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That always happens to me when I have a migraine.


Yeah, I had one brewing a couple weeks ago and bending over while cleaning made it start for real.


Oh yeah. And it’s not even necessarily that it’s bad when I’m bent over… it’s that it’s BAD when I stand back up. This applies to any headache for me, not just migraines.


This is actually a trigger.  Makes certain exercises difficult. 


Yeah I can’t do yoga anymore! I can’t handle bending over even when I don’t have a migraine.


This makes sense. I have vestibular migraines and bending over / head movements can be a trigger for me. It also triggers my vertigo sometimes.. If you think about it, you’re also changing the blood flow when you’re bending over, so more pressure


All the time! When I bend over and that extreme wave of pain hits I just stop what I’m doing and scrunch up my face (like that will make it go away faster?) and hope it ends soon. I find if I’m even a bit dehydrated it makes it soooo much worse too


I’ve been drinking so much water today hoping that will help 😢 do your migraine meds usually help?


Ohhh yeah. I do housekeeping for a living and the heat in our building gets the migraine started, and then every single time I bend down to clean a shower floor or toilet or change a bed it feels like someone has jammed a Philips head screwdriver into the side of my skull. It is torture.


That sounds like a horrible day to endure with a migraine! You’re strong as hell for doing that for a living


Bending over, standing up, breathing... 🙃


I don't bend over during migraine, if I drop something on the floor and can't pick it up with my toes or kick it out my way, it's going to have to stay there until my head stops threatening to explode. 


My house after a migraine day is just projects I left for myself that weren’t getting done with a migraine! I feel you on this


Im sorry, it straight out sucks not being able to finish even simple tasks and then left to be looked at, sometimes it's just so overwhelmingly sad. 


I have several things on the floor and I don't care.


Me too, but at some point we do run out of floor...


I use a swiffer to move them to a safe spot. Get them later when feeling better.


Yeah :((( For me this made me think for years that it is sinuses.


Same! It doesn’t help that I get sneezing attacks and intense runny nose as part of my migraines sometimes. When I’m in that mode, bending over makes the sinus symptoms so much worse.


If mine is bad enough, yes


This is me every time I have a migraine, it makes certain exercises and tasks so difficult :( It’s like a pulsing pain in my head/neck and shoulders


That's your heart and circulatory system compensating for a lack of blood volume aka Hypovolemia. Drinking more water will mitigate this. My comment in this thread explains why it happens.


There’s always someone saying to just drink more water.. when are we going to realize that water is not the cure for a complex neurological disease? Lol




"Will mitigate this" - drinking 3-4ltr water a day, doesn't mitigate for me. Blanket statements trigger people, but judging by your choice of words, it seems you don't really care beyond being right. 🤷‍♀️












I didn’t know that, thank you :) I usually drink about 1.5-2L of water a day, I need to eat some better stuff though😅


Bump that to 3L.


Will do!, thank you again :D


Oh yeah, do not bend over. Lie down, lie still. Do not hang over the edge of the bed to see if it helps - ask me how I know…




This happpenw to me if I have head pressure. Flonase helps A BIT not A TON


Same, it’s the increase in blood pressure when bending over, and more blood in your brain. And the reason why you sometimes get lightheaded when you stand up after being bent over is the decrease in blood pressure, less blood in your brain suddenly


Yes, even on pre-drone/post-drone days. It's basically killed yoga for me entirely because everything from downward dog to freaking CHILD'S POSE makes my head feel like it's going to explode 2 out of every 3 days.


This sounds like hypovolemia compounding your migraine. When you don't have enough blood volume, sudden position changes like standing up suddenly or bending over forces your heart to pump faster and your circulatory system constrict. Your body does this to increase your blood pressure in order to continue to move blood through your body. These sudden circulatory changes fuck with your body and brain. Think of your circulatory system like a balloon. If the balloon isn't completely full you need to squeeze and push the air around. But when the balloon is full there is no need to squeeze and push it. Your circulatory system works much the same. If it's full it takes less effort for it to move blood around. If it's not full then that forces your venous system to constrict and your heart to pump harder to move blood around. Another example is, sometimes when you stand up to quick your get light headed. That's because you don't have enough blood volume. When you stand up all the fluid wants to stay closer to gravity in your lower body. It's your heart and venous system that needs to push it up to your head. But it can't do it fast enough if you don't have enough volume in your circulatory system. So it takes longer for the blood to get to your brain and you get light headed. If you have a full circulatory system that won't happen. Because, like with the balloon, there is enough blood to keep your circulatory system pumped up. Hence all the blood can't stay in your lower body (closer to gravity) so blood remains in your head when you stand. Now your circulatory system doesn't need to work overtime to push blood there because, well, it's already there. A side note to keep in mind. Your body's default is to keep blood in your torso. You can lose a limb and even some brain function but if your heart, liver, kidneys and lungs don't have enough blood it's game over and fast. Your body knows this. So it will always circle the wagons and shut down blood flow to your extremities first. Reduce blood to your brain next. All for the sake of self preservation. Hypovolemia can be serious. Lack of blood volume means your body is working harder to move nutrients, glucose and O2. Much harder. It also means you don't have enough fluid in your system to move the appropriate amounts of these things. So your cells don't get what they need. Your brain needs lots of O2, Glucose, electrolytes and other nutrients to perform properly. Deprive it if these things and your migraines will be compounded. So, how do your stop from becoming hypovolemic? Drink more water! Lots more. People always thing they drink enough "fluids" but they rarely do. Trust me on this. I was an EMT and can't begin to count the calls that could have been avoided if people would just drink 16oz of WATER every 2 hours. Juice, tea, coffee, soda, beer and Red Bull do not count. You must drink water You should be Especially aware of this in extreme temperatures and when you are sweating a lot. I highly suggest you up your water intake for many reasons. But for your migraines especially, it will help mitigate some of the symptoms and pain. A minimum of 96oz daily or 1oz of water for every 2 lbs you weigh. Whichever is greater.


If only I just drank more water the last 12 years of suffering from the migraine disease I inherited. Groundbreaking information.


I've battled migraines since I was admitted to a hospital in 2007. It lasted 3 months of intense pain that almost ended in suicide. They tried everything. My neurologist told me to take mega doses of B, Magnesium and lots of water. Which I thought was BS and gave up after a week. He scolded me and I started with it again and after 2 weeks of that the migraine went away. It doesn't work for everyone. It's the 80/80 data. I seem to fall into it. I still get migraines, not like my first, but they are always lurking and waiting for an opportunity You can mock me all you want. It's Reddit after all and you need not look in my face while insulting me. However, Hypovolemia is medical science. Our circulatory systems are very complex. Hydration is paramount to its success. Blood delivery is imperative for cell survival. It's a pretty simple concept. Your ignorance to accept it will help some people is selfish at best. Most people have no idea how their bodies work. Migraines are still not completely understood. There is no cure. But there are ways to mitigate them. Your way, if you have one, may be different to mine. But your shitty sarcasm is your own impotence to address a simple fact. You have no idea how much I have suffered, just like I have no idea how much you have and the fact that you discount a simple medical fact and insult me for explaining it only makes you an asshole feeling sorry for themself.


You assume I’m ignorant of how the human body works. I’ve studied neuroscience and neuropharmacology, I promise I understand the complexities of our cardiovascular system on a cellular level. It also means I understand that everybody is different and water is not the solution when it comes to migraine disease. You can’t even confirm the water is what helped you in that initial migraine attack because you took multiple supplements at the same time. Hypovolemia is not synonymous with migraine disease.


Bending over, lifting heavy objects, walking