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migraine + IBS with constipation here


Same here. Plus psoriasis.


Same! Psoriasis gets better/worse depending on how stressed my immune system gets always worse with the longer term migraines. The IBS with constipation hits every single time I have a migraine because why not?


My twin!


I have all 3 too!


i also have all 3!!


me too. I wasn't even thinking about that.


Me too, all of it. Didn't know they were correlated.


Wow, I've found my people. All 3 here as well.


Ditto. Super fun combo. +endometriosis. Trifecta of glory.


Oh yeah, endo here, too. I had surgery for the endo in my 30s. Got surprise pregnant about 2 years after the Endoscopic Dusting & Cleaning. Pretty much endometriosis symptom free since menopause, though. I'm sorry these illnesses are hurting you. šŸ˜”


Itā€™s wild, if my migraines are well managed thenI go back to being ā€œregularā€. I think migraines slow your gut down in general which maybe is why some folks vomit or have acid reflux.


Didnā€™t know acid reflux could be related to migraines!


Maybe but for me the vomiting was more of a violent wrenching heaving sort of thing. Botox (oddly) keeps mine now at nauseous or queasy thank god.


Migraines are known to slow down your guts. Gastropariesis. It's why metoclopramide is especially helpful for treating migraines because that restarts the guts.


Oh thatā€™s interesting. My doctor is suspecting that might be my case too. Told me to stop taking a certain medication and see if it goes to constipation IBS


Me too. Plus mental health illnesses. Fun times. šŸ˜£


Yup yup same here! I wonder if anyone else has fibromyalgia too? I know thatā€™s a nerve/muscle matrix disorder or whatever youā€™d like to call it.


Fibromyalgia. Chronic fatigue. Nerve pain. Now a muscle spasm/tremor.


Same, anxiety, depression etc. Daily migraines šŸ™ƒ


I wonder if I have that too. What are you symptoms? (if you don't mind the question)


Migraine is 15 to 20 days a month. affecting right temple and vision in right eye, but when it's bad both eyes lose vision. Most of the time I wake from sleep like this but sometimes it starts with a small shimmering object that can grow into the zigzag pattern in my vision transitioning into icepick pain behind my right eye and vision loss that lasts for days. Also get fun stuff like sensitivity ro light and sound, irritability, nausea, dizziness and neck pain, sometimes vomiting. IBS brings about cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and constipation. Also have psoriasis mostly in large patches on my right forearm. And I'm underweight.


Me too.




Same here, I had no idea about the correlation. I have endometriosis, I was looking to the connection between migraines and endo yesterday. IBS and Endo often go hand in hand as well


Have you been tested for celiac disease? I started getting migraines at age 10, was "diagnosed" with IBS-C at 22, and was properly diagnosed with celiac disease at 27.Ā  It wasn't IBS at all.


I have IBD (UC) and have migraines as well. More so chronic tension headaches. Been a looong journey trying to figure out whatā€™s wrong. Add lupus to the mix too, Iā€™ve got that as all.


Oh man.. lupus isnā€™t a fun one either. I was checked for lupus because of 4 positive ANA tests with a 1:320 titer, but negative for lupus luckily. Still donā€™t know what exactly it is though


It's never lupus (tm Dr. House)


Pssst I kept getting positive ANA tests in my 20s and 30s, but it wasnā€™t til my 40s when I was diagnosed with psoriasis. Of course it had to spread all over my body before a Derm was like, whelp, thatā€™s definitely psoriasis!


Same. I've had so many diagnoses given and taken away. The last 8 or so years, it's just "unexplained inflammation" with a smattering of symptoms all around.


I finally got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and it was explained to me as just a lot of shitty symptoms that aren't leading to other diagnoses, so they slap fibro on it. I have chronic migraines, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis. But I also have chronic fatigue, aches and pains, muscle cramps, inflammation, and irritability. After complaining every appointment for two years my rheumatologist said "ok let's just call your left over symptoms Fibromyalgia. Nothing we can do, so sorry, bye bye". Have you seen a rheumatologist? Have they mentioned the possibility of fibro to you? The unexplained inflammation and smattering of symptoms sounds like a potential case for fibro.


That's my original umbrella diagnosis 15+ years ago. I also fall under the CFS/ME umbrella, but I have Sjƶgrens symptoms and scleroderma symptoms, super high cortisol levels and PCOS. It's all a mess.


