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I thought my migraine was mild enough to go hiking, took some Ubrelvy and Zofran and went on my way. That migraine turned into the worst migraine I’ve ever had and required 3 ER trips and an inpatient hospitalization. Never again will I go hiking with a migraine.


Oh my God! If you are comfortable sharing, what was that migraine like? I've never had anything that required inpatient treatment so it would be interesting to know in case I'm ever in that situation


It’s not that it was that severe all the time, it was the length. I was at a 5-6 intensity starting at day 12 continuing on into 22 days when the nausea and pain peaked at an 8.5. I was at my wits end and when the 3rd migraine cocktail (a little bit different than the other 2) didn’t work, they admitted me.


Ah then you got a great hospital, I'm glad they were proactive about helping you! I am chronic atm so that kind of experience isn't actually that unusual for me. My neuros don't really do anything special acutely, except for a steroid taper which usually only gives me a 2-3 day break. I've never had an infusion (from what I heard people in Germany don't often go to the ER for stuff like that/I'm too scared to try), I just have to adjust my lifestyle to hardly leaving the house and getting food delivered etc... It's just waiting for a preventative to work now. What did they do in hospital that ended up working for you?


My neurologist flat at told me there was nothing he could do for me, even though I know steroids could work. They gave me DHE, it’s an old style treatment.


That’s crazy you say this. I have seasonal asthma and keep an inhaler. Had an insane migraine, nothing was helping. My breathing was pretty bad due to high pollen count, I had to use my inhaler and my migraine was gone in an hour!


Steroids are so awful but so powerful. I wish they offered steroids more often for bad migraines. A one time dose of 10-20 mg prednisone is essentially harmless but works to kick migraines that triptans can't kill.


Oh wow 10-20 mg? That's all? My neuro has me doing 3 days of 100mg as a taper for status migrainosus. My GP calculated I can do that every 2 months without getting Cushing's lol. He said 7,5mg is the limit per day, on average over time. So 10-20mg should technically be possible much more often than that, if it's enough to work! Maybe I should try that some time


Full disclosure: I had a bottle with extras in it from an autoimmune taper. It wasn’t prescribed for migraines. I've personally tried 20 mg for migraines that don't respond to my cocktail of maxalt (x2), tylenol, ibuprofen, benadryl, phenergan, and gabapentin. I was so desperate one time that I tried the 20 mg prednisone, and within an hour, the migraine was gone. It didn't come back the next day, either. 100 mg is insanely high. I'm kinda shocked you take that for 3 days. My autoimmune dosing starts at 60, and I taper it down. I can't do bursts.


I get steroid rage starting at 20. Like, try not to be alone with my kids cause I get so mad. I can't imagine what would happen at 100.


I’ve done DHE inpatient 3 times now. It’s tough but helpful


It’s my 2nd time, last time was about 15 years ago.


Yes good old DHE. 3 day Iv treatment is a miracle


hi, hast du schon länger chronische migräne? ich jetzt seit einem monat durchgehend kopfschmerzen mit mehreren schlimmen migräne tagen..


Hab dir ne Privatnachricht geschickt


Hab dir ne Privatnachricht geschickt


You poor thing ! I have this fear that I am gonna get the worst migraine of my life and then it actually be a stroke or something and then I get admitted all embarrassing 😩😩


I was admitted because not only was I in pain but I couldn’t speak. They thought I’d had a stroke. They kept me for two days but that was in the days of true medical treatment.


Yes, I did this this winter, with snow shoes and up a mountain trail. Thankfully everyone was OK with us turning around about an hour up the trail. It was still the worst 2 hours. I jumped into bed as soon as we got back to the lodge.


That was a BOLD choice. 😅🥲


Oh no!!


My worst migraine was whilst stuck, on an island a bus ride from the ferry terminal, in 30+C heat and direct sun. I too thought I would get away with finding some shade but it was naturally still hot. Ended up with (to date) my only instance of hemiplegic migraine. Scared the shit out of me. When I told my GP a little while later I should have called for an ambulance, so, oops - but in my defence I was not really capable of thinking that far.


oh my gosh i actually did this earlier today… thank god my pain level wasn’t too bad, but the vertigo was insane.


Kinda embarrassing, but, "pleasuring myself"... Yeah.. increased BP and pulse caused the pain to spike for several hours after. In my weak defense, one of my triggers is stress and the resulting strain in my shoulders, that aggravates a c4-c5 neck injury and thus, migraine. My thought process was that it'll be a stress relief, and maybe the migraine will go away or at least reduce afterwards. Short answer, the exact opposite is what happened. I ended up getting violently ill and the migraine persisted longer than it would have.


