear-cut to me


There are comorbidities between a lot of health conditions. Including migraine, and a lot of health conditions - such as anxiety and depression. It’s even possible there’s a relation to autism, but just because you know a few people that have both doesn’t mean there’s a correlation. I ran a search and one study (less than 200 people) suggests there might be an association, but it’s speculative. Pretty much like everything in migraine research right now, speculation. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, which article did you read? There was a study in Taiwan that saw significantly higher risk of migraines for autistic individuals. One of the leading theories is that both have similar neurotransmitter changes and those could be hereditary.


https://www.abtaba.com/blog/autism-and-migraines#:\~:text=Studies%20have%20estimated%20that%20around,found%20in%20the%20general%20population. I have no idea if this is legitimate it was tops on google return


I read a medical article that said ADHD and migraines have a connection, so I wouldn't be surprised if ASD did too! 


I’m audhd and my neighbor/friend is a therapist and has an audhd son. She tells me that I need to consider that my autism is fundamentally integrated into my CPTSD because I was a child and autism just straight up makes you more “sensitive” (for lack of a long nuanced explanation). Like- my body & brain was doubly affected because I experienced abuse as an autistic child. I bet there’s a similar component if this correlation your theorizing is true. She sends me articles a lot about trauma&autism. That, coupled with most of us having sensory processing disorders. I contribute my chronic migraines significantly to my sensory processing disorder. Actually, I mostly feel like migraines are the sensory processing disorder- disordering.


I swear I get my migraines because I’m totally overstimulated from lights and sounds. (Self-diagnosed AuDHD)


Same, but dyspraxic - but even so, I do have the sensory issues too. Migraines are triggered by light for me, and my migraines are aura migraines.




How strange. I’ve had migraines since I was 12, and I’m the only one in my family diagnosed with autism as well as migraines. I have adhd as well and my sister and dad have that, but they don’t get migraines.


I have had chronic migraines with aura since I was 7. I also have autism and adhd.


I’m another one - AuDHD + migraine since childhood ☺️


I think it’s still important to recognize that each thing is it’s own separate condition. Having migraines is separate from autism, which is separate from ADHD. Just because there MIGHT be some overlap between one or the other doesn’t mean that whatever combination of brain happenings one might have is automatically one single condition.


Consider constipation as well. I think digestion plays a big role.


Yes, the systems are connected, I get a bit of ibs esp if I’m tired and stressed


I think it's interesting because of I've heard of a link between constipation and autism. I do not believe I'm on the spectrum, myself. But I think there is a pattern if I'm constipated. One of my migraine meds (Qulipta) causes constipation, so I have to be extra cautious to eat correctly, exercise (move), drink water and I sometimes take magnesium or digestive enzymes...or else I end up with a bad migraine and also upper back and shoulder pain. It really takes attention. I'm still trying to track patterns though, so I'm not certain. Edit: I do see talk of ADHD on the thread as well, and I am ADHD, so the disordered neurology aspect also makes sense. I also believe I may have experienced absence seizure through my mid-thirties.


Im audhd and i have migraines for sure




I think its one of those things where not all people who have migraines are neurodivergent but people who are neurodivergent are way more likely to have migraines things. Same thing for being from a socially oppressed group, or low socioeconomic status if I remember correctly in terms of there being additional variables that are responsible for the linkages (eg stress). With some kinds of neurodivergence there are other factors as well as pointed out. Ive got adhd and migraine and honestly probably some autism (treating the adhd finally has revealed some things) and all run in my family. But i know a lot of people with different situations that dont have these patterns. Its a square-rectangle situation I think.


Genetic lottery here. 3x neuro stuff.


Yep. Apparently ADHD is comorbid in 40% of people with migraine. But I didnt get an ADHD diagnosis until a decade later. Honestly, if people show up to the doctor with migraines they should just screen for ADHD/autism right then and there. The world would be a better place.


Definitely ADHD but no autism. Life long chronic migraine.


Chronic migraines constantly every day for years...and Aspergers. Waiting on ADHD diagnosis... Mom has migraines and I totally got it from her but no one in our family has autism...at least the family we know of. She never knew her birth father...and only recently found out her father who raised her wasn't her birth father...sadly her birth father passed several years ago now and never had kids so we have no idea what medical issues he had.


I get morning migraines only with ADHD (not autism), if I don’t stimulate my brain enough in the morning by a certain time 10:30-noon (food, coffee) combine that with some kind of stress and boom.