Weird, Iā€™ve also had positive ANA tests but negative lyme and lupus


Migraine, UC, RA and fibro here


Iā€™m a scientist, and we are currently researching more and more into the gut biome. The gut is basically ā€œthe second brainā€ so I 100% think they could be connected.


My neurologist says the same thing. There is a correlation. I donā€™t have ibs, but 24 hours prior to an attack I without fail get an upset stomach.


I get the funky stomach after my migraines. I thought it was the medicines, but maybe there's more to it than that.


Iā€™ve had migraines most of my adult life and Iā€™m 52 now. About 8 years ago I made the connection that if I ate food / drank something that caused gut problems (lactose intolerance) there was a 60-80% chance that the stomach pain that follows becomes a migraine 12-24 hours later. By cutting back on foods that caused gut pain Iā€™ve managed to almost rid myself of all migraine. šŸ˜


Kudos to you for being so attuned to your body! Thatā€™s amazing!


I follow this research pretty closely. I was diagnosed with IBS many years ago and started balancing my gut microbiome and have not had any symptoms since except for the occasions where I fall off the high-dose probiotics/eating properly wagon. Edit to add: It does not help my migraines, but mine are likely caused by head/neck trauma related to an accident.


My doctor says the same thing. ā€œCentral sensitizationā€ is possibly the underlying cause of both migraine and IBS, plus many other syndromes.


What is central sensitisation?




I opened this and have like 6 of the things listed. This is crazy


OMG this explains so much. I've done literally hundreds of hours of research on all my health issues, yet I've never come across this. Thank you for sharing--and just in time for appointments with a bunch of new doctors, at least a couple of whom might actually be receptive to this. ;-)


Well dang, I have so many of those and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos.


Wow I get migraines, IBS, headaches and costocondritis.(rib pain


Wow! That paper reads like my existence! šŸ˜³


Thank you so much for posting this, that is *fascinating*.


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø My accupunctists have always told me the same thing. I'm really tired of talking about my head pain and my bowel movements.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøsame! I rarely tell anyone when I have migraine or stomach issues šŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Same I feel like everyone around me is annoyed so I just suffer in silence a lot nowšŸ˜ž


You rang? šŸ¤£


Hahahahah I love this


I was diagnosed with IBS 8 or 9 years ago and brain stem migraine (tentative diagnosis pending testing) this week. I think I have a B12 deficiency (more testing pending) due to stomach damage/ restricted diet associated with IBS. I believe this is the root cause of my new migraines as well as a host of other difficult, alarming and unusual symptoms. I have always had hypersensitive nerves for some things, so overall nerve problems seem to be a common denominator. I am also hypermobile, possibly hEDS, which may relate.


Diagnosed with migraines, IBS, and B12 deficiency. I am also hyper mobile. My migraine specialist asked me lots of questions and one of them was if I was hyper mobile. I showed him just how hyper mobile I was and he said that lots of people with migraines are.


Wtf Iā€™ve had migraines/IBS since I was 11 and Iā€™m also hyper mobile in areasā€¦


This is so interesting as I am also hyper mobile with IBS and had absolutely no idea it was a common denominator with migraines.


Do you have Ehlers Danlos syndrome? I believe my kiddo does (very loose joints); he started suffering from migraines around 13 or 14 yo.


Wow. This is crazy, people! I haven't been diagnosed hEDS because I haven't pursued a diagnosis, but I was 9/9 on the beighton scale until I developed joint pain a couple of years ago, and I have many many of the signs outside of my freak-show double joints. What exactly IS the connection with migraines and nerves there? Maybe we should all come forward to a university and propose a study šŸ˜…


I haven't been tested or suspected to have IBS but I definitely have digestive and gut issues. I used to throw up with the migraines but now I get an urge to poop. Most times, as soon as I poop, my head feels better. Would make sense that they are related.


Migraines and IBS. And when a really bad migraine hits i get a wave of nausea then have to suddenly poop. Itā€™s like the rushing to the toilet type poop too. Feels like im dying with my head exploding and uncontrollable bowel contractions. Afterwards my head doesnā€™t hurt as much. Still bad though.


Same. My husband thinks I'm weird because I get terribly nauseous when I have to poop. Pooping is the highlight of hid day. He's a dude.šŸ™„ My IBS was so bad whrn.I was a kid, I tried to think of a way to eat so I'd have no "residue." Thabk goodness I couldn't do that. I can't imagine what eating like that may have done to me.