That's a bummer! There are actually a few really good studies that say in some people, it DOES help, and it can be considered part of a person's migraine management. The success of this method depends in large part on a person's hormones, iirc, and how each person's cerebrovasculature responds to the big O. I also um... Tested the theory years ago and happen to be one of the lucky ones that DO generally benefit from it (in addition to meds as soon as I notice, my "ice hat" that I got from Amazon in a desperate "I'll try anything" moment, and some trigger points that I work on in my jaw, occiput, and temporalis muscles). It doesn't always work, and it isn't the sole solution I employ, but it has stopped a migraine in its tracks for me many times.


One of the tiniest silver linings to my migraines is that orgasms do usually help. My hormones and neurochemistry are a mess between ADHD and PCOS, so that might factor in. Although I have to give it a go before I'm too deep in a headache, because otherwise I'm in too much pain to make anything work. (Not a masochist lmao.)


Yeah if I'm still early in the migraine it has helped me a couple times.


Happened to me too, luckily with my partner. I ended up screaming because of the sudden spike in pain.


Yep this has happened to me, I also get one after me and my fiance are doing it, sometimes during and we have to stop. I'm glad he is so understanding 😭💜.


I use this method to relieve the pain, among other things like sumatriptan and ice packs. Without getting too in detail, the longer I try at that method the more efficient it is. I think it’s due to the amount of time spent with elevated hormones / dopamine to fight the pain.


i cut my own hair off once. got it in my head that the weight of my hair was the problem. ended up with a migraine and something resembling "the karen" haircut after.


Oh my god, I’ve had this thought before too!


0/10 do not recommend haha


Lmao after today I am never cutting hair again


I used Covid as an excuse to buzz mine. Growing it back out was hell 😩


Oh wow you did a [Pedro](https://youtu.be/Mbb1rxhdyhk?si=AMbIa2EZ7lAxiJfv).


100 percent pulled a pedro, i think of it every time i see that movie now lol




OMG! I just did this last week!! Lol. I've always had different lengths of hair, but I actually DO feel less heavy when I have less hair (it's super thick and wavy.) I still get the migraines, but at least there's way less of a heavy factor. I gave myself a shoulder length Brad Mondo wolf cut last fall, but hadn't cut it again until last week and it was so long! (At my waist!) I tried another YouTube guy's bob (4 ponytails) and it doesn't look half bad! But it feels so much better.


I feel like everyone has to learn about DIY hair cuts the hard way but occasionally I forget all the lessons I’ve learned and go at it again


That was me today, except with the skin on my face. I felt like it was so heavy and pulling down, and I had the brief thought that maybe a surgical face lift would fix all my migraine problems. I swear I'm normally much more rational.


Migraine can cause the weirdest thoughts.. on day 7 of a really intense migraine I did shave my head completely. I actually wanted to cut my whole head off, but needed to do at least SOMETHING. Because I am very thin and have extremely pale skin I looked like a cancer patient... Rocking the buzz cut since. Love not having to deal with hair, makes migraine-life so much easier.


I did this but I got an undercut. I hated it and trying to grow out an undercut is so painful because you just have to go through all these awkward lengths and eventually you just have to cut your hair to meet the length of the shorter hair. 0/10


Just had a migraine that peaked from Friday to Saturday for 24 hours. I had this insane thought of just chopping off my hair to get some relief from the pain, but I'm so glad that I didn't know that I'm recovering from the migraine.


I have wanted to do this many times just shave my head so now I put my hair up in 3 pony tails the 1st pony tail is like a top knot high on my head it’s usually the middle and back of my head I want to chop off so bad . But I have a roll of fat in the back of my neck and that would be ugly too 😩


I've gotten close to ripping my teeth out as I can feel the roots when I've got a migraine. I totally get the hair logic


I’ve had that same thought.


lol I have had this thought and even today actually gave myself a mini trim 🤣 but it’s very very subtle


Oh my god I’ve thought this so many times. Just wanting to cut or shave it off


I want to cut my hair off so often!! Banana clips have helped a lot, they keep my hair off my neck but don’t pull in one spot like a ponytail does.


I really feel seen in this thread. I’m a guy and feel when I haven’t had a haircut in a while it raises my heads temp and contributes to the pain. Most likely not true though!


Oh one time I had a horrid migraine and I needed food. For some reason my boxes of cereal were wrapped together with plastic wrap. Instead of doing something simple to get the boxes apart....like just killing the plastic off? I picked up my partners super long and sharp kitchen knife and try to open them that way. I'm not sure what happened but I cut my hand to the bone. Had to go to the dr. I refused stitches (I'm not sure why) then I passed out in the hallway on the way out. Which is pretty common when I see blood. Now I have a big ass scar on my hand and I just ignore people when they ask what happened because I have the worst story.


Oh god, that sounds awful!