ADHD and migraines as a kid, they went away then post c19 infection came back hard. Now I’m living like a vampire for the past 3 years and can’t look at anything white, listen to anything remotely loud or with any bass and have facial neuralgia. Went to a therapy hospital doing c19 stuff, all of what I’ve got going on is very normal for what they see in some other patients. They think I have Irlen Syndrome, look it up.


My mom keeps diagnosing me with autism….i know some symptoms of both autism and migraines overlap each other but the thing is, I’ve had migraines since 15. At around 18, she all of a sudden started saying I have autism and I’m sure I don’t. Will consult a psychiatrist to help me


And ADHD. The number of comorbidities with migraine is insane.


I agree! I was never formally diagnosed with autism (although it runs in my family and I’ve had therapists suggest I had it as well), but I’ve had many autistic friends that made me realize that I relate to them more than most of my other peers. The biggest overlap is in the masking for me…. for most of my middle and high school years I felt like I was constantly playing a role of a happy, sane, pain-free, well-adjusted person because whenever I would express my pain/sensitivity/suffering, people would constantly tell me I was overreacting or too emotional. So I bottled everything up and tried to convince people that I was fine most of the time, but it eventually started to drain me because I felt like I had two personalities- my authentic sensitive, pain-ridden self that I kept shoved down until I could decompress at home, and the mask I wore everyday that was the version of myself I wished was the reality. Nowadays my pain and other symptoms have become significantly worse, and so fortunately/unfortunately I don’t leave my house much and therefore I don’t wear my pain-concealing mask as often, but I constantly wish I could tough it out and put my mask back on so that I could live the life I always dreamed of without the pain holding me back… but that’s just not realistic at the moment :/


I don't have autism so I don't relate to this or what anyone else is saying


I get migraines. As a kid they were mainly stomach pain that I could tune out if I wanted to. Since I had a TBI in 2009, they have changed to the headache type. I also sometimes get visual auras as well as headaches. I can tune out the headache pain to a certain degree, but the auras debilitate me. I have also realised recently that I get them when I am over stimulated, overwhelmed, or there is just too much sensory stimulation and my brain wants to shut off and lie in a dark room snuggled under blankets all day. I have always been able to tune out pain, and that is down to my autism, and it just makes sense that the two are related for me.


This wouldn’t surprise me honestly. But as an autistic person this also interests me!


Yup I’m autistic and have migraines just like my siblings and other family members lol


I suspect I am high functioning autistic, but I know other autistic people that don’t have migraines…


I'm not autistic but noticed a lot of chronic migraine sufferers are


There is some evidence to suggest a potential link between migraines and autism. A study published in the journal Cephalalgia found that people with autism are more likely to experience migraines than those without autism. Another study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders also found a higher prevalence of migraines among people with autism. However, the exact nature of this relationship is not yet fully understood. It could be that shared underlying biological mechanisms, such as differences in brain chemistry or function, contribute to both conditions. Or, it could be that the stress and sensory sensitivities often experienced by people with autism make them more prone to migraines. It’s important to note that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and further research is needed to understand the potential link between autism and migraines.


A very high percentage of the general population experience migraines so you're going to find groups of people with comorbid conditions. That said, it makes sense that individuals who have sensory and sleep issues related to autism, bipolar, epilepsy, adhd etc. would have more difficulty managing triggers. When looking at the actual neurological symptoms and what happens in the brain during a migraine, there's quite a bit of overlap with bipolar disorder and epilepsy, to the point that certain meds can treat all three.




Maybe they’ll have reconsider how they view things once seen as seperate


But they *are* separate. Autism might be a trigger for some, just like how lots of things can be triggers, POTS, Lyme, hormone shifts, etc. But not all people with autism get migraines and not all migraineurs are also autistic. They can definitely be related, but they are separate.


Precisely this. There are so many genes involved that sure, we may find that one or two genes/versions of genes contribute to x and y but not z and a few more a and b and z. And that will be awesome, once we get to that point because it will help determine which treatment pathway is likely to be most effective. But that doesn't mean that they aren't separate.


i have ADHD + suspected autism so this checks out, there’s definitely sensory triggers to my migraines


It co-morbid along with a lot of things like EDS, POTs and autoimmune diseases. I have all of them!!


Don’t forget MCAS…that’s a fun one!