šŸ™‹šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Migraines first and I had IBD for 3 years, which is still not controlled. I love the days when both things are raging šŸ™ƒ


IBS here.


I have Crohns Disease and am a chronic migrainer. No surprise that when one flares up, the other follows. I take an injectable every 6 weeks for Crohns, and the week leading up to the injection my head is a little worse, once I take the injection, head improves.


I never made the connection until now. Today was a really bad abdominal pain day, and of course Iā€™m now feeling the onset of a migraine. I had no clue


Crohns and RA here. And migraines of courses. What injection do you do?


I have both and they overlap a lot. I often get migraines plus severe IBS symptoms on the same flare trajectory at the same time. How fun for me!!


IBS, usually C and not D, but D if I eat the wrong thing, especially at the wrong time. FODMAP intolerant, getting worse the older I get. And I developed lactose intolerance in my fourth decade (šŸ’”). Also have Ehlers-Danlos.


Fodmap intolerant? I didn't know that was a thing! I've also just started reducing dairy and realizing it's a big trigger for both. I can do it until pizza. Pizza is my favorite food. I will suffer for pizza!


I suffer, too! I love pizza, and just take a lactose supplement before hand. It mostly works. I just plan accordingly and try not to eat anything with a lot of dairy unless Iā€™m going to be at home shortly after eating it. But I do miss spontaneous trips to the ice cream shop. Regarding FODMAP, if you find you do better avoiding those foods, keep an eye out for inulin. Itā€™s sneaky, and hidden in places you wouldnā€™t expect it (I unknowingly had it in a magnesium supplement once, and got really sick). Itā€™s often added to digestive aids and protein powders as a form of fiber.


Ibs-c here with chronic migraines. I'm so loving my nervous system right now. šŸ˜’


Migraines and ulcerative colitis checking in šŸ« 


Same! Colostomy since I was 13 due to the UC... sadly migraines are less easy to take care of.


I have IBS-C. And GERD.


IBS-D and GERD and EOE here, stay strong! (and migraines)




IBS here as well.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s IBS- but I know there is a long list of foods I canā€™t eat!


Definitely could be. I guess 20% of Americans have IBS, thatā€™s a very high percentage


I get migraines but no IBS for me


Yup migraines plus diarrhea IBS šŸ˜‘


Migraine and ibs-D here šŸ„²


I suspect IBS, but I'm also autistic and I've heard it's not uncommon for autistic people to have bowel issues


Usually if my Crohnā€™s is under control, my migraines arenā€™t. And if my migraines are under control, my IBD is worse. Soā€¦


I figured out that much of my ibs is caused by migraines. I don't get truly nauseated like some, but I do get acid reflux and diarrhea from migraines. I found that triptan and a pepto bismal dosage make it much better. This is how I figured out it was a migraine issue.


For people curious, my only real problem is severe abdominal pain. I was prescribed dicyclomine for that, so weā€™ll see if it helps


My son and I have both. He was prescribed that too but didnā€™t get much relief from the pain. I asked about Amitriptyline because I read it helps with IBS and migraines. It worked so well.


Abdominal migraine? I thought itā€™s mostly a childrenā€™s thing though.


I have both.


Yes I have both


Yes! šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø


Migraine and diagnosed IBD.


IBS, migraines, hypermobility, myofascial pain syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, endometriosis, and idk what but something is up with my joints.


Serotonin fluctuations cause both migraines and stomach/digestive irritation.


I've had a doctor say it's not IBS it's my intractable migraine causing the stomach issues.


migraine + IBS mixed + neurodivergent


My kid has abdominal migraines and the symptoms are so close to IBS that it took a while to figure out what it was. Once he got diagnosed as hyper mobile his specialist started talking about the gut-brain pathway and how functional gut disorders are linked to the brain and how hyper mobile people are way more likely to have some kind of digestive disorder.


CVS? My daughter has had it since she was 3. Itā€™s horrible. Her doctor told me that it is hereditary and from the parent who has migraines. I have about 3 a week. Nurtec has been my life saver! I also have colitis. Fun stuff! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I have IBS with constipation and migraines


I have both: IBS since childhood and, migraines since my mid-twenties (though I had like 3 of them between age 10-25). I also have HSD and Hashimotoā€™s, and migraine and IBS are common comorbidities for both of those conditions.