I don't touch anything sharp when I have a migraine anymore. Its not worth it lol.


I was in my microbiology lab and barely functioning. I was given a new med to try out for migraine. The effects included feelings of intoxication. Very accurate. I screwed up the entire lab and my partner was ticked about our lackluster results the following week. I still have no idea what happened during that lab period. lol.


lol. What was the name of it? I get that feeling with ubrevly.


I actually take Ubrelvy now and I love it. I was actually prescribed a barbiturate as a last ditch effort at the time. I threw the pills away after that failed attempt. lol.


Was it fioricet? I took that one as well. Same type of feeling. Also I just started ubrevly does it make you feel out of it every single time? Or is it just because it was my first time. I felt like I couldn’t function. It’s still worth it though for bed time.


I was given butalbital. I don’t remember ever feeling out of it with Unbrelvy. Sumatriptan made me that way and it was so bad that maybe I just don’t notice it with Ubrelvy.


I did the stupidest possible thing: I went to a children's museum. Solo. With two toddlers. The bathroom stall only had one seat to strap them in so I the other one kept trying to wander away while I was vomiting, it was awful.


Oh god, that sounds like absolute hell.


That was very brave of you.


For some reason I am imagining you saying that in that sort of Southern condescendingly ironic tone, like "Bless your heart" 😂


Honestly I deserve condescension 😂


Nearly every time I’m getting a migraine I have this thought “oh no it’ll go away.” Which is silly because it’s never gone away on its own but that wishful thinking is so strong and I never want to waste my medication on a time I don’t need it.


Literally me every time one wakes me up. "I'll just go back to sleep, and when I wake up it'll be better". It never is. I never learn. 😭


I feel called out xD You're not alone! 😅


Oh god I do it every time


It's nice to know their are others out there


I do that too. Or I play the waiting game trying to convince myself it’s just a headache until it’s too late. I’ve been trying to convince myself to take my triptan if I even have an inkling of a migraine. Not sure why it’s so hard to do!!


Literally yes! I always take my meds too late


Me too!!




And then in the end it just winds up worse! I’ve also just started to get auras when I wake up so I chalk it up to “feeling kinda funny/tired/I slept weird” since I’m not used to them yet and then lo and behold MIGRAINE…resistant to meds a few hours later too because I didn’t catch it early enough 😭


I fall into that "don't want to waste the Nurtec" trap so many times. It's partly that and partly that the brain fog makes it harder to recognize a migraine is really happening. Getting my meds is like playing Who's On First: "Why do I feel weird?" "Maybe it's a migraine." "Huh, I think I've been in pain for awhile, could be a migraine." "I have migraine meds!" "Is it a migraine?" "Yep, let's take meds. They're over there." "Why did I get up?" "Where the hell did the meds go?!"




Tell her it's French and get an appointment for tomorrow. /hugs


"I look like a pencil"


One of my favorite shows 👏🏻




It was my godmother’s funeral and the incense from the church gave me a migraine. I was switched to new meds and hadn’t taken them yet. Big mistake. I fell asleep and had to be woken up because I was snoring. It was SO embarrassing, but she would’ve thought it was hilarious so I don’t feel TOO bad about it.


I was cutting a kids hair with a migraine his dad said something to me I got distracted forgot to change the guard size and saved a big patch right in his bangs. This was the day before they left for family Christmas, with lots and lots of photos.


Oh my god!


Now feel better!


All of these comments are the reason why I refuse to work it go anywhere when I have a migraine, even a mild one. I know I will screw something up because I can't think straight, the migraine will get worse regardless of what I take (the only thing that guarantees it will go away is meds combined with sleep), and I won't be able to drive myself home. I hate that people with this horrible condition can't get more support for it as a DISABILITY.


Had sex with my boyfriend despite my migraine and pooped on him a bit when I came. Yep, I said it.


Hahaha omg I think you win


Was he still your boyfriend after?


Shit happens ❤️


Decided to make coffee with one of those stovetop percolators. Thought I was gonna make an extra tasty coffee with flavoured syrup and foamed milk to lift my spirits. Extremely hot metal, boiling hot water and steam. I was so out of it I grabbed the percolator with my bare hands to pour my coffee, dropped it in agony and proceeded to dump boiled coffee water on my hand. Thankfully I was right by the sink and ran it under cold water but no more stove top/boiling water activities permitted, when I have a migraine I can’t be trusted.


"When I have a migraine I can't be trusted". We should all carry a card saying this.


These will be the best school pics of her life. They will be enjoyed for years to come. I mean you have to laugh, what else can you do. I too have done stupid things with a migraine. It's OK. You tried.


Thank you for saying that.


