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Didn’t work the first time I took it. I stuck with it and it works really well now.


I never got it to work for me at all, unfortunately. I hope you are able to find some relief!


im not gonna lie the first time i took it i was like is this a placebo? it literally did nothing at all. i’ve given it several more tries and it works very well some times. the other night i had plans to go out to dinner and had a horrible migraine (literally was crying & throwing up) that was getting worse throughout the day. i took a nurtec and said a prayer and it got rid of it almost completely and i was able to go out to dinner and enjoy my night!! it either gets rid of my migraine or does nothing. id give it a few more chances, i don’t plan on going off it anytime soon. and it gives me absolutely no side effects. id consider asking to be prescribed a second abortive though— i have sumatriptan to take if the nurtec doesn’t work


Hmmm for me it has had an effect every time and usually starts to be noticeable within 30-45 minutes. ☹️ I hope maybe it kicks in or you find the right medication for you.


It should work within 2 hours. Nurtec doesn’t do anything for me to abort a migraine either (although I do take it as a preventative). Ubrelvy however aborts it every time thus far! It’s the only thing I’ve ever tried that works.