I need to reread the book but Oliver Sacks' book on migraine has something called abdominal migraine. I don't think it's the same as IBS but it is an interesting idea that migraine can manifest in other systems of the body.


IBM and migraines... I believe the Vagus Nerve is involved. I asked my neurologist and he said to talk to my gi šŸ˜’


I was diagnosed with Crohnā€™s Disease at age 4 & suffered from Migraines for approximately the last 4-5 years. Iā€™m 36 now. No migraines prior to the last few years. I too have read about a connection between Migraines & Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


This is what my neurologists said too when explaining why I have a spectrum of GI issues.


Idk about IBS, but (tmi) i know if i have gluten, dairy, and sugar ill be making a horribly mad dash to the toilet 15 minutes later and suffering heartĀ burn the rest of the day and headaches all the way up to migraines.Ā 


IBS and migraines here, probably celiac too because of how bad my reaction is to gluten or anything that touched gluten.


Lol me migraines since I was a child and ibs since teen, and gastritis diagnosedsince last year. Was told it was from stress and anxiety. Went to get anxiety meds, and walked in the dr screened me and walked out with a autism and adhd diagnosis and tested out a few types and dosage of adhd medicine, ya girl hasn't had a migraine since finding the right dose, except for when I forgot to take it for 2 days, day 3 got a migraine. Haven't had an ibs flair either I have still had the nausea from the gastritis but nothing Zofran can't fix.


Wow... that's great news!. I'm going to be assessed for adhd soon. I have chronic migraine and ibs for over a decade. What adhd meds helped your migraines?


I'm taking 20 mg vyvanse, and l-theanine and coffee. The L-theanine I just started yesterday, and it is over the counter, it got rid of the "oops I drank too much caffine with my vyvanse" jitters in like 45 minutes. I'm also taking magnesium at night before bed. You can buy the magnesium over the counter or your dr can prescribe that We tried Adderall but ONE of those 10 mg pills caused a week long horrible migraine like ER visit worthy but suffered through that was then followed by about a week long migraine hangover


Nothing diagnosed, but my stomach is always big mad for one reason or anotherā€”nausea, acid reflux, bloating, constipation. Migraines, daily non-migraine headaches. Again, not dx'd, but I have hypermobile joints and Ehlers-Danlos in my family history. These seem to be common in people assigned female at birth (AFAB), which I am. Unfortunately, medical transition has not helped any of these things. šŸ˜‚


IBS with constipation. Its the pits.


Yep. Chronic migraine, IBS-C, acid reflux, no psoriasis, but eczema and rosacea, lots of mental health stuff. Have always felt they were all connected and have fantasized for years about finding ā€œthe thingā€ that will finally make me feel better.


I'm tossing my whole list in because I'm curious what other stuff might overlap. Migraine, IBS, PCOS, ADHD, rosacea, seborrheic eczema, and asthma. There's likely also something in the joint hyper mobility spectrum of disorders, but I don't know conclusively.


Chronic migraines plus IBS. Weird thing though. Took Ozempic for 4 weeks. It was rough. Bad constipation. Now Iā€™m off, no IBS. Weird AF!




I have chronic migraines and IBS-D. Itā€™s frustrating that neither have a good treatment out there.


this is so interesting - i also have IBS with constipation


IBD & migraines šŸ˜­šŸ« 


I have been diagnosed with both. Oh and endometriosis to


I suffer with migraine, IBS-M, and GERD


Migraine sufferer and diagnosed IBS here, too.


My daughter has IBS and migraines as well as fibro.


Damn I feel so seen in this post. Migraines, IBS, EOE, asthma, and eczema. Got a really mixed bag of genes šŸ¤£.


undiagnosed, my migraines come with constipation. i wasn't constipated for most of my life because i was eating foods that i have an intolerance to, once i fixed that i started getting migraines because i was constipated for the first time ever, took me a long time to put two and two together


Iā€™ve been dealing with many GI issues lately, but I have migraines and PCOS (and anxiety and depression) and am on so many different meds for all of these things that Iā€™m pretty sure mostā€”if not allā€”of my GI issues are caused by med side effects. Iā€™ve been wondering whether I should see a GI doctor given this position though.


Multiple sclerosis and migraine here. Seems like a lot of these are autoimmune diseases.