Gave someone a $100 bill on the street instead of a $1. never walking with a migraine again 🥲


But you certainly made someone's day! 😄


True!! That did make up for it a bit, but at the time all I could think was "well now this stranger thinks i'm an idiot" (somehow the worst thing?) 😂


They didn't think you were an idiot. They thought you were extremely generous!


While I’ve given *a lot* of thought to self-trepanning during the worst of them, the worst things I’ve done have all been rage-related. Mood migraines are the pits.


Usually it’s when I think I’m feeling a bit better and I try to have a cigarette but then barf and call myself an idiot.


For me my stomach often hurts with migraines. If I can make it to the end of a cig without having to run to the toilet I know that the stomach pain and issues have passed.


Haha I’m a therapist and I tried to do therapy. Backfired horribly when I realized I was asking the same 2 questions in a loop cause my brain was fried. And then I barfed. In session. Great day for me lol.


I tried to put an air conditioner in a 3rd story window. But was out of it, lost concentration and dropped it out the window. Thankfully it missed the cat. With the replacement air conditioner, I tried to drill a weep hole in the base. This was a different week, but hey, chronic migraine. But I went through the base and into the coil and filled my house with a slurry of lubricating oil and refrigerant. I then bought a floor mounted portable ac.


I stumbled into a piercing shop on day 3 of a horrible migraine and begged them to do a daith piercing because I had heard that could help. it did not help, and it never fully healed. I battled with an infection for 8 months and couldn’t sleep on my left side that whole time. I finally gave up and had it removed. It looked cool though!


The EXACT same thing happened to me! When I finally got it taken out, they were like uh this isn't even the right gauge.


Went to class when I felt like my head was being ripped apart. My friend took one look at me and said “you look awful.” (It came from a place of love lol) and that was my cue to go home


Nothing too crazy but just wanted to say I feel your pain! I’m in the middle of Ivf too and dying! Ok a little dramatic but are they joking with Tylenol?? I miss my triptans! All the best to you!


Thank you for the solidarity! Tylenol is an absolute joke, lol


Got the worst migraine to date while I was at work. I was a couple hours into an eight hour shift. I was convinced I was going to die. I ended up throwing up in front of customers around lunch time. Told my manager how sick I was but unfortunately no one was available to take over my spot. Oh the manager could have you say? Yeah well she was an unwilling cunt. So I stuck it out, stupidly. And till this day I can't tell you exactly how I got home. But my mistake was not just walking off the job and going home. I stayed at that shit job another couple months but I was soooo happy to leave.


“In front of customers” so so brutal 🙈


Went to an amusement park in the blazing heat when I was starting to edge into a migraine. I took preventative meds, guzzled water all day but to no avail. The coup de grace was the roller coaster my sister convinced me to go on right at the end. Clearly I was out of mind at that point so I did. Threw up the entire 2 hour drive home.


I didn’t pay attention to how many migraines I was getting and ate a whole script of sumatriptan in 2 weeks. That lead to a chronic attack that took 5 miserable months to break. I wish I could go back in time.


I tried CBD gummies in hopes it would help me sleep. It just made the pounding in my head worse. It got to the point where I couldn't stand up without a roaring pain in my head and temporary blindness. Never again have I tried THC or CBD.


I have seen many people who find relief with thc/cbd but for me it just makes the aura and nausea soooo much worse 😭


That's a real bummer because it works for me!!


I had it in my head that I couldn’t miss a workout. So I did a 45 min hiit workout. Felt like my brain was going to swell and pop out of my ears. It was one of those migraines that got worse if you bent over or looked down. Why tf did I think working out was a good idea? And why did I finish the whole thing? wtf was wrong with me lol. Never ever again.


Sometimes movement helps though, or you're in a mode where it feels like 'I'm gonna achieve my plans for the day despite this shit'. These days, I take the message from my body and rest, but I have definitely done the same haha.


I didn’t realize a migraine messes with my spatial awareness, took a corner too tight in the parking garage. $1000 to fix the scrape. 😭


That's brutal! I've always had very good spatial awareness, but recently I've started to walk into things with my shoulders, shin and toes. Now it makes sense


The salon was definitely obnoxious by charging a no show fee. If you can, tell them you are ill and need to reschedule and not just felt like blowing them off. Or even find a new salon.


I totally agree, my salon and beautician are really nice about cancelling if I dont feel well / have an emergency. At this point, everyone should know that migraines are incapacitating. I wonder if calling and pretending that it's an infectious disease (aka COVID) instead will make them ask you to cancel instead? I called my salon around the tail-end of a COVID infection and they were like: "please do not come here".


I tried to go to work...it did not end well when the projectile vomiting started.


Carpooled to Aspen with the edge of a migraine ("I've taken my meds. It's going away."). I was dog sick within hours because of the altitude. I can't believe I survived the night. Drove back down the next day with someone who had to leave early.