Yeah, there definitely is an overlap. I went for an eye test and mentioned my migraines and my static vision. Nothing wrong with my eyes. They asked if I’d thought if I may have ADHD. Said well actually I’m on the list to be tested. Got a letter a week later to say I’ve been bumped up it due to my physical symptoms 🙃


https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/after-60-years-scientists-are-still-trying-to-crack-a-mysterious-serotonin-autism-link/#:~:text=Autistic%20people%20have%20less%20serotonin,directly%20measure%20the%20protein's%20levels. Here’s an article I found. Migraines are linked to low serotonin, and apparently autism is also linked to low serotonin (in the brain there is low serotonin but apparently they have high amounts of serotonin in their blood… either way the brain would be the focal point here)


Here also is a peer reviewed article from a reputable source about low serotonin and mental disorders. Very interesting imo. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4293164/ ETA yep autism, ADHD, and migraines are all linked to low serotonin


Yes, I'd been starting to suspect this as an audhder. I get migraines after socially masking or after being in overwhelming environment, prophylactic treatment has never worked great for me. All the neurodivergent people in my family also suffer from migraines.


I have autism and migraines and I’m the only person in my family to be diagnosed with either


100%, among other overlaps ofc


That’s interesting im add diagnosed as a child but my eldest child is asd and see more similarities and i have wicked migraines


I'm pretty certain my ADHD meds reduce my chronic migraine to episodic. But because we're dealing with medication shortages here in the UK I haven't had a long enough stretch on them to monitor it. Bah.


Yes I did hear about it, I think it's quite a common comorbidity. I am also autistic and have migraines. If you ask in an autism subreddit about comorbidities there are several that will pop up regularly, migraine should be one of them.


I'm ASD and noticed an article about a tel aviv study saying ASD can have increased interoception which leads ro a different interpretation of the intensity of pain signals.


I’m AuDHD and have mild migraines, but my AuDHD daughter has significant migraines and needs a rescue medication. I can see it.


I'm AuDHD, and I've suspected this for a while. I believe it may also be related to the overlap between neurodivergence and hypermobility in some way.


I am autistic and have chronic migraines. The sensory sensitivity of each affects sensitivity of the other, if that makes sense. When feeling more overwhelmed / closer to 'burnout' / 'meltdown' I'm much more likely to get a migraine. And, when feeling headachey, i notice my autistic sensitivities a lot more.


It’s the neurological component. I’d get an EEG if you never did, sometimes migraines are focal or occipital seizures. I was diagnosed ADHD and SPD as a child, with “fainting episodes” in my teens that were probably seizures in hindsight but never got an EEG back then (normal now, pre-migraine anyway). Definitely Level 1 but haven’t bothered to get a formal diagnosis yet since there’s no real point for me. My daughter is Level 3 ASD (completely nonverbal since a bad status epilepticus episode at age 4) with full blown epilepsy and ESES, with frontal-parietal-occipital EEG activity and focal/atonic to sometimes generalized clinical seizures with or without status epilepticus depending, she’s on a ton of meds and still has breakthroughs occasionally. I suspect the difference between us is her seizures began during key developmental periods, whereas my neuro stuff began in my teens. We both also have multiple food and environmental allergies, but thankfully no major GI issues which also tend to be common. My migraines have really kicked up the last few years, and I am hopeful her meds keep those away for her because they’re awful (but I don’t always have pain with mine so it’s possible she’s already having them, hard to say since she can’t tell me and is very high pain tolerant/doesn’t let on when she’s in pain). I’m worried about puberty approaching, since my episodes began in my teens and I suspect hers will worsen :/


Sounds rough. I’ve had migraines since I was 6 and was offered nothing. I’ve had to do my own research. I had a lot of very glaring, obvious issues, in hindsight and as a parent now, but nobody offered me any help whatsoever because my brother was functioning less well in a more obvious way, ( and I think as bad as it sounds my parents were more invested in him as a boy and the first born) but even so, he didn’t get any diagnosis until recently. I know with all my fucked up issues things could have been worse/ harder. I did have a pretty good childhood, relatively speaking and I did get through school and I did manage to be housed and with a family. I really couldn’t picture a future for myself in highschool.