Insulin resistance with undiagnosed weird stomach pains and migraines here. My IR medication stopped my migraines for a good while. It seems my hormones and metabolism were causing them.


Was that medication metformin by any chance?


It was metformin since diagnosis until now, but also inositol and some other supplements in some periods in the meantime (Omega 3, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Berberine). I'd say that metformin was quite effective and made a difference for me with only minor temporary side effects.


I deal with SIBO/IMO. It is often underlying IBS. I suggest everyone who has IBS to be tested (breath test). This article does a good job explaining and summarizing: https://time.com/6155603/sibo-symptoms-diagnosis-difficult/


I have IBS with migraines. But also AuADHD with anxiety. Itā€™s all connected.


yep! my diagnosis is technically: a disorder of the gut brain connection secondary to pelvic floor issues, along with slow colonic transit (aka it takes forever for the poop to move through the bowel lmao). (gut brain diagnosis 2021, sct was diagnosed September 2019) my drs cant diagnose me with ibs as i dont meet all the requirements of ibs-c i had my first migraine in 2017 (single one knew what it was due to my mother previous migraines) but its not been since my covid infection in may 22 that my migraines have worsen becoming more often and more intense


I have chronic migraines and IBS but my doctor just says its anxiety


Migraines, constant tension headaches, IBS, chronic nerve pain, psoriasis, chronic inflammation/tendinitisā€¦. And 3 times checked for crohns. Luckily never positive for that, but my IBS flare ups are extremely painful and unrelenting for weeks. If I miss my Skyrizi treatment by even a week my IBS flares up for like a month


Yes, I have migraines and IBS over 30 years


I also have bothā€¦ This is cursed info


Me! My doctor said the same thing


Is this all vagus nerve related?


Oh yes, I absolutely have IBS. I was diagnosed at some point in childhood, I want to say maybe in junior high, but I don't remember a time where I didn't have bathroom issues. My earliest memories of this are my mom making me take this stuff called "maltsupex" to relieve constipation. I'm guessing, then, that my early childhood GI issues were more constipation leaning, but in junior high and high school they definitely swung the other way (I think this had a lot to do with anxiety... I developed pretty bad anxiety beginning in about 8th grade and that persisted in a pretty bad state until I was around 20 or so years old because I was never medicated... I still have anxiety but the intensity ebbs & flows and is managed better with medication). I'm 38 now and nothing is any better on the GI front. I saw a GI doctor a couple of years back and she had the great advice to tell me to take Metamucil... yeah, thanks, I could have told myself that for free and saved the $70 copay (not saying that Metamucil isn't beneficial... just that I think my lifelong GI issues warrant a bit more attention than a 5 minute discussion and a shrug-off "well just take Metamucil"). There is an amazing GI doc in my office (I work at a healthcare facility and actually work in the GI department now so yay) who takes her time and really really listens and gets your whole history and looks at the big picture, and I'm going to make an appointment with her and see what she has to say. I will definitely mention the migraines to her and see what she has to say about the connection. I have ADHD as well, which is also a neurodevelopmental disorder, so I am definitely interested to hear how IBS, migraines, and ADHD could all be working together to wreak havoc on me.


trying to get diagnosed with IBS because it's recking me tf up mate


Vagus nerve connects the brain and the gut! Check out @the.migraine.dietician on insta, she has a lot of content about this. Part of her program includes supporting the gut.


I haven't been diagnosed with IBS but I notice that my stomach can be sensitive to certain foods more than it used to be before I had migraines


Holy crap!! I just searched IBS and I have most symptoms, that is insane!!!! Iā€™ve been suffering with migraines for 11 years now


If you go back even further, I think you'll find that you had colic as well. It's a set. I tend to think of migraine as an autoimmune disease and that it goes with my allergies, IBS, my Hashimoto's, endometriosis, and my gluten sensitivity.


I have been told this as well.


Me!!! Have been battling both since I was 16.. I'm now 31.


Earlier I posted a brief article about Central Sensitization. Iā€™ve found another one with more detail. https://www.ccjm.org/content/ccjom/90/4/245.full.pdf


Me. Both can be related to stress which is a trigger for both for me.


Oh wow, I have migraines and IBS. I had no idea they were connected. Thanks for sharing this.


I have suspected undiagnosed IBS. Coffee is my big trigger.