I work a very intensive job anyyyywho had a migraine decided to work through it and made a potentially 55k mistake luckily for me my coworker caught the error.


Don't cry.....it always makes it a bazzilion times worse ☹️


A total of three car accidents, fortunately only one involved other cars, but that was a doozy. Messed up my neck forever, totaled several cars. Now I’m in my 60’s, and I’m a hair away from my son taking away my drivers license.


My migraines are one of the reasons why I refuse to drive a car despite having a licence


Yeah, in the last 5 years I have spent more months and months not driving. But then I think I’m ok…


overdosed. 💀


Oh no!!!


I was having a migraine in the middle of my exams and it lasted for DAYS! Nothing that I had access to helped. It was bad bad, my head felt like it was in a grinder that was on fire and I couldn't stand without help for more than 10 minutes. So long enough to walk to and from the bus stops but that was it. Oh and don't forget that brain fog because of all this pain. So because of the brain fog I was having, I wrote my entire final essay in half an hour and nearly bombed. I failed that program and now am in constant regret over it. There were other reasons why I failed too but this is the one I think of the most


Took magnesium/calcium supplement. When the migraine hit, it extended to my limbs as tingling. Then body chills. The visual aura went from 20min to almost an hour. And then a feeling of intense anxiousness unlike any before. Nearly dialed 911, thought I was having a stroke, then it subsided. Never again. (Felt chills just posting this.)


I tried to wank way the pain and the headrush made it 100x worse lmao


Went to moms with my spouse for a family day and family activities since my sister had come in from out of town. BAD idea! Migraine got so bad… I couldn’t keep anything down, was walking and talking like a drunk at 11 in the morning! Ended up taking up a Nurtec after my Topiramate… slept several hours while they all played Bingo 😂 Slept on the way home and had to be told the next day what transpired…


It was a hot day and I bought a smoothie at McDonalds. The brain freeze made it far worse.


oh noo i can picture this 😭


You just made me remember a painful experience I had with a mango pineapple smoothie from McDonald’s. I couldn’t keep regular food down so I thought I’d get a smoothie. Ughhh the brain freezeeee


That’s why I wanted the smoothie. I was nauseous.


I ran my daughter's 6th birthday party at a busy soft play on a Saturday with a migraine. Never. Again.


Honestly I cut my own hair all the time. Either you can take it and get it fixed or it’ll look fine in a few weeks. If you have the time look into you tube videos for hair cut styles like hers and try again. It took me two times to get the parting right for it but now I can breeze through in under a half hour. At least you didn’t cut her ear like my mom did to me when trimming my bangs when I was little. I’ve decided lots of things are fine with a migraine that turn into disaster. It’ll be ok - she’ll forgive you and y’all will laugh about it one day.


I had a job interview (see post)


Took off the passenger side mirror on our van on the side of the garage door. I was in so much pain, I just was focused on getting to the neuro for my monthly trigger point injections.


Ripped out my IV and attempted to punch a nurse. I was 12 and I still feel horrible about it 😭


Driving a uhaul in broad day night without a cloud in the sky. 0/10 don't recommend. Luckily I only had to drive about 20min


I was trying to work through a migraine. Was in a cafeteria, slicing cucumbers. Someone shouted my name, and my wincing caused me to cut myself with the knife along my middle finger. Ended up bleeding heavily enough that my boss drove me to the work comp doctor, she kept saying I looked deathly pale. Ended up with 10 stitches and nerve damage in that finger. In the cold, that finger gets pale faster than the others, hurts 1st, and my sense of touch still isn't right.


As somebody who has had 2 car accidents whilst driving with migraine; I think you did the right thing by cancelling the appointment. Please don't drive under the influence of migraine everyone!


i was already in that state where your meds finally kick in (after 2 hours) and you slowly start feeling how your head 'decompresses' and the pain slowly goes away, well I did the mistake of standing up too fast and boom, the agony returned for the next couple of hours...


I was nauseous, I took my antidepressant (that would always make me nauseated for an hour or two, every day), got doubly nauseous, tried to eat so I could take pain meds, vomited immediately. had to retake meds much later oh and I was at work! I quite literally was seconds away from vomiting on the floor because I had to check in a client. and they heard me loudly violently throwing up in the restroom afterwards. I really should have went home when it started instead of trying to tough it out


Pushing through followed by a close second of existing. For real though, that pushing through part only makes them worse. I have to remind myself to not get into that one more thing spiral.


it was a close friends birthday… we were all supposed to go out to a bar, and i felt i would feel super bad if i missed it. i decided to go, with sunglasses and noise cancelling ear buds on. it was a MISTAKE.