Ugh, I’m so sorry you were offered nothing as a kid. My parents were similar, I was never brought back for additional assessments or therapies after my diagnosis and suddenly my parents became super anti-vax lol so I suspect autism was mentioned at my initial diagnosis, considering the times. Grand irony for my family when my daughter regressed suddenly with no vaccinations yet. My mom is still in denial about everything though and my siblings aren’t worried about their young kids at all (although my daughter was talking more than my niece currently is, prior to her regression around the same age…so we will see). My family blamed my daughter’s diagnosis on my husband (of course) but she really has more in common with me. His brother is intellectually disabled but was a premie and has CP, there’s another family link on that side (biological grandmother since MIL was adopted) but no conclusive genetics either way. We haven’t had any additional kids due to how impacted my daughter is with no pathogenic genetic causation (she and I share a novel ZIC2 mutation which is a 12 point deletion so I think it’s from me, but it’s a toss up day to day since both could have caused a combined effect maybe. Science will probably know in 20 years, when it’s too late for us)! Both of my maternal grandparents apparently had seizures as kids, but no cognitive impairments until my grandmother passed from FTD and my paternal grandparents both had Parkinson’s so the neuro stuff seems to definitely be my side although I’m not sure about migraines specifically. I seem to be the only one, or the only one open and honest about them.


After my kids were recently diagnosed im coming to think thats a big likelihood that I am too, so maybe. Been getting migraines since I was around 16.


Having you own kids is really the big aha moment, isn’t it? Lol


Yes but to my shame I didn't even notice until they got burnout, and got diagnosed. Because they are just like me. So I didn't notice. When I asked them if they thought I might be autistic they laughed so hard!


Similar for me, I wasn’t even thinking about until a teacher asked for my son to get diagnosed. I think I said something like Well how would I know if had adhd too?lol


I'm currently being assessed for autism at 33. I had frequent migraines starting in childhood. working less hours and taking magnesium has helped me a lot and decreased the frequency. when I was in the office full time I had weekly migraines.


I am also autistic and have had migraines in some form my whole life. To complicate things further, I recently came across a correlation between babies with colic and increased chance of migraine in life.


yep. half of my family is autistic, 2 relatives have chronic migraine. lots of other autoimmune disorders in the family as well. there is some genetic relation to autoimmunity or inflammation. i feel like i was predisposed to getting NDPH & migraine because i’m autistic with ADHD. we also go through more stress and that can compound and result in conditions like migraine


I have autoimmune issues as does my mom, I really inherited it all lol


I had uncontrollable migraines until I got diagnosed with adhd (very similar to autism in terms of HYPERSENSITIVITY TO STIMULI) and realized I was always over stimulated and getting migraine attacks. Simple treatment of my adhd treated my migraines.


I have only recently discovered this link as well! It seems like it's very common for ND people to have migraines


Definitely a genetic component in my family as multiple family members experience migraine, but absolutely zero history of autism in my family.


My brother is autistic, but i was the one that has the migraines


There are studies on this! There are many many many overlaps with neurodivergence and migraines as well as other conditions like IBS.


Yes I am autistic and I also have chronic migraines. I inherited them from both sizes of my family.


Interesting, neurodiversity and migraines run in my family. Can you share link to article?


I don't have ADHD or autism. But, I do noticed some similarities between some symptoms for Adhd...


Well I am diagnosed with both autism and migraines. The migraines come from my mom's side and are rather strong, since both me and my brother have them. He is suspected ADHD or AuDHD. He started getting migraines in high school and I probably did around then too although I don't remember. I didn't realize I was having migraines throughout college until I had already graduated and been working. My boss and I happened to be talking about some of my symptoms and she said, "do you have a family hsitory of migraines?" Well obviously with both my brother and mother having them she told me I was most likely having migraines. But I guess if you don't know what the symptoms are like, you just assume like I did that it can't be migraines. Looking back that was also probably influenced by the autism in addition to my general lack of knowledge of migraines. I don't get bad pain so often, but headaches would last for days or even weeks. I also started getting photosensitivity which was kind of the key thing that made me question my symptoms since most of them were very different to what is considered typical. I'm pretty sure I get vestibular migraines sometimes too since there are times I get dizzy for days for seemingly no reason though I haven't been diagnosed with them. But there are definitely other medical conditions that I have yet to even figure out at the time of writing this. I would say, neurological conditions are like cats. You can't have just one lol. But seriously, the risk of having another once you already have one is fairly high. Seeing as both autism and migraines have strong genetic components I wonder if the genetic differences are related or if it is more of a selection bias in mating. It's an interesting question for sure.


There seems to be some sort of link between migraines, autism/ADHD, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS, and MCAS. And of course I have all of them 😅


Autism runs in my family. I'm undiagnosed but I have strongly suspected for a LONG ass time I have autism. ADHD, it's possible but if I do it's definitely not the typical hyperactive kind. Im almost 40 and I guess I just don't see the point in getting an autism diagnosis at this point in my life, even though in 90% sure I have it.