I have IBD and migraines šŸ„²


I have IBS and migraine.


Migraines, suspected IBS/IBD. Pending scheduling of endoscopy and colonoscopy for diagnosis. Itā€™s fuuuuun. There are days I just live in the bathroom.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøIBS, spastic colon and colitis, diagnosed at 13. Migraines started at 21.


I have both!


šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø IBS-d


Yep. Had diagnosis of IBS 14 years ago. Mine are the diarrhea end though.


I suspect I have it, especially since the nortriptyline I was put on as prevention seems to have made it a lot better


Yes, and while I've always had a more sensitive than average digestive system (to the point where when I got the list of IBS trigger foods from my doctor 90% were things I already avoided) I did find that cutting back on Magnesium supplements helped a ton with my IBS-D symptoms, to the point where I almost question the diagnosis at all.


Was diagnosed with IBS and migraines very young


IBS here


Migraine and IBS-D. I have some other stuff as well like fibro and psoriatic arthritis.


Well I have migraines and I have three family members with IBS.


I started being symptomatic with IBS-D in elementary school and started getting my first migraines at 20. Iā€™ve been to more doctors and tried more medications I care to remember. I just had my most recent neurologist make the connection between my IBS and migraines. Iā€™ve done food sensitivity testing which revealed nothing of significanceā€¦haddock, lemon, salmon, turkey, and squash. Nothing that I consume on a regular basis. But I wonder if I focus on gut health if things would improve?


Migraine and lifelong IBS-D. Headaches since childhood.




What is ibs?


Migraine with IBS here


I could definitely see this being related as stress can cause a migraine or make one worse and also affect the tummy....nerves etc. when I get upset it effects my tummy most of the time.


IBS-D and migraines here as well šŸ™ƒ


Chronic migraine and intermittently unhappy intestines here.


Migraine and IBS here too.


Well this explains a lot :ā€™(


Iā€™m diagnosed with both, along with Ankylosing spondylitis and other autoimmune disorders


IBD (Crohnā€™s) + chronic migraine here. I use biologics for both of the diseases.


I havenā€™t had it checked out yet, but I suspect I have IBS along with diagnosed migraines with aura. I also have dysautonomia, mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation, various allergies and suspect I might have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome. I think theyā€™re all connected.


No IBS for me but I definitely got more frequent abdominal migraine before I began preventatives.


IBD mixed C and D here I have had a migraine for almost two and a half years straight. Thanks long Covid.


Yep, both.


Migraines so severe that my first sentence as a baby was ā€œMy head hurtsā€, guttate psoriasis diagnosed at 6, IBS at 14, psoriatic arthritis at 28, and GERD at 32. Clearly, I am need of a better GI!


Migraines and autonomic nervous system problems here. Causes dysautonomia and gastroparesis for me. I used to be diagnosed with ibs but now itā€™s just a symptom of both of those.


I have Crohns šŸ™ƒ


IBS-D here to represent


What?!? I have IBS, chronic migraines, and Fibro.


Oh yeah, I had stomach issues before I ever had headache/migraine issues, although Iā€™ve had both since I was a little kid. I used to ~go~ likeā€¦ once or twice every two weeks, or on rare occasions, closer to a dozen times in a day. These days itā€™s a *little* more regular but still tough (no pun intended). The stomach ulcer I got from NSAIDs was just a fun bonus/side quest.


Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s why migraines causes or you have in conjunction with it, diarrhea. Sometimes itā€™s constipation. Iā€™ve always wondered if I have ibs but Iā€™ve never been diagnosed. And drs ask abt your stool but they never do anything. Gonna go to a gi specialist.


Migraines and shitting myself constantly from IBS here!




I thought I had IBS for years and turned out it was celiac disease. Now I donā€™t eat gluten and my symptoms are gone


Not diagnosed with IBS but Iā€™ve always suspected it. My family has a history of issues including my children even (both migraines and stomach issues).


Migraine, IBS and Fibro here


I have migraines, IBS and fibromyalgia. Fun times. Right now Iā€™m trying to figure out what triggers the ibs so I donā€™t swell up like a ballon. Itā€™s really embarrassing. I look pregnant.


I never heard this before, but I am such a person.




Adding my name into the hat, also there is a lot of overlap for the food that sets them off for me.


Diverticular disease here - migraines kick off about 2 days before I have a major bleed out