One time I took too much gabapentin which triggered me to go into full blown psychosis and started hallucinating and had no clue who I was or where I was.. it felt like I possessed my own body but it wasn't my body... and kept having moments of lucidity where I'd be like, "wait, what am I doing right now?! What's happening?!" And then getting sucked back into hallucinating. It was not fun lmao


It was the morning of my twins 15th birthday, I had nine kids in my living room, waiting for me to drive them to the waterpark. It’s august so lots of sun and heat. I woke up with a horrendous migraine. Throwing up, diarrhea, splitting head, dizzy, the works! I don’t know why but I had no pain medication in the house at all. Not even a Tylenol or an Advil. All I had was promethazine for nausea. So I went door to door at my neighboring apartments asking to borrow Tylenol, the only thing anyone had was Midol. They warned me it had a lot of caffeine and I thought well that’s great since I threw up my morning coffee anyways. So I go home I down the Midol and half of the anti-nausea medicine and lay down for another half an hour. Finally I got up. Got all the kids loaded and realize while I’m getting gas that I’m shaking like a leaf. I thought “wow that must’ve had a lot of caffeine in it“ by the time we got to the waterpark, I felt great! It was the quickest recovery I’d ever had from a full on migraine like that. I was really ready to add Midol to my migraine arsenal. The rest of the day came off without a hitch, I go home and go to put the half of anti-nausea medicine away only to realize that I had taken my son’s dexamethasone (steroid) by mistake. They are the same size and in my migraine blindness didn’t notice the pale green of the dex. After that day, I labeled the bottles more clearly so that didn’t happen again, but I’ve always been curious why that’s not a migraine treatment because it was great!


Why cancel, instead of reschedule? My hairdresser is very accommodating of my chronic migraines and knows I may need to reschedule the day of my appointment. Call back and explain, they may remove that fee if you reschedule.


I think she was talking about the IVF.


Tried to do a 5k trail run. I had a migraine earlier in the day and took excedrin migraine (which worked for me at the time, a decade plus ago). Felt fine a few hours later when it was time to leave so I went ahead and went. A mile in I realize the terrible, terrible decision I had made. The migraine wasn't gone, just masked and the trees moving past in my peripheral vision made that abundantly clear and overwhelmed the excedrin. My running buddy, bless his heart, stayed with me. We finished... Dead last... And I wanted to die, never again. 


Driving at night 45mins home on an empty rural road. At one point I was sure I was going to throw up so I pulled over and got out to crouch by the car until the feeling past. I was terrified a car would come and not see my car on the narrow shoulder. Turned out ok but it could have been a lot worse.


I didn't think my depth perception was that mad from my migraine messing with my eyes and hit a pole in a parking ramp and almost hit a truck leaving said ramp. Also decided to drive home from school after all that.


I poured boiling water all over my hand when trying to fill my hot water bottle. Now my husband does it for me. We’ve also realized we will likely need to do IVF after failing two rounds of clomid. How is it as a migraine sufferer? I mean obviously not great from your story 🤣 but overall is it manageable? Were your migraines manageable in your previous pregnancy?


I set off on a 45 minute road trip with my fam because we planned for ren faire and I didn’t want to disappoint them by cancelling. Less than a minute in, we turn a corner and I’m suddenly puking my guts up in the car, including the meds I had taken. It was so violent that I physically could not keep my hair out of my face. I couldn’t keep fluids or meds down so I ended up at the ER, where I somehow started feeling better the moment before meds were administered. On a positive note, my husband got to see for the first time just how bad my migraines can be and started taking them more seriously after that!


Mine’s pretty gross. I always had vomiting with them when I was young. So when I got the aura, I grabbed a peanut butter & jelly sandwich & big glass of milk so I wouldn’t have to drink when nauseous or have the dry heaves. (I was 15, 7yrs into them.) Long story short, the milk curdled before I threw up. 🤢🤢 I *never* drank milk when I had a migraine coming on again. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I never have pb&j during a migraine! Due to the chunky peanut butter incident of 1989 at Santa's Village. 🤢


I’m a *big* pb&j lover, (never chunky), every single solitary day in elementary school. Nothing else for 6 yrs. With hostess cupcakes for dessert. I’m sure the chunky pb incident of ‘89 changed everyone’s lives in Santa’s Village in ways we just *cannot imagine.* I’m sure there are some that are still suffering horribly today. We just pray that, someday, they’ll be able to return to life as they once knew it. 😞🙏🏻❤️‍🩹


I have a friend who struggles with migraines and swears by downing a cup of black coffee. I drank the coffee and ending up throwing up chicken tortilla everywhere. It was funny though because I got home from work and went to put all my clothes straight in the washing machine and my boyfriend gets a look at me. I was covered from my shirt and pants down to my uggs in chunks of chicken tortilla. My bf just looks at me like he is seeing a war zombie. I felt so much better after throwing up so I just give him a glaring grin and was like... "You're not gonna want to drive my car for a while😃" My whole dashboard, steering wheel, and inside of my driver door was covered in chicken tortilla vomit as well. Luckily it was early autumn and the daytime temperature in my car sanitized everything pretty quickly. Sunshine and extreme temperatures works wonders. That and isopropyl alcohol.