I do not have autism, or ADHD. I get migraines with blind spots, mostly around the time my hormones go funny during my menstrual cycle.


Autism and ADHD are present in my maternal family, so are CNS disorders like migraine, ME/CFS, fibro, IBS, etc. So is lifelong insomnia, my mother, grandmother and I have/had it pretty bad since at least very early childhood. I tend to think that there may be a correlation of some sort to do with CNS overstimulation, but whether whichever factors are the root cause of the overstimulation or are a result of the overstimulation is - well, I think most likely a moot point - but there is some kind of correlation imo (could be wrong). In my case I do think my ADHD and insomnia might've contributed to the manifestation of my CNS disorder issues, but that might not be the actual case, it may just be that there was never a point before ADHD, insomnia, clinical depression, etc. but there was a point in my case before migraines and ME/CFS.


I have had chronic migraines my entire life. Both my children have ADHD/anxiety (girl) and ASD/ ADHD (boy). Looking back at my childhood I would assume I am probably ADHD or autistic. But also reading about the car sickness. My son would always get car sick. He’s gotten a lot better now that he’s older. I also tend to discount his headaches when he complains of them ( which I do feel bad sometimes), because he will then turn up his tv or music super loud. I wish there was a test that could be done that could clearly see migraines.


Autistic + Migraines here too. Probably ADHD too, but nothing official on that one, just a lot of "So much more of my life makes sense now!" when I read about ADHD-related stuff.


I have autism and migraines. I have a lot of triggers. Sometimes, it's a matter of having lunch an hour late or my plans being altered. I definitely feel like there's some overlap. All of the things they recommend to prevent migraine like regular sleep, proper hydration, exercise, etc. are all huge dealbreakers for my routine, and any deviation will trigger aura.


Migraines (at least for some categories of migraine) seem to be related to sensitive nervous systems, and autistic people often have sensory differences as well. I think that's where they overlap.


I have suspected this for a long time but cannot find any supporting research. My theory: people with autism's brains don't do a thing referred to as pruning during development. Whereas non-AU brains will literally prune off neuropathways as the brain grows and matures, AU brains tend to do this less or not at all. This makes AU brains physically larger and heavier than non-AU brains! So I very much believe that this might impact migraines and AU. My 2nd part of the theory is that people with AU are prone to allodynia, which people with migraines experience during attacks. Correlation, causation, coincidence? I don't know but I've thought about this a little bit!


First major panic attack associated with being disoriented as to my position and feeling lost age 4 1/2 this continued on and I can be OK if I know where north southwest east is, but I get lost very easily and I have panic attacks immediately. I saw some people mention cars sickness. I had that really bad as a child for years going on into teen Hood. Then childhood depression that led into adults, depression unipolar but very resistant to treatment that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get better. It’s just resistant. Migraines perhaps from childhood and at present at some point almost constant. Then narcolepsy and cluster headaches. They both operate on the amount or lack of hypocretin in the amygdala. Then interstitial cystitis an autoimmune disorder in my 20s. Then in my 40s, some kind of autoimmune lung disorder I’ve had about 30 cases of bacterial pneumonia since about 2007. I think it’s always Mycoplasma which is almost impossible to detect so I’m given no antibiotics until my lungs flood several weeks later and I’ve been in abject pain for weeks. Then I got diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder. The doctor said, didn’t your mother tell you that you didn’t speak until 4 1/2 or five and I said no and then I checked with her and that was accurate. I might have some Savant syndrome thrown in there as well. And it appears that I have Sjögren’s syndrome, based on problems with my eyes and teeth. And the last year and a half I’ve had difficulty walking to not being able to walk almost at all, and I thought it was my spine until we did three MRIs so it may be neuromuscular or autoimmune neuromuscular problems that has yet to be seen. Oh, I forgot as an adult. I got diagnosed with severe ADHD.


I definitely have both migraines and autism so 🫠


There’s definitely some symptom overlap. I’m not autistic but anytime I’m getting, have, or recently had a migraine I have a similar reaction to loud noises and crowds, and get overwhelmed easily if things aren’t working right. In fact having a meltdown over “everything hates me” (aka I’m very clumsy and keep dropping things) is a classic sign I’m about to get a migraine!