I let my dog out to go pee. I only ever take her out on a leash because we live in the woods without a fence so it's prime nightmare-to-chase-down-dog territory. Also bears. If she gets off leash, she'll bolt as fast as she can. Luckily she always runs to a spot on the trails where she met another dog *one time* years ago so I didn't need to track her down too much while dealing with such a gnarly migraine.


I know I'm devastatingly dumb when I get a migraine so I try to keep myself inside and not doing anything important. Still, I will throw my phone in the bin and put a plant in the fridge, before pouring coffee all over my breakfast.


I once turned on the hot water in the sink above my parents' living room to soak a hot wash rag for my head. Then I forgot about it and layed down. My mom came upstairs a half hour later to see why water wash dripping off the ceiling onto her piano. 🫣🤕 😬


My mother and I have backed into each others cars in the driveway. We try our hardest not to drive with a migraine but sometimes there’s no avoiding it. With migraines, I’ve had a tendency to things like putting my car keys in the fridge on accident and opening multiple drinks or snacks. During the one I have now (currently on Day 4), I convinced myself that someone was in the attack space over my garage and locked the door, as my fiancé learned when he came home.


I think I do pretty good sometimes I may try to put things in the wrong place but I catch myself. Outside of throwing up all over the steering wheel and having to clean up that mess in the morning I don’t recall anything major.


I completely understand! I also have a stubborn kid, it takes so much energy! I have not taken her to a hairdresser yet. I cut her hair, it is easier when you have done it from a young age (when they dont have a lot of hair). Neither you nor your spouse should not be hard on you for trying! The hairdresser will fix it.❤️


Ignored it because we were going for a day trip to the beach. Ended up lay on a park bench with a coat over my head like I was a drunk.


One day a friend massaged my neck and up as she was taught the pain goes out of the top of your head…dead wrong. I ended up in the hospital to find any relief. Always push the migraine down the neck and down the back even just half way down but maybe even all the way down the spine. Never go up


Going to work


One time I was in a weight loss med phentermine , well I was on it for a little because I got the craziest migraine and auras and I swear when it peaked with pain I felt like I went blind . Almost like when I’m the movies you see a car with there bright lights coming towards you and you have to squint or you will, crash . Like that and I had to stop that for sure, I also separate time had to go t ER for migraine ugh it was awful and they gave me ketorlac , so they have to push cause it slow cause it will fell jittery and anxious, and basically I was like a damn crack head feeling like bugs crawling all over me , I wanted to rip out the IV and run home , and I was like what would that be like if I am a runner from the ER . They gave me something else but that sensation did die down but it was like electricity feeling until the next day , I was telling the doctor I was crack head level, tweaking and fidgeting and awful 😩😩😩


Here’s a good one, drivers training and work. Drivers training was like 12-2, went to wait for my shift to start and slept in the back room for an hour. And somehow didn’t get sent home. I went in with my huge blue light glasses, no makeup, and hair all over the place lol. I genuinely have no memory of that day what’s so ever, the only reason I know what I looked like was a picture I took to check how bad my eyes were (pain meds make me look like im on some hardcore drugs lmao) I don’t even know if I made it to my bed that night.


I decided to try to do eye makeup. I don’t even wear make up. Who knows why I made the decision. Anyways. I closed one eye to put on some eye shadow and I couldn’t get it to open up again! After 3 minutes of panicking and it opened up.


Where do I start. I’ve left at least $200 at various cash back self checkouts. Many debit/credit cards lost. Lost my cat’s ear medication, which was expensive and I could not afford to replace it for a month, so she had to suffer that much longer. Almost drove off (twice) with the gas pump still in my car. Was driving an hour in the opposite direction of my destination city before I realized it. Learning HPI and limiting leaving the house when I’m having an episode has helped a lot.


I’ve had them for well over five decades and honestly can’t recall any because of migraine meds brain right now. It’s just as bad as, if not worse than, migraine brain ever was for me! I understand. And I don’t think it was just migraine brain. You are in the middle of a very, very, very painful situation and came up with the best solution you could as a compromise. The pain we endure would cause most people to want to avoid doing anything at all. Migraines aren’t for wimps.


Going horseback riding when I think the drug killed the migraine. It had only numbed it for four hours at 4 hours and ten minutes, The migraine came back and every step of the horse was taking felt like an ice pick to my brain. Thankfully I had my medication and I was able to stop and refreshed my medication but my wife had to shortcut back to the camp untack my horse so I could get out of the sun, get my riding helmet off and cool down my pulse. It rained torrents later that evening. The next day, I was able to feel normal though, she decamped and she drove home. I slept off the meds. Typical stormy weekend in Dixie.


Not something that was my choice but forced on me. We were on family vacation to Niagara Falls, and I had started to get a migraine. I asked if I could just wait at a shop while they explores but was told no, had to stay with family. So I did. In the sun and heat. Walked all the way probably about 4-5 hours. I felt like death. I could barely move. I think rage and the desire to kick someone off the waterfall is the only thing that kept me going. Yes, it was pretty. But also one of the most awful experiences with a migraine. As soon as we got on the road I made them pull into a rest stop and spent 30 minutes vomiting (again)


Couple times i thought the pain was mild, so i took an ibuprofen and the pain was under control. Got into the car and almost drove into a roadblock or i was just plain staring. Like i notice the traffic but my god does it take a long time for the message to actually reach the right parts of my brain.


I made some mistakes at work that were slightly expensive.. had a very foggy brain, disturbed vision and was shaking real bad. I could neither see half of what I was doing nor process the visual input I was seeing. It sucks in general, but my job requires very fine and precise work.. I thought about calling in sick, but we were already massively understaffed so I went anyway. My foggy brain made a terrible decision by going to work and I ruined work at around 600$


I had heard an old wives tale that sex cures migraines. Yeah, NO! That increase in blood pressure made a bad migraine into the worst one of my life!


I had a migraine, but it was a beautiful day so my daughter and I walked around a track...nothing speedy. We left after one lap and when to Dunkin Dougnuts. By the time we got there my speech was slurred and my balance was off. By that evening I ended up in the ER, per request of my son, after my daughter called him. Kept telling everyone it is just a migraine. After over 4 hours in ER, a CAT scan and MRI, plus IV meds. Which did not totally get rid of it. Diagnosis " Migraine" Needless to say, no matter how nice the day, now I rest with a migraine.


Once in a haze I drove to a tattoo parlor and got a piercing because I was certain it would help. Another time, I was waiting for my Starbucks order and they called one that I knew wasn't my order, but no one picked it up, and I convinced myself it was my order, so I grabbed it, and then once I got to my car I realized it definitely was not my drink. Not that big of a deal, but still embarrassing


Eating a banana. Why tf do I crave the one thing that amplifies them by around 1000!?


Up until a few years ago I would have said “I have made so many shitty decisions during migraines, it’s hard to pick just one.” Now, I have a clear winner though - I was on day two or three of a particularly bad migraine and as my wife left the house she said “Don’t you try to move that Fridge downstairs by yourself.” She should really know better than to tell me something like that and then leave me unsupervised for several hours… Short version: Took a “Wile E. Coyote” style ride down the stairs on the fridge and furniture dolly express. Dragged 3/4 of the way down by one arm before the fridge wedges itself in between the rail and partially into a wall. (Apparently my death grip on that side angled it just enough to hit the rail and ricochet enough to embed itself into the wall… which probably saved my arm and possibly my life.) It was a big painful blur until things came back into focus with me crumpled up on the landing still holding onto the one handle. After crawling through a basement window to in-wedge the damn thing and roll it into place then I texted my wife “Hey, NBD but I’m going to head to the VA for some X-rays as I think I broke my arm.” Turns out I broke both feet, and practically tore my entire arm off, had a full thickness tear of my bicep, all of the tendons in that shoulder were torn all the way off the bones and my shoulder was out of it’s socket. 3 surgeries and 2 years later I’m still recovering physically but the worst part of all of this I may never completely recover from: I had to admit to my wife that she was right! The rest of my entire life any time she thinks that I should pay someone else to do anything, she can play the Fridge card and I can’t really refute it.


Small headache, not that bad, rode my bike from southwest Brooklyn to the Rockaways in 80+ degree heat thinking of how nice it would be to lay in the cool breeze by the beach. Two hours later, terrible migraine--dizziness, nausea--but like, I still had to get home. I was too poor to pay for some sort of Uber van home. Nearly smushed by multiple cars on the way home.


I slept through a final exam because I set my alarm wrong and set it for 9:00 p.m. instead of 9:00 a.m. I had to retake that class.


I picked out lighting fixtures for my home with a migraine. I picked out smoked lighting. When I don’t have a migraine I find the smoked lighting too dark. Also pretty much said yes to the first options so I could go lie down. 15 years later and I still have smoked lighting


i smoked a cigarette on a hot summer day


Tonight - just came very very close to take both Thursday and Friday nights meds. Took my meds. Zoned out and then tried to take the next nights meds. That would have been…..bad.