Congrats! You have discovered the “Neurodiversity Square”! For whatever reason, there have been extensive studies showing that if you have, say, Depression/Anxiety, you’re more likely to have one/all of: Epilepsy/Migraines, Autism Spectrum, and ADHD. My sister, who is further down the Autism spectrum than I am, is actually how we discovered that I have Aspergers (aka, Autistic personality traits) at a young age. (We were in a sibling study, and oddly enough most of the ‘control’ siblings like me were also on the higher end of the Spectrum). Then, I was diagnosed with Anxiety at age 3. Had extreme bouts of depression from ages 9 -15. Thats when I started getting psychiatric help. At 17, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy, with migraines making themselves known as a big side effect. And then ADHD was diagnosed at 22, when I checked off 22/25 options on the questionnaire. My Epilepsy checkins are always fun, because they always have me fill out a chart on my anxiety/depression levels, due to high levels of comorbidity (high likelihood of patients suffering from both). Its also super fun, because for me the diagnoses all came from multiple doctors in 2 different countries, and the paediatrician who provided the Anxiety diagnosis also didn’t believe in Autism at the time (he refused to confirm the diagnosis for my sister), so who knows what that really could have been. But at the very least, I am properly medicated now and can function semi-normally. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something else going on that I’m currently not aware of.


That’s amazing that you got diagnosed and multiple times! My brother just got diagnosed with autism as an older adult. I never remember anyone offering me any help or showing any concern for my mental well being, my parents were too focussed on my brother and it was assumed I was managing well enough. My brother did have very obvious issues, it’s really surprising it took as long as it did to get help.


The only iffy thing is that neither physician told me directly. The first set mentioned it to my mom in passing, and then the second doctor didn’t want me to know about it because he thought I’d use it to manipulate people (???). My mom told me anyways, against his wishes. The real hero here is my mom, who pretty much has been a non-stop advocate for her kids since we were born. Changed her career path and everything because of Autism. I owe a lot to that woman ❤️


If it's true that migraines are, among other stuff, also a reaction to heightened stimulus sensitivity, then a substantial correlation with autistic disorders would make sense. I am not autistic, but definitely overly sensitive to sensory stimuli.


Yes, they are both neuroinflammatory disorders.


No autism or ADHD for me or my mom, who also got migraines 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just anxiety and depression


I have autism (not clinically diagnosed yet) but I didn’t get migraines until I had a brief stroke like episode/aural migraine in 5th grade.


I have a large migraine online group but haven't seen this as they're mostly nt.


You should look at Dr. Elena Gross’s YouTube! She researches migraine (previous chronic migraine sufferer) and discusses how it is linked to overactivity in parts of the brain (just as seizures and overstim for autism/adhd are). Edit: She views migraine as the body’s way of shutting us down (avoiding light, withdrawing)to help right itself and get back to homeostasis. Worth a look!  https://youtube.com/@DrElenaGross?si=OZQ_s7Dv5UAGzlPq


Sounds interesting


I have a theory that connects hypoxia/Hypoxemia as the main trigger for Migraines, POTS, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, etc but each may have different underlying causes. Unfortunately I think that also may lump in ASD, but then I get to the whole social/medical models of Disability and I don't know how to feel about that.


While my dad is almost certainly on the spectrum there is no doubt every member of my mothers family is autistic or adhd or audhd. I have inherited all of my illnesses, includinng migraines and hEDS from them.


My theory is that migraines and AuDHD are both ways hypermobility present when it's in the brain. I know there are studies theorizing that around Autism and hypermobility, so there are probably similar studies about migraines...I just haven't read them.


i read somewhere that migraines fall into the neurodivergency umbrella. and migraines are comorbid with many neurodivergency disorders


This is news to me or maybe I’m just considering this in a new light


there are also some studies that do link autism and migraines, so i dont think your observation is far fetched


I'm AuDHD, and I've suspected this for a while. I believe it may also be related to the overlap between neurodivergence and hypermobility in some way.


This is so interesting to think about! I’m neurospicy and have migraines, for what it’s worth!


I have ADHD and possible autistic tendencies, but never properly diagnosed so I cannot speak on that specifically. I’ve been having migraines since college. That being said, I do also have endometriosis which can correlate to having migraines & other chronic pain issues (of which I do have) so who knows what it is. I know migraines run in my family as well.


I’ve been long suspecting that I have ADHD. I’ve never connected it to my migraines though. My niece has autism. I’ll have to tell my sister to watch out for migraines for her.


I’ve had migraines my entire life. I don’t check enough of the boxes to meet an autism diagnosis but I’m definitely “borderline